#study habits



vaguely academic things to do to keep yourself entertained

hopefully you’ll find something to enjoy! happy learning x



When studying, most people try to find motivation thinking that this will get them through their study session, or they will see their failure as a result of a lack of motivation. But motivation isn’t always what we need - what do you do on the days you have no motivation? This is why we need self-discipline.


Motivation - a willingness to do something. It is the set of psychological forces that compel you to take action. A goal or reward that you look forward to that will encourage you to study - while this is useful, what happens on a day when you just don’t feel like studying?

Self-Discipline - making yourself do things you know you should do when you don’t want to. Being trained to routinely study regardless of how unmotivated you are - this is what will get you out of bed on a day you don’t feel like studying.

So if motivation is ‘why we should do something’ - self-discipline is more ‘what to do next’.


  • Make a commitment with yourself that you will make studying as your habit. This is super important. Commit yourself to make this as your new habit. Don’t half-ass any of these suggestions or any other suggestions that other people give. Don’t give yourself silly, illegitimate excuses in the process. For this, you can do it by remind yourself on what your long-term goals in life are. Or if they don’t sound rewarding enough, remind yourself what failure feels like/ could feel like.
  • Set yourself a routine and stick to it
  • Never have a zero day - 10 minutes is better than nothing!! Do flashcards from your bed or watch youtube ted talks if you can’t physically study. This will help help develop a routine and make it easier for you to cope. Also, by studying everyday your brain will know that the content you are learning should be stored as long-term information so this will benefit you in the long run! However I do want to stress not to force yourself if you don’t have the capacity / energy for it. Take care of yourself too.
  • Avoid long breaks. Unless you know that taking an hour long break means only an hour, then you can ignore this. But fo the majority of us, once we’ve taken a while out of studying it can be hard to get back into it again. One minute you’re taking a 20 minute break for a snack and some phone time and the next thing you know you’re on Youtube and four hours have passed! To avoid this, try stick to shorter breaks - five or ten minutes for a snack break, toilet break and to check any phone messages. A good method to try for this is the Pomodoro Method!
  • Build on your productivity, not your failures.
  • If you come from a past of procrastinating and now feel motivated to change and discipline yourself, do NOT try to do everything at once. Start things slow and in steps.
  • Set yourself smaller deadlines for your goals like monthly and weekly deadlines - e.g. if you are doing a project, due 27th June, set personal deadlines, like have the introduction written by the 8th, have your literature review written by the 15th, have project complete by the 25th. 
  • Break down the things that you must do into smaller, concrete activities and put those smaller activities in that to-do list; allocate specific time periods to do each smaller activities and put it the to-do list as well; set an alarm reminder for each smaller activities. Say you have to study for English on Tuesday, because for whatever reasons you just decided to dedicate your time this Tuesday to study English. However, I’d suggest that you break down that specific activity (or “daily goal”) before putting it in your to-do list. So, instead of just putting “study for Physics”, try putting “read and highlight Chapter 9″, because putting very general/broad activity like “study English” can actually make you too confused on where and how to start doing it, and make you very prone to distractions in the process. 
  • Know your limits. Self-discipline isn’t doing as much as you can until you break - it’s about having control, knowing what you can realistically manage and getting that done.
  • Give yourself rewards! I love to have something to look forward to as I get work done! This means mixing motivation and self-discipline. I tell myself after this lecture I can have an animal crossing break or check some messages etc. 
  • Track your progress – don’t forget to put a checklist on your to-do list after accomplishing a task. It would relieve your stress a bit and motivate you to continue doing the remaining activities on your to-do list. 
  • Remove distractions from your study space! Personally, if my phone is out and I notice a notification…I’m gonna check it. It’s human nature! So to combat this, I use apps like Forest that force me to stay within the app while I study. If I know I might get hungry during a study session I’ll keep a little snack by my desk so I don’t have to get up and somehow find something else to distract me.
  • Just do it isn’t that easy. I find to get myself in a ‘work boss’ mood I need to feel good about myself so I put on a nice outfit and maybe some eyeliner and hype myself up so I know I can do my tasks and get stuff done! It feels so much better than lazing in my pyjamas trying to study.
  • Be patient. It’s going to be a rough journey, it’s going to be hard but you’ve got this! Take it one step at a time. Start off by completing one task a day, then move to two, then three, and the next thing you know, you’ll have a regular routine where you will constantly be ticking off your to-do list everyday! But remember to be kind to yourself, know when your body is not in the right state of health to study and don’t force it. Only force yourself to a limit, you’ll know when to stop and that’s okay. Just try again when you feel better! Your health is much more important!


