#teen wolf imagine


Part 1

I knew I was somewhere cold. I could feel my skin clamming up and the goose bumps forming on my arms. I was laying down on my back, staring upwards, but my eyes were closed. There was a bright light shining through my eyelids, causing me to be hesitant to open them. 

I slowly opened my eyes. My hand flew to cover them immediately. I looked around. I was in a white room. The walls, the floor, the ceiling…all white. I looked down at my bloodied grey jeans and blue t-shirt. I was in the same outfit as when I was with the Dread Doctors. Was I dead? Was I hallucinating? The last thing I remember was Stiles carrying me away from the Dread Doctors. 

“Y/N.” A voice came from behind me. 

I stood up immediately. I wobbled around for a second, trying to catch my balance before turning to the area I heard the noise from.

“Who’s there?” I ask, my voice coming out scratchily.

I look in the corner of this “room” and see a person standing, with their back to me. They had all black on and was carrying some kind of weapon.

“You can’t tell me you forgot me all ready.” The voice responded, turning.

“Allison?” I ask, the word coming out with confusion and shock.

Allison, brown hair and bow and arrow and all, smiles, opening her arms for me. I run forward and embrace her. 

“I can’t believe you’re here.” I whisper, pulling away. “Aren’t you de-” I cut myself off. I didn’t want to say “dead”. Maybe that was too harsh. 

“Dead?” She asked laughing. “Yeah, I am.”

My heart dropped. “So, does that mean I’m..?”

“Not necessarily.” Allison replied.

I look at her, confusion running over me.

“You’re not dead. You’re almost dead. You just have to have a driving force to get you back to the other side.” She smiles. “So I’m here to help.”

“How am I supposed to know what my driving force is?” I ask.

“I think both you and I know what it is.”

“Stiles.” I breathe. 

She nods. “Think about your most favorite memory of him. Think about it hard. Almost re-live it.”

“If I do this…will I ever see you again?” I ask. 

“You may never physically see me but…know I’m always there with you.”

I closed my eyes and began thinking back to my most favorite memory of Stiles and I. 

“Stiles?” I call out, walking up the stairs of his house. “Where are you?”

“I’m up here, Y/N!” Stiles yells. 

I ran the rest of the way up the stairs and turned into his room. He had a clear writing board placed in the direct middle of his room. Drawings and pictures were hung all over it with different colored string connecting them. 

“What’s this?” I asked. 

“Something to keep me sane.” Stiles answers pinning up another photo. I glance at the photo and see Jackson Whittemore’s face on it. Stiles grabbed a piece of red string and connected the photo to the word Kimera. 

“This is amazing.” I said, examining everything.

Stiles smiled slightly. “Like you.”

“What?” I laugh, turning to him. 

“I was just saying how amazing you are.” Stiles replied. 

“You’re pretty amazing yourself.” I said. “Oh, this one’s easy.” I grab the picture of Jennifer Blake and pin it up on the board. I grab a red piece of string and drag it to the word “Darach” written on the board. I miss the word by an inch.

“Here, let me help you.” Stiles says, grabbing my hand in his and shifting it upwards. 

I should have pulled away right then, but I couldn’t. The electricity that was running through our fingers was something like no other. I knew that at that moment I loved Stiles. And the shimmer in his dark brown eyes, made me hopeful that he felt the same way.

I gasp for air and open my eyes, immediately not regretting it. The dark brown eyes peered down at me with hope in them. 

“Thank god.” Stiles breathes. “You’re alive.”

He paused for a moment.

“I couldn’t let the last thing I told you be something horrible like ‘don’t die on me.’” He fumbled with his words. “I love you too, Y/N.”

Distraction part 1

This is a mini series that is Scott x Reader. And before you ask, yes I am still writing the Stiles Sis Fic series the next part will be out relatively soon. I’ve been busy planning out the later seasons so I could make sure to time everything correctly. Anyways, for more of my writing here is my Masterlist.


It started as a normal day, you woke up and prepared for school. It was not long before your phone lit up with messages from your boyfriend. It was something along the line of ‘Good morning beautiful’ ‘I can’t wait to see you at school’ ‘I love you’. Every message caused the smile on your face to grow. You loved Scott. He was the guy who had seen you at your worst but would only talk about you at your best. He had a unique ability to make everything better. It was like as long as the two of you were together, nothing could ever stand in your way.

You were about to leave your house when your phone buzzed again. This time the text was from Lydia. ‘Ready for this weekend?’ she sent. ‘Totally, my bags are already in the car’ you replied. You, Allison, and Lydia were going to leave right after the Lacrosse game and go up to one of her family’s cabins. She had decided that you were in need of mandatory girl time. After all, you hadn’t spent much time together with all of the supernatural chaos.

It was a normal school day. You were greeted by Scott and Stiles. You sat through all of your classes, met up with Lydia at lunch, and talked to Scott during your shared free period. After school was over you hung out with Scott until he had to start getting ready for his game.

“I wish you didn’t have to go with Lydia” he pouted jokingly.

“It’s not that big of a deal Scott I’ll be back Sunday night,” you replied.

“I know but that is two whole days without you,” he answered.

“Exactly, it’s two days” you laughed, “You’ll be fine” you added.

“We can text, right?” Scott asked.

“Well as much as I would love to, Lydia would kill me, and there is no signal up there anyways,” you answered.

“This is about to be the longest 48 hours of my life,” Scott groaned.

You rolled your eyes, “It’s a good opportunity to have some bro time with Stiles, maybe you can finally watch Star Wars,” you remarked as you started to get up.

“Not so fast,” Scott said as he pulled you back down onto his bed and kissed you.

“Scott” *kiss* “I” *kiss* “Love” *kiss* “you, but” *kiss* “we have” *kiss* “to go” *kiss* you managed to say before he pulled away. You tried to look away from him knowing you were blushing hard. “Good luck tonight, not that you’ll need it. I love you and I’ll see you Sunday if not before then,” you said hugging him.

“I love you too Y/n, I’ll see you at the game,” he returned.

You went to Lydia’s house and went through the plan one last time. She went through a checklist to make sure that neither you nor Allison had forgotten anything. After that, it was time for the three of you to go to the game.

You watched the game and cheered for both Scott and Stiles. The team won 5-3. You were getting ready to go when Allison realized that she forgot to put her bag in Lydia’s car. Lydia was going to take her back and grab the bag. You decided to use the time to catch your boyfriend before leaving. You were weaving through the crowd when someone’s hand went over your mouth. “Nighty Night Y/n,” you heard an eerily familiar voice before feeling a pinch in your neck and seeing everything fade to black.

‘Hey Lyds, I’m really sorry but my mom called. She’s in the hospital. It’s not serious, but I’m staying here with her.’

Lydia text you back, ‘Do you want us to come with you, we can reschedule’

‘No don’t do that. Go have fun. We can hang out next weekend’

‘Are you sure? It’s not that big of a deal,’ she replied.

‘Don’t worry Lydia, it’s fine, just enjoy yourselves, I’ll see you Monday’

‘Okay, see you Monday’ She answered as she and Allison started to leave.

“What’s up?” Allison asked.

“Something came up and Y/n can’t come with us,” Lydia answered.

“Awe, that’s too bad, you still want to go?” Allison questioned.

“Of course, let’s do this, phones off” she replied, turning off her own phone.

Scott was dragged to a party with Stiles. It was for a friend of Stiles’, Heather. Scott didn’t really want to go, he couldn’t get drunk and he wouldn’t know anyone other than Stiles. But Stiles had insisted that it would make the time without you and Lydia more bearable. As Stiles entered he was greeted with a passionate kiss from none other than the birthday girl herself. He was quickly whisked away to the wine cellar. Scott reluctantly moved into the living room, grabbed a drink, and pulled out his phone. He smiled as he saw he had a text from you. ‘Hey babe, I’m leaving with the girls, turning my phone off now. Love you, see you Sunday!’

That was the last text sent before your phone was shut off and thrown in the dumpster behind the school. “That will buy me some time,” your kidnapper replied before driving away with you unconscious in the back seat.


The day started off pretty normally for Scott. He went to text you before he remembered that you wouldn’t have service. He was glad that you were able to get away and relax with the girls. He had decided to go to the field with Stiles to practice Lacrosse. But he couldn’t shake a gut feeling that something was wrong. Stiles explained to Scott that there was a body found and that he was waiting on his dad to see if it was anything supernatural. Scott couldn’t help but be slightly uninterested. He was tired of death and the supernatural world, he was just a kid, and for once he wanted to act like it. Scott stared out the window of Roscoe, and wondered what you were doing right now.


