#sfw babyre


It’s all about you

• When I punish you, it’s ‘cause you did something that is not good for yourself

• When I give you rules to follow, it’s to help you take care of yourself if I’m busy or too far to do it myself

• When I say “no”, I want you to know that I’m stopping you from doing something that would be bad for you

• When I get jealous of you, it’s ‘cause I can’t believe someone else could take better care of you than myself

• When I text and call you in the middle of the night, I do it ‘cause I need to verify that you’re safe. Your monsters may be under the bed, but mine are all in my head

• When I don’t let you cum, it’s ‘cause I know you’ll feel even more delighted next time, or when I finally allow you to

• When I spank you, it’s ’cause I know you like it. You like to bem reminded that you’re mine and mine only

• When I cuddle with you, it’s ’cause you deserve all the attention I can give all

• When I make you eat something you don’t really like, it’s ‘cause it will be good for your health

• When I say you must take your medicine, it’s ‘cause all I want is to see you recovered and well

• When I hold you so tight you feel like I may break your bones… Well, maybe it’s for myself. I need to make myself believe that you’re real and is really with me.


Good morning little ones! ☀️

☀️ now that’s its morning time, you probably want to snuggle with stuffies or play but there are a couple of things you have to do first.

once you wake up remember to say good morning to your stuffies and make your bed. Making your bed is a good way to start the day. If you have any medicine you have to take right when you wake up remember to take it! If you have any medical devices that need to be charged or cleaned make sure you do that too!

☀️remember eat some breakfast with some fruit and milk or juice. A nutritious breakfast will give you the energy you need to have a day of fun! If you have medicine you have to take before or after you eat remember to take it.

once you eat breakfast it’s time to get dressed! Make sure to check the weather to make sure your outfit is appropriate. Put on something comfy that makes you happy.

☀️now it’s time to brush your teeth and wash your face. Remember to floss! We have to keep your teeth all clean and healthy.

now that you have food in your belly and you teeth all brushed and you have taken your medicine it’s time to do any chores you have to do. I know chores aren’t fun but you can always make them fun! Put on some music! I always listen to Disney when I’m cleaning!

☀️make sure that if you have any pets that you feed them, give them fresh water, and let them outside or take them on a walk!

now that you got all the boring stuff out of the way it’s time to play! Make sure that you stay hydrated throughout the day! Be safe!


· • —– ٠ ✤ concept ✤ ٠ —– • ·

imagine living with your partner, who also helps you while you’re regressed!!

one afternoon, you’re in your room regressed, watching your favorite kids show and cuddling your stuffies. because they’re busy, you didn’t tell your partner you’re small.

“hey, what do you want for dinner?” your partner asks, coming into your room. they see you regressed and smile. “aw, hey baby!” you squeal and make grabby hands to them, babbling out their title. they come sit next to you and pull you into their lap, hugging you tight.

they then lead you into the living room, turning on your show and kissing your forehead before they go make dinner. they make you your favorite meal, sitting beside you on the couch as you eat dinner together and watch your show. 

after dinner, the two of you cuddle for a while and watch tv until you get sleepy. “bath and jammy time, little one,” your partner says. they draw you a bubble bath, washing your hair and letting you play with your bath toys. after, they help you dry off and put on your favorite pj’s.

“alright, it’s time for bed!” they tuck you in, laying beside you and snuggling close. they get out your favorite bedtime story and read to you until you fall asleep, safe and happy in their arms.


@duckyslittleshop has some amazingly cute pacis! go check them out :)

me and papa broke up a while ago but i found a new papa that also loves me and he got me my first rilakkuma!!!!

agere alphabet!

A is forApplesauce

B is for Blankie, Bottle, and Bib

C is for Crib, Caregiver, Cuddles, and Coloring

D is for Disney, dollies, and Daddy

E is forElephants!

F is for Footie Pajamas, fruit, and fairies!

G is for Great big hugs, grapes, and graham crackers!

