

I want to get back to drawing sigils for others again, so send in some requests ☺️

plum-moon:no energy today.. Welp


no energy today.. Welp

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wolf-scent: Charging SigilThis sigil can either be used on its own by writing it on an object to cha


Charging Sigil
This sigil can either be used on its own by writing it on an object to charge it with energy, or the sigil can be used to direct energy by putting a charged item(I prefer crystal) on the dot and items that need to be charged under the arrow. It will direct energy from the charged object to the items under the arrow.

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ok question since i can’t sleep

for any people who used to watch graser shelby will and hbomb and sigils in like 2017 did you like the name “the groins” or “the salt squad better”

i’m genuinely curious

New Sigil: “I create balance and harmony amid turbulence and chaos” It’s safe to say that we live in

New Sigil: “I create balance and harmony amid turbulence and chaos”

It’s safe to say that we live in unbalanced and precarious times. We’ve seen the entire world grind to a screeching halt, reminding everyone just how vulnerable we, as a species, really are. Long-neglected inequities and injustices are now plain to see, uncovering deep wounds that can no longer be denied. The next few years will likely be among the most unpredictable, chaotic, and turbulent in modern history.

A sigil is a work of art. It is a statement of intent. This sigil seeks to remind us that if we want lives filled with balance and harmony, we have to create them for ourselves.

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New Sigil: “My true power comes from within” It’s easy to forget just how powerful we are. Every sto

New Sigil: “My true power comes from within”

It’s easy to forget just how powerful we are. Every story you’ve ever heard, every idea that has shaped your thinking, and every innovation that has improved the world came from the same wellspring. It’s inside all of us. Yes, even you.

Your true power glows from within. It always has, and it always will. There’s nothing supernatural about it, because it’s as natural as the blood pumping through your heart. There’s no one you need to pray to in order to access it, and you owe no debt to anyone to use it. It’s yours, and you can use it however you like.

This sigil seeks only to remind you of this simple, obvious truth.

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New Sigil: “I find hope and serenity in the flow of my life” Existence has a tendency to move at its

New Sigil: “I find hope and serenity in the flow of my life”

Existence has a tendency to move at its own pace. It may roll slowly at times, lazily bubbling forward with no great urgency. At other times, it may roil and churn with the ferocity of a whitewater rapid. It’s not something we typically have direct control over, but this doesn’t mean that we can’t seek out moments to enjoy along the way.

This sigil speaks to the value of appreciating those quiet moments that happen as life flows through us.

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New Sigil: “What a Year for a New Year!” One of the unsung classics of modern holiday music is Dan W

New Sigil: “What a Year for a New Year!” 

One of the unsung classics of modern holiday music is Dan Wilson’s indie rock New Year’s anthem “What a Year for a New Year,” which first came to my attention via the 2002 compilation album Maybe This Christmas. It’s kind of an “Auld Lang Syne” for the Gen-X crowd, and it really resonated with me from the first moment I heard it. It’s also a song that has special relevance this year, as we all try to put the dismal time that was 2020 in our collective rearview mirrors.

So here’s a sigil with that in mind.

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New Sigil: “A Year of Beginnings”2020 has been a terrible year for almost every human being on the p

New Sigil: “A Year of Beginnings”

2020 has been a terrible year for almost every human being on the planet. It has been a year of sickness and isolation, anger and fear, and bravery and cowardice. Whole corners of the planet have been burned to ash by furious wildfires, and washed away by raging storms.

It’s time we were done with 2020.

Next year, let’s try starting with something new. A fresh beginning to a new era. Let’s rebuild. Let’s try new ideas. Let’s end the bad-faith posturing of the power mad and the greedy, and start building a society that we actually would like to live in.

It’s a lot to ask, I realize that. But the alternative is a 2020 that never ends. We deserve better.

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Sigil: “Security and prosperity flow to me.”

Sigil: “Security and prosperity flow to me.”

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“If there is nothing but what we make in this world, brothers … let us make good.&rdquo

“If there is nothing but what we make in this world, brothers … let us make good.” - Beta Ray Bill

Wisdom can come from the most unlikely of places. Take the quote of this sigil, for example. It reminds us that we have the power to create any kind of world we like, and that it can be as good, equitable, and benevolent as we can imagine. Just because happens to come from the fictional horse-headed alien cosmic superhero Beta Ray Bill doesn’t make it any less true.

This sigil was commissioned from Etsy-based sigilist Hala, and if you like what you see, it’s worth taking a moment to check out her shop. Thanks for the guest post, Hala!

