#self respect


1.) “There are no coincidences in life. What person that wandered in and out of your life was there for some purpose, even if they caused you harm. Sometimes, it doesn’t make sense the short periods of time we get with people, or the outcomes from their choices. However, if you turn it over to God he promises that you will see the big picture in the hereafter. Nothing is too small to be a mistake.” ― Shannon L. Alder

2.) Success is not obtained overnight. It comes in installments; you get a little bit today, a little bit tomorrow until the whole package is given out. The day you procrastinate, you lose that day’s success.” ― Israelmore Ayivor

3.) “One of the most powerful lessons in life is to recognize that no one can give you power, and many people don’t want you to have it. You have to find the courage to seize it, own it and hold on!” ― Shannon L. Alder

4.) “I cannot give up chasing after happiness simply because there might be pain down the road.”
― Jennifer Beckstrand

5.) “I just hope that one day, in one gloriously farcical moment I will be taken completely by surprise. I hope that I trip and fall. And when that day comes I hope that all of the doom and gloom that fill my black balloon will burst and ignite something so beautiful, so overwhelming that I find myself seeing beauty in the ugliest of places.” ― Kendal Rob

6.) I have no fucking idea what I want. Not just now in adulthood, but as a kid I did not feel allowed to dream. So, I didn’t. Never was a long-term planner, either. In my teens, somewhere around age 16, my junior year of high school, when staying away from home, busy in theater productions, was both my safe haven and my therapy, that is the one time I knew what I wanted, and what I was good at. When considering colleges, we looked for those with the best theater programs. So, I went to school for Dramatic Arts, and minored in English.
I had one small, humble dream for myself but never openly spoke about it. There were, however, two other people who knew, and one of them belittled and ridiculed me to such heights of insecurity and failure—which I believed as I thought they knew what was good for me—I took their abuse as gospel and stopped pursuing my dream and believing I was capable of doing anything at all. A fear of success is the most hideous and grotesque creature: it wants so badly to be beautiful and fruitful but it is fearful of everything: attention, accolades, losing friends, being popular, being teased, rising above others and being alone. Mostly I became terrified of sticking out in any way because of being different, better, talented. Any measure of success or notoriety made me nauseous. I stopped acting, once out of college, turned to work as a way of denying my abilities and did not allow myself any real pleasure for a couple decades. I turned 51 earlier this week and that shit has long stopped. I write, people like it. I sing, people like it. I act, lead, parent, dress differently than most women I know, decorate, create, assist, consult, dazzle, steal-the-show, am usually the life-of-the-party—and people still like me. Yet I feel small, humble, just no longer fearful. If they’re jealous, I don’t hear about it. Contrary to what I was threatened with, I am not alone, I am not unloved or chastised or belittled (at least not to my face), or less-than everyone else, and I am not frozen in terror, because my Self attracts ridiculous amounts of attention. Not all invited, I might add. I was raised to be someone else’s version of me: the version that made *them* comfortable. It was not the skin I was meant to wear. Hard lesson. Not going back to being afraid. And not abandoning myself ever again. Don’t give up.—Me

Agent 355

First of 7 square comic panels, each styled like gouache water color on paper which depict a human figure under sheets on a dark blue bed and a window with matching dark blue curtains behind them. In this panel the figure's face is tired and forlorn as they face slightly towards the viewer. A worry scribble of black lines stretches up from their head. The cresent moon is glowing low in the sky.
Second of 7 panels. The figure is unchanged but the worry scribble has grown darker and larger. The moon is slightly higher in the sky.
Third of 7 panels. The figure is still unchanged but the worry scribble has grown even larger and now casts a shadow over the un-sleeping figure and obscures part of the window and its rising moonlight. The scribble has grown bony fingured arms that hang down as if about to pounce.
Fourth of 7 panels. The scibble's face now appears as glowing yellow eyes and a glowing poiny smile like a jack-o-lantern. Its speech bubble is like oozing dark ink with bright yellow crooked text. "You've made TERRIBLE mistakes" the scribble says to the figure.
Fith of 7 panels. "Yeah, but I only made them once" the unsleeping figure says, tired eyes now closed as if to shrug off the previous comment. Their speech bubble is a plain semi transparent white bubble with rounded black lined text. The scribble's eyes are now just surprised tiny dots, and its mouth is a wobbly frown - as if it hasn't considered that.
Sixth of 7 panels. The figure has now turned over in bed, and we see only the one side of their face, their eye now peacefully closed. No longer connected to the figure's head, the scribble remains hanging in the air above them, untethered, with the same pitiful look frozen on their face.
The last of 7 panels. The scribble is gone and so is the shadow they cast over the sleeping figure. The moon is now high in the middle of the window and casts the sleeping face in light.

Doing better and moving on.

Remember what you really are…


[image descriptions in alt text]

ghettoso:HIS PASSION MY TRUTH © 2018 GHETTOSO - All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying or distr


HIS PASSION MY TRUTH © 2018 GHETTOSO - All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying or distribution may result in civil penalties.

Photographer: David John Gay

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There was a time—I’m talking of the 1990s, so almost of prehistory—when every bad decision that people made was attributed to lack of self-esteem, rather than to such human phenomena as, say, weakness, folly, cowardice, laziness, or even fear or duress, the first four of which were dismissed as being incurably judgmental and therefore useless as scientific explanation.

The problem with self-esteem is that it is entirely egotistical and self-regarding, unlike self-respect, which is a social virtue and imposes discipline and obligations upon the person who has, or wishes to have, it.

By contrast, self-esteem is like a medal that one pins to one’s own chest merely by virtue of existing. I am, therefore I esteem myself, and I demand that you esteem me too.

Curiously enough, at the height of self-esteem’s popularity most people knew, or at least had some inkling, that the whole idea was completely bogus. Sometimes when patients would say to me, “I have low self-esteem, doctor,” I would reply (admittedly not in every last case), “Well, at least you’ve got one thing right, then.”

Far from becoming angry, they started to laugh, as if they had been caught out in a naughty game that they had been playing. It came to them almost as a relief: they didn’t have to pretend to believe an evident absurdity any more, and then they could begin to examine the real causes of the devastation of their lives, some internal and some external

- Theodore Dalrymple

HIS PASSION MY TRUTH © 2018 GHETTOSO - All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying or distribution may


© 2018 GHETTOSO - All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying or distribution may result in civil penalties.

Photographer: David John Gay

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Quarantine dish: The only way to gain is to gain weight

Ingredients :

Crêpe dough

Ice cream oreo birthday cake


I would not exchange my self-respect for the most precious thing in the world. -Imam Sajjad (as) Al-

I would not exchange my self-respect for the most precious thing in the world.

-Imam Sajjad (as)
Al-Nari, Mustadrak al-Wasa'il, vol. 2, p. 364

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“Fuck being nice to everyone. If someone treats you badly, you have every right not to tolerate bullshit.”


5 Days Away!! Sign up for the email list so you don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to learn how to overcome body insecurities! The goal of the masterclass this month will be to equip you with the tools you need to recognize and release triggers. If you’ve ever felt triggered when you look in the mirror, this class is for YOU! And it’s only $25!!!

Head over to www.Patreon.com/BloomintoBeing to get on the email list! 5 days away!!! Don’t miss out!

Selenite. Black Tourmaline. Moonstone. Lepidolite. Clear Quartz. Citrine.I have sage’d my crystalsSelenite. Black Tourmaline. Moonstone. Lepidolite. Clear Quartz. Citrine.I have sage’d my crystalsSelenite. Black Tourmaline. Moonstone. Lepidolite. Clear Quartz. Citrine.I have sage’d my crystalsSelenite. Black Tourmaline. Moonstone. Lepidolite. Clear Quartz. Citrine.I have sage’d my crystalsSelenite. Black Tourmaline. Moonstone. Lepidolite. Clear Quartz. Citrine.I have sage’d my crystalsSelenite. Black Tourmaline. Moonstone. Lepidolite. Clear Quartz. Citrine.I have sage’d my crystalsSelenite. Black Tourmaline. Moonstone. Lepidolite. Clear Quartz. Citrine.I have sage’d my crystals

Selenite. Black Tourmaline. Moonstone. Lepidolite. Clear Quartz. Citrine.

I have sage’d my crystals in preparation to energy grid my bedroom for 2018…

All these crystals have the healing properties & qualities I need in my life right now and for this year…

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Do not ever prioritise anything over your (mental) health. Not school. Not grades. Not chores. Not family. Not friends. I know it is easy to form the habit of ignoring how miserable you actually feel when you have so many responsibilities that need your attention more (at least that is what you think). But you owe it to yourself. You owe it to yourself to stop and listen. To feelwhat is really going on. To take time to healwhat is really going on. Do not ignore the state of your body and mind, for it will only come back worse to the point that you will break. You need to realise that it is not what you deserve. Do not let the world tell you that you are supposed to feel this way all the time. You are not supposed to feel sick and tired, exhausted and empty, lonely and down. You are supposed to feel alive. So please make sure to prioritise yourself before making a choice to prioritise something or someone else.


“You and your body are not meant to work against one another, but to work together in harmony. You’re both a team. A single unit.”

— Nicole Addison @thepowerwithin

I find it ludicrous that people believe they can judge whether someone has self-respect through their actions. It’s called SELF-respect for a reason. Just like every person is unique on what satisfies them in life, what they believe to be success, etc, no one has the same definition on what personally respecting yourself is.

There are people that find tattoos and piercings to be lacking in self respect, that it’s totally disrespecting to ones body by desecrating it. Yet many people see it as a form of creative personal expression.

When people judge others in such way, all they are doing is placing judgement through their personal limited paradigm of how people must act. 

Saying you believe someone lacks self respect by observing their actions is as ridiculous as claiming you can read someones mind through the way they speak. 

 Humility, that low, sweet root, from which all heavenly virtues shoot. — Thomas Moore

Humility, that low, sweet root, from which all heavenly virtues shoot. 

— Thomas Moore

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