
2 • 7 • 2018 I haven’t posted in a while since my notes have been anything but aesthetic- but that’s2 • 7 • 2018 I haven’t posted in a while since my notes have been anything but aesthetic- but that’s

2 • 7 • 2018
I haven’t posted in a while since my notes have been anything but aesthetic- but that’s sort of what studying is, especially in college. I’m learning SN2 and electrophilic addition reactions and loving the heck out of organic chemistry. (I declared my major in Biochemistry a couple days ago because of how much I adore this class and my professor).

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proof based calculus is a beautiful subject, but also a very difficult one (for me, at least). final

proof based calculus is a beautiful subject, but also a very difficult one (for me, at least). finals are in ten days~

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BIOCHEMISTRY BLOOD TESTINGBiochemistry blood test measures the levels of chemical substances carriedBIOCHEMISTRY BLOOD TESTINGBiochemistry blood test measures the levels of chemical substances carried


Biochemistry blood test measures the levels of chemical substances carried in the blood. This type of test allows us to evaluate the how well the liver and kidneys are working and how much fat and sugar is circulating in the bloodstream.

Blood Glucose 

When carbohydrates are eaten they are broken down and stored in the Liver as Glycogen until the animal needs energy where it is then converted to glucose and transported around the body. We use blood glucose as a monitor of metabolism and physiology.

Normal BG (Canine) - 5.6 to 13.9mmol/L

Normal BG (Feline) - 5.6 to 16.7mmol/L

INCREASED BG - Diabetes Mellitus is indicated however it is recommended that the urine is also checked for Glucose as if present this means the kidneys have reached their threshold and Diabetes is very likely. Note that cats can have stress induced hyperglycemia and so a diagnosis of diabetes should not be made on a single BG reading.

DECREASED BG - Patients that are sick and deliberated often have hypoglycemia. but puppies who have been starved for procedures can also suffer from a low BG. In addition to this hunting breeds that have been working hard for a prolonged time can also suffer from a low BG.

Bun Urea Nitrogen (BUN)

BUN is the by product produced when Proteins are broken down and used within the body. This by-product is excreted by the Kidneys in the urine. 

INCREASED BUN - This would mean the kidneys are not working sufficiently and could be an indicator of kidney disease or kidney obstruction that is preventing urine reaching the bladder and therefore build up in the Kidney. Heart disease causing poor circulation to the kidneys could also be a cause of increased BUN.

DECREASED BUN - As the liver breaks down Protein a lower level of BUN could indicate that the liver is not working as well as it should and isn’t breaking down protein as well as it should.

Creatinine (CREA)

Creatinine is solely filtered out of the blood by the kidneys.

INCREASED CREA - Impaired Kidney function

Calcium (CAL)

Calcium is a mineral that is found at a consistent level within the blood. It’s needed for muscle and nerve function and without it death can occur.

INCREASED CAL - Some types of cancers and medications can cause an increase in Calcium.

DECREASED CAL - Some animals can experience low calcium levels during pregnancy, post partum and during lactation. This condition is called Eclampsia.

Total Protein (TP) 

The measurement of two blood protein molecules: Albumin and Globulins. Albumin is produced by the Liver and levels are often decreased when the animal is going through a period of poor nutrition. Chronic infectious disease will also cause low Albumin levels.

Globulins include immunoglobulins which are used by the body to fight infection. Certain diseases such as FIP can cause an increase in this.

Bilirubin (BIL)

Haemoglobin is found inside red blood cells, it carries oxygen to tissues around the body. When RBC’s die or are destroyed and the haemoglobin is broken down, bilirubin is a by product of this process which is then excreted by the Liver. 

INCREASED BIL -  An increase can be seen when the Liver is diseased and is can’t clear the bilirubin efficiently. A liver or bile duct obstruction can cause bilirubin to build up thus resulting in high levels in the blood so this should also be considered.

Alkaline Phophatese (ALKP)

This is an enzyme used to assist with various chemical reactions within the body. The normal levels vary from animal to animal but in dogs, an increase could indicate some forms of cancer or Liver disease.

Atanine Amino Transferase (ALT)

This is an important enzyme for adequate Liver function. An increase in this enzyme would indicate that Liver cells are breaking down, this could be because of cancer, cirrhosis, or liver congestion due to heart failure.

Cholesterol (CHOL)

INCREASE CHOL - Inadequate Thyroid function

DECREASE CHOL - The animal has been through a period of starvation or is not having their nutritional requirements met.


These levels are almost always interpreted together. Their levels can be affected if there is a disease of the adrenal glands, heart, or kidneys. 

INCREASED RATIO - Not clinically significant

DECREASED RATIO - Primary Hypoadrenocorticism

When evaluated on their own: 

INCREASED K+ -  Acute kidney failure, Chronic kidney disease or Addisons disease.

DECREASED K+ - Chronic kidney disease, or lost through vomiting and diarrhoea.

INCREASED SODIUM - Dehydration through vomiting and diarrhoea

DECREASED SODIUM - caused by severe vomiting and diarrhoea or can be seen if the patient has been on diuretics. 