You woke up and were caught completely off guard. It was dark and you were sitting knee-deep in water. There was a light above you. You must have been in a well. But you couldn’t remember how you would have got here. You went to reach for your aching head and realized that your hands were bound. You tried standing up splashing the water around which sent a shiver through your body. You wondered how long you had been missing. You weren’t that worried though, you were supposed to be with Lydia and Allison. They wouldn’t have left without you. And once Scott found out, he’d come for you. But then again, you were trapped in water, which meant he’d have a hard time following your scent. And you didn’t know how long you’d already been down here. You started to worry, trying to break your hands free so you could attempt to climb the wall. But that would take hours.


Scott and Stiles were at Stiles’ house about to start their movie marathon when Stiles got a text. “Woah dude, you remember that body they found earlier?” Stiles asked, rereading the message in disbelief.

“Yeah, what about it?” Scott asked, wishing he could have one night off.

“It wasn’t just your average dead body. There was a significant blow to the head, his throat was slashed, and he was strangled by a garrote,” Stiles explained.

“Okay Stiles, but that doesn’t exactly sound supernatural, can’t we let the police handle this one?” Scott tried.

“Yeah I guess, but talk about overkill,” he answered, though he was planning on looking into it more after his best friend went home. Nothing was ever as it seemed in Beacon Hills, and he’d be damned if he wasn’t prepared for the worst-case scenario.

The two of them ate pizza and started to watch the first movie, however it wasn’t long after Scott finished eating that he fell asleep. Stiles took this time to do research on the latest murder.

Later that night:

You had finally managed to unbind your hands after what felt like hours of scraping them against the brick. You wanted to climb up the wall but it was now so dark that you could barely see your hand in front of your face. You decided that it would have to wait until morning. You sat back in the cold water, trying to find a safe position to sit in. The water was so cold. Your throat was sore from the screaming you had done earlier. You started crying as you realized the severity of your situation. You could die down here. You were going to die down here if someone didn’t find you soon. You thought about Scott. The only comfort that you felt was in knowing that he was out there looking for you. After a while, you drifted out of consciousness.

If I Stay part III

After a long wait, it is finally here. This is the finale to the If I Stay Isaac x Reader series. Catch the first two parts and the rest of my writing here.

How do you deal with the overwhelming emotions that come from having your entire family die in a car accident and knowing that they wouldn’t have even been in the car if it wasn’t for you? You don’t. Things don’t get easier when a nurse mistakenly gives you a sedative that almost kills you and forces two of your best friends to save you by risking their own lives.

Understandable, you are taking some time off school. Instead of grieving, you were planning funerals and making legal arrangements because that is what was expected of you.

To be fair, your friends were there every step of the way. Lydia’s mom had been helping with the insurance and financials. But you were faced with so many decisions about things that you hadn’t even wanted to think about.

You, Stiles, Scott, and Isaac were setting everything up for the memorial service when it all began to become too much. Isaac, noticing this, decided to take you out to get some food. Stiles and Scott stayed behind, promising to finish everything up by the time you got back.

“So, where do you want to eat?” Isaac asked.

“I’m not really hungry,” you answered, staring down at your hands.


“I’m sorry,” you whispered, still avoiding his eyes.

“It’s okay, we can go to the cafe and get shakes or something,” he decided.

It was hard for Isaac to watch you struggle so much without being able to do anything to help. He tried to be there for you, but after everything that you had been through he knew that you just needed time. He wished that you would stop pushing all of the pain down and distracting yourself, knowing that there was no way that it was healthy. His heart hurt for you. He just had to keep reminding himself that he would be there for you whenever you were ready to need him.

As the two of you arrived at the cafe, which was practically empty, he helped you out of the car and you both made your way to your favorite booth. Isaac ordered milkshakes for both of you and your favorite crepes. It wasn’t like you didn’t know what he was doing, ordering your favorite food so that you would eat. He wasn’t sly, but that didn’t mean that it didn’t work (and you totally loved him for it). You were eating some of the crepes when suddenly Isaac all but leaped across the table pulling you down yelling, “GET DOWN!”

You were confused until milliseconds later you heard a gun rapidly firing at the cafe and shattering the glass windows. Isaac held you tightly under the table until the shots ended.

“Are you okay?” he asked as you slowly started moving from under the table.

“I’m fine,” you replied, and while that might have been true physically, there was no world in which you were fine mentally.

“Okay, we need to get out of here now,” Isaac decided, looking around to see if there was anyone who needed help.

“Isaac, you’re bleeding.”

He glanced over to where blood was slowly staining his shirt. “A bullet or glass must have grazed my shoulder. I’ll be fine, it’ll heal in a couple of minutes,” he said nonchalantly, causing you to roll your eyes.

The look on his face went past concern, it was on the verge of fear. But before you could ask him about it, he grabbed your hand and started pulling you towards the kitchen doors.

“Isaac what’s going on?!” you demanded.

“They’re coming, we have to get you out of here now!”

“Who’s coming?”

“I’ll explain later, now run!”

You decided to hold him to it and followed him through the back entrance. He pulled you out into the ally and down a couple of streets. As soon as he stopped, you were going to ask him what the hell was going on, but he tightly clamped his hand over your mouth. You could tell that he was listening intently.

“Okay, we’re safe,” he sighed, reaching to pull out his phone.

“Get everyone to Deacon’s clinic now, it’s an emergency,” he spoke to who you could only assume was Scott before abruptly hanging up.

He then turned to look at you fully for the first time since the cafe, “are you sure you’re okay?”

“I’m fine Isaac, I just want to know what hell is going on!”

He looked at you like he was deciding on how to tell you the worst possible news. He was hesitating, so you took his hands in yours and softly spoke, “Whatever it is, I am sure we will get through it together, but I need to know.”

Isaac sighed before giving in, “Those people back there, the cafe, it wasn’t a random driveby shooting. They were there to kill you.”

“What? That doesn’t make any sense,” you disagreed, taking a step back away from him.

“Listen, we will figure this out, I promise, but right now we need to get to Deaton’s.”

The two of you walked to the Animal Clinic. By the time you got there, Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Deaton, and even Derek were there. As you walked in, all eyes shifted to you.

“There they are! What happened? You can’t just call us saying there’s been an emergency and then not answer your phones,” Stiles chastised. He was going to continue when Derek cut him off.

“Are you guys okay?”

“Y/n and I were at the Cafe, when it got shot up. I heard the shooters talking. They knew we were going to be there. They were there for Y/n,” Isaac explained.

The remaining color faded from your face.

“That makes no sense, why would anybody be targeting Y/n?” Scott asked.

“I don’t know, but the guy clearly said that he had eyes on the last of the Y/l/n’s. And then I heard the gun being loaded.”

“So its not just about her. Whoever these people are, they were targeting her entire family?” Lydia asked.

“Which means the accident probably wasn’t an accident and that explains why the police didn’t find the other driver. And the nurse in the hospital…” Stiles realized, “Deaton it would be common knowledge not to give a sedative to someone who recently experienced head trauma, right?” he asked.

“Yes, anyone with professional training would know that.”

“So that might’ve been another assassination attempt. Someone might’ve dressed up as a nurse to get access,” Lydia added.

“But why would anybody target her family?” Scott asked.

“Her mom used to be a hunter,” Derek spoke.

“What?” you asked in disbelief.

“Before your mom met your dad, she was part of a group of hunters. A powerful one with a lot of enemies. And right before she left, she did something they considered unforgivable. If they found her, they would kill her. That’s why she moved here and changed her name. And then she met your dad, and you know the rest.”

“How do you know all of this?”

“The unforgivable thing she did was to help me and my sister escape before the hunters could kill us. We were young. She helped smuggle us back here to my mom. My mom was the one who helped her to change her identity and get settled here.”

“So what, you think that the hunters tracked her down 20 years later and decided to get revenge?” Scott asked.

“That is exactly what I think. And if I’m right Y/n and anyone close to her are fair game to them. They won’t stop until she is dead.”

“So we take them out, then life goes back to normal,” Isaac suggested.

“It’s not going to be that easy. There is a very large likelihood that they are connected with other hunters. You take them out and more will come. You could be starting an all-out war,” Deaton warned.

“Well we can’t just sit back and do nothing,” Stiles argued.

“Maybe you can go into hiding, just until this is all over,” Lydia suggested.

“And always be looking over her shoulder, wondering if she is ever really safe?” Isaac asked.

“It’d be temporary. Just until we could figure something else out. Hiding is better than the alternative,” Scott decided.

“The solution is simple isn’t it?” you asked, voice eerily calm.

Everyone turned to face you.

“I have to die,” you decided.

