#school system




i’m tired and angry and i just wanna give a special fuck you to every teacher who implied that using “complex” language meant you were cheating or sucking up, when in fact that’s just how a lot of neurodivergent/autistic kids (and adults) naturally sound

My thoughts indeed

This is so me. I used to use really complicated sentences and stuff, but did a lot mistakes bc i was dyslexic - which of course nobody told me. So the complexity of what I was saying resulted in even more mistakes. Since our school system only counts mistakes… Well… I was a bad student. Of course. Because how else would it be?


Recognizing just how weird my school was is very interesting.

Like fully just recognizing that most schools don’t have house systems? Wack

Recognizing just how weird my school was is very interesting.









So if a teenager is at school for roughly 8 hours, and they are doing homework for 6+ hours, and they need AT LEAST 9 HOURS OF SLEEP FOR THEIR DEVELOPING BRAINS, then they may have 0-1 hours for other activities like eating, bathing, exercise, socializing (which is actually incredibly important for emotional, mental, and physical health, as well as the development of skills vital to their future career and having healthy romantic relationships among other things), religious activities, hobbies, extra curriculars, medical care of any kind, chores (also a skill/habit development thing and required by many parents), relaxation, and family time?  Not to mention that your parents may or may not pressure you to get a job, or you might need to get one for economic reasons.

I will never not reblog this

“…but teenagers have no reason to be stressed.”

hey did you know anxiety levels in high school teens are actually as high as they were in insane asylum patients in the 1950’s? :)

damn!! that last comment… holy shit dude

Reblogging this because schools have started again (at least here in the NL)

Very Important!


Post link

Not going to lie, the immense ammount of pressure I have put on myself through school and college was horrible and a big distraction to the point that now I have time to relax I’m constantly anxious.
