#study blog

= 22nd April 2018, Sunday =Again, I did this around the start of March but I’m not sure what the exa

= 22nd April 2018, Sunday =

Again, I did this around the start of March but I’m not sure what the exact date was, so I’ll just settle for today. I may have been having a bit of an obsession with crystals that month, as seen by this spread. It was fun to make my first spread and to draw out the crystals on the blue paper was kinda therapeutic after a long day. 

Listening to: All The Stars (Kendrick Lamar, ft. SZA)✨

Post link
= 31st March 2018, Saturday =I did this around the start of March but I’m not sure what the exact da

= 31st March 2018, Saturday =

I did this around the start of March but I’m not sure what the exact date was, so I’ll just settle for today. I really like the plain, simple look here, even though it didn’t turn out as what I had envisioned in my mind. I’m still quite proud of it though, so yay!!

Post link

= 31st March 2018, Saturday =

Again, I did this a while back but never got around to posting it. (Thanks a lot, procrastination.) Not that proud of it, considering the weirdly coloured planets and the overkill of dots on the second page butI did compile everything I wanted, so there’s that.

= 28th March 2018, Wednesday =

The first page of my bullet journal!! Thought I would do something light and happy, hence the circle of flowers and rainbow watercolour. Did this a while ago but forgot to post it (another bad trait of mine). 


Hi everybody!! Firstly, I can’t express how excited and nervous I am to join the studyblr community. I used to scroll on Tumblr and see posts from study blogs pop up on my dashboard. Truthfully, besides thinking about how aesthetic the images were, I wondered what was the point of having a studyblr. 

However, now that I’ve reached Secondary school, I understand why. School is hectic (never-ending projects/assignments and homework seemingly being handed out every single day) and that sometimes leads to messy notes that I can barely read, along with the inability to complete all my tasks.

It doesn’t help that I get easily distracted. I could be doing my work when suddenly, I see a bird outside my window and I think ‘wow, what a beautiful bird’. The next thing I know, I’m trying to take pictures of the said bird and by the time I focus back on my work, an hour has passed.

After looking at an endless number of study blogs, freaking out over their amazing posts and how pretty their notes are, and seeing how effective having a blog is, I have decided to start a studyblr. I hope to achieve many goals, particularly:

  • (Actually) studying for subjects by writing notes.
  • Have neat, precise and helpful notes.
  • Have a to-do list that I will (actually) stick to.
  • Filing everything related to a certain subject neatly in its respective files.
  • Obtain the marks that I set for myself.
  • Make new friends on Tumblr. (!!)
  • Still have time to spend with my loved ones and activities I enjoy.

I hope that I’ll be fully committed to updating my blog at least once a week, once every two weeks if I can’t handle it, and I want to say sorry in advance for giving anyone who looks at my posts eye cancer because I write like a chicken and my notes will definitely not be as aesthetically pleasing as others.

Thank you if you’ve decided to follow me and/or read all the way to the end of this introduction for some strange reason!! Hope anyone reading this has an amazing year ahead of you!

= claudia ann =

Favourite studyblrs that I found while making this blog (because I never followed any studyblrs I found beforehand as I didn’t have a Tumblr account) :

@officiallystudying@educatier@oikawastudies@birdkostudies@gloomy-collects@journalsanctuary@startingbullet@gloomstudy@studyskylar@cielstudies@hannybstudies@shinydoughnut@merakinotes@nerdastically@stvdybuddies@crescentwords@mossballstudies@bookmrk@studymotion@thatstudyblr-aesthetic@studyinginstyle@piiess@livingthatlibrarylifestyle@alloquy@kaylareads@studytherin@mycupoflarry@cuppa-studies@abiistudies@sophistudies@penseuls@arkhaio-study@studynoctis@studytune@ohalienstudies@studyrellablr@etudiaire@softtblanket@moonshinestudies@chrissiestudies@studyessie@etherea1 @kuroristudies@cinnabonstudies

The -овать suffix can be used to turn nouns into verbs, e.g. штраф (fine, penalty) becomes штрафовать (to fine).  When conjugating, drop the -овать in the present tense. For example, ревновать (to be jealous) becomes я ревную, ты ревнуешь, etc.


чувствовать - (v) to feel
торговать - (v) to trade
жаловаться/пожаловаться - (v) to complain
иронизировать - (v) to speak ironically
переставать/перестать - (v) to stop, cease, quit
голосовать/проголосовать - (v) to vote; to give voice

New Words/Hовые Cлова

использовать - (v) to use
доставать/достать - (v) to reach, to be able to reach; to take out; get, procure, obtain
требовать/потребовать - (v) to demand, request; to need, call for
рисовать/нарисовать - (v) to draw, design; to paint

or, I had this list of words I couldn’t categorize easily


который - (pronoun) which, who, that
некоторый - (adj) some, certain
каждый - (adj) each, every
никто - (pronoun) nobody
любой - (determiner) any, either, whichever one wants
сам - (pronoun) myself, yourself

New Words/Hовые Cлова

там - (adv) there
тут - (adv) here, now, then
ничто - (pronoun) nothing
несколько - (pronoun) a few, several, some; (adv) somewhat, slightly, some

Stickers used for this spread can be found at my store @satsumaimo444 !!!! btw yes that is a djungelskog sticker, and yes its in the shop along w the kewpies

Long time no see guys- lately ive been really busy with my shop! However this coming semester I will try to post more ☁️ hope you are all doing well! :))))

Oh btw- shameless plug but the notepad is available on my shop if you guys are interested! Shop and insta available in the linktree below!


Oh lord- it’s so upsetting how short the AOT episodes feel this far in the game

Are any of us even mentally or physically prepared for the new chapter?….

These are now on the shop guysss im also waiting on my yesstyle order to arrive, i ordered a little A6 size binder notebook, and im just over the moon with excitement! Shop link below if you wanna support the shop! Even reblogs help a whole ton! <3 https://etsy.me/2UBfduJ

The stickers are coming to the shop soon but i also decided to include some of my products in the spread hehe OH and new stuff has been listed link to support below!


The stationery i designed finally has launched on my etsy! Im super excited for it to even exist and im actually working on future products for the shop!! :)


Aug 30th 2020

My muji order came in :) i bought hella pens to include in the etsy bundle im working on. The washi tapes are coming in soon meaning theyll be available soon! :) and finally im working on sticker sheets so theyll be coming soon too! :)) Super excited

Insta: @ latteandstudy // @ satsumaimo_444


aug 16, 2021 - reviewing basic math concepts before school starts

it’s been a long time I’m studying and i have this idea of blogging all of my progress here on tumblr so i can look back and generate an idea on what topics or skills i need to improve on. for now, I’m trying to enhance my skills on mathematics and tried some problem sets too!!

it’s a great day to study so u should start too.

Handed in my first assignment on Wednesday. Kinda nervous about it but it’s a 40% pass mark and it’s a pass/fail so hopefully should be fine!!

Here is a little view of my desk! I need to order more of those pen organisers because they don’t fit even half of my stationary in
