#scoliosis problems


Scoliosis struggle #297

Since surgery, my nerves have started stinging at random times throughout the day… I dont know if that’s just a part of healing and it’ll go away or if its here to stay.

Scoliosis struggle #296

Does anyone have any suggestions of keeping busy and sane while recovering? I am losing my mind not being able to do anything. All i want is to fast forward time to when I don’t have physical restrictions.

Scoliosis struggle #295

I just choked on water for the first time since surgery and oh my gosh that hurt

Scoliosis struggle #294

I haven’t been able to sleep on a bed since surgery and I’m getting real tired of sleeping on the couch. I don’t understand why I can sleep on the couch, but not on a bed…

These are my xrays compared to what my back was like pre fusion! He got it straighter than what I was expecting and I am so happy with it!

Tomorrow is my 3 month check up and I will finally get an xray!

Feeling very alone and overwhelmed. The upcoming surgery, the lengthy recovery from surgery, finance

Feeling very alone and overwhelmed. The upcoming surgery, the lengthy recovery from surgery, finances and sobriety (which isn’t going so well) has me feeling exhausted. I have very supportive friends but I still feel very alone in my worries. I’m sure everything will be fine and there is really no point in stressing when I could be hit by a bus tomorrow. But I’m still stressing…and now about getting hit by a bus.

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Good news! I am scheduled for surgery February 23rd. I will be having anterior/posterior Lumbar fusion. This will greatly ease the pain that I have from the previous spinal instrumentation and fusion surgery that I had for my scoliosis 20+ years ago. It will be a lengthy recovery but I am ready to get my life back!!
