#skin care



Disclaimer: I got these products free from BzzAgent, a site where you take surveys, test products, and share your reviews through social media and in person. So far I think I have only given a positive(ish) review to one out of three things they sent me, and they haven’t cut me off. So I respect that they respect honesty.

I received full-size bottles of Intense Hydration Cream Cleanser, Intense Hydration Night Cream, and Intense Hydration Treatment Mask, as well as samples of the Day Lotion, so I tried them all. My reviews below.

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Want to hear me rant about lotion? WHO DOESN’T? Then this post is for YOU.

1. Oil production has decreased dramatically. Don’t have to wash my hair everyday, or even use oil absorbing pads on my skin.

2. No extreme dryness thus far (crossing my fingers it stays this way). I have still been able to use benzoyl peroxide for spot treatment. I do put on chap stick more frequently, but I definitely don’t have horribly dry lips.

3. I have experienced mild discomfort in my back, nothing debilitating. I continue to exercise regularly.

Today, I went to the dermatologist and I will begin a higher dosage once I finish my current prescription.

Sending my best to everyone out there as we continue our clear skin journeys!

Update ✔️: So I thought I’d be giving an update sooner. But the fact is…it’s day Update ✔️: So I thought I’d be giving an update sooner. But the fact is…it’s day

Update ✔️:

So I thought I’d be giving an update sooner. But the fact is…it’s day 8 and changes have been pretty minimal.

About the pictures above…the one on the left is of me like 2 weeks before starting accutane. I decided to take the drug less because of the acne and more because of my severe oil. It constantly looks like I’m sweaty, and it’s very uncomfortable. Also, sorry about my wild beard haha. The picture on the right is today. I don’t look oily because I just washed my face. The white dots are where I applied benzoyl peroxide.

I have experienced thus far no dryness (except maybe my hair?). I have also noticed no decrease in oil production. The good news..I have no active or painful blemishes at the moment! I put the benzoyl peroxide on red spots.

But anyway, my original purpose for writing this post was to express my discouragement today. The last two nights I have felt bloated with a stomach ache, and today I experienced some discomfort in my back. And of course I feed in to bad feelings by reading horror stories on the internet. I’m having second thoughts about taking the drug, in short. I can handle these effects for 6 months, but I worry that I could end up like the unlucky few who have dealt with a lifetime of problems.

I don’t know what to do. Perhaps it’s too early to judge. For now, I plan on seeing how the month goes and consulting with my dermatologist at my next appointment.

I hope things are going smoothly for everyone ❤.

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Took my first accutane pill & prepared my first arsenal of skin care products to fight side effeTook my first accutane pill & prepared my first arsenal of skin care products to fight side effe

Took my first accutane pill & prepared my first arsenal of skin care products to fight side effects. Wish me luck! I will try to update semi-frequently. And always let me know if you have any questions ❤

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I’m so tired. Red eyes and mental fog. Almost every thought is about my skin. How does this lighting make me look? I feel a slight tinge here- will this be a new blemish? Which way should I position my face to show the least amount of acne? Is my current acne product working? When’s my next dermatologist appointment? Will my oily skin ever go away? Are others staring at my skin? What do they see?

I just want a break. I want to be free from these thoughts. To sit, carefree and comfortable, under fluorescent lights.

Just saw this photo on an acne website??????This is what kills me! This is how acne is represented i

Just saw this photo on an acne website??????

This is what kills me! This is how acne is represented in the media. The lengths I would go for this man’s skin!

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All those suffering from acne on tumblr have really helped me. We are really strong. Acne is a taxing reality. But we remain beautiful and we continue. Can we all go on a retreat together?

A safe-space where we could freely talk about acne to understanding ears. Take selfies together and talk about how we are flawless and wonderful and how we will (or won’t) have clear skin one day. And that’s okay.

Who’s in?

1.Do not suggest acne products: it’s a kind gesture, but chances are we know. We’ve tried it. Our cabinets are overflowing with products that have failed us. My bathroom looks like a small chemistry lab.

2.Do not draw correlations between acne and our diet: I tried drinking 8 waterbottles a day, eating organic, cutting out sugar, filling up on a laundry list of fruits and vegetables. It’s not often the solution. A lot of us would have clear skin if it were that easy.

3.Do not talk about your so-called acne: As I’m sitting here drowning in my own face oil and covered in multiple pimples, I am incredibly envious of your one red dot that apparently, for you, constitutes ‘acne.’ Give me that acne plz.

4.Do not tell us “you can’t see our acne”: Yes you can. So can I. Your feigned blindness to it does more harm than it does good.

