#keep magick alive







It baffles and infuriates me that Hogwarts students don’t take Latin or Greek. Accio?Literally “I summon.” Lumos? Fucking “light.” Expelliarmus?Expel weapon!! Ooooh I wonder what Levicorpus does– you Dumb Ass Bastard. You ILLITERATE. It’s called Levicorpus, it liftssomeone’sbody,it LEVIES your goddamn CORPUS-

Hermione ghost wrote this

Counterpoint: Hogwarts actively discouragesstudents from taking Latin or Greek because if they knew either one every single magic twelve year old would be trying to mash up twenty words and make their own Ultimate Spell instead of using the Good Standardized Spells Known Not To Explode Magic Schools 

I have a feeling that last point is aimed at the ravenclaws…

Bold of you to assume there aren’t sneaky chaotic motherfuckers in every house who would sit up nights poring over their Greek and Latin grammar to come up with a spell to make someone’s nipples fall off just for shits and giggles. And those are the TAME ones.

God help the poor bastards hit by something created by Muggleborns who came to the school well-versed in anime. That hex is gonna be sparkly AND devastating.

“In Nomine Lunae, Ego Te Punire!”

“Oh come on, what exactly is that supposed to HOLY FUCK IT BURNS!”


Honestly Harry Potter need some anime nerd friends. Can you imagine how quick the Death Eaters would have been conquered if a Japanese student hit them with a big ole

“Exitium Suum Turtur Undam!”

The rest of my Etsy order came in. These pouches for my tarot decks! I love them so much. They’re well made, the stitching is good and they each have a small quartz crystal stitched into the flap. I have them both sitting on my charging plate right now.


Be sure to check out my shop: Bells, Shells, and Spells for wands, jewelry, accessories, and more! 

Image from ConsciousLifeNews.com

Sometimes it’s difficult to recognize what’s astral travel, and what’s imagination. Just like with spirit work, a huge part of this is going to be discernment. What is You and what is Not You. Sometimes it’s difficult to recognize what’s astral travel, and what’s imagination. Just like with spirit work, a huge part of this is going to be discernment. What is You and what is Not You.

With Discernment being key to most things in this place, you need to really take the time to discover yourself. Who are you? What is your energy signature? What are your thoughts? What do You sound like?

Know yourself well. This can be done a number of ways. My favorite is mediation. Mindfulness. Being still and 100% aware of your surroundings. Be with your breath. Count them. In, 1, Out, 2, In, 3, Out, 4… up to 10. Then start over. Do a body scan. How are you feeling today? Check in with yourself. Really get into the nitty gritty. This is also a good entry point into shadow work, but that’s a post for a different day.

Once you feel like you know yourself, you’ll be better equipped to recognize certain signs that you’re either in astral or just daydreaming/using your imagination. I’ll touch on signs later on.

What is the astral, though?

Think of it like outer space. There’s vastness and nearly infinite space around you. There are planets and galaxies and systems and all kinds of things out there. But here, you can add planets, even if temporary, if you put enough effort into it. And travel can be faster if you know where you’re going.

Some say that astral is a mental space where you can invite spirits to visit you. This is not wrong. This is a part of the astral, sure! It’s like your house in the middle of a space void. The spirits know where to go to get to you, you have a nice cuppa, then move on.

But the astral is so much more than that! Your mental space that you create is there constantly because you consistently feed into it and solidify it. You can also create new spaces that are single use, and those will disappear if not fed with energy consistently. You can visit those other planets, if you want to (keep in mind that they’re not always fun and games, you might not always be welcome there, the beings there are foreign to you, polite interactions might be considered insulting to them, etc. Those worlds are completely different from this one, and can be incredibly dangerous if you don’t know what’s going on or how to protect yourself).

What the astral ISN’T:

It isn’t always a mental playground. It isn’t roleplaying. It isn’t a dream. It isn’t all Your Space. You share the astral the same way you share this universe with other beings. It’s not all about you, and you don’t rule it. If you want to rule something, make your own space in it and rule that.

How can I tell if I’m just imagining it, though?

We talked about signs, earlier! Just look out for them. Stay aware of yourself.

One of the more obvious signs is the inability to influence the space around you. If you’re imagining things, you can change the landscape you can make people appear or disappear. Your conversations are predictable.

Another sign would be surprises. Something doesn’t feel the way you think it should feel. A person says something that you didn’t think they would say, or does something you didn’t think they would do.

With your imagination, you can replay the “scene” over and over again. Astral is like real life. Something happens and that’s it. Sure, you can do it again, but it’s not a replay. It’s like you did something twice. And if there’s anyone near you, they’re probably gonna think you’re weird.

You can also try looking away from something, clearing your mind, then looking back. If something changed, it’s probably your imagination. Your brain is adding stuff. If everything is the same, you’re likely dealing with astral.

My personal signs are the above, paired with my body “looking dead” (I’m frequently interrupted by my hubby who thinks I’ve stopped breathing), my sleep tracker flatlines (similar to “looking dead”), and my entire body tingles as my spirit reattaches.

So! There you go! Questions, comments, concerns? Did I miss something? Let me know!


Beltain Self Care Jar

Beltain is the time of love and love can come in many different forms, so since we’re stuck inside and can’t cuddle our loved ones I think we all need a bit of self love and self care right now.

(This might get a bit complicated but I was experimenting since I have all the time right now)

What you need

  • A Beltain coloured candle (Pink/Red/Yellow/Green, or white if you have nothing in those colours)
  • A medium sized jar
  • Paper and pen
  • Sea salt (protection and purity)
  • Rosemary(love)
  • Dried orange peel(joy)
  • Dried lavender/lavender incense ash (peace, love)
  • Dried rose petals/rose incense ash/rose themed decoration (like fake flowers) in pink or red (joy, love, sex if you need it)
  • Stones related to love, protection, and happiness
  • Any trinkets you find relating to love/happiness/protection.
  • Something small and personal that carries your energy (like a necklace or hair clip) I would recommed that your wear this all day prior to the spell.
  • A Beltain coloured ribbon (or a white ribbon of string if you have none of those colours)


On the eve of Beltain, as the sun sets light your candle, if you wish to open your space to Deities or fae now is the time.

Write your intentions on the paper, fold it, kiss it, and put it at the bottom of the jar. Continue to think of your intentions as you go.

In an even layer, individually pour in your salt, rosemary, orange, lavender, and rose.

Nestle your stones and trinkets on top finishing with your personal item.

Close the jar and tie your ribbon around it.

Blow out the candle to finish your work and store the jar on your altar or by your bed until you feel the work is done.

I got this really pretty Dendritic Opal bracelet in the mail today from Lunar Source! I’ve literally never been so pleased with a gemstone bracelet. Almost every one I’ve ever owned has been just slightly too small for me. Just enough to make them uncomfortable. This shop makes them to order with your provided measurements. Thanks Heather!
