#skz au


outro:how about this


pairing: ghost!Felix x human!reader

-> in which, maybe you should have trusted that old realtor who had told you your new apartment was haunted. Lee Felix was bored just simply existing, it was time that he had a little fun tormenting the mortals.

word count:0.6k

notes: and this is the end ! I’m sad




“Do you want a drink? Some water?” The blonde man asked as soon as you sat down on his double bed, flatscreen tv illuminating the dimly lit room.

“No thanks, I’m okay,” you responded with a soft smile as you reach for his hand to pull him down on the bed beside you but he resists.

“Some chips? I’m sure we have some,” he tries and you roll your eyes in response, tugging harder at his hand so he has no choice but to give in and drop down on the bed beside you.

“We already have popcorn, Felix. We don’t need chips,” you tell him.

“Oh,” he pouted, “I just wanna make sure you’re comfortable,” he mumbles, causing you to coo at the man in front of you, wrapping your arm around his waist and snuggling into him from your sitting position.

“I am, Felix. This is perfect,” you reply and he smiles at that, his eyes lighting up as he looks down at you, happy with himself. He moves so that the two of you are laying more comfortably in his bed, keeping you close to his side before gently laying a blanket over your forms. You rested your head in the crook of his neck, hand laying on his chest as he pressed play on the movie although you weren’t paying much attention to the movie. The steady rhythm of his heart put you at ease as he started to play with your hair, teasing his fingers along your scalp. “Mhm, that feels nice,” you whispered.

“Well I had to do something to wake you up,” he chuckled, the deep sound reverberating through his chest.

“I wasn’t asleep,” you laughed.

“Just say you think I’m boring,” Felix jokes, lip jutting out playfully.

“You are the furthest thing from boring, Lee Felix,” you argued, turning to face him. He leaned forward with a smile, giving you a quick peck before pulling back to look into your eyes.

“What are we supposed to tell our children when they ask us how we met?” Felix questioned, fully serious. You snorted.

“You mean we can’t tell them you haunted my apartment and constantly tried to murder me?” you joked.

“I didn’t try to murder you!” Felix exclaimed in mock offence. “Plus, it was my apartment first,” he added. You rolled your eyes at the boy’s words.

“We won’t need to worry about that anyway for at least fifteen years,” you smiled sweetly.

“Fifteen? That’s so long away,” he cried. 

“This is nice,” you commented.

“What? Us fighting?” he replied. You purse your lips and take a deep breath in, reminding yourself to keep calm despite your heightening blood pressure thanks to your wonderful boyfriend.

“I’ll hit you, I really will,” you mumble and he laughs in response, eyes resembling crescent moons crinkling at the sides. Cute. 

“I’m sorry, I promise I’ll stop annoying you,” he playfully begs.

“Don’t make promises you know you can’t keep,” you stated, trying your hardest to send him a glare but failing upon seeing that mischievous sparkle in his eyes.

“Okay then, how about this,” he nodded. “I promise I’ll be here with you for as long as you’ll have me, even if death do us part.”

“So corny,” you grimaced. “But so cute.”

“Can we watch this movie now?” the blonde man asked. “I’ve been wanting to watch this since before I died,” he explained. You nodded, letting out a soft laugh as you lay back down against him, his warmth immediately putting you at ease. Felix loosely wrapped his arms around your form, laying his chin atop your head as he focused his eyes back on the movie.

part eighteen: this was a mistake


pairing: ghost!Felix x human!reader

-> in which, maybe you should have trusted that old realtor who had told you your new apartment was haunted. Lee Felix was bored just simply existing, it was time that he had a little fun tormenting the mortals.

a/n:this is kind of the official last part, there’ll be a drabble at the end to give more insight into y/n’s and Felix’s relationship but that’s basically it !! Thank you all for the support, I really love hearing that people enjoy my stories ! Hope you have a good day



part seventeen: fall in love with a ghost


pairing: ghost!Felix x human!reader

-> in which, maybe you should have trusted that old realtor who had told you your new apartment was haunted. Lee Felix was bored just simply existing, it was time that he had a little fun tormenting the mortals.

word count:1.2k

notes: there’s only one maybe two chapters left




Meeting Yongbok for the first time felt odd, to say the least. He walked in, sticking close to Chan as his eyes surveyed the room, landing on you. He flashed you a small smile and a polite hello before doing the same to Taehyun.

“Did you tell him what we’re doing?” Taehyun questioned flatly, turning his attention from Yongbok to Chan.

“Uh, no,” he answered, unsure of what Taehyun wanted him to say.

“Good. It’s easier that way,” Taehyun nodded. You glanced over to Yongbok who you assumed would at least have some type of reaction to being talked about but he just simply stood there. An empty depth to his dark eyes. “Yongbok, I’d advise you to sit down for this.” Yongbok blinked at Taehyun and Chan reached for his hand using it to guide him down on the leather couch. You stared at Taehyun as he moved around, taking candles from around the room and placing them down on the floor beside Yongbok, eyes following every move as you still stood from greeting your newest guest. “Y/n can you turn the lights off?” Taehyun requested.

“You need the lights off to do your witchy shit?” you questioned as you flicked the switch, plunging the room into darkness. Taehyun rolled his eyes at your words, not that you would see before lighting a candle.

“No, but it gives the room a nice vibe,” he voiced. “Are we ready?” Taehyun inquired, lighting the last candle and you had to admit, the warm flickering light made you feel somewhat at ease knowing what was coming.

“As we’ll ever be,” Chan sighs as he grips Yongbok’s hand, interlacing their fingers. Taehyun let his eyes slip closed as he drew in a deep breath, the candles almost seemed like they were reacting to the movement as their flames swelled as he took the breath in. Taehyun stood above Yongbok who stared up at him wordlessly, he placed a hand atop the blonde’s head, the man closing his eyes softly in response. The psychic began to mumble something under his breath, too low for you to make out as you and Chan stared, eyes wide. The room grew cold, so much so that you felt a shiver run up the base of your spine. The room seemed darker now, the light terminating from the candles only reaching so far. All of a sudden, Yongbok’s head drops and his body slumps. Taehyun gives no reaction at all but Chan goes into a frenzy. His eyes are wild as his hand leaves Yongbok’s to go to his neck to feel a pulse. Judging by the red creeping up the base of his neck and dark stare on Taehyun, he wasn’t able to find one. 

“What the fuck man, you killed him!” Chan screeched. “He’s already been dead once!”

“If you don’t stop whining like a teenager I’ll make sure he stays dead,” Taehyun mumbles, eyes remaining shut. Chan’s face reddened further and he pursed his lips like he was about to say something else but chose not to. But you couldn’t help but notice the prominent vein on his forehead, a telling sign that he was holding himself back from jumping the poor psychic. Taehyun sighs as he lets his hand drop back by his side, finally opening his eyes. 

“What the fuck are you doing? Wake him up!” Chan exclaimed, feeling dumbfounded as his friend lay lifelessly beside him.

“It’s done,” was all he said, taking a step back. Chan was about to scream more profanities at his coworker but those words died on his tongue when he noticed Yongbok’s fingers twitching.

“Yongbok?” Chan asks quietly, a stark contrast to the tone he had taken not one minute ago. His hands go to his friend’s shoulders, gently shaking him. A smile overtook his face when the man responded with a slight groan, slowly cracking his eyes open. The blonde straightened up before looking at the man sitting beside him. He couldn’t even get a word out before Chan was attacking him in a bear hug. “It’s you, you’re back,” Chan spoke, voice quivering. The other man responded by wrapping his arms around him, comforting the now sobbing man. You felt yourself release a breath you didn’t even realise you had been holding, watching the scene with fond eyes. It was him.

Felix broke apart from the man with a low chuckle although when he turned to you, you could tell he was trying his hardest not to cry. His deep brown eyes met yours and they looked different now, like a warmer shade of brown. You weren’t sure what his reaction would be, would he want to talk to you? Or would he just rather go on about his life without even remembering this whole mess ever happened in the first place? So you stayed still, waiting to see what he would do. Noticing your hesitancy, Felix stood up from his seat on the couch, leaving a sobbing Chan on the couch who gratefully took a tissue from Taehyun.  You could hardly process the time from when he stood up to when he enveloped you in his arms, fingers getting lost in your hair as he held you as close as he could. 