Please feel free to add to this…




Hello everybody with summer fast approaching here is your regular reminder that:

  • Everyone needs to wear sunscreen
  • SPF 50 is pretty much the best protection you can get, an SPF higher than that will have the same effect
  • Melanin does not protect you from skin cancer
  • Tanning is caused by exposure to ultraviolet radiation
  • Spending the majority of your life receiving regular large doses of UV radiation without any skin protection is a good way to get skin cancer
  • Don’t use tanning beds, and don’t go sun tanning
  • Wear your fucking sunscreen

Okay, people are clowning in the replies, so let’s try this again:

Sunburn is an uncomfortable short term problem caused by being out in the sun for too long without sunscreen. Some people are more susceptible to it than others. Melanin does protect you from sunburn, so people with dark skin are less likely to get burned, but also sometimes people just have a natural resistance to sunburn (or lack of resistance) - I’m white as hell, and literally the only time in my life I’ve gotten a sunburn was when I spent a whole day outside in a swimsuit without putting on sunscreen when I was a kid, and all I got was a minor burn across my shoulders. Never experienced that whole ‘peeling’ thing y’all are talking about, sounds super gross and uncomfortable tho. Rip to all the rest of you but i’m different.

Skin cancer is fucking cancer. It has nothing to do with sunburn, apart from both being caused by a lot of unprotected sun exposure. If you have skin, you are at risk of getting skin cancer. I have little to no risk of getting sunburn, but I still wear sunscreen, because I am protecting myself from fucking skin cancer.

If someone is basically immune to sunburn, then that’s awesome, but we still need to use just as much sunscreen as everyone else. Because we can still get skin cancer. Immunity to sunburn is not a sign that you can go easy on the sunscreen. And honestly, if you’ve got dark skin, you should probably be extra paranoid about applying sunscreen, because the majority of information on recognizing skin cancer is meant specifically for recognizing it on white skin. If you’re black/brown, it will probably take you longer to be diagnosed if you get skin cancer. And cancer is one of those things that you want diagnosed and treated very quickly, so you should be extra motivated to not get skin cancer in the first place.

Everyone needs to wear sunscreen. Wear your fucking sun screen.

There are a lot of charts like this readily available online.

The thing to be aware of is that type 6 skin typically has later diagnosis of skin cancer. There are a lot of factors that can play into this. People with this skin type may receive different medical care in some countries. It may be more difficult for people with this skin type to see warnings such as “unusually coloured moles”. But even in countries where type 6 skin is the majority, there is a lack of knowledge around skin cancer. People may assume that a suspicious mole is anything else in the world before they see a doctor about it.

Skin cancer caught early on can be as easily dealt with as cutting out a minor freckle. The “cure” can be less worrisome than getting a tattoo.

Skin cancer caught late can kill.

It’s very unfair, but it’s worth being aware that radiation damage through the skin can occur across the breadth of humanity.

“My skin remains clear and healthy” write in on your problem areas with moisturizer or c

“My skin remains clear and healthy” write in on your problem areas with moisturizer or cleanser as you go about your daily skin routine for best results.

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Support a Black-Owned Self Care Shop

Calm Aura is a small business that sells self-care items, such as body butter, oils, and scrubs. Their products are non-toxic, nut-free, and completely natural. This family-owned business will have you feeling like you entered the gates of heaven!

Here are some of the products they sell:

Link to store:

Whipped Face & Body Butter

Three Different Scents Available, Naturally Scented with Essential Oils

Non-Greasy Moisturizer with Healing Properties for All Skin Types:

Treats Eczema & Dermatitis

Reduces Redness & Inflammation

Heals Acne Scars & Stretch Marks

Reduces/Prevents Fine Lines & Wrinkles

Speeds Wound Healing

Does Not Clog Pores

Clears Blemishes

Soothing & Hydrating

This natural face & body butter locks moisture into the skin without clogging pores.

❌No Chemicals

❌No Watered Down Ingredients

❌No Plastic

6 Natural Healing Ingredients

Vegan & Cruelty-Free


Zero Waste

Made with Mango Butter, Shea Butter, Sweet Almond Oil, & Essential Oils

Scents Available:

Orange, Vanilla, Ylang Ylang

Lavender, Peppermint, Tea Tree

Ginger, Frankincense, Peppermint

Get Yours Here!

Zero Waste Tip: Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil has SO MANY uses and can easily replace those unnecessary plastic-bottled, toxic, & tested-on-animals products piling up in your bathroom.

Coconut oil is all natural, non-greasy, and good for you! It is safe to use on all and any parts of your body.

Live Zero Waste!

Vegan, Eco-Friendly, Zero Waste Skin & Body Products For Sale

➡️Deodorant Paste $10

➡️Mouthwash Paste $13

➡️Face & Body Butter $15-$21

Other Vegan, Zero Waste, Eco-Friendly Skin & Body Products Available: Soap Bars, Shampoo Bars, Vapor Rub, Lip Scrub, Toilet Spray, & Tooth powder.

 This recipe uses new seaweed extract, which is hydrating and ideal for all skin types.

This recipe uses new seaweed extract, which is hydrating and ideal for all skin types.

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