
Over the past two days, I was in the photography competition at Skills Alberta where in one day, we Over the past two days, I was in the photography competition at Skills Alberta where in one day, we Over the past two days, I was in the photography competition at Skills Alberta where in one day, we Over the past two days, I was in the photography competition at Skills Alberta where in one day, we Over the past two days, I was in the photography competition at Skills Alberta where in one day, we Over the past two days, I was in the photography competition at Skills Alberta where in one day, we Over the past two days, I was in the photography competition at Skills Alberta where in one day, we Over the past two days, I was in the photography competition at Skills Alberta where in one day, we Over the past two days, I was in the photography competition at Skills Alberta where in one day, we Over the past two days, I was in the photography competition at Skills Alberta where in one day, we

Over the past two days, I was in the photography competition at Skills Alberta where in one day, we had to take 10 pictures each filling different categories. 1-9 were essential skills and our subjects were what was happening around us. For the 10th, we were given a mystery object, which was a deck of cards. Im proud to say that out of 20 competitors, I came in first place, which means I’ll be going to Toronto in 3 weeks for nationals. Could not be more excited. 

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 Did you know you now have free access to LinkedIn Learning with your Escondido Library Card?https:/

Did you know you now have free access to LinkedIn Learning with your Escondido Library Card?


LinkedIn Learning is an award-winning industry leader in online training, with a digital library of over 16,000 courses covering a wide range of technical, business, software and creative topics.

You may watch an entire course, or individual videos –some are as short as four or five minutes. You will be able to bookmark courses that suit your interests and keep track of the courses you have taken. You have the opportunity to refine or develop your professional skills, learn new software, and explore other areas as you plan for your career growth or pursue your passions.

This resource was supported in whole or in part by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the American Rescue Plan Act, administered in California by the State Librarian.
#escolibrary #linkedinlearning #library #database #career #skills #free

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Little Challenges:

Compliment a Stranger

Go to a Cafe alone

Spend a few hours in a Library

Speak your mind

Start that conversation with that special person

Wear something you love but never wear

Say no if you don’t want to

Smile at a stranger

Fight a little more for that thing you wanted

Shower, brush your teeth and put lotion on even though you’re tired

Don’t Procrastinate

Make the first move

Go out for the night

Put your phone down for a day

Spend the afternoon outside

Have unapologetic childish fun

Work through your feelings

Wake up at 5 and watch the sunrise

Cook dinner
Admit you were wrong

Tell someone you love them (Parents, siblings, boyfriend, best friend)

Reevaluate your plans

Listen to advice but follow your heart

Push yourself

Eat Mindfully

Try something new

Record your feelings

Say thank you

‘i recognize my own talents’requested by anonymous

‘i recognize my own talents’

requested by anonymous

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My new favourite hobby: cutting my own hair. Seriously, can you think of a better way to spend saturday night? Can you? Yeah, i didn’t think so.

During these times, life has been extra hard for a lot of people but also this pandemic made us realized that we have some skills that we didn’t know we had. Learned some DYI from Pinterest, started gardening ( guilty!) , selling online or digital products or even buy things we don’t really need! And even with social distancing, we were still able to connect more with our loved ones. I have…

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We started DIY in 2012 with a mission to enable any kid, anywhere to learn any skill. It’s amazing to see how thousands of DIYer kids have benefited already – picking up something as basic as drawing a straight line to something as complex as creating electricity out of potatoes.

This constant drive to teach and learn something new has become our DNA – this is the core of DIY. However, of late, we realized that there is so much more that we can do to push the very frontiers of DIY. For starters, we want more and more kids to become a part of this awesome community and make the most of this platform. And we don’t want parents to think twice about spending on their child’s development. 

To make this happen, we’ve substantially brought down our monthly subscription fee from $19 to only $4.99 (access for 1 kid) and also added an annual subscription for the same at $49.99. That’s right! Similarly, we’ve also dropped our monthly family subscription fee to only $7.99* (access for 2-4 kids) and added an annual family subscription at $79.99. 

We believe this collective price drop will go a long way in encouraging more parents to keep kids enrolled in DIY.  

Apart from this much needed change to the price, we are also working on restructuring our content. Young DIYers will start enjoying the following features in the coming days:

  • Many more skills and challenges than ever before
  • New courses are being added such as dance, yoga, chess, vocals, etc. 
  • A more active community with more Mods (moderators)

Our collective aim is to boost this enriching ecosystem that’s been developing for almost a decade now. And with these positive changes in motion, we’re sure we’ll be reaching out to a much larger audience of young, enthusiastic kids in the near future. 

With DIY – any kid, anywhere, can learn any skill. For the love of learning! 

*only the family monthly plan is available on iOS App Store

Manga-Montag: Jujutsu Kaisen #0

Manga-Montag: Jujutsu Kaisen #0

Guten Abend liebe Bücherfreunde

was für ein Tag… der Montag begann mit einem Haufen schlechter Nachrichten und Gesprächen, die mir langsam aber sicher jegliche Hoffnung auf eine spannende, berufliche Zukunft nehmen. Egal, es ist Wochenstart und das bedeutet, dass ich euch heute wieder ein Manga vorstellen werde.

Zuletzt habe ich Jujutsu Kaisen #0 von Gege Akutami gelesen, also die Vorgeschichte…

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Practicing our #stacking #skills at #soccer today! ⚽️⚽️ #ymca #soccergirls #cks #kinder #ladycrusade

Practicing our #stacking #skills at #soccer today! ⚽️⚽️ #ymca #soccergirls #cks #kinder #ladycrusaders #crusaders #dtx #dallas #dallastexas #goal

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