“Thank you so much,” he whispered into your hair. You closed your eyes and let yourself feel the feeling of him. His warmth. He was actually here and it felt too good to be true. It felt too safe, wrapped up tightly in his arms. He let out another whispered thanks into the crown of your head before placing a small kiss there. Pulling away, you saw that his eyes were glassy and you couldn’t help but appreciate his beauty properly for the first time. His skin was dusted with a light covering of freckles, mostly around his eyes and nose. His eyes were big and they seemed to sparkle in the dim light, although that may be thanks to unshed tears.

“So, what now?” you asked quietly. Even after pulling away from the hug, Felix let his arms linger around your waist, the feeling making you feel slightly lightheaded.

“What do you mean?” he responded, eyebrows raised slightly in question.

“The apartment, we’ll have to figure something out. I mean there’s the guest room so we both could stay here or i-” you rambled. Felix cut you off before you got carried away.

“I don’t think that would be a good idea,” he commented.


“Yeah, I feel like that’s moving a bit too fast in our relationship. I want to do this right,” Felix smiled, light pink testing overtaking his cheeks. You almost choked on air.

“Our relationship? Do this right?” you repeated slowly, making sure that you weren’t mishearing a single syllable.

“Yeah, you do feel the same way, right? Or were you smiling at your phone like a fool whenever I text for another reason?” he smirked, although that soon turned into a devious grin as your cheeks began to heat up and you had no idea what else to do than smack him lightly on the chest.

“I wasn’t!” you exclaimed. Felix simply chuckled in reply, spinning so that he was facing Chan and Taehyun, the former wide his jaw slacked as he stared at the two of you. His eyes darted between the two of you in confusion.

“How do you- when did you-” he tried but gave up, shaking his head in defeat. “No, you know what, it would be you to fall in love with a ghost,” Chan rolled his eyes and Felix let out an unattractive snort from beside you. Your eyes widened, eyebrows raising as you took in your best friend’s words. 

“And what do you mean by that?” you tested, Chan simply stood there with an amused grin on his face.

“Calm down baby,” Felix interjected as he lifted a hand to pat your head, you knew he was joking by the tone in his voice but that didn’t stop your mind from running wild as your gaze dropped to the ground with an awkward chuckle.

part sixteen: someone like him


pairing: ghost!Felix x human!reader

-> in which, maybe you should have trusted that old realtor who had told you your new apartment was haunted. Lee Felix was bored just simply existing, it was time that he had a little fun tormenting the mortals.

word count:1k

notes: I’m so sorry about these short chapters and for having so many written ones but I’ve been really busy with college work since its the end of the semester but I just wanted to get something out :)




How do we get him back into his body?

That was the question Chan had asked and it sounded simple, but you all knew that that would be far from the truth.

We need Youngbok.

Taehyun replied. It was something that Chan had been expecting but fearful of nonetheless. Involving Yongbok was difficult, to say the least. His parents had him more or less locked down inside their house because he couldn’t go long periods of time without fatigue, thanks to his spirit being far away from his body. Even getting permission to go out to lunch with his friend had been difficult. Yongbok’s parents were lovely people and they hated keeping him away from his friends, or fun in general but they were extremely cautious of him, scared that any little thing could set him back in his recovery process. 

At first, Yongbok had been mute. The days after he was released from the hospital and allowed to return home had been torture for his parents. They would watch, day after day, hoping for something to change but he would simply sit there with an emptiness in his eyes, not letting out a single noise. Slowly, he began to improve but that emptiness persevered and it irked them to no end. He wasn’t the same person that had been so excited to share such an important moment in his life. Now, Yongbok could do simple tasks, and he seemed to enjoy helping out around the house. But his energy would soon deplete and he would cave into himself, wordlessly pushing his way past his parents to go to his room where he would sleep for hours. The separation of body and spirit took a toll on both halves, while Felix held the emotional burden of leaving everything he knew and loved behind, Yongbok held a more physical burden, his body would long to connect with its spirit but could never quite reach it, it was tiring and it was evident from the look in his eyes.

The responsibility of retrieving Yongbok and bringing him to your apartment fell on Chan. And with a huff and not much else, Chan disappeared down the hallway of your apartment, ready to use his charms to convince Yongbok’s parents to release him into Chan’s care.

With Chan gone, an uncomfortable silence filled the room. Taehyun was sitting on the armchair across from you staring into nothing. You checked your phone again, hoping that your ghost friend would take your mind off the slightly creepy psychic, but, alas, nothing. You chewed on the inside of your mouth as your leg bounced up and down and you tried to distract yourself from your current situation but all that you could think of was him, Felix, or Yongbok as everyone knew him as. A question nagged at the back of your mind, coming to the surface once again: What would happen when Felix was alive again?

You couldn’t deny that that question scared you. You had become so accustomed to having another person in the apartment with you, even if they were technically dead and you couldn’t even see them. Felix had become a sort of comfort person to you, weirdly enough he was the person you spoke to the most, not even Chan had him beaten on that front. But, was that his choice? Would he even want to speak to you if you weren’t helping him? You weren’t saying he was using you or anything, no. Rather, just simply doing the decent thing, because he was a decent person. Lee Felix is everything anyone would want in a partner and as much as you tried to ignore that fact because it was so wrong, you just couldn’t. He was kind, like when he would use threats to find a way to speak to you and ask you how your day had been, constantly asking about the craziest stories you had from delivering pizzas because he knew you had many. He was thoughtful, like when he would see you freaking out over where you had left your keys because you could swear you left them on the kitchen counter he would remind you that he had placed them on the keyholder beside your front door after you had haphazardly thrown them on the couch the night before. He was funny, like when you would easily find yourself laughing along to his stupid jokes or find it so adorable how obviously flustered he would be when you would flirt with him, you could just imagine his cheeks growing red and an awkward smile overtaking his lips. And, he was attractive, something you had only recently found out when looking into his past. His features were almost ethereal and if you had time to appreciate them when you first saw him in person then you would have.

There were so many times when you should catch yourself thinking, I wish I had someone like him. But no matter what, he was unobtainable and also dead, it was that simple. Or, it had been that simple until you found out that Felix wasn’t as dead as your first thought. You couldn’t help but think if you had become as important to him as he had to you and whether he would even want to be friends after. 

The vibration of your phone broke you from your train of thoughts and when you looked you saw Felix’s name on the screen. Your heart felt lighter at the appearance of his name, almost as if he had read your mind and had come to remind you that he was still here.

Are you okay?

The message read and you felt like a lovesick teenager when you had to hold back a smile at the fact that he had noticed your brows furrowed in deep thought. It was nothing special but it definitely felt as though it was when he said it. You nodded your head with a small smile, sure that Felix would see it. But a smile couldn’t quite conceal your sullen demeanour.

part fifteen: just say you love me already


pairing: ghost!Felix x human!reader

-> in which, maybe you should have trusted that old realtor who had told you your new apartment was haunted. Lee Felix was bored just simply existing, it was time that he had a little fun tormenting the mortals.

a/n:this has to be the longest chapter i’ve ever made whoowee



part six: inner thor

B L O O D & W A T E R

pairing: witch!Leeknow x reader

-> in which you are thrown into the magical world of Creon alone, without knowing that you could be the one to tear it apart.

a/n: i hope you are all doing well and enjoying this so far !!

previous<masterlist > next


part five: not funny

B L O O D & W A T E R

pairing: witch!Leeknow x reader

-> in which you are thrown into the magical world of Creon alone, without knowing that you could be the one to tear it apart.

a/n: liam payne memes are just so good I always fall into the pit once I find one and I can’t say I hate it



part four: trying to kill the newbie

B L O O D & W A T E R

pairing: witch!Leeknow x reader

-> in which you are thrown into the magical world of Creon alone, without knowing that you could be the one to tear it apart.

a/n: why won’t tumblr let me delete paragraphs? please for once make my life easier !!! Also I’ve had that felix meme for a WHILE and I just needed any excuse to use it :)



part three: no simping allowed

B L O O D & W A T E R

pairing: witch!Leeknow x reader

-> in which you are thrown into the magical world of Creon alone, without knowing that you could be the one to tear it apart.

a/n: so a little note about my updating schedule, unlike my other smaus where I would (mostly) update every day, because I am working updates will be less regular, still there will be multiple updates a week I just can’t promise a daily update schedule, hope you all understand and I hope you enjoy this smau



part two: late bloomer

B L O O D & W A T E R

pairing: witch!Leeknow x reader

-> in which you are thrown into the magical world of Creon alone, without knowing that you could be the one to tear it apart.

a/n: im too tired to think rn eeee



part one: man-eating venus fly trap

B L O O D & W A T E R

pairing: witch!Leeknow x reader

-> in which you are thrown into the magical world of Creon alone, without knowing that you could be the one to tear it apart.

a/n: why is tumblr being so weird !! i just wanna edit my posts



profiles: the bad

B L O O D & W A T E R

pairing: witch!Leeknow x reader

-> in which you are thrown into the magical world of Creon alone, without knowing that you could be the one to tear it apart.

a/n: I’m excited for this one, it’s heavily inspired by the Winx(the original) which happens to be the best thing ever put out on tv ever



profiles: the good

B L O O D & W A T E R

pairing: witch!Leeknow x reader

-> in which you are thrown into the magical world of Creon alone, without knowing that you could be the one to tear it apart.



