#stu pot


Thought I’d try a Gorillaz version of ‘Draw the Squad’

Edited 3.3.2021

As promised, I have swapped the photo of my original sketch in favor of a higher quality scan version!

Original meme by @croxovergoddess

A crappy pen sketch of how each of Noodle’s dads would show her fun ways to use a bed sheet. We have creative Russel, simple 2D, and then there’s Murdoc…

Gorillaz Fanfiction Recommendation

So I just got done reading this wonderful Gorillaz fanfiction called Snapshots by vinnie2757 on fanfiction.net


This is a collection of stories that focus on Phases 1 and 2, and will definitely give you the family feels as it explores the relationships between the characters.

The author did an amazing job handling the character personalities, especially Murdoc! You might as well call this series Noodle And Her 3 Dads!

If you read it, please reblog with your favorite chapter and why!

Stuart Needs A Little Love!

My Pot Mum, which I have named Stuart (because I’m a nerd), has had a rough couple of weeks.

First, it rained really hard while I was at work, and he almost drowned. He was practically floating in his pot, and it took me forever to drain the excess water out! He finally dried out just in time for it to freeze for four days straight!

I brought him inside, and the cat tried to use him as a litter box. I was able to intervene in time to keep things from getting messy! He spent four days trapped inside a freezing cold house (I don’t have heat or insulation), with little to no sunlight thanks to the snow.

I was finally able to put him back outside yesterday to get some sunlight.

Here he is, looking very sad and droopy, but still alive!

Hang in there, Stu!

3D Phase 4 Gorillaz Edit

(Be Rad, Please Tag!)

This is a large anaglyph, so it will probably look better on a device with a large screen

I got a pot mum during Thanksgiving, and I decided to try to keep it alive. I noticed that it had one of those little tab thingies that tells you what kind of plant you have, and it said Pot Mum on it. So… I named it Stuart…


Murdoc: Well it’s in my heritage.

Noodle: What does that mean?

2D: It means his dad was a slut too.

We had a severe thunderstorm last night, and I wasn’t fast enough to bring Stuart under the porch. He got soaked, so I dumped the extra water out then put him under the porch. I set him out in the sun today and dumped more water out. He was still a little soggy, so I brought him in for the night, just in case it rains again!

Here he is, drying out in my room:

Road Trips with Murdad Be Like:

(5.28.2021 I edited this because I felt the pictures need a little touching up and some helpful text)

Based on this tiktok:

Phase 6 Chaotic Siblings babysitting their drunk Uncle Muds while Mom Russel is out running errands

Mom Russel: You two keeping an eye on Murdoc? He was pretty hammered when I left

Chaotic Siblings:

Quick Gorillaz What If based on my Noodle really is Murdoc’s daughter Headcanon

What if Noodle and her mom weren’t the only things The Deal erased from Murdoc’s memory?

What if Murdoc also already knew Stuart and Russel, and they would regularly hang out?

What if they were already working on forming a band in the late 80’s, when Murdoc met Noodle’s mom?

What if they all moved into Noodle’s mom’s place so they could get the band up and running?

What if Russel and Stuart were good uncles and helped take care of baby Noodle?

What if Stuart was visiting his parents, and Russel was out looking for a drum set when Murdoc made The Deal? Stuart just stayed with his parents, and Russel went back home. Neither one of them remembered anything about the others.

What if…


I don’t realize I’m knee-deep into a fandom until I’m making memes for it but by then it’s already too late.

These are so accurate it hurts! And I love it!

Watch “Gorillaz - Rise of the Ogre: Chapter 3 (Episode 5)” on YouTube

You’re listened to the official Rise of the Ogre Audiobook, which only covers the first two chapters of the book. Now get ready for this incredible fan made audio of Chapter 3! The voice acting is superb, and Pazuzu Pictures has Chapter 3 - 6 posted!

Gorillaz Headcanon - Drunk, High, or Sober? Edited 10.02.2021

Whenever the band goes out on tour, to the grocery store, to the bar, or generally out in public, Russel, 2D, and Noodle like to amuse themselves with a game Russel invented called “Drunk or Sober”.

Murdoc doesn’t know about the game because he’s the person the game is about.

The game begins when Murdoc starts, well, being Murdoc. Russel, Noodle, and 2D each sit back and quietly place a bet on whether Murdoc is drunk (or high,) or not. It’s not as easy to guess as it sounds because Murdoc in general acts weird.

Russel invented the game after one of their North American tours. After a successful show in one of the southern States, the band had gone out to a local bar, which was in the obligatory “cowboy/western” theme.

After a few drinks, the band was relaxing and having fun with some fans, watching as a few brave patrons tried their luck with the mechanical bull.

Russel was torn from helping Noodle and 2D tell stories of their adventures to a group of fans by a sudden storm of excited cheering. He looked up and noticed Murdoc was gone.

Noodle muttered an irritated expletive, and Russel, dread settling in the pit of his stomach, followed her line of sight just in time to see Murdoc climb up on the mechanical bull, putting on a cowboy hat someone in the crowd tossed him.

2D cringed in embarrassment as the DJ started blasting “Cotton Eye Joe”. Murdoc had purposefully picked that song because he knew 2D hated it.

Russel panicked as the bull started up, picturing the newspaper headline “Gorillaz Bassist Breaks Neck on Mechanical Bull Ride in Unfortunate Drunken Accident”. He ended up utterly baffled as Murdoc, making his Suggestive Murdoc Noises the entire time, stood up and went full “guy dancing on mechanical bull” (he would later claim that the guy had copied him.)

Russel, 2D, and Noodle alternately watched nervously (waiting for the inevitable calamity to happen), and argued over whether Murdoc was drunk, high, or sober (or relatively sober).

Noodle and 2D argued that no drunk person was that coordinated, while Russel argued that no sober person was stupid enough to try to dance on a moving mechanical bull.

Miraculously, the little show ended with the crowd cheering wildly as Murdoc dismounted, triumphant and unharmed.

He received a free souvenir t-shirt, lifetime free admission and drinks, and several propositions, then spent an hour posing for pictures in his borrowed Stetson.

He would remember nothing the following morning, proving Russel right, and his social media pages would be bombarded by fans tagging him in a certain video that made it on the internet. And of course Drunk, High, or Sober was born.