“Now hold on a second-”

“No. The only way for this to end is for me to be dead long enough for the hunters to confirm it and then I’ll leave. That way they stop looking for me. They’ll leave before they catch a scent of all of the supernatural stuff going on here and you’ll be safe. And then I’ll go to Europe with Isaac,” you explained, “Scott did it. Deaton can give me something that’ll make me appear dead. Melissa and Sheriff Stiliski can be in on it. Then I’ll hide out until after the funeral.”

“It could work,” Derek spoke after some consideration. You were glad that he wasn’t going to try to talk you out of it. At least someone understood the weight of what was happening.

“Y/n, this plan of yours. It’s dangerous. There are a lot of variables that have to go exactly to plan for it to work,” Deaton warned.

“It’s no more dangerous than staying and trying to fight. At least this way I am able to keep all of you out of it. And maybe, someday, Isaac and I could come back. But I think that for now at least this is the only way. Or at least it is the way with the least collateral damage.”

“It could work, but you shouldn’t have to give everything up for us. Beacon Hills is your home,” Lydia said.

“You guys are more important. If leaving ensures your safety then consider my bags packed. Besides, after everything that happened, I don’t know if I could ever truly feel at home here again,” you turned to face the three who have yet to speak on the subject, “Scott? Stiles? Isaac?”

“I don’t like it, but it doesn’t sound like we have much of a choice,” Scott said, shaking his head.

“I hate how fast this is moving. Everything that has happened in the last two weeks, I can’t stand the thought of losing you. And either option feels like a loss,” Stiles spoke.

“But it isn’t like I’ll never be able to contact you. Once they move on and I’m settled in, we can facetime and when you need me I’ll be on the first plane here. It isn’t forever, just until we can figure out something better,” you promised.

“You said it was dangerous, how dangerous?” Isaac directed to Deaton.

“Timing is everything. We can’t keep her heart rate that low for more than two hours. We would have to ensure that the hunters knew about her death and sent someone within that time range or the whole plan fails. We then have to sneak her to a hideout until the funerals are over-”

“And the Hunters will be watching all of you. One wrong move, any indication that things are not as they should be, and your all dead,” Derek added.

“We will just have to make sure none of that happens, Stiles, we need a plan,” you turned to your friend hoping he would get on board.

“Okay, if we are doing this, if you are sure you want to go through with this,” he paused looking for confirmation from you, “then let’s make sure it works.”

The plan was simple compared to most of Stiles’ plans. You would go to the memorial service where one or more of the hunters would most likely be staked out. Then you would collapse, leading Scott, Stiles, and Isaac to frantically carry you out to Roscoe and to the hospital. When you arrived at the hospital, Melissa would take lead in your care, making it look real. Scott and Isaac would listen for any indication that the hunters were there. They would text Melissa and she would inject you with the serum which only took a couple of minutes to take complete effect. When you coded, she would lead the revival team and eventually give the news to your friends in the waiting room that they had done everything that they could, but couldn’t save you. Scott, Stiles, and Isaac would make a scene and Melissa would take you down to the morgue where Derek would be hiding. If the medical records, scene in the lobby, etc. weren’t enough for the hunters and they decided to check then you would be there. Either way, he was there to administer the antidote. During the next shift change, Derek would sneak you out and to his loft where you would stay until everything smoothed over. You were not to be contacted by any of the pack members during that time incase the hunters had anything taped. Stiles’ dad would help you get the fake documents you needed. He would also make the case of the shooting very public to try to push the hunters out of Beacon Hills faster.

There were only a few problems. 1. You guys didn’t know how many hunters there were or who they were. 2. There was no way to know how they found out about your family in the first place, meaning they could have a spy/informant. 3. There was no explanation of where your body would be in between “death” and cremation. 4. What if they tried to kill you before you got that far.

Even with all the risks, you didn’t care, if there was any chance that it would work and keep your friends safe then you were doing it. And so Scott and Stiles dropped you and Isaac off at your house so you could get ready for the service.

“Are you sure about this? It isn’t too late to call it off, we can figure something else out,” Isaac spoke softly into your hair as he hugged you from behind, a clear look of worry on his face.

“This is the only way,” you said, more to reassure yourself than him.

“I love you,” he said spinning you around to face him,

“I love you too,” you smiled before kissing him.

“Are you ready for this?” he asked, still holding you tightly against his chest.

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” you decide to pull away.

From there, the plan went into motion. And to Stiles’ credit, it actually worked. Your friends must have been better actors than you thought. Luckily one of the hunters went down to confirm that you were dead. Apparently, she was running her mouth and it took everything that Derek had in him to not come out and end her. He gave you the antidote and took you to his loft. Where you stayed for the next two weeks.

And that was when the grieving that you were avoiding finally started to happen. Luckily for you, Derek broke Stiles’ rule of no contact with the pack and called Isaac who was there for you in a heartbeat, pulling you in close and trying to piece your world back together.

The hunters left pretty much after your funeral, thanks to the pressure from Sheriff Stilinski. And thus, phase two of the plan was set in motion. You died your hair, snuck back into your house to pack everything up that you were going to take with you, and got your fake documents. Before you knew it, it came time to meet up with the pack before driving to the airport.

“I wish you didn’t have to leave,” Scott said, hugging you, “If you ever need anything call us, we will be there for you, I promise.”

“Thanks Scott,” you started, but before you could continue Lydia interrupted.

“Okay, me next!” Lydia spoke up, “First of all, I’m looking forward to packages containing European designer shoes. Second, if you ever need anything I expect a call no matter what time it is here,” she then turned to Isaac, “And don’t even get any ideas of proposing without my input, I am still the best friend.”

This caused you to giggle, “This is going to be a good thing, I promise,” she smiled pulling you into a hug. Somehow she always knew exactly what to say.

You turned to Stiles who was probably the worst at hiding how this was actually making him feel.

“The hunters are gone, maybe you can stay now,” Stiles offered.

“It’s a little late for that, don’t you think.” you tried to joke.

“What? Just because you “died”, people fake their death all the time,” he returned.

“I’m going to miss you Stiles,” you said, pulling him in for a hug. He held you just a little tighter than he had ever done before. “This isn’t goodbye,” you promised.

“Hey Y/n, we should get going,” Isaac spoke.

There was another wave of well wishes, reminders, and hugs. And then it was just you and Isaac in a car to the airport, leaving your hometown and your friends behind you.

“You doing okay?” he asked.

“Weirdly enough, this is the most okay that I’ve felt in the last month.”

“Well, then I have a favor to ask you.”

“And what is that?”

“When we get to Europe, you have to promise me that you won’t fall for any of those hot European boys with the accents,” he said with a straight face.

This caught you off guard and you burst into laughter, “I’ll try, but all bets are off if I meet Tom Holland,” you answered this time causing Isaac to laugh.

There was a pause before you added, “I love you, you know that?”

“I love you too,” he smiled.

You didn’t know what was waiting for you in Europe, but you did know that as long as Isaac was by your side, you’d be able to face anything.


Hi guys! This is the next part of the Stiles Sis Fic series based loosely (and even that is generous) off of season two episode two. It can be read as a stand-alone. For the rest of this series and more of my writing, click here. I will be updating at least once a week until the series is finished. Enjoy!

Now that Lydia was home and safe, you allowed your thoughts to drift back to Isaac. You laid on your back and stared aimlessly at the ceiling, wondering what it was that he was about to do, or what he already did. You knew that for him not to be straight forward with you that it must’ve been something that he didn’t think you would approve of. And for him to even be considering it, things must’ve been getting worse for him at home again. 

Your heart pained to think how his father could… anyways. You wished that you could talk him into reporting it, but every time you brought it up he got so defensive. At some point, you decided that if he was going to go through it you would make sure that he didn’t have to go through it alone. Thinking over the past two months, you felt bad for not trying harder to be there for Isaac. No matter how hectic things had been with Scott and Stiles, it wasn’t an excuse. 

You pulled out your phone to text Isaac but were interrupted by a frantic knock at your window. 

Speak of the devil

You opened the window and ushered him inside, “Isaac what happened? Are you okay?”

“I-I think that my father’s dead,” he admitted as his breathing sped up. 

No amount of anything could have prepared you for those words out of his mouth under these circumstances.

“It’s okay Isaac, just breath, tell me what happened,” you said calmly as you led him over to your bed. It took a few minutes to calm down enough to collect his thoughts, but even then you could see the fear in his eyes.

“You won’t believe me,” he decides, pulling away from you and taking a step towards the window.

“Isaac, you know that there is nothing you could say that I wouldn’t believe. Now please, start from the beginning,” you invite him to sit beside you.