B L O O D & W A T E R

-> in which you are thrown into the magical world of Creon alone, without knowing that you could be the one to tear it apart.


-> it was prophesized that the child of the two of Creon’s mightiest heroes will hold the power of the gods and bring upon us the end of the universe as we know it and you are the ticking time bomb that he can’t seem to leave alone.


pairing: witch!Leeknow x reader

featuring: stray kids, song yuqi + other random idols

genre: smau, supernatural au, crack, fluff, slight angst, violence

status: coming soon!

warnings: cursing, bad parental figures, violence, mentions of death

a/n: this is basically inspired by every fantasy movie/show I’ve ever watched :))


taglist: open!


profiles: the good

profiles: the bad

part one: man-eating venus fly trap

part two: late bloomer

part three: no simping allowed

part four: trying to kill the newbie

part five: not funny

part six: inner thor


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au: non-idol au, vaguely historical au, doctor au?  
warnings: descriptions of gore, lobotomy, back alley medical procedures, implications of mental illness  
word count: 0.7k  
pairing: gn!reader x lee felix
song: maniac by stray kids

“Do you hear them?” you hiss. You grip the armrests of your chair and furtively look around the room for the ghosts. All you can make out are blurry shadows along the walls, but those appear to be from the furniture in the room rather than ghosts. You learned how to tell the difference after they tricked you the first few times. You have never been able to see them before, but maybe they will finally show themselves to Doctor Lee Felix. He is worthy, isn’t he? He’s a renowned doctor, and they promised to leave you alone if you brought someone worthy. “Can you see them?”

Doctor Lee leans forward, folds his hands together, and gives you a pleasant smile. “Who?”

The grandmother, with her gnarled fingers and heavy rings, strokes your hair, clawing your scalp and grabbing fistfuls. You scream and whirl around to hit her, but you only make contact with the air. You grab randomly, hoping that you can curl her pearl necklace around your palms and control her like a puppy on a leash.

You cannot, and she laughs. She orders you to kill him. Pluck his eyes out, and give them to me. She promises you honey-sweet tangerines and your favorite sausages.

“No!” you shout. You bury your heads between your knees as you try to stop her from touching your hair again. “Go away!”

“Are you alright?”

Before you can answer, a childhood lullaby fills your ears, even though your ears are muffled with cotton. They’re always loud enough that they can get past your defenses. The little girl sings, her notes crooked and ugly just like a crow’s screech, for you to reach inside Doctor Lee’s chest and hold his heart. Feel his heartbeat in your hands. Watch the blood pump and spill down. Frightfully, you glance up at the doctor who is still patiently waiting for his answer. He asks you again.

You can’t hurt him, so you furiously shake your head. “Make them go away! They won’t stop!” You jerk forward to avoid the grandmother’s grasp and land so close to Doctor Lee that you can see the freckles dotting his cheeks. They look like little stars. “I don’t want to kill you.”

His smile falters for a second, but his mouth curves up again. “Do people ever tell you that you have a few loose screws?”

Your mother, your father. The man who sweeps the grocery store floor and the teenaged boy who lives across the street. “Yes, all the time. Why?”

“Well,” he says as he picks up the drill beside him, “it’s not just a figure of speech. I can fix you, if you’d like.”

Fix you. Like you’re a torn doll who simply needs some stitches to go back to normal. For a few seconds, you can ignore the jeering from the ghosts. “Can you really?”

“Of course. I’ve done it many times before. It’s my specialty.”

You hold his hand in yours. His skin is warm and soft, unlike yours which have been roughened from years of battle with the ghosts. Knives don’t work on them, nor wooden clubs, but that never stops you from trying to get rid of them. “Please. I’ll do anything.”


A week later, you find yourself lying on a medical bed, staring up at a bright light. The grandmother has returned, and she screams from wherever she is for you to lash out, to scratch crimson red lines down the faces of those hovering around you. A crowd of curious onlookers have gathered to watch Doctor Lee perform a miracle on you. She won’t stop screaming. She wants you to take their eyes so she can have them for herself.

“Please hurry,” you whisper to Doctor Lee. He is dressed in a white lab coat today, and the little girl sings of how handsome he will look when his ribs are cracked open to reveal a pulsing heart. “They’re back, and they want me to hurt you, but I don’t want to.”

He places a calming hand on your forehead. “Close your eyes.”

You do.

When you finally wake up, the ghosts are gone along with a piece of your skull and brain.

au: break up au, non-idol au  
word count: 0.4k  
pairing: gn!reader x han jisung


Thank you for calling The Revenge Plan. This call may be recorded and monitored for training purposes. You may be asked to complete a survey at the end of the call. How may we help you today? To place an order, press 1. To cancel your subscription, press 2. To renew your subscription, press—

[number tone]

Which plan would you like to implement? For hourly animal facts, press 1. For sporadic phone calls about extended car warranty, press 2. For daily wake-up calls at 4 AM, press 3. For viruses embedded into text messages, press 4. For the entire The Bee Movie script in single word texts, press 5. For custom revenge plans, press 6. To replay these options, press 7.

[mumbling] I can’t believe I’m fucking doing this.

I’m sorry, I didn’t quite get that. For hourly animal facts, press 1. For—

[number tone]

You have selected “the entire The Bee Movie script in single word texts.” Is that correct?


Thank you. The cost of this service is $29.99. Would you like to proceed?


Thank you. Please enter the phone number of the person receiving this service.

[multiple number tones]

[mumbling] Fuck you, Han Jisung. This is what you fucking deserve. Fucking piece of shit.

You have entered [redacted for privacy]. Is that correct?


Thank you. Please enter your sixteen digit credit card number and the three digit number on the back of the card.

[mumbling] Shit, where did I put it? Ah, here.

[multiple dial tones]

Thank you. You have entered [redacted for privacy]. Is that corr—

[mumbling] This is what you get for breaking up over text, you son of—

I’m sorry, I didn’t quite get that. You have entered [redacted for privacy]. Is that—


Thank you for using The Revenge Plan. Please allow three to five business days for the service to beg—

Seriously? I have to fucking wait after I piad thirty bucks for this? [sigh]

—in. If you are still unsure whether the service has begun after five days, please contact our customer service line at 1-800-555-4419. The Revenge Plan is not liable for any legal issues and/or damages you may receive—


—as a result. Please read the full terms and conditions on our website at www.therevengeplan.com or by calling our customer service line at 1-800-555-4419.

Thank you for using The Revenge Plan. We ask that you stay on the line to complete our sur—

[call has ended]

au: college au, frat? au 
warnings: alcohol, swearing
word count: 0.8k
pairing: f!reader x lee know
other characters: nct jaehyun and jungwoo
song:shoot! by itzy

When Minho lays eyes on you, he knows he has to have you.

The sweet smile you flash at everyone who says hello to you; the sudden boisterous laugh that echoes out of you when a frat boy shows up to the party in a giraffe onesie; the flickering gaze of interest when you spot him lounging in front of the tower of red Solo cups—he’s entranced in every way possible. You move like honey—slow, deliberate, and fluid—as you make your way to him. When you’re right in front of him, he can’t resist giving you a onceover, starting from the black velvet ribbon in your hair to the beat-up red Converse on your feet. The embroidered letters on the sleeve of your oversize windbreaker nearly escape him until you reach for the ginger ale. The spell you have put on him has been broken.