H is for Happiness and hugs

I is for I am wonderful!

J is for Jumping with excitement!

K is forKitty!

L is for Laughter and love

M is for Mommy and marshmallows!

N is for No bedtime (please?)

O is for Orange juice!

P is for princess, prince, princet, and puppies!

Q is for a Quintillion kisses!

R is for Racecars, rabbits, and running!

S is for Shh, baby…

T is for Tucked in, teddies, and toothaches

U is forunicorns!

V is for …

W is for Wonderful!

X is for …

Y is for …

Z is for….


Age Regression Milk Recipes

☁️Angel’s Milk☁️

- 1½ cups of milk

- 1 tbsp of sugar

- splash of vanilla

mix in sugar and vinilla into milk. warm up to desired temperature.

Bedtime Kiss

- 1½ cup of milk

- 1-2 tbsp of honey

- a shake of nutmeg

- a shake of cinnamon

heat milk until it starts to foam, around 2-3 minutes. mix in honey, nutmeg, and cinnamon. let cool.

❄️Gingerbread House❄️

- maple syrup

- a shake of cinnamon

- a shake of nutmeg

- a shake of ground ginger

- a splash of vanilla

- 1½ cups of milk

heat up milk, then add cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, and vanilla. stir in syrup and serve warm!

Alicorn Magic

- ½ cup of milk

- ⅛ cup of vanilla Greek yogurt

- 1 to 5 large strawberries

- ½ cup of frozen blueberries

blend altogether until liquidy! usually isn’t thin enough to drink from a bottle, so drink with a sippy cup or add milk/cream until desired consistency.

☄️Galaxy Milk☄️

- 2 cups milk

- 1 cup ice cubes

- 1 tbsp blue fruit punch powder

- ½ tsp vanilla extract

- blue food coloring

add milk, ice, fruit punch powder, and vanilla extract to a blender. add drops of food coloring and mix until desired color. sere cold!

Strawberry Milk

- 1 cup of chopped strawberries

- ½ cup of sugar

- 1 cup of water

- 1½ cups of milk

- 3 tbsp of strawberry syrup (optional)

in a small pot, heat sugar, water, and strawberries until boiling. boil for around 10 minutes. using a fine strainer, pour mixture into a small bowl. chill 2 small glasses of strawberry liquid in refrigerator for about 10 minutes. add ¾ cup of milk to each glass, stir, and add strawberry syrup if desired.

Mango Milk

- ¼-⅓ cup chopped mango

- 1 cup milk

- 1 tbsp sugar

- 1 pinch of saffron

combine all ingredients in blender and serve cold.

Banana Milk

- 1 ripe banana

- 1 cup of milk

- 1 tsp of vanilla extract

cut banana into slices and add all ingredients into a blender. blend for a minute, or until desired consistency, and serve cold.

Lavender Moon Milk

- ½ cup of milk

- ½ cup of boiling water

- 1 tsp vanilla extract

- 1 tsp edible lavender buds

- 2 tsp honey

- 1 decaf earl grey tea bag

mix honey and vanilla in boiling water, then add tea bag and let it steep. heat milk and lavender buds in saucepan until desired flavor and temperature. pour milk through a fine strainer to catch the lavender buds. finally, mix milk with tea and enjoy!

friday night reg hits different. I had fun today, I feel nice, here’s some stuff from my smol time

felt nice so I took a picture

got a lot of junk food for snacks today, but I added some banana too, to be at least a bit healthy

Kitty decided to join

I love toy showcases, they make me feel tiny

watching Arthur in the original dub is so strange, especially because in slovak, D.W.’s name is Theresa

My mom’s bf got me this blanket, I used it for the first time today because I was cold, its so soft and warm!

I am finally getting round to coloring in all the coloring books I got for Xmas

baby puzzles are really really fun

my mental health wasn’t really pristine lately, so I was offline for a while. but I’m back and excited to post again!