He reluctantly begins, “That night in the graveyard, after I was attacked, there was this man. He saved my life and then started talking about these crazy things. He knew about my dad, and told me that there was a way I could protect myself, a way to make sure that I could never be hurt again. And he explained that it wasn’t going to be easy, but that it would be worth it. I didn’t believe him, not at first, but then he showed me. He gave me a choice, and I accepted his offer,” Isaac explained.

“I’m confused, what was it that he gave you?” you asked.

“He - I -,” he paused for a moment trying to decide the best way to explain this to you, “okay, what I am about to tell you, it’s dangerous and you have to swear not to tell anyone,” Isaac looked up for confirmation but decided it wasn’t enough, “Y/n, I want to hear you say it, I want you to swear to me.”

“I swear, whatever you tell me will stay between us. But god Isaac, you’re starting to scare me.”

Instead of telling you with words, Isaac allowed his eyes to show yellow. He was surprised to see that you didn’t shrink back in fear or hate. Before he could explain further, you caught him off-guard, “You’re a werewolf.”

“How do you know about this?” he asked taken aback.

But you ignored him, “You are a werewolf, which makes the man you met Derek Hale, and if your dad is dead, the hunters are going to think you did it. And even if they don’t tomorrow is a full moon,” you realized.

Isaac stared at you in shock, out of all of the reactions he had played through in his mind, this most definitely was not one of them. 

“Isaac,” you said pulling him out of his thoughts, “what happened tonight?” 

“It started out how it always starts, my dad and I were eating dinner and then things escalated until he was throwing things at me. He threw this glass right above my head and it shattered leaving a shard in my cheek, just below my eye. I was just going to leave, but my dad saw me heal, so I ran. He followed me and I managed to ditch him, but then I heard his screams. I circled back, and I could smell his blood, too much blood. So I freaked and came here, I didn’t know what else to do,” he explained as his breathing became more frantic again.

“It’s okay Isaac. Everything is going to be okay, I promise. We just need to go see Derek, he’ll know how to handle this. Come on,” you said as you pulled him up and towards the door. You had him wait in the hall as you snuck into your brother’s room and stole the keys to Roscoe. 

As the two of you backed out of the driveway, Isaac asked, “How do you know about all of this? Werewolves, Derek, hunters? Did he offer you the bite too? Are you one of us?” 

“Not me, Scott. And it is a long and complicated story, but I promise that I will be here to help you through all of this. It might seem overwhelming now, but it’ll all work out, I promise.”

So, the two of you went to Derek’s loft and explained the situation. Derek ordered that Isaac act like normal and lay low until he could figure it out. But outside of that, his curiosity as to what had actually happened was trumping his need to protect Isaac. 

A little annoyed at the alpha, you took Isaac back out to the jeep and decided that you were both going to stay the night at your house. After sticking Stiles’ keys back in his room, you went back to Isaac.

“Okay, so let’s get this straight. Because the police are going to question you once they find your father, so it’s better to prepare now. Your dad and you got into a small argument and you left and rode your bike here. You’ve been here all night and tomorrow morning you will come down and eat breakfast with us so that my father can see that with his own eyes. If they ask about anything else, you don’t speak until you have a lawyer present. They can’t hold you unless there is a witness or you admit to doing something. So after they question you, you come back here and we will figure out how to get you through your first full moon.”

“Okay, I can do that,” he agreed, “How are you so good at this? You’re so calm, while I’m over here completely freaking out.” 

“This isn’t my first rodeo,” you joked. 

“I’m glad that you are here, I don’t even want to think about what I would do without you.”

“Well fortunately, you don’t have to worry about it. Now get some rest,” you said motioning for him to climb in your bed next to you.

The next morning went to plan. You paraded Isaac in front of your dad. Once you got to school, you stayed in Isaac’s general vicinity offering reassuring smiles every so often. When you weren’t with Isaac, you were with Lydia who was trying to adjust to her first day back after being naked in the woods for three days. She didn’t remember anything, which was probably a good thing, but that didn’t help the fact that everyone was staring at her like she was crazy. 

To say that you were relieved when the school day was over was an understatement. If you could get Isaac to stay with Derek past the full moon before the police brought him in for questioning it would definitely be ideal. Now, you just had to make it through practice.

Even as you had that thought though, everything started to go wrong.  First, Scott had been able to sense a werewolf and went through the team one by one until he discovered that it was Isaac. Though before any sort of confrontation could occur, the police showed up and took Isaac away for questioning.

You made your way out to Roscoe where Scott and Stiles were and Scott turned to you, “they took Isaac in for questioning, his dad was found brutally murdered earlier this morning.” After seeing your lack of reaction he added, “but it seems like you already knew that.”

“Did you also know that he was a werewolf?” Stiles spoke before you had a chance to say anything. 

“He is innocent. And possibly in danger, because in case you haven’t noticed tonight is a full moon. So maybe you should be thinking about what we are going to do if they decide to try to hold him overnight.” 

“He’s Derek’s problem,” Scott replied trying to hide the betrayal he was feeling.

“You don’t mean that,” you reply, trying to remember that the full moon was affecting your friend.

“Why not? Maybe this is what it takes for Derek to understand that he can’t just turn innocent teenagers to fuel his power trip” Scott tried to justify, raising his voice.

“Whatever Scott,” you dismissed before turning to Stiles, “take me to the station, I’ll figure this out myself.”

However your brother hesitated not wanting to pick between you and Scott. Having enough of both of them you rolled your eyes, “Fine, I’ll find my own ride,” you said before storming back towards the school. 

“Y/n-” Stiles called after you. 

“Let her go, we don’t need her,” Scott growled. 

“Hey, what is your problem?” Stiles asked defensively.

“If Y/n wants to choose Derek and Isaac over us then we don’t need her, do we?” 

“Careful Scott, you are starting to sound jealous,” Stiles said as he threw his bag in the back seat. 

“I just think it’s stupid that she is defending them and that she lied to us for god knows how long.”

Stiles decided to just keep his mouth shut as he drove the pair to Scott’s house. Meanwhile, you got a ride to the police station from Danny and were sitting in a chair outside his office. You noticed that there was an officer milling around that you had never noticed before which was saying something considering the fact that your dad was the Sheriff. 

You noticed that he ducked into one of the empty offices as your dad came out of the interrogation room, clearly surprised to see you. 

“What do you think you are doing here?” he asked as he let you into his office.

“I’m here for Isaac, how are things going?”

“To be honest with you kiddo, not good.”

“Why what happened?”

“We have a witness that the two of them were fighting last night and then his bike was found at the scene of the crime.”

“And if you looked at it, you would’ve noticed that it had a flat tire, which is why Isaac had to walk to our house,” you explained thankful that you had thought to have Derek take care of the tire earlier. 

“I know he’s your friend, did you have any idea that his father was abusing him?”

Your face fell, if your dad knew that, it meant that he either had a witness or was able to search Isaac’s house. 

“You should have told me,” your father sighed looking disappointed.

“He didn’t want me too,” you tried but you already knew it was hardly an excuse, “but if you know about that, then you should also know that one of the ways his dad punished him was by locking him in a freezer which causes him to become claustrophobic. And locking him in a holding cell would be traumatizing,” you tried to reason. 

“So then what would you propose?”

“Find a way to delay the process until tomorrow. Isaac can stay the night at our house so you can keep an on him, take him into your custody or something I don’t know. He just lost his dad, and while their relationship was … complicated, he was still his dad. This is the last thing he needs right now.”


“Please Dad, he’s my friend and he’s innocent.”

“I’ll see what I can do,” he concedes. 

“Can I see him?” you ask as your dad is exiting his office.

“He’s in the first interrogation room.”

“Thank you.”

You let out a breath that you didn’t know you had been holding, and turned the doorknob to enter the room where Isaac had been left alone. 

“How are you holding up?” you asked taking a seat across from him and tossing him a reese’s from the vending machine.

“Better now that you are here. I heard you talking to your dad, do you really think that I’ll be able to walk out of here tonight?”

“I hope so, but don’t worry if not I have a back-up plan. Just try to stay calm, I know you are going through a lot today.”

“I can’t believe everything could go wrong so fast, I never wanted this. I just didn’t want to be afraid anymore.”

“You don’t deserve this, and I’m sorry that you are here right now. But I promise you that we will figure this out.” 

“I hope so.”

“Let’s try to get your mind on something else,” you said before engaging him in conversation until there was a soft knock on the door and your dad came in. 

“Well, Isaac, if you agree to staying in my custody, we are going to let you go for the night. We might need you to come back in tomorrow and answer a few more questions,” your dad explained. 

“Thank you so much Sheriff Stilinski,” Isaac said graciously.