Nu Chi Tau, or NXT, is his fraternity’s unofficial rival due to some love triangle that happened years ago. Minho doesn’t give a shit about the history since a) it happened years ago, b) it was so incredibly petty that he almost gained respect for everyone that actually upheld the rivalry, and c) he’s not going to cut out Jungwoo out of life just because he’s in NXT.

However, the letters still make him pause when he sees them, especially since you’re bearing them. Are you dating an NXT? Or is that jacket from a family member?

“Nu Chi Tau?” he asks. You look at him questioningly, and Minho has to stop himself from staring at the little wrinkle between your brows.

“Let me guess,” you say, now giving him a onceover that simultaneously makes him feel self-conscious and confident, “you’re from Sigma Kappa Zeta.”

“Is that a problem?”

“Only if you make it one.” You hold out the bottle of ginger ale out to him like a peace offering. “You want any?”

His own cup is filled to the brim with cheap beer already, so he shakes his head and continues trying to uncover the mystery behind your windbreaker. “You’re not in Nu Chi Tau, are you?”

You smirk, lips dangerously curving into a teasing smile. “God, you’re cute. If you wanna hit on me, just do it. I promise, none of the boys are gonna take you out back and shoot you if you do.” At his disbelief, you add, “I’m the fraternity sweetheart. Do you guys not have one?”

ΣKZ, in fact, does have one, a scholarly girl who only works out so she can eat more of Felix’s pastries without any guilt. Yeji has sweetheart duties as well, like promoting their quarterly charity drives and organizing mixers, but Minho really only knows her as the older sister of the house, despite her being younger than him. Minho’s mentioned her in passing to Jungwoo so many times, so why didn’t Jungwoo say anything about you?

“What’s it gonna be then?” you tease as you shift your weight to one leg, popping out your hip. “Pour me some vodka, ask me for my number?”

“Or you can leave her alone,” comes another voice. Another frat boy, presumably an NXT member, with a backwards cap throws an arm protectively around you, to which you quickly shrug off. He throws his hands up in surrender but maintains a wary gaze on Minho. “You’re Jungwoo’s friend, right?”

Minho nods and wonders if Jaehyun is one of those who vehemently uphold tradition. If he knows he’s Jungwoo’s friend, he likely knows that Minho’s from ΣKZ.

“Jaehyun, chill,” you warn as you shove him away.

“Don’t break her heart!” he calls before heading off to where a group of people are playing beer pong.

“Ignore them,” you say as you give another reprimanding glare at Jaehyun and another one of his friends. “So what’s it gonna be?”

Everyone in the room is watching your every move and awaiting his.

Another slow smile creeps onto your face when you realize this. As you innocently stare back at him, Minho’s face feels oddly warm, and his heart flutters like a swarm of butterflies when he notices just how alluring your perfume is. Underneath the fluorescent lights, you shine so brightly that he wants to touch you to see if you’re even real. You bite your lip, he licks his.

“Tell me your name, and I’ll pour you some vodka,” he finally says.

You laugh and reach for the large gray bottle yourself. “No wonder why Jungwoo thought I would like you. God, you’re so cute, Minho, and you don’t even know it.”

The spell has been broken once more. “What?”

You shrug and sip on your mixed drink. “Jungwoo told me so much about you. Whose idea do you think it was for a Nu Chi and a Sigma Kappa party? I mean, the sororities are here too, but still.”

Jungwoo is unbelievable. You are unbelievable. Minho is dizzy at the implications and at you.

As such, Minho does the most reasonable thing anyone else would do in his situation: he asks you to hand over the vodka and if you would be down to get a midnight snack later. To no one’s surprise, you readily agree. To Minho’s surprise, you kiss him on the cheek, flash him a wicked smile, and start heading for the front door.

He follows.

au: noir au 
warnings: alcohol, implied drugs
pairing: f!reader x hwang hyunjin

Your long fur coat settles around you like a puddle of luxury as you take a seat at the counter. It’s slow tonight, with only a smattering of gentlemen flocking around the stage of the woman who sings in a voice made of honey. Cigar smoke wafts throughout the bar, intermingling with the distinct perfume of booze.

Your eyes wander to the expansive shelves behind the bar and take note of the expensive collection of bottles on the top shelf. The golden scotch interests you, but perhaps another time. Before you can call the dark-haired bartender over, he comes to you instead. With a silky smooth smile, he slides a shot of whiskey across to you. “On the house.”

Rule #1 of The Apothecary: Do not drink anything you did not ask for.

You push it back with your index finger. “I’m more of a gin person myself. Clover Club with a shot of oxy, please.”

“Coming right up.”

While he busies himself with your order, you do your best to keep an impassive expression on your face. However, the cleverly hidden door in the far back of the buildings distracts you. Forget the drinks, people only come to The Apothecary for one reason. You keep one hand on the inside pocket of your coat, feeling for the carefully folded bills inside. They are all accounted for; you know that even through the lining.

You listen to the jazz singer croon into the microphone for another minute, watching the men as they talk amongst themselves, raise glasses of bourbon to their lips, wolf whistle when they spot you lounging in the dark. The lipsticked smile you flash sends them into howls.

The bartender sets down your cocktail in front of you. In a low voice, he says, “He’s ready for you.”

The door is now ajar, weak light filtering through the crack, beckoning you to come in. Taking your drink, you make your way inside. A young man with blond hair sits behind a mahogany desk in a chair made of crimson velvet. Just the sight of him makes your heart pound. Saint Valentine in all of his glory.

“Hey there, dollface,” he says. Then he taps the wooden tray on the desk.

Rule #2 of The Apothecary: Always bring an offering.

You place down your pink cocktail, taking special care to not disturb the line of white foam on top. Then you take out the money and set that on the other end of the tray. “Clover Club,” you inform him as you sit opposite of him, “and the usual.”

He sips on the drink, making a sour face when he tastes the sweetness. “Gin rickeys are much better than this. Dark or light this time? Or both?”


He procures two glass vials from a desk drawer, and you accept them. One vial is filled with a clear, almost iridescent, liquid, and the other is a deep amber tone.

Rule #3 of The Apothecary: Ensure what you are being served is what you requested.

You uncap the light vial and allow yourself a mere drop of the potion. A warmth spreads through you, and an enchanted serenity falls over you. You feel the ghost of your mother’s arms around your shoulders, the dizzying laugh of your best friend, the rhythm of Saint Valentine’s lilting words. For a moment, you are euphoric, dancing atop of heaven’s clouds with Aphrodite smiling upon you.

Then it all disappears.

Without thinking, you clasp your hand over your heart, almost gasping when you find yourself back in the bar. Everything is dull in comparison to what you just experienced. Disappointment and anguish coat you like tar, and your mouth waters for another drop. However, you tamp your desires down and grab your sleeve for an earthly anchor. Saint Valentine sinks into his chair when he notes that you have come down from your high. He nods to the dark vial, and you roll it into your palm.

You pop off the cap before holding it out to him. “Will there ever be a day where you try it instead of me?”

“You know I don’t dabble in my own goods. It’s bad for business.”

“Of course.”

You take a tiny sip. Saint Valentine clouds your thoughts—his midnight eyes, his marble cheeks, his Cupid’s bow. The droll voice he uses when he speaks to you. That perfectly delectable, plump lower lip of his. He is so close. If you stand up and lean across, he would be yours, and you would be his. You want—no, need—to kiss him.

“I…” you breathe, gripping the edge of the desk for support, “I… love—”

You snap out of the spell, a hot blush creeping up your face as you realize how near you are to him. Even after the effects of the drink have worn off, your passion for him still lingers. One accidental move could mean that you would be touching him. However, you fall back into your seat, trying to appear less flustered. He stares back with a faint smirk playing on his lips. You watch them when he asks, “All to your liking?”

In a desperate attempt to regain composure, you give him a cold look that melts as soon as you notice the bob of his throat when he tries the cocktail again. “They’re perfect. As always.” You stand up and smooth your coat. “I’ll see you next week.”

