#summer witch

Witch’s LadderA Witch’s Ladder is a spell or several spells consisting on 3, 9 or 13 kno

Witch’s Ladder

A Witch’s Ladder is a spell or several spells consisting on 3, 9 or 13 knots. Traditionally 9. A cord , rope or sometimes hair can be used to make it and it has been a practice from long time ago. Charms are knotted or braided with specific magical intention into the cords. The number of knots and nature of charms varies with the intention.

Some people like to chant a specific rhyme while knotting the charms, others will just think about each spell in their minds.

In other versions it can also be several spells that are waiting to be used. So each time you need one, you untie the knot with the specific intention and release its energy.

Have you tried making a witch’s ladder?

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Decorations: cornucopia, bread basket, corn dolly, sunflowers

Incense: peppermint, chamomile, eucalyptus, rosemary

Food: wild berries, bread, beer, cider, corn, grains, potatoes, rice, grapes, pears, nuts

It is now high summer and the union of sun and earth has produced the first harvest. It is a time of gathering in and giving thanks for abundance. Feasting, market fairs, games and bonfires are the order of the day. Active growth is slowing and darker days are coming…

Rituals to celebrate:

With people, have a popcorn party.

In the kitchen, bake your own bread and brew your own beer.

Get crafty, by making beeswax candles to keep some warmth and light in the coming cold seasons.

Dress up, with fire-safe clothes in colors of yellow, orange, green, brown, or red.

Write in your journal, about what you are harvesting in your life at the moment.

Meditate, about how hard you’ve worked this year and rest on your accomplishments.

Other ideas to celebrate:

  • Learn how to preserve the harvest, from drying herbs to canning fresh produce.
  • Toast the sunset to honor the sun before it starts resting.
  • Make corn dolls out of cob husks.
  • Enjoy the fresh air and nature while you still can.
  • Dance around a bonfire.

Blessed Lammas witches 

“Maybe it’s okay that you haven’t worked out every little detail just yet. Maybe it’s okay that you

“Maybe it’s okay that you haven’t worked out every little detail just yet. Maybe it’s okay that you are feeling a little lost lately. Maybe you don’t need all the answers right now, maybe everything you need now, is right here. Maybe the only thing you’re missing is trust – believing that everything will work out the way it’s supposed to. Once you just let go of your fears and put your trust into yourself and into the universe, that’s when it all comes together. Maybe this is your sign to do it, whatever thing you’re thinking of when reading this. This is your sign to trust yourself. This is your sign it’s time to change.”

─ Charlotte Freeman

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