
Someone tells that the suicide’s news are all fake…

Someone tells that the suicide’s news are all fake…

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How do you own disorder?Follow me on Instagram

How do you own disorder?

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3.17.16 dear whomever reads this, does anyone else realize how messed up our generation is? like, ok


dear whomever reads this,

does anyone else realize how messed up our generation is? like, okay, that sounds a bit overly clichè and overly used; but nonetheless it is true. there are young girls/boys, STARVING theirselves to feel beautiful or worthy. they feel as though they have to be a certain weight to be accepted. and thats just sad honestly. my favorite quote is, ‘we blame society but we are society’, because its true. we have the ability to accept or ridicule eachother and if that is not power then im not sure what is.

put it in perspective. lets say, you have a son, refusing to eat his favorite dinner and desert because he needs to ‘loose weight’. because, kids at his school put in his mind that he isnt lovely since he doesnt sport a six pack like them, or because his body type is different from theirs.

let me just ask, would you want to see your child starving theirself because they arent what society say they should be?

i wouldnt.

i understand that eating disorders are beyond serious, and arent easy to recover from. and i am not judging anyone whom has an eating disorder, or mental illness; im a judge free zone. what i am trying to say is that, seeing on social media, these people encouraging or promoting these things that shouldnt be tooken lightly is just heart breaking. i guess im a bit too self ritcheous, or whatever, but i feel as though we all should be there for eachother, not encourage one another into an illness that could very much kill you.

much love. x

i apologize for the lengthy caption, and for ranting. if i dont make sense, im sorry. i just felt as though it needed to be said. i did not in anyway mean to offend anyone. i love you guys.

sincerely, a friend.

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1.10.16 dear whomever reads this, tips with self harm; 1. use a pen or marker to draw on yourself ra


dear whomever reads this,

tips with self harm;

1. use a pen or marker to draw on yourself rather than a razor.

2. ring up a friend to distract your mind from the sad thoughts.

3. go for a run.

4. Talk to someone you trust about it. trust me I know it’s hard and scary, but releasing your thoughts does help more than you know.

5. Listen to music to entertain your mind.

6. The butterfly project. draw a butterfly upon your wrist and name it after a loved one (favorite celebrity, family member, friend, lover, ect) and think of it as a reminder that they’re always by your side no matter what. and if you ever do have the feeling of harming your beautiful self, then think of it as killing the butterfly and taking its life away.

7. please please remember that relapsing is a part of recovery and it’s okay. it does NOT mean you’re weak, actually it proves how strong you are enough to put effort in getting better. a smoker, or a drug user doesn’t get better over night, do they? no they don’t. it takes time, and that’s okay. As long as you get back on the wagon, you’re okay.

much love. x

sincerely, a friend.

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