Saint Valentine slowly blinks at you and devilishly smiles, sending an involuntary shiver down your spine. “Send my regards to the gentleman you seduce next. God only knows how hurt he’ll be when he discovers what your true intentions are. It might even kill him.”

“See you next week,” you repeat.

You stalk out of the room and then out of the bar. The bartender says something to you as you stroll past, but you cannot hear him over the applause from the stage and the rush of wind as you push open the door. You make it down one block before fumbling for the light vial and consuming all of its contents.

This time you only feel Saint Valentine, only him.

psst if you want a fluffy, valentine’s day story with hyunjin:candy hearts 

genre: slight fluff but mostly angst
au: dark academia au, college au
warnings: mentions of blood, corpses, murder, knives, stabbing
wordcount: 1.2k
pairing: gn!reader x kim seungmin

A cold wind scatters dead leaves across the campus, static clings onto wool sweaters, the squirrels retreat to their trees—all signs of an incoming storm. The sky boasts of large gray clouds, the promise of rain literally looming overhead.

Yet for the past twenty minutes, not a single drop has fallen. As you traverse the campus to the library, you wonder if you should have chosen to wear your oxfords instead of your practical but ill-matching rubber rain boots. The prospect of rain was what stopped you, but you were very nearly tempted to damage your favorite pair of shoes because Kim Seungmin asked if you wanted to study together.

As charming as you found him, you nonetheless donned your cherry-red boots before you left your dorm and took what your friends referred to as your ‘funeral umbrella’ in case a storm did arrive. You discover that you made the correct choice when you approach the steps outside of the library, when the sky finally enacts its threat.

It comes down all at once, and you scramble up the darkening stairs with your unopened umbrella. Fat water droplets pelt your cheeks, and lightning flashes in the distance, momentarily lighting up the world before it falls dim again. A small crowd has gathered at the door to watch, and you hastily push past them, muttering apologies as you frantically smoothing your wild hair before entering the premises.

You suppose today has proved to be an unfortunate sort of day because Seungmin is one of the onlookers. He calls your name, and you wave back, trying to presume a nonchalant pose that turns out to be more awkward than you imagined. When he makes his way over to you, you are thoroughly flustered.

And you haven’t even said a word to him yet.

“Forgot you had that?” he teases, gesturing to your umbrella.

“I thought I could make it. It all happened so fast.” You nervously thumb the strap of your worn leather messenger bag and wonder how you are going to make it through the study session. “Good thing you got here before it started.”

“Yeah, I just missed it. I arrived a little before you did. But now that you’re here,” he says, “where should we go? I like the basement level the best, but I’ll let you choose since you got rained on.”

You select the fourth floor, the topmost one with the large floor-to-ceiling windows and a terrace overlooking the historic campus. Brick buildings laced with ivy, sun-dappled maple trees—with such a view, you have no clue why anyone would prefer the fluorescent lights and dust of the basement.

When you ask him, he simply replies, “No one’s ever there.”

Your shoes make uncomfortable squelching sounds rather than the satisfying clicks you are accustomed to. The students lounging on the first floor eye you as you pass by, but Seungmin continues striding forward, slowing his steps when he remembers that he is walking alongside someone for a change.

“I can hold your umbrella for you,” he offers.

“I’m fine. Oh,” you realize as you now look more carefully at him, “you didn’t bring one, did you?” Before you lose your nerve, you add, “I can walk you home or to your car or whatever if it’s still raining when we’re done.”

He smiles. If you were the dramatic, romantic sort—and you are—you would liken it to the sun. “Really? Thanks.”

“It’s nothing,” you shyly reply as you press your thumb to the elevator button. It has always felt wrong to you that a stately, old building like the library has something as modern as this. Sometimes it feels as if the university agrees since the elevator works like it is as old as the invention of the apparatus itself. “You said 9 in your text, right?”

“Yeah, but we can honestly study until closing if you want. I don’t have anything planned for tonight.”

“That sounds great! I mean, ‘cause I also—”

A loud rattle interrupts you. The silver doors open, and a boy with a near identical messenger bag to yours, walks out. You and Seungmin step inside and stand a delicate distance away from each other in the middle. You push the button for the fourth floor, and the doors shut, leaving just you and Seungmin alone, together, underneath a flickering panel of light. The inner workings of the elevator shift and creak as they carry you upwards.

A crack of thunder, able to be heard even through the walls, makes you jump. The light disappears the same instant, and a frightened cry escapes your mouth when everything goes black. Seungmin asks if you’re okay, and you assure him that you’re fine. The elevator is at a standstill.

“I think we lost power,” you uselessly say after a few seconds, when it is clear that the outage is not going to be momentary. You fumble for your phone, only to reason that there will be no service anyway. You turn on the flashlight and direct at the panel of buttons. “Hopefully the emergency call actually works.”

Seungmin seems rather delighted by the situation. “Can I do it?”

Unfortunately for him, the elevator starts going back down. Everything is still dark though, so you and Seungmin exchange concerned looks when you both voice your confusions. As the ground floor approaches, the confusion morphs into unease when you hear the commotion on the other side of the doors: distant screaming, a multitude of hushed conversations that have become a sea of noise, and orders being shouted.

“What the fuck is happening?”

You grip your umbrella handle tighter while Seungmin puts his arm protectively in front of you when the doors open. The first floor is still swathed in darkness, but with the help of flashlights from everywhere, you can make out a crowd of people crouching near the front entrance. Lightning flashes, illuminating dozens of faces against the windows. As Seungmin guides you out, you catch whispers.

Knife. Stab. Murder.

No, two murders. Maybe three. Definitely more than one.

You pull on Seungmin’s sweater sleeve. “Let’s stay here,” you say before he can get any closer to the crowd. A wide berth has been given to the crime scene because of a security guard, but Seungmin seems entranced by it. Half of the library seems to be in the same stupor as well. “I don’t think we’ll be able to leave.”

“Yeah, probably not.” He sweeps a hand through his hair and sighs. “I can’t believe this is happening.”

You echo the same sentiment and let out a sigh of relief when you hear sirens in the distance. When the paramedics come with stretchers and not body bags, for a moment, you hope that this is all a mistake and that someone simply fainted. But when the crowd gets up to make room for the paramedics, through the gaps, you see a dark pool of something that can only be blood. Then a limp hand laying leadenly across the floor.

“Don’t look,” Seungmin warns too late.

“I know.”

You tear your eyes away but not before seeing a police officer pick up a bloody messenger bag that looks eerily similar to yours.

☆[nostalgic] summer romance!au bang chan 
birthday present for my favorite stay! | other skz aus