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Every so often, I like to commission a work of sigil art from another sigilist. Usually, I do this by scrolling around through Tumblr and other social media, contacting people whose work catches my eye. In the early days of Sigil Daily, this was easy – there were like three of us – but these days there are hundreds of people making sigils for both fun and profit.

So I thought I’d open up the floor to suggestions.

To be clear, this isn’t about “exposure.” These would be proper, paid commissions, with the side benefit exposing the work of these artists to my followers. I charge $10 for an original sigil on SigilDaily.com, and I’d like to keep it in the $10-$20 range. 

Any suggestions of sigilists to check out? If so, leave them as a comment/reblog. If possible, post a link to their shop, Etsy page, or other place where I can contact them and make an order. If you’re the sigilist in question, don’t be shy!

Best wishes,

Sigil Daily

Sigil - “Experience is the prophecy of the wise.”A bit of modern update to Alphonse de Lamartine’s f

Sigil - “Experience is the prophecy of the wise.”

A bit of modern update to Alphonse de Lamartine’s famous quote, “Experience is the only prophecy of wise men.”

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Sigil: I organize and manifest my plans easilyA request from a follower.

Sigil: I organize and manifest my plans easily

A request from a follower.

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Sigil: “My heart will stop aching.”A request from one of our followers. We all know that intense fee

Sigil: “My heart will stop aching.”

A request from one of our followers. We all know that intense feeling of heartbreak and pain. It seems to bubble up from an endless well, so cold to the touch that it burns. It’s a wound you can’t touch, and at time it seems like the ache will never fade. But it does. Numb at first. Then roaring back to life when even accidentally touched. Eventually, it becomes a dull bruise, reminding you to step gingerly around it.

And then, when you least expect it, the pain is replaced by something else. The memory of that pain will always be there – it’s a scar, and a part of you – but it’s no longer the burning thing it was. That’s healing, and while it always seems to take far longer than it should, it does happen.

Sometimes you may need a little help – someone to talk to, someone to reset the break, someone to help you stitch the wound – but as long as you’re still breathing in and out, you can heal.

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I recently received an email asking my thoughts about one of the “rules” of sigil creation, and I thought it worth sharing. Here’s the relevant bit from the email:

I read your post about what makes a good basis for creating the sigil and I wanted to ask if a specific phrase would be ideal got a sigil? I’m not sure if it’s too vague, and it feels more like present manifestation than using the “I will” format.

So the phrase is essentially “I Am A Bad Bitch”. Pardon the language.

Your input would be greatly appreciated.

Here’s my reply.

It’s important to remember that sigils are really just fancy symbols. They only have the power and meaning that you give to them, so try not to get too hung up on doing it “right.” It’s art, first and foremost, and there are few forces in the universe that are more powerful than that.

Do you like the phrase? Does it have meaning to you? Will the symbol you create from it resonate with you? Does the thought of having that symbol accessible to you, whenever you need it, make you feel stronger, more vibrant, and able to move about with newfound agency in the world?

If so, there’s not a person on this planet who can tell you that it’s wrong, too vague, or incorrectly worded.

My opinion means less than nothing in this context. Your voice is the only one that matters. If someone tells you differently, their world is probably far too small to fit much magick inside.

I’m not the bad bitch here, you are. Own it. Use it. That’s the real magick.

Hope that helps.

I’ve made no secret of my disdain for the “rules” of sigil creation that came from this problematic era of occult study, and particularly the baseless 19th century assertion that all sigils must use the “I will” or present-tense formats. I’ve written about this weird, arbitrary limitation before, and just how nonsensical it is from a chaos magick perspective.

Here’s the short version: The concept of “the will” was very popular among intellectuals in the late 1800s. It’s not based on very much, and virtually all of the conclusions these people came to as a result of this theory are laughable today. When someone says “This isn’t a real sigil because it’s not in present tense,” or whatever variation, all I hear is a pedantic “um, actually” that, in addition to being completely outdated, brings very little insight or value to conversation. Or to the art of sigilcraft, for that matter.

sigilseer: Sigil commission for lorelei-calhoun A personal crest to boost patience and enduranceComm


Sigil commission for lorelei-calhoun

A personal crest to boost patience and endurance

Commissions are open 

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This week: The Lambs, in which we take a slight reprieve from months and months of drama. Next week:This week: The Lambs, in which we take a slight reprieve from months and months of drama. Next week:This week: The Lambs, in which we take a slight reprieve from months and months of drama. Next week:This week: The Lambs, in which we take a slight reprieve from months and months of drama. Next week:

This week: The Lambs, in which we take a slight reprieve from months and months of drama. 

Next week: Joe Cool…dressing up right.


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