“Don’t thank me, thank Y/n she’s practically your lawyer,” you dad joked, before adding “I have to finish up some paperwork, but then we can all go back to the house.”

“Sounds good, in the meantime can we wait in your office?” you asked wanting to get Isaac into a different environment.

“That’s fine.”

As soon as you and Isaac were alone in his office, you pulled out your phone and text Derek to update him on the entire situation. You then turned to Isaac, “How are you feeling?” you said referring to the full moon. 

“I got it under control for the time being, I think that it’ll be better once we get out of here though.”

“I don’t know if Derek told you, but your first one is always the hardest. You have to find something or someone that keeps you human. An anchor. Otherwise you’ll lose control. Stiles has chains and stuff that he used for Scott, and I’ll be there every step of the way. If it starts to get bad, I’ll call Derek.”

“I’m glad one of us has a plan,” Isaac said before resting his head in his hands feeling exhausted with everything that had happened.

You took a seat next to him and pulled him in your arms, not saying a word. It was about fifteen minutes later when your dad came in and escorted the two of you out to his car. When you arrived home he mentioned something about ordering pizza, you agreed and then rushed Isaac, who you could tell was beginning to struggle, upstairs. You got the stuff you needed out of Stiles’ room and noticed headlights across the street. Hunters. 

Realizing how much harder this would make things, you called Derek and told him to stay away. This could actually be a good thing, as long as you could keep Isaac under control, then maybe they wouldn’t suspect him of being a werewolf. That was definitely going to be easier said than done. Especially when you were alone and having to hide everything from your dad. 

You re-entered your room and set up the chains, hoping that by some miracle you wouldn’t need them. Your dad brought up the pizza and you accepted it gratefully before quickly closing the door behind you. This was going to be a long night.

Savior|Theo Raeken Imagine

request: hi i love your writing. i was wondering if you could write an imagine where the reader is very shy and keeps to herself. but she is plus size and gets bullied for it. and Isaac or Theo, who secretly likes her saves her from a bully. @artfuck



A/N:I tried my best and I hope you like it. Enjoy ☺️

Your hands were shaking as you opened the doors of Beacon Hills High School. “Here goes nothing”, you thought to yourself, hoping that this day wouldn’t be as bad.

You almost ran through the hallway in order to get to your locker trying to avoid the other people. Well, especially trying to avoid him and his friends. Brett Talbot and his group of desperate followers. They were the worst, always trying you make your life hell whenever they could.

You relaxed when you finally sat down on a chair in your biology classes. Scott sent a friendly smile into your direction. He wasn’t one of the bad guys. He always tried to cheer you up, knowing how hard it could be at high school.

As your teacher entered, she wrote down the topic of today’s lesson: Body shaming. You took in a sharp breath.

“Well like you all might know or not know, nowadays a lot of women get harassed because of their body and the way they look. I am sure none of you experienced this, at least I hope so”, she started.

You looked down at your thighs. Tears starting to fill your eyes. Brett whispered something to his friends and they laughed looking at you. Your teacher kept on talking but you couldn’t focus anymore. “Why me?”, you thought to yourself. “Y/N Y/L/N?”, you heard her voice. “What do you think about that?”, she added. You couldn’t even look at her as tears were still streaming down your face. “Well fattie over there, sure does know hot it feels”, Brett hissed. You looked at Brett in disgust.

“Talbot, it’s enough!”, your teacher got loud. Brett just laughed at her and you knew why. Just because of stopping him once, it wouldn’t stop him from doing it after class. The teacher made Brett leave the room and continued talking while making sure not to ask you again.

The bell rang finally but as you started to make your way out of the classroom, your teacher stopped you. “Are you alright?”, she wondered. You smiled a weak smile. “It’s okay”, you whispered and left the room as fast as you could.

Little did you know Brett was waiting for you outside. “Hey fattie”, he grinned at you. You weren’t able to say a thing still shocked from the recent thing he said in class. Brett looked at the muscular boy right next to him.

You didn’t know his name, but you remembered those eyes. He was the guy who took pictures of you at the toilet and sent them around. “Bryan, why don’t you take care of her?”, Brett winked at him and put his hand into his pocket searching for something. “Well as you already made your debut on social media, why don’t we try a movie?”, he laughed and started the camera on his phone.

Bryan grinned at you before he pushed you against the wall making you shriek in surprise. He put one of his big hands around your throat giving you a hard time to breathe. You felt your knees getting weak when Bryan’s hand slapped your face earning a laugh from his friends. Keeping you in place with his hand around your throat he lifted your shirt showing your stomach. “Wait, wait I’m gonna zoom in”, Brett laughed.

You felt tears coming up in your eyes. Why did it have to be like this? You never felt comfortable in your skin but being treated like this, made you start to hate yourself. “Get the fuck away from her!”, you heard someone growl behind you.

Bryan’s face was hovering over yours, so you couldn’t see the boy but you knew who it was. Theo Raeken. Brett smirked. “Shut up, Raeken. That’s none of your business”, he laughed. Theo clenched his fists.

“It is, Talbot. And now you leave her the fuck alone”, he screamed, his eyes turning yellow. Bryan stepped back, loosening his grip around you throat and letting your shirt fall back down. “Bryan, what are you doing”, Brett wondered angrily. “Man, I’m leaving. That shit is hella scary”, he answered and turned around, the other boys following him. Brett glanced at you before leaving with an annoying “Oh come on”.

You breathed heavily trying to get some air into your lungs while your body went to the floor. “T-Thank you”, you mumbled into Theo’s direction. He was still angry and the thing with his eyes, you were scared shitless no question but you were just happy to be out of that situation. Theo reached his hand out and grabbed yours trying to make you stand up but you couldn’t. Your throat was hurting and blue marks had formed around it. Tears started streaming down your face.

“I’m sorry, baby girl”, Theo whispered and got down to the floor right in front of you. You smiled weakly at him before letting your head hang again. What did he want anyway? Theo Raeken ist one of the hottest guys you’ve ever laid eyes on and he sure as hell didn’t want to be seen with you. “I’m fine”, you mumbled getting up slowly. Theo raised one eyebrow.

“Where are you going, Y/N?”, he wondered.

“Well I’m late for physics”, you muttered. Theo rolled his eyes at you. “Y/N, you’re not going to that class”, he said. You just turned around and made your way to the room when you felt Theo’s strong hand grab your wrist. He turned you around, so you could face him. “Listen, Y/N, I can see that you’re hurting and I’m not going to let you go anywhere especially not near this guy again. So if you don’t mind, I think we should skip classes today..”, Theo proposed but your eyes were fixed to where his hand was holding your wrist and dark streaks where going into Theo’s arm.

He smiled. “I’m taking your pain away, Y/N”, he whispered. You didn’t know how he did it but your pain was gone immediately. You thought about his yellow eyes again, you just couldn’t make sense of it but for the moment you just wanted to lay down and close your eyes. “Can you drive me home?”, you asked nervously. “Sure”, Theo nodded.

You directed him while driving, his hand drawing small figures on your thigh wanting to calm you. In front of your House, Theo stopped the car. “Thank you”, you smiled slightly and hugged him. “Everything for you, princess”, he mumbled into your hair before pressing a small kiss to your cheek. Your smile grew.

“Theo?”, you wondered. He looked deep into your eyes. “Would you mind coming in and telling me everything about…?”, you started but Theo interrupted you. “About that thing with my eyes, I guess”, he chuckled. You nodded while opening the door of his car and moving to your house. Theo sat down on the couch. “Do you want something to drink? Coffee, tea, anything?”, you asked him, facing his back.

“I’m good, princess”, he said. You made a small cup of tea for yourself before sitting down next to Theo. You two talked for hours, getting to know each other more and more. Even though Theo told you everything about the chimeras, you weren’t scared. You felt so comfortable and safe around him. “I think have to leave now.. your parents will be back soon, I guess”, Theo mumbled, it was already getting dark outside.

“Um, my parents are celebrating my uncle’s birthday in New York. They’re not coming home until sunday”, you explained. Theo smiled. “I should leave anyway, don’t want to stop you from doing your important things”, he said.

“Well actually.. would you stay here with me?”, you asked shyly. Theo smirked. “Just cuddling”, you grinned. “As you wish, darling”, he said and placed a kiss on top of your head.

All About You | Theo Raeken Imagine

request:Could you do a Theo dmut where he kidnapps you because he wants you in his pack and all’s you into being in his pack and after that you 2 have passionate sex because he is in love with you and you r in love with him thanks. - luv ya

word count:1233

warnings: smut, oral sex, swearing

A/N: I am so sorry guys.. I know I didn’t write anything for such a long time but I didn’t really have time but now it’s time for another Teen Wolf smut and I hope y’all going to enjoy it ❤️

Everything around you turned black. You hold your breath trying to stay focused, trying to get a noise or something but there was nothing except another heartbeat. You felt someone grab you when you lost consciousness.