  • you don’t like the sun, ergo you don’t really like summer
  • you’ve never been fond of the heat or the bugs or the overwhelming sense of emptiness that comes with watching the ice in your favorite drink melt too quickly for your liking
  • so when you are forced to pick up some sort of activity for the summer by your schools requirements you sign up for summer reading with the public library
  • the library is inside - it has air conditioning - it’s not outside and under the sun
  • “so explain to me why we are sitting outside, where there is not air conditioner, under the sun in a park when this is supposed to be everything but that?”
  • hyunjin, the other poor student who’d signed up for the same program, turns to you with a thin lipped smile
  • “because we’re supposed to recruit kids into the program and where are all the kids during the summertime?”
  • you sit down in the plastic chair set up in front of a small white table that features the public library’s branch name and a sheet for kids to sign up on
  • there’s a pile of recommended summer reading for children of all ages stacked up neatly and untouched
  • no kid in their right mind is going to sign up to read while they’re having fun chasing a ball around - this is literally so dumb.
  • you ruffle around in your bag to see if you brought extra sunscreen in defeat and hyunjin puts his hand out for it without a word
  • hours pass just like this
  • some parents try to usher their kids your way but give up in the end to hold their attention, offering you and hyunjin nothing but polite and sorry smiles
  • you try to scour out any place with shade to no avail
  • you have an entire month left of this hell
  • somewhere in the distance you can hear the sound of laughter and a loud whistle
  • “is that a summer camp?”
  • you ask hyunjin who has started, out of boredom, reading an old copy of the magic tree house (an offered book on the summer list)
  • “yeah - i think that’s the field for soccer camp.”
  • you put your sweaty forehead down onto the table and groan
  • “even eight hours of soccer sounds better than this.”
  • your first day is uneventful and still somehow extremely draining
  • when you get home you lay face down with the fan on blast and think about calling the library to quit
  • but guilt clouds over you: what about the kids who might want to sign up for the program, what about leaving poor hyunjin out there by himself, what about…….these stupid credits for school
  • in the end you decide you’ll stick with it - maybe you’ll pick up crocheting to help you pass the time
  • the second, third, and fourth day all pass the same way
  • one kid signs up for the program and it isn’t even a kid - it’s their parent who spends half an hour at the table telling you and hyunjin about how stressful raising children is
  • you two just stare up at them and melt under their ramblings and the unforgiving sun
  • on the first friday of the worst decision of your life - hyunjin almost quits and you have to bribe him with ice cream from the truck so he doesn’t leave you
  • he agrees, for the price of two strawberry cheesecake bars
  • when you head to the truck to retrieve the briberies you notice a long line of kids all dressed in soccer uniforms
  • they’re crowding around someone who is ordering at the window
  • his shoulders are wide and muscular underneath a tight sports top and he has an accent that makes itself more prevalent when he tells one of the kids to hold on a minute - laughing when they seemingly pout up at him
  • you’re curious to see what that person looks like - you assume he’s one of the counselors from that soccer camp
  • but you miss the opportunity as he gathers over ten different types of ice cream in his hands and is hoarded onto by the kids
  • when you get to the window the poor ice cream man tells you not to order the sonic ice-pop, he just sold out
  • “do you know any of the people working at that summer camp?”
  • you as hyunjin as you hand over his ice cream and he shakes some hair from face as he peels open the packaging
  • “i know changbin, he’s supposed to be working there this summer with some new guy - apparently he just moved here.”
  • you think that this ‘new guy’ is probably the one who was in front of you in the ice cream line
  • “do you know his n-”
  • you stop mid sentence to watch the strawberry ice cream melt over the wrapper and hyunjin’s fingers and right onto the pile of library books.
  • yeah. this is definitely the worst decision of my life.
  • hyunjin is apparently “sick” on monday. so you’re alone at the table when a lone soccer ball rolls right to your feet
  • you look up from the ‘how to crochet: for beginners’ video you’re watching on your phone to pick it up.
  • “sorry, i had no clue i would kick it this far!”
  • you look up and squint in the sun to see the person standing before you
  • but the accent gives their identity away immediately 
  • smiling down at you are kind brown eyes and perfectly straight white teeth
  • the beads of sweat on his forehead look more like diamonds, and he smells good - which must be a feat if you’re running around under the scorching sun playing sports all day
  • “uh-”
  • you lose the ability to speak for a second before you realize his hands are out stretched for the ball
  • “r-right. here you go.”
  • he thanks you and tucks the ball under his arm, “is hyunjin not here today?”
  • “you know hyunjin?”
  • he gives a deep chuckle, “not really. changbin - the guy i work with does. he said he’d be here but i only, well i only see you.”
  • ‘i only see you’. someone so hot should not be able to just say that so casually
  • “ah yeah he’s out “sick” - note the air quotes.”
  • this time the chuckle is a genuine laugh and he uses his free hand to hold his stomach 
  • “now i know why he’s changbin’s friend. i’m bang chan by the way.”
  • he extends his hand out at first and then jumps back a bit, “sorry - my palms a little sweaty”, wiping it on his side and then offering it again
  • you take it and try not to think about how much larger it is in comparison to yours
  • you tell him your name and chan seemingly wants to stay, when a loud whistle from the field catches his attention
  • “i gotta go, but i’ll see you around yeah?”
  • he waves and jogs off, leaving you in a bit of a limbo
  • it wears off after a bit of time and you go back to doing absolutely nothing but flipping through the books again and trying to help some parents here and there get their kid to stand still long enough to sign up
  • when the day ends you realize you’re going to have to carry everything back to the library by yourself
  • you groan, even though it’s already evening, the sun isn’t letting up and you start to clear the table slowly
  • “need help?”
  • you turn around and chan is there, a duffel bag over his shoulder and a towel around his neck
  • “oh it’s fine, the library is around the block so-”
  • “i’ll carry the table.”
  • he doesn’t even put his things down, just easily tips the table over to fold it up and picks it up on it’s side
  • you don’t even have time to refuse the help again, so you just gather your sheet and books and follow him out of the park
  • “are you here every day?”
  • he asks and you sort of try to put your hand on the table, but chan manages to stay enough steps ahead of you
  • “j-just the weekdays. and it’s fine i can carry the-”
  • he laughs, but shakes his head 
  • “two pairs of hands are better than one.”
  • you return everything to the library, usually you get a mini lecture about the lack of kids who’ve signed up, but this time even the librarian seems starstruck by chan’s looks and friendly charm
  • you are trying to think of a way to thank him without looking like a fool and stuttering over your words
  • when chan points to the left, “i gotta take the bus home.”
  • you blink and point in the opposite direction, “the bus is that way.”
  • chan’s ears go red and it turns out he’s the one stuttering as he explains that he only got here at the beginning of the summer so everything is new and confusing
  • without thinking you go, “if you want i can show you around some time.” 
  • realizing only after you’ve said it how forward that is 
  • only chan brightens, his already cheerful smile seems to glow stronger
  • “i’ll take you up on that offer!”
  • you say goodbye to one and other - and you try to ignore the thumping of your heart in your chest but it resounds into your ears
  • so loud you can barely hear anything else as you make your own way home
  • i mean, he’s just being nice. he seems like the type to do that - just be nice to be polite. so let’s not think anything of it.
  • hyunjin is out sick again the next day, he texts that a summer flu can last up to a week! to which you reply to with several choice emojis, but once again chan is there at the end of the day
  • helping you carry everything back to the library
  • you finally learn that he is definitely working at the soccer camp and he moved from overseas for school
  • when you ask what he’s studying, he gives kind of a faltering smile and says he’s going in undecided
  • something seems sad in his tone - and you think it’s a little contradictory to move to another country for a university program you aren’t even majoring in
  • but you don’t push it and confess that you’re kind of iffy on your future too
  • chan seems to perk up slightly at your openness, he jokingly goes: “becoming an adult is harder than you think, right?”
  • you heave your shoulders in agreement but go, “it’s inevitable though. we all have to grow up some day.”
  • the librarian ignores you completely this time, fawning over chan for his kindness
  • when you say goodbye to each other this time - chan says he’ll help you tomorrow too
  • tomorrow comes and finally hyunjin is back, but even so chan still shows up when it’s time for you two to pack up and hyunjin immediately reads his gaze 
  • becoming aware of something you are still clueless too
  • picking up the stack of books, hyunjin leaves you to help chan with the table
  • of course, chan carries it himself, and you just keep stride at his side and listen to a lighthearted story about one of the kids at his camp
  • this sort of becomes a routine for the next week or so
  • chan shows up after work to help you and hyunjin pack up, but hyunjin always insists on leaving first - giving you and chan the alone time of the five minute walk to the library 