  • Study repeatedly - Overlearn. Take advantage of life’s little intervals (i.e.- riding the bus, walking, waiting in the grocery checkout line)
  • Spend time actively thinking about material - Exercise weak memories with rehersal and critical reflection. No skimming!
  • Make material personally meaningful - Write notes in your own words. Form as many cue associations (i.e.- images, experiences) as possible! 
  • Use mnemonic devices for lists - Associate items with peg words, create a vivid story involving the items, or chunk items into acronyms 
  • Refresh your memory by activating cues - Mentally re-create situations/moods where you orginally learned the material or physically return to the location 
  • Minimize interferences - Study about an hour before sleep. Don’t study similar subjects back-to-back (i.e.- Studying Spanish then French right after) 
  • Test your knowledge - Don’t be overconfident about recalling the material. Test yourself with the learning objectives. You can outline sections, define terms/concepts, create practice tests, or explain the topic to a friend without using your notes

Psychology: 8th Edition by David G. Myers, Chapter 9 - Memory 

13 December 2019

I have not posted on here for a long time but I’ve been really active on Instagram (@ aacademic). Took my last final for this semester today.

September 19, 2018 I got an A on my biology exam! Yay! Three more to go and then I don’t have to tak

September 19, 2018
I got an A on my biology exam! Yay! Three more to go and then I don’t have to take the final!!

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September 5, 2018 I suck at drawing hexagons. I go into my first lab in one hour! I’m kind of nervou

September 5, 2018
I suck at drawing hexagons. I go into my first lab in one hour! I’m kind of nervous!!

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Trying to get your kids to succeed in school can be a tough challenge. The fact of the matter is: Most kids don’t really enjoy studying and doing homework, regardless of race, gender, or nationality. The stereotype goes that the Chinese tend to have extremely disciplined study habits, that they outperform many Western students, and that they’re destined for top universities and high-paying jobs.…

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100 Days of Productivity

Sat 3 Jul 21

The state has been sent into a COVID lockdown and I’ve honestly been having a rather nice time. Am working from home, so have had time in between to organise my room, go on walks, read books, etc etc. It feel like I’m existing at a slower, calmer pace and I love it.

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i’ve been planning my work obsessively and it’s working decently well so far!!



hey everyone! i’m a peer tutor at my university and i wanted to share some study strategies that i’ve found really helpful in my stem/content-heavy courses. please feel free to share yours with me as well!

(image descriptions under the cut)

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Day 1/100 - first day of classes featuring textbooks and my desk setup

Today’s my first day of grad school :) i just have one in person class today, (and a lot of reading to do) wish me luck!

archystudy:25 August - I got a desk today!! With New Zealand in Level 3 at the moment, I have to worarchystudy:25 August - I got a desk today!! With New Zealand in Level 3 at the moment, I have to wor


25 August - I got a desk today!! With New Zealand in Level 3 at the moment, I have to work and stay at home and I was finding uni so hard without having a proper work station, not anymore! so exciting!

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sharing my ap gov notes from a few months ago when i was preparing to take my last ap exam ever (what a bittersweet feeling!)

philology-studies:28.08.20 / it’s almost september! i was checking my goals for august and found mysphilology-studies:28.08.20 / it’s almost september! i was checking my goals for august and found mys


28.08.20 / it’s almost september! i was checking my goals for august and found myself pleasantly surprised that i’ve completed most of them. here’s an orchid i got the other day. not sure what to name her yet. any ideas? hope you’re doing well. happy friday ♡

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I’ve spent my whole weekend catching up on chapter readings and lectures because I procrastinated all week. It’s definitely harder to maintain motivation and focus when we aren’t meeting up for classes. I think I learned my lesson though so I hope to follow my schedule to avoid this issue next weekend.