With an aching pain in your chest, you opened your eyes to find yourself in some dark basement. “Ah you are finally awake”, you heard a raspy voice from the other side of the room. You looked around trying to see anything but it was too dark. Suddenly you heard footsteps heading in your direction but you still couldn’t make out anything.

Someone switched on the light. “You can leave now, Cory”, the voice said demanding. You felt a hand on your cheek and you looked right into Theo’s hazel eyes. “Hello darling”, he said cocky. “What do you want Theo”, you hissed. “You know what I want, Y/N”, he smirked. You rolled your eyes at him. Since the day Theo walked into Beacon Hills again, he was trying to get you into his pack but with Scott being your best friend and knowing all the bad things Theo had done, it wasn’t that easy to change sides. “Look darling, you will have everything you want, I’ll give you all you need”, Theo added. “But why me, Theo?”, you asked raising one eyebrow. You tried to move but your hands were taped to the bed you were laying in.

“Well Y/N, where should I start?”, Theo whispered. He started caressing your face. You looked at him, not really knowing what he was planning to do. But you felt a small fire building up in your body when Theo’s hand slid down your neck. “You are gorgeous, Y/N and you’re clever as well”, he whispered and smiled slightly. You looked at him in disbelief, as long as you knew Theo you never saw him smile except for his cocky smirk. Theo lowered his face down to yours and focused on your eyes. “What is there not to like about you, baby”, he whispered and sent chills down your spine. You held your breath not knowing what was going to happen next.

Theo smirked and crashed his lips into yours starting a fire inside your body. With a swift move Theo shoved himself into you, your body vibrating against him. He didn’t pull his lips away for a second but still managed to free your hands, allowing you to touch him. Theo’s lips started exploring your exposed neck while his hands slid under your t-shirt making you shiver. You couldn’t help yourself but start moaning when one of his hands made its way under your bra and started massaging your nipple. “You like that, baby girl?”, Theo whispered. You nodded desperately, wanting to feel his naked body against yours.

Your hands moved under Theo’s shirt, pulling it off of his chest harshly. You let your fingertips dance across his defined abs. Theo placed sloppy kisses across your body until he reached your clothed heat. Your heart started pounding in your chest when Theo let his tongue slide over the thin fabric of your leggings. “Theo”, you let out in pleasure. He looked up at you, his eyes filled with lust and desire. Theo gently pulled down your leggings. Suddenly he stopped, staring at your slip. “Baby, you’re dripping”, he growled. You smirked at him as he started nibbling on the skin of your inner thighs.

With your right hand you pulled his hair guiding him in the direction of your pussy and you could feel his arousal. He looked at you, his eyes turning darker and tore your slip apart. You closed your eyes, enjoying his eagerness to please you. Theo held your hips in place, slowly tugging his claws into your hips while he slid his tongue through your wet folds making you shake. “Fuck Theo”, you groaned. He started sucking on your clit, knowing damn well what he was doing. You couldn’t stop yourself from moaning loudly anymore, while Theo started tongue-fucking you. You felt your orgasm build up inside you, the known warm feeling spreading in your stomach. Theo noticed and he stopped.

You whimpered at the lose of contact. “Well princess, I am sure you want to be fucked, huh?”, Theo’s voice was dark which made your pussy even more wet. Theo got up, his erection very visible inside his pants. You could feel how red your cheeks were. “Theo let me ride you”, you said with a raspy voice. Theo’s eyes got big but then he smirked. “Whatever you want, Y/N” You straddled him onto the bed. You took your time to admire his strong chest and started sucking on his neck. You knew that you would leave marks but with them disappearing in next to no time, you risked it. Theo closed his eyes, obviously enjoying your move. While pressing your lips onto Theo’s again, tasting his sweetness again, you pulled off you shirt as well as your bra, presenting your naked body to Theo.

Theo’s eyes sparkled at the sight of your body and he pressed his erection against your core. You started unbuckling Theo’s belt, freeing his hard member. Licking your lips at the sight of his hard you pulled down his boxers and caressed his cock. Theo let out a small moan, turning you on way more than he should have. You started taking him inside of you slowly. It hurt a bit because of its size but you slowly went on until he was inside you completely.

You started to ride his cock at a painful slow pace, trying to tease Theo and it worked. His eyes turned yellow and his claws rugged into your hips. “Y/N”, he moaned. You smirked knowing he was about to beg if you didn’t stop which turned you on. You looked at him with your big, innocent eyes. “What do you want, Theo?”, you whispered seductively. He glanced at you in disbelief but then opened his mouth: “I want you to ride me” You smirked at him, starting to go faster. Smashing your hips onto his cock. Theo started moaning just as you did. He watched your boobs go up and down because of the pace you were riding him, making him groan even louder. “Y-Y/N”, he moaned.

Theo gripped your hips and turned you around, so that you were the one laying under him. He pressed his lips onto yours, kissing you harshly while lining up at your entrance. “Fuck me, Theo”, you moaned and he began slamming his cock into you. “Theo”, you cried out. You were close and he knew that, so he started going even harder. You cried out his name while your walls clenched around him, your stomach in a knot. After a few more thrusts Theo finished inside of you with a loud growl.

His wet body was falling down next to yours. He looked at you with that cocky smirk while you were panting. “So I guess you’re part of the pack now”, he said. You rolled your eyes at him. “Well, that didn’t quite convince me, Raeken”, you answered grinning. Theo raised one eyebrow. “I bet nobody ever fucked you that way”, he uttered confidently. You just laughed at him. “We’ll see about the pack thing”, you just said. Theo smirked and kissed you gently.

Based off episode 3x03 “Fireflies”

“Stiles,” yn rolled her eyes when her boyfriend didn’t even so much as glance in her direction, “Stiles!” He turned to look at her.

“It’s Lydia, said it’s urgent- we need to go. Like, right now.” y/n stressed the issue walking backwards towards the door in order to rush him.

With a hop in his step, Stiles followed behind her easily.

“Don’t worry about Scott and Derek, they’ll be alive for at least 20 more minutes before they track down Boyd and the other one.” Peter smirked as they began to leave.

“Yeah, well, thank you so much for your input- it’s appreciated, really.” y/n sassed, “I’ll file it away for future consideration.” She finished, slamming the door to Derek’s loft as they hurried down the hallway.

“You okay?” Stiles asked, trying to keep up with her as she walked much faster- rage fueling her.

“I just can’t wait for this night to be over.”


“Lydia?” y/n called as she got out of the jeep before it even came to a complete stop, running through the gates to get to her friend, “Lydia? Are you okay?” y/n’s voice softened as she got closer to Lydia’s shaking figure.

“I’m okay,” Lydia nodded, still not moving an inch, “that right there, not okay.”

Following Lydia’s pointed finger, both y/n and Stiles’ eyes landed on what had caused Lydia to go numb, a dead body. All of his blood spread over the pool deck.

“Yeah, alright, I’m gonna call my dad.” Stiles sighed as y/n reached forward to grab Lydia’s hand in hers. The strawberry blonde glanced down to y/n squeezing her hand softly, then moved her eyes up to the girl’s face- offering a small smile as gratitude.

“I already called 911.” Lydia directed her comment at Stiles to stop him from calling his dad.

The annoyed boy dropped his hands to his side in defeat, “You called the police before you called me?” He interrogated.

y/n dropped Lydia’s hand so they could both turn and look at him. Lydia’s face held confusion while y/n’s mirrored Stiles’ as annoyance. Although she was annoyed at him, while he was annoyed at Lydia.

“I’m supposed to call you first when I found a dead body?”

“YES!” Stiles yelled dramatically, while y/n shook her head at the same time. Contradicting her boyfriend and assuring Lydia that she could ignore him as she turned to glare at him, warning him to take a chill pill.

“I’ll call Scott, let him know Boyd and the other girl have crossed over into this side of town.” y/n decided, the other two nodded in agreement.


“You know you guys didn’t have to follow me home.” Lydia pointed out as she opened the door to her bedroom and walked inside to sit down on her bed.

“Well,” y/n sighed, “we just wanted to make sure you got in okay.” She decided, satisfied with her justification. She stood slightly behind Stiles in the doorway.

“I had a police escort…” Lydia retorted.

Stiles just scoffed, “I know the inner workings of that force, alright? They’re not nearly as reliable as people think.”