  • you suspect hyunjin is doing it on purpose, and you think he’s teasing - but chan always seems to give him a look that hyunjin reciprocates and you just can’t seem to read
  • one day, chan shows up an hour earlier - he says work let out right after afternoon practice and he thought he’d come by and help you and hyunjin out
  • you tell him he’s free to come fry in the sun with the two of you, to which chan asks
  • “sounds like you’re not a summer person?”
  • “the sun and i are on questionable terms.”
  • chan looks around and clicks his tongue, “and there’s no shade in this park. well maybe this will help?”
  • he pulls a light sports jacket out of his duffel bag, walking over to you and draping it over your head - the darkness of the fabric enveloping you before you can fully register what’s going on
  • “kinda like a sun cloak?”
  • chan says, squatting down a little to lift the collar hem and look at you
  • the distance between your faces goes from a lot to very little
  • up close like this - chan is somehow even more handsome, you can make out the strong lines of his jaw and the way his nose curves down almost perfectly.
  • he opens his mouth, but no words come out - you both get lost in a seconds long stare
  • which hyunjin breaks up with a loud clearing of his throat and a, “you two really just need to get a room.”
  • chan shots back upright and almost tips over from the speed, his neck goes red and he tries to say something back to hyunjin who just tilts his head knowingly in both of your directions
  • you can only do one thing - pull chan’s jacket over your face
  • when you finally emerge, hyunjin is gone and chan is sitting in his place and twiddling his thumbs
  • you tell yourself to think of a way to make this less awkward, but your mind is blank and you’re stuck between dying from the embarrassment and maybe want to find hyunjin and chase him up and down the entire park
  • “you know…” chan starts and looks at you - you push all your courage up and look back 
  • “if you’d like to still show me around some time, i guess it could also be a …. date?”
  • when hyunjin comes back, he sees both you and chan are exchanging numbers. with a triumphant grin he sits between the two of you and throw his hands over your shoulders
  • “so - am i invited on the date too?”
  • the first place you take chan, when you two meet up on the weekend, is to your favorite fast food place
  • only to realize that he’s probably a healthy eater and you try to find something on the menu that is more green and low in carbs 
  • but chan just tells you, he’s a person - and he has cheat days - so you two splurge and chan even gets a milkshake after
  • when he can’t finish it he offers it to you absentmindedly and you don’t even know what flavor it is until you take your first sip
  • strawberry, maybe we are soulmates
  • you take chan everywhere you can, you try to fill up the day with as much as possible 
  • and as the evening dwindles down, chan comments that he never knew you had so much energy - you always look so down when you’re at the park
  • you mutter that it’s the fact that you’re in one place - you should have picked something that at least let you move around
  • “you can come coach soccer with me?”
  • you look at chan with an eye roll and he grins back
  • “i don’t have the endurance and i can’t handle more than one kid at a time.”
  • “ah yeah, then you’d have an issue with your co-worker.”
  • “who, you?”
  • “changbin. there’s already one kid too much on my plate.”
  • you giggle and chan bites back his lip, stopping on the sidewalk as you slow down too
  • “is there any place in town that you really love?”
  • it takes you a moment to understand his question
  • “what do you mean?”
  • “like a place that’s special on another level, i’ve never had one because i move around a lot but people say they have places in their home town that really mean something.”
  • you think and then nod, chan out stretches his hand 
  • “take me there?”
  • it’s actually on the other side of the park and field you and chan have been spending your summer in
  • it’s the side that is more green, with actual shade, but less foot traffic because it’s still dirt in some places and nothing has really been built there for a while
  • past a couple of old benches, you show chan a bush that sits between two big trees and look at him with an apologetic sigh
  • “i used to hide here when i was a kid. i know it’s not really beautiful, not a sunset on the beach or top of the mountain thing. but when i was smaller i could just sit here and be alone. and the trees always kept the sun out.”
  • chan looks at the small matted center between the branches, neither you or him can fit in their anymore
  • you imagine your younger self there, picking petals off of wild flowers or writing in your old diary
  • you look at chan and he seems like he’s also thinking about something, maybe he’s seeing himself there too
  • “remember when i told you i don’t know what i want to major in?”
  • he starts without returning your gaze
  • “the reality is my family wants me to become an athlete. actually, not even my family - it feels like the whole world wants that.”
  • the deepness of his voice falters, like a guitar suddenly playing an out of tune note
  • you do what’s natural and step closer to him, your hand squeezes his palm
  • “don’t get me wrong, i think it’s what i’m meant for too. i mean - i’ve always been good at it and i like it but-”
  • this time he does look at you, and the summer moon is suddenly showing its face over his shoulder - illuminating him softly
  • “but i don’t think i’ll be happy if i do it.”
  • “just because every one else thinks so, doesn’t mean you’re meant to do it chan.”
  • the words fall from you before you can stop them. you know what he’s feeling and you want to let him in on the lesson you’ve been learning yourself.
  • “you are meant to be happy, and you’re meant to grow for yourself and not for others. you become an adult for yourself, you live life for yourself and not for any one else.”
  • he swallows and turns so his entire body is facing your own
  • “i want-” he can’t finish the sentence, you’re not sure if it’s because he’s just pausing himself or if he really doesn’t know what comes after
  • instead he leans in and pulls you up close. he doesn’t kiss you, he seems to waiver because he wants your consent, and so you give it to him with a small tilt of your head.
  • that night you lay in bed thinking about everything chan shared with you and what you said to him 
  • it makes your heart ache, but when your eyes close you think of the softness and curve of his upper lip. 
  • you think about the way he holds your waist with both his hands clasped around you.
  • “i always knew he was in to you by the way, that’s why i kept leaving you two in your little love bubble.”
  • hyunjin says the next day as you’re setting up the table in the park
  • “and how did you know oh wise one?”
  • “he looked at you and it was written all over his face.”
  • “how come i didn’t see it?”
  • hyunjin shrugs, “because it was written all over yours too.”
  • the days fall into each other again, but now they feel less and less sluggish because chan comes around more often
  • bringing his hoard of campers with him sometimes and even changbin who asks you right off the bat how you’d rank chan as a kisser
  • chan gasps and covers the ears of the kid closest to him but you shyly raise your hands up to show all ten fingers
  • changbin gives chan a slap on the back that resounds all throughout the park
  • your dates with chan all endless laughter and conversation and showing him what life is like in this town while also getting to know more and more about who he is
  • slowly it comes out that the muscle and sporty attitude is just the top layer to someone who is so deeply creative and passionate about music and the arts
  • you have so much new music to listen to because of him and he goes way harder than you expect when you, him, hyunjin and changbin go out to karaoke
  • of course chan’s never ending energy is able to be soft and tender, as it is when he kisses you - everywhere he can reach and how he reels in the strength to handle you with the utmost care
  • when the librarian sees him give you a kiss before you go in to get your things, she stops you and for the first time all summer gives you a thumbs up
  • of course, summer can’t last forever, and the early signs of fall show their face
  • the soccer camp ends and you go to the final game - held against another local camp to cheer chan on
  • he looks so natural on the field, and he looks even more natural with the kids
  • it’s no surprise that a career in sports would fit him - but finally the topic of school comes back up 
  • and you sit cross legged on the empty soccer field, chan’s jacket around your shoulders and his soccer whistle you stole around your neck
  • and you go
  • “have you decided?”
  • he pauses and tries to give you the look that is supposed to get him out of these situations, it doesn’t work and you ask again
  • “i want-”
  • he stops again and then sits back you get up and stand over him, looking down into his handsome face
  • you take it in your hands and ask again
  • “chan, tell me the truth and only the truth. what do you want?”
  • his gaze doesn’t falter
  • “i want you.”
  • he pulls you down and ontop of him, supporting your fall with his own body as he kisses you 
  • as much as you want to let him leave you breathless, you pull back and open your mouth to tell him to please be serious
  • but chan knows what you’re going to say before you do so he finally blurts it out
  • “i want to do music. i want to major in music.”
  • a smile blooms on your face - chan swears it nearly brings back the summer sun as you embrace him with a flurry of happy noises
  • he rolls you two over and grins down at you
  • “now that i told you, can we go back to kissing?”
  • in the future, years down the line, you look back on this moment with him and chan swears he wouldn’t be here - doing what he loves - if it weren’t for you
  • as you look around his music studio, you see all his hard work, you say that it was all chan
  • the stupid summer sun had a little to do with it back when you were younger, but you’re never going to admit that out loud
  • when chan gets up from his work, placing his headphones on the table and letting you lead him out to get dinner he jokingly goes,
  • “so summer wedding?”
  • “never in a million years.” 

☆[nostalgic] summer romance!au han jisung 
late birthday present for him and stays!|other skz aus

  • “you’re stepping on my foot.”
  • “deal with it.”
  • “you’re so bossy, no wonder the kids don’t like you.”
  • “do you want me to stomp on your foot next, jisung?”
  • he smirks in response
  • a half chuckle from nervousness because you might actually do it if he’s not careful
  • and another because just getting this response from you makes him giddy
  • the other camp counselors roll their eyes at the usual banter between you - head of troop 4 and him - head of troop 8
  • every summer is the same story
  • the infamous you vs. jisung rivalry 
  • in everything from team sports to arts and crafts to lunch chores
  • the rumor going around is that it all started when you two were both campers instead, years ago, chasing each other all around the grounds and giving your troop leaders at the time the biggest headaches of their lives
  • now all this time later, you two weren’t campers anymore 
  • and yet
  • your fighting still managed to cause a wave of groans heard deep deep into the forest and sky
  • but right now, under the canopy of the main cabin
  • everything seems to be just a little more tense
  • your hands are on his shoulders and jisung’s are on your waist
  • excitable troop 11 leader minho is standing five feet away
  • pointing to the two of you as an example for the troves of pre-teens that are sitting criss-cross on the floor
  • “now, for some of you this might be your first formal bonfire dance and i know youre excited, but we have to go over the dancing rules. first rule: keep a safe distance.”
  • you and jisung are obliging by that rule perfectly
  • there is no way you’re about to press any closer to him, and you’re sure he returns the sentiment
  • minho weaves his hands into the space between your bodies just to make a point 
  • it somehow seems to push the heat and familiar woodsy smell that comes off jisung toward you, it tickles at you skin and you want to swat it away 
  • but you keep rigid and ignore minho’s wrist that bumps your hip
  • you truly wish he’d just hurry up as 
  • this is getting beyond embarrassing
  • probably because you are the least suitable couple for this demonstration, you literally hate each other and due to some kind of misstep on your part or the stars refusing to align today
  • you ended up here
  • “second rule, you should let your partner lead. in this case, jisung will lead.”
  • you try to mute your scoff, but it comes out loud and echoes. jisung does that dumb smirk of his again.
  • “third rule: for slow dances, go in a square formation. like so.”
  • minho clears his throat and throws you two a look
  • you throw it back at him because -hello, you only agreed to stand still in this position not actually dance
  • but jisung suddenly curls the hand that’s on your waist a little tighter and with a confident nudge starts swaying you two in the devastatingly awkward silence
  • “minho, can we at least have some music?”
  • you hiss, you feel your skin hot with humiliation 
  • “right right.”
  • it’s some popular ballad from a drama you didn’t bother to watch, you try to concentrate on the sad lyrics
  • because jisung is effortlessly moving you two through the beat
  • and the blatantly obvious difference in his fluid like movements 
  • and your creaky, robotic ones is justcrushingyou 
  • the song - after what seems like a million years, accompanied with minho’s chattering - finally comes to an end
  • jisung twirls you around and when you come up on the turn 
  • you expect to see it for the third time
  • his smirk
  • but he’s not smirking, let alone even smiling. he’s just staring at you as if something other than embarrassment is scrawled across your face
  • you take offense to it - why wouldn’t you? you’re enemies
  • and you harshly tug your hand from his
  • without a word you return to your clustered troop at the back of the cabin and jisung shuffles to join his too
  • you don’t notice it, you’re busy doing your head count but he throws a glance over his shoulder
  • did you really hate it that much?
  • the bonfire dance rolls around at the end of the week
  • it’s been the same old routine up until then
  • your troops going head to head in anything and everything, you and jisung barking at each other like angry dogs and doing whatever possible to get on each others nerves
  • you have effectively erased the whole dance tutorial stunt minho had pulled on you both from your mind 
  • (and the mind of everyone else that even tried to bring it up)
  • and with the way jisung was acting, you suspect he had too
  • and now - under the fairy lights and smell of barbecue 
  • you watch the kids mingle and laugh, the music isn’t that loud - so you can still make out the buzz of words here and there when you hear
  • “dance?”
  • you turn around and jisung is standing there. he straightens up and you see the bright, orange tshirt all the counselors wear and the handmade bracelets from his troop on his wrist
  • you see the cargo pants you make fun of him for wearing all summer long
  • and the bandana that hangs out of the right pocket
  • his eyes wide like those of a frightened rabbit on a hiking path in the mid afternoon
  • if he was anyone else in the world, and not the him that you’ve known for years, you would have been smitten
  • which you find both hilarious and mortifying 
  • “what?”
  • “are you not going to dance?”
  • ah, so you’re here to finally make fun of me for not being able to dance. what else could i expect from han jisung-
  • “do you want to dance with me?”
  • in an only natural reaction you scrunch up your nose and eyebrows, glare at him and go
  • “what? no. of course not.”
  • “why not?”
  • “because -”
  • “i want to dance with you.”
  • he blinks in perfect clarity, like what he’s just said is some kind of given and not an anomaly that’s been built up for years 
  • “jisung - i dont know what you are getting at, but it isn’t funny-”
  • he puts a hand out and his warm fingertips brush yours
  • the dance, the buzz of other people, the music, the food, all of it melts out of the frame of your mind 
  • you still step back and away from him and jisung doesn’t move
  • “im not being funny. please dance with me.”
  • “i can’t dance.”
  • you blurt out, even though he’s the last person you want to confess that too
  • but this is so weird and you feel suddenly like the only person in the world 
  • “that’s ok. we don’t have to dance here.”
  • part of you is sure it’s an imagination you’ve conjured at the weakest point of this summer
  • as jisung walks through the lamp lit path to the back of the counselors cabin, out to the little meadow there that’s wet from the rain that came down hours before
  • you’d watched the droplets from inside the lunch tent, jisung had watched you from three tables over
  • he stops in the middle of it and you can smell him and the night woods
  • “no one will see us here.”
  • his hand finds your waist and you start to tremble
  • “jisung, what are you doing?”
  • “im going to dance with you.”
  • you shake a little more violently
  • “why, you and i hate e-”
  • he leans in so fast you almost choke back on the last word when his lips brush yours and his hand on your waist becomes less a feathery touch than a grip that flows a shock through you
  • “ive never said that, ive never said i hated you”
  • his lips whisper against yours
  • “youve never said you hated me either.”
  • your hands find the front of that obnoxiously bright shirt and you should push him away but you just bunch the fabric up
  • he doesn’t move
  • “we should have said it.”
  • “no.”
  • he kisses you again, and again, and again, and again until the only thing you can remember is what it feels like to be held so close to him in the warmth of his body
  • you’re dizzy because you can’t even remember it’s jisung until you are pulling apart because someone is yelling his name and your name
  • “we should go-”
  • “will you dance with me later, another time?”
  • you have a feeling his hand around you won’t let go unless you give him an answer
  • you look at him - eyes adjusting to the moonlight casting a shadow over his face
  • “yes, another time.”
  • a decade later - you’re standing on the floor of a wedding hall
  • your shoes are stuffy, the chatter of people all around you and the smell of food somewhere down the reception hall
  • you feel out of place and slightly embarrassed 
  • people are going to start dancing soon, aren’t they? i don’t want to dance…..
  • you regret coming for a fleeting second - but you couldn’t say no - you’ve known the groom, bang chan, for some time
  • refusing just because you didn’t want to make a fool of yourself for one dance would just be-
  • “are you not going to dance?”
  • the voice comes from behind you and you don’t turn, because you think you cannot be hearing correctly.
  • “do you want to dance with me?”
  • a hand takes yours and pivots you toward them slowly
  • suddenly the wedding halls white walls and lilacs turn to old wood and climbing ivy
  • the bright orange shirt, the cargo shorts, the big and soft and beautiful eyes
  • “jisung?”
  • “i want to dance with you and you said you’d dance with me later, remember - another time.”
  • his hand in yours reaches forward
  • and he turns from young and clumsy
  • to more mature and handsome
  • with a sharp jaw, long and heavenly features
  • when he softly tugs you by the waist toward him 
  • you swear you can still smell the trees on him
  • the memory of a scent from all those years ago
  • “i cant dance”
  • you mumble and he reaches his lips down toward your cheek, “that’s ok. we don’t have to dance here.”
  • you are in the tight hallway between the closed door of the staffs kitchen and the stairs leading up to the second floor of the hall
  • no one is around, they’re all gone - jisung is holding you close and turning you in small squares
  • “you’re stepping on my feet”
  • he whispers and you want to laugh, but you think you feel the tears roll down your eyes when you mutter back
  • “sorry.”
  • he shakes his head, and he seems like he wants to pull you right into him. tighter. closer. to make up all this time.
  • “no, you’re supposed to say-”
  • “do you want me stomp on your foot next, jisung?”

[9.06 pm] Chan watched you leave, tears in his eyes, while you took your belongings and pieces of his heart and closed the door behind you. He regretted ever laying his hands on another woman, but he knew the moment you found out he’d lost you forever.