I’m sorry this has taken so long to do and that it’s so rushed :( 

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when it takes you a while to process what someone is saying and you realize they asked you a question

I cannot fucking believe I am drunk, past midnight, and tumblr is throwing fucking saturated fatty-acids at me

Listen here friendo I didn’t sit through a year of organic chemistry for you to come into my house and call a carboxylic acid a saturated fatty acid you respect that hexadecanoic acid

And I didnt get a degree in biochemistry to hear you say that carboxylic acids with aliphatic chains arent fatty acids. That hexadecanoic acid IS a saturated fatty acid!

battle of the biochemists


I remember drawing all the branches of the abdominal aorta until its terminal branches back when I was a first year med student. Yet, I can’t seem to master them completely!


259 of 366

Going back to biochemistry basics this week really helped me understand the various clinical diseases I’ve encountered throughout med school :)


Happy hormones all together! New enamel pins, from left to right: Testosterone, Insulin and Estrogen

Happyhormones all together! 

New enamel pins, from left to right: Testosterone,InsulinandEstrogen

Because we are total nerds, Testosterone boasts a molecular model beard and Estrogen is sporting the molecular structure for estradiol, one of three types of estrogen made by humans. We especially love the beautiful form of the amino acid chain that comprises Insulin. 

Get in on this nerdy fashion action at iheartguts.com.

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just got my IB results!!!!! met my conditional offer in the UK ٩(˃̶͈̀௰˂̶͈́)و whoop whoop ~ hope everyone’s doing well !!

Debouuut il est 7h! C’est le jour du fermenteuuuur! #biochemistry #bioch #fermentation #sexylab #pin

Debouuut il est 7h! C’est le jour du fermenteuuuur! #biochemistry #bioch #fermentation #sexylab #pinkhair #metalhead #protein #goodmood

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More Tyler Smith stuff–environments as well as creatures:https://www.artstation.com/tsmith3dI More Tyler Smith stuff–environments as well as creatures:https://www.artstation.com/tsmith3dI More Tyler Smith stuff–environments as well as creatures:https://www.artstation.com/tsmith3dI More Tyler Smith stuff–environments as well as creatures:https://www.artstation.com/tsmith3dI More Tyler Smith stuff–environments as well as creatures:https://www.artstation.com/tsmith3dI More Tyler Smith stuff–environments as well as creatures:https://www.artstation.com/tsmith3dI

More Tyler Smith stuff–environments as well as creatures:


I floop-floopian LOVE this guy’s stuff, so much…His designs give me chills in a way I’ve felt on only a handful of occasions since first reading EXPEDITION over 25 years ago.The most abstracted of his creations approach the level of otherworldliness I associate with true “aliens”–organisms generated independently by biotic processes occurring on a remote world in total isolation from terrestrial evolution. Look upon his works, ye mighty, and despair!

Please see also:


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Disculpen la ausencia la semana pasada, pero estaba indispuesta. Ahora sí a retomar con normalidad actividades, por lo que les comparto un apunte rápido sobre proteínas y sus generalidades.

Excuse the absence last week, but I was indisposed. Now yes to resume activities normally, so I share a quick note about proteins and their generalities.

Really interesting study on the venom of P. muticus. The image is not P. muticus but looks like a P. murinus. Both are colloquially called baboon spiders. This is why scientific names are so important. This could help with better treating chronic pain in people and animals. This is also a good example of why we need to protect entire habitats and not just the cute animals we want to hug. I do like that the actual paper says the tarantula has an “appealing coloration”.

Anabaena Sensory Rhodopsin | March 20163D Model of cyanobacterial membrane protein using Maxon Cinem

Anabaena Sensory Rhodopsin | March 2016

3D Model of cyanobacterial membrane protein using Maxon Cinema 4D

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Notes on protein structure! It took some time but I enjoyed making them.Notes on protein structure! It took some time but I enjoyed making them.

Notes on protein structure! It took some time but I enjoyed making them.

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Made these Biochemistry & Metabolism notes from last semester for my final exam :) It was my first time taking a 5 credit hour subject. Honestly, there were tons of stuffs + terms to memorize, especially the metabolic pathways. The nucleotide biosynthesis topic was really tough for me b/c I’ve never learn it before + I also had to memorize the diseases + syndromes along with how they affect the associated pathways. Well, I’m just glad that I got a GPA 4.0 for my Biochemistry & Metabolism! Hard work does pay off :)

Researchers at the University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada have conducted the world’s first molecular-level structural analysis of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant spike (S) protein. The analysis – done at near atomic resolution using cryo-electron microscopy – reveals how the heavily mutated Omicron variant attaches to and infects human cells. 

The S protein, which is located on the outside of a coronavirus, enables SARS-CoV-2 to enter human cells. The Omicron variant has an unprecedented 37 mutations on its S protein – three to five times more than previous variants. 

Researchers have identified potential genetic risk factors that could explain why some people lose their sense of smell and taste after being infected with Covid-19. The two signature symptoms are thought to arise after the virus damages infected cells in the nasal cavity.

The cells, which are part of an area called the olfactory epithelium, protect neurons linked to smelling. Although the exact cause for this sensory loss is not yet known, a new study suggests that two genes – called UGT2A1 and UGT2A2 – in the nose tissue that help metabolize odors could offer an explanation.