Rolling her eyes, Lydia looked up at Stiles with amusement, “Well, you didn’t have to follow me into my room.”

“Well, I- uh,” Stiles looked back at y/n for help but proved herself useless as she just shrugged, “yeah uh, we don’t have an answer for that.”

“We’ll leave.” y/n finished as she went to grab Stiles’ arm and drag him out with her.

“Are you two really gonna leave without asking me the question that you’ve been dying to ask me?” Lydia’s stressed voice made them stop and turn back around. The couple shared a concerned glance, realizing there was no way Lydia was letting them leave until the were honest. y/n was the first to initiate.

y/n opened her mouth but Lydia cut her off before she could get a word out, “The answer is, I have no idea how I ended up finding that body. I didn’t even know where I was until I got out of the car.” She looked down disappointedly, the tension in the room strengthening.

“Yeah but the last time this happened…” y/n began as she walked inside the room towards Lydia.

“I know,” Lydia cut her friend off again as she lifted her head to make eye contact with y/n, “your uncle.” she stated towards the girl standing in front of her.

“Peter,” y/n whispered through a frustrated sigh, still accepting that she could even be remotely related to someone so ruthless and cruel.

“y/n.” Stiles said lightly to catch y/n’s attention, she turned around to listen.

“Your mom just asked us to meet her, at the hospital.”

She nodded, understanding that they had to leave.

“We’ll figure this out, Lydia.” She assured her friend before heading out the door with Stiles to their next destination of the night… which seemed like it was never going to end. Along with worrying about Scott and Derek, and now Lydia, she couldn’t begin to imagine what else her mom needed to add to this ongoing stress.


“Hey!” Stiles said as they approached Melissa at the front desk to the hospital, she smiled at her daughter and Stiles as she replied with a quick “Hi.”

“Over here,” she motioned for them both to follow her through the halls, “and if you tell anyone that I showed you this, I swear to god, I will kill you both.”

y/n jokingly put her hands up as if to surrender while Stiles actually looked a little scared from the threat.

“Why do you want to show me a body that we’ve already seen?” Stiles asked her as Melissa pulled the tarp that was laying over the body away. y/n shivered, either from the cold or from the corpse in front of her she didn’t know- she just wrapped her arms around herself to possibly bring her some warmth.

“Because you haven’t seen everything. See this around his neck?” Melissa instructed as she pointed towards the wounds, “That’s a ligature mark, that means he was strangled with something like a chord, rope…” Melissa trailed off as y/n furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, shifting her stance to get a better look.

“What kind of werewolf strangles someone?” y/n asked sarcastically.

“My thoughts exactly. Now look at this.” Melissa directed their gaze to the side of the kid’s head, to reveal a drill-sized hole on the right side behind the ear.

“God, man, what is that?” Stiles curled up in disgust, “Is that brain matter? Yeah it’s brain matter, of course.” He gulped to suppress the even grosser imagines infiltrating his head at the moment. y/n held back a smirk, knowing it wasn’t necessarily appropriate to laugh at his reaction in front of a dead body. She opted out for rubbing the side of his arm as he looked away.

“See the indentation? He was hit in the back of the head, hard enough to kill him. In fact, any of these things could have killed him. I mean, someone seriously wanted this poor kid dead.

“So then, this couldn’t have been Boyd or the other werewolf, you know? The wouldn’t have done all that. So maybe this is just one murder. Right? Maybe this is just a coincidence.” Stiles pointed out, offering up the scenario running through his head.

Melissa just shook her head and sighed, “I don’t think it was just one.”

“How come?”

“Because that girl over there, she’s got the exact same injuries.” They all turned to face the other corpse on an identical cold metal table.

Melissa walked over to unveil the body to y/n and Stiles, and began to explain this girl’s particular situation. “The M.E. said this one wasn’t just strangled. Who ever did this used a garrote, which is a stick that you put through the rope, and you just kinda keep twisting and…”

Halfway through Melissa’s explanation, Stiles had reached down and very softly grabbed y/n’s hand to comfort himself. Feeling the new contact, y/n looked up to him to see his eyes were glistening with unshed tears. Then she realized- this must have been Heather.

“Mom.” y/n haphazardly whispered to stop her mother.

“Oh my god did you know her?” Melissa quickly began to cover the body back up, “I’m so sorry. I didn’t even think.”

“I was-” Stiles paused to take a deep breath and catch a falling tear, “I was at her party, It was her birthday.” he explained staring a the ground, “Her name is Heather.” By the time he finished he was squeezing y/n’s hand excruciatingly tight, but she didn’t mind. Using her other hand to overlap their hands that were already intertwined and squeezing back, communicated that she had him. He got her message clearly.

“Okay Stiles we need to call your dad, you’re a witness.”

“Has anyone else been here tonight?” He asked ignoring Melissa’s original statement, “Any- any other bodies or anybody missing?”

“Two girls, they brought the first one in, Caitlin. For a tox screen, and then I overheard that her girlfriend, Emily, just disappeared. I mean they were out in the woods and-”

“Nobody’s found her yet?” Stiles interrupted.

“I don’t know.” Melissa shook her head.

“Stiles, what are you getting at?” y/n asked waiting for an explanation, wanting to know what’s going on in that extremely intelligent head of his.

“First one, Caitlin, is she here right now?” He ignored y/n and kept talking to Melissa, knowing y/n was just as smart and would get there eventually as they kept investigating.


“Okay, wait, wait just a minute-”

“I need to talk to her.” Stiles completed with such an intense sense of urgency Melissa had no choice but to take the two to the room in which Caitlin was staying.

“Why?” she asked anyway.

“Because I think I know what’s happening.


“We weren’t doing anything bad, I mean, I’ve camped out there plenty of times.” Caitlin explained to Stiles, Melissa and y/n.

“Right, but why tonight?” Stiles questioned the clearly traumatized girl, she wouldn’t even look at any of them as she talked about her missing girlfriend.

“We wanted to be alone for one night. Emily lives with her mom, and I have three roomates. Not exactly romantic settings, you know?”

“How long have you two been together.” Stiles asked as he crossed his arms, clearly trying to get specific information out of her.

“Three months.” She answered.

“And you wanted to make it romantic.”

“Yeah because, you know, it was…” Caitlin trailed off as her voice started to crack.

Stiles picked up where she left off, “Because it was her first time.”

Y/n looked up to examine her boyfriend after hearing what he had said, eyes widening as she finally understand why he need to talk to Caitlin- and why he had asked the questions he had been asking.

Like he had felt her gaze, Stiles turned to look at her too. Reluctantly smiling to confirm what she had been thinking, he grabbed her hand again- missing the comfort it had brought him as he went back to thinking about Heather.

Tears were now streaming down Caitlin’s face, “they’re gonna find her, aren’t they?”


y/n washed her hands in the bathroom before heading back into Stiles room. She found him sitting on his bed, staring at his hands as his right bounced uncontrollably. She stood against the door frame, watching him for a second, empathizing with him as he lost yet another person in his life.

“The other girl in the woods,” he spoke into the silence, “Emily. Eventually they’re gonna find her. She’s one of them. Emily, Heather, the guy Lydia found at the pool. All three were virgins, and they’re all going to have the same three injuries. Strangled, throat slashed, head bashed in… its called a threefold death.”

While he was talking y/n had moved to sit down next to him on the edge of the bed, placing her hand on his knee as he finished, “So if they aren’t random killings, what are they?” She whispered to him.

“Sacrifices. Human sacrifices.” He lifted his eyes to look her, noticing the bobbing of her throat as she gulped obviously. Both of them soaking in the intensity of the situation, along with the threat of an alpha pack still hiding out somewhere in Beacon Hills.

Before she could say anything her phone rang, she picked up the screen to look at the caller ID, Stiles felt her whole body tense on the bed.

“Who is it?” He asked her.

“It’s uh- It’s Derek.” She huffed, “I’m gonna step outside and take this.”

Once she had her back against the wall on the outside of Stiles’ room, she stared at the screen a little longer before answering. Dumbfounded by the fact that she actually felt some sort of- relief- that he was calling her. It meant he was safe.

“Hi.” She greeted.

“Uh, hey.” His voice hitched in his throat, obvious that he wasn’t expecting her to answer his call at all. Yet he was met with more silence, prompted he continue.

“So, the other werewolf tonight. She’s my… she’s our sister, Cora. I thought she had died in the fire but uh, she’s alive. I just thought you should know. I don’t want to keep any more secrets from you. And I wanted it to be me who told you.”

“Thank you,” she replied, knowing she really couldn’t be mad- she did appreciate that he called her and told her. She felt calm, for someone who had just found yet another long lost sibling of hers.

