#stay hydrated






when t-rfs talk about “peaking” people what they’re talking about is grooming btw

they will for real dedicate/circulate entire threads detailing extremely specifically how to recruit people into their ideology, often through explicitly manipulative and sometimes even outright abusive means. they gloat and joke openly about doing it to friends and partners and coworkers and younger siblings and anonymously to young trans people on the internet. you see this happening pretty much everywhere regardless of whatever blog you’ve clicked on and are hate-reading, it’s integral to their entire ideology of which would probably honestly collapse without it yet they accuse trans people of being in a cult

look at any blog in the “des-sted dysphoric” community to see innumerable further examples of this. they wear that title like a badge, very conversion therapy-esque. i’ve seen these people openly discuss how to convince their trans male and transmasculine friends into detransitioning. threads upon threads of advice on how to do this. a lot of times they even journal about it on their blogs, like “omg my TIF friend wants top surgery how do i peak them asap”. this is innately unnatural and predatory behavior

wanted to offer an example of the type of shit they’re spoonfeeding to (usually young) dysphoric people in this community that they’re attempting to indoctrinate, notice that they name-dropped explicitly anti-trans books like abigail shrier’s “irreversible damage” (best-selling in conservative circles for a period of time upon its release) and recommend following “desisters” on social media to establish an echo-chamber






The thing that baffles me about Evangelicals is that their God is actually a very weak god.

Let me be clear that I’m talking about Evangelicals, not all Christians. I’m talking about the people that absolutely believe that Michelle Bachman, Sarah Palin, and Donald Trump were the candidates chosen by God. Except, God was defeated.

I’m talking about the people that think that a child hearing a backward message in rock music will be denied heaven, because the music corrupted their soul beyond the redemption of Christ somehow. God can be defeated by a guy with a guitar and eyeliner.

Their God will intercede and send tornados and hurricanes to places that are sinful– but can’t keep the GOP national convention from being recheduled or cut short due to the weather. And this same god– who will kill thousands of people because their local government won’t stone queers to death– is powerless to help individual people.

They spend all their time trying to protect their God.

Personally, I think it has something to do with their unwavering belief in Satan. They genuinely fear Satan; one might even say that they believe, in their heart of hearts, that Satan is every bit as powerfulas their God, although they’d never admit, of course.

I remember being an Evangelical child. I remember just how terrified I was of Satan. I honestly believed that simply seeingHis Infernal Majesty would instantlydamn me to an eternity in Hell, and that somehow not even God could or would save me. I’m genuinely puzzled now, of course, why exactly I believed that, but I doubt I was alone in that belief.

I mean that’s just it. Ignoring the fact that Bible!Satan is a distinctly different character than Evangelical!Satan, they’ve built a culture where the world God created has been twisted and perverted so that if you experience anything that is not specifically part of evangelical culture, it will destroy your soul and take you away from God.


Thank you, that’s exactly it. Doesn’t matter how innocent it is (I had to give up a Transformers toy, my sisters couldn’t play with My Little Pony), if it’s of the world, then it’s a danger.

Yeah, and it’s the fragility that surprises me. They talk about how awesome, all-powerful, and and all-knowing God is, and then they turn around and talk about how His creation has been completely perverted by…. <checks notes> things He Himself created, with full foreknowledge of what would happen when He created them, that He seems to be completely helpless to stop. “Sorry, Timmy, but Optimus Prime has robbed god of the ability to redeem your soul.”

i have put lil bowls of water all over the house and will hide lil treats everywhere so that my dogs can drink enough on these extremely warm days and have something nice to look for and distract them

taking a small break, see y'all next year