“Hey Derek,” she paused making sure he was still there, “I’m glad you’re alive.” She decided to say finally.

He knew she couldn’t see him, but he smiled anyway, “Are you okay?” He asked her in return.

y/n just laughed slightly, “I’m getting there.”

She pulled her phone away from her ear and ended the call, staying pressed up against the wall until she gathered enough courage to go back inside and tell Stiles the news. She looked down at her phone screen again, seeing that she had 8 missed calls from Deaton.


She forgot to tell him that she couldn’t meet him tonight. Sighing, she walked back inside to see Stiles had shifted from the edge of the bed, to his back propped up against the headboard. Seemingly waiting for her to come back, she walked immediately to sit opposite of him in the same position on the other side.

He just stared at her, waiting for her to talk. Knowing asking her was pushing too much.

“So, Cora, the other werewolf. Yeah she’s my sister.” She said straight-faced without even glancing in Stiles’ direction. He nodded his head and turned away from her in surprise.

“Wow.” he whispered. “You okay?”

She looked at him and smiled, loving his caring nature and grabbed his hand- staring into his beautiful golden eyes she replied- “Surprisingly, I’m fine. I really don’t think anything can surprise me anymore. After finding out I was adopted from a family of werewolves that couldn’t keep me because my dad was a powerful druid making me one also… I think I can handle a sister coming back from the dead.” They both laughed, letting all the weight on their shoulders fall off for the first time of that very long day.

Once the laughter died down, they just stayed smiling at each other for a few minutes, before y/n decided to lean in- not wanting to waste the first calm moment they’ve had together the whole week. He caught her lips in a subtle kiss as he leaned in to meet her halfway, instant relief at the comfort of her. The stress of that night seemed to fade away just in the very presence of her.

He let out an involuntary sigh as y/n pulled away, she giggled when she heard the noise he made and saw that his eyes were still closed- he was pouting.

“I should go.” She decided reluctantly, still holding his hand. But as she began to pull away he only gripped onto her tighter.

“Stay.” He whispered, so quiet that she barely heard it. But as she saw the very serious look in his eyes, she knew she wasn’t just hearing things.

“Please. I don’t want to be alone tonight.” He stared at her desperately, afraid she would say no.

y/n returned to her spot on the bed, this time positioned on her knees so she could be right up close to him. Placing the palms of her hands on each side of his face, she pressed a chaste kiss to his forehead. “I’ll stay.” she whispered against his skin, feeling him instantly relax under her touch. She moved back so she could look down at his voice, and his eyes looked darker than before- maybe it was admiration for her, maybe it was more. Maybe he really needed her in more ways than one tonight.

Without saying a word and without letting his gaze fall from her eyes, he moved his hand under her knees and shifted her until she was straddling his lap. Once she was settled, he moved his hands to her waste, and gently moved his hands under the material of her shirt, letting his fingers brush against her warm and inviting skin. He couldn’t help but smirk when she shivered under his touch.

Her hands had now moved to the sides of his neck to keep herself steady sitting on top of him. She gulped slightly, all of this being completely new territory for her. She watched nervously and excitedly as Stiles sat up, pulling her closer to him until he had full access to her neck. He moved her hair over to one side, so that there was no barrier as he began to press soft and sweet kisses from the bottom of her jaw following all the way down to her collar bone- where he began to deepen the kisses causing her to let out a quiet moan.

y/n let her hands move through his hair, gripping tightly so she could pull him back up to reconnect with her lips in a hungry and passionate kiss. She easily granted his tongue permission as he begged for entrance. Their bodies could not be closer together as their lips moved in sync, moving her legs to be wrap completely around him.

She stopped him for second, placing her hand on his chest as her cue. He watched her in confusion, noticing the deep intensity sparkling in her eyes. Not breaking eye contact with Stiles once as she gripped the edge of her shirt, pulling the material completely over her head.

Stiles eyes now wider and hungrier than before, he placed his hands on her bare back before asking, “Are you sure?”

y/n nodded feverishly, “I want it to be you.” She said with the most sincerity she could muster.

He smiled at her, taking all of her in, every inch. He cupped the side of her face and slowly brought her down to him until their foreheads were touching the same way they were minutes prior. “Have I ever told you that I love you.” He said as his thumb rubbed over the skin on her cheek.

He watched as her smile widened, and took that as his cue to roll her over until she was on her back. He pressed his lips back to hers so they could continue where they left off, and the rest of the night was theirs.

Y/N - Your Name

Word Count - 1512

Prologue - Welcome to the Fun house, Blackwood.

Warnings - Death, filicide, swearing, all around shitty situation considering family beforehand.

Moving 5.3 thousand miles at sixteen wasn’t exactly my plan but it’s what ended up happening. No GCSE taking, no getting drunk in a field on the last day or after prom. Instead it’s a flight to California to live with my older sister. Although I guess it was bound to happen given the circumstances and the only place, I could realistically go without being put into a bad situation was here, Beacon Hills in the Golden State. As if being a 16-year-old isn’t melodramatic enough, being one with issues and a fish out of water creates melodrama for a good year or so. The drive from the airport to Beacon Hills itself wasn’t too bad considering I fell asleep whilst my sister drove, there wasn’t much conversation, I guess she’s still in shock considering she had a much different experience in comparison to the one I had, not that I blame her. I think something simply snapped in them, mum was always murmuring to herself in a different language, it seemed as if it was Latin and dad would randomly snarl at people. I guess everyone has their points, but theirs led to them filicide, whereas others just simply have a breakdown and they have a support system. Not killing three of the four children in the home at the present time. Although Bea has been living in our great grandparents’ old house since she inherited it and done it up. Yet I have a feeling with her being a successful author helps to pay the bills.

It’s only when Bea pulls up in front of the house that I feel myself to get choked up. “How can you sit there so calm Bea? After what they did to Alastair, Blaze and Harry, how can you not be a bit more of a mess?” I question my sister, tears rolling down my face.

“Because Y/N, I didn’t see it like you did, it hasn’t processed in my head like it has for you. But I’m here for you now and I am going to be the big sister you’ve missed out on since I left.” Bea explains and she puts her arm around me across the centre console and I rest my head on her shoulder.

“I’m so sorry Bea, I should’ve done more to save them or to stop them.” I sob out.

“Hey, Y/N listen to me, it’s not your fault one bit now how about you come inside and meet Apollo, he’s dying to meet you and I am sure he’d love to give you all the cuddles in the world.” Bea tries to cheer me up and I sniffle and nod.

I hop out of Bea’s grey Toyota and grab my bags from the boot of her car and follow her up to the house after locking the car behind me. Bea is already at the door and after unlocking it and opening the door, a Pit Bull comes darting out the door and jumps up on my front and starts licking me. “Aw, hello little fella. Aren’t you the cutest guy around here huh?” I say dropping one of the bags so I can stroke him, and I can hear Bea laughing. “Okay, Apollo! Come here!” He gets down instantly and retreats to her and I pick up my bags and follow suit to the house. It’s only when I get inside, I really grasp how big the house is. “Jesus Christ Bea, when you said that the house was a bit bigger than what I’d be used to, I didn’t expect this. Fucking hell!” I exclaim in amazement and the scale of the downstairs area and how cosy it is at the same time. All Bea does is laugh.

“Hey, follow me, I’ll show you your room.” Bea suggests and I follow suit and gaze around the house as we walk and how the walls look so clean and modern with different prints from artists around ranging from simple line art to intricate landscapes. There are few photos, but I assume she has a majority of them in her room. That’s when we stop in front of an eggshell white wooden door. Bea ushers for me to go inside the room and it has a little corridor before opening up to the room which is simple and has a double bed with a wooden frame and white bedding. To the left there’s a door that leads to what I presume to be my bathroom which also doubles up as a wardrobe as well. I find myself gobsmacked. “Like it?”

“Like it? I love it!” I exclaim and hug her.

“I know it’s not much right now at least until your stuff from England gets here but you can decorate however you want it okay?” I simply nod at Bea.

“Thank you, seriously Bea.”

“It’s fine. Anyways, whilst I am working tomorrow, I need you to run some errands for me and when you are done with them, I’ll teach you how to drive and maybe we can watch some movies? You’ll be having to start school when it starts up again in January, so we have three weeks for you to adjust here.” I give her a small smile and that’s when she leaves me to my devices. That’s when I lie down on my bed and stare up at the ceiling, what adventures will come to me? I don’t know. Will I meet new people? Indefinitely. Do I have a feeling that this town has something to it? Yes. Am I going to find out? Now that is an answer that I don’t think anyone knows or would be willing to answer.


Falling asleep in my clothes from the day prior was apparently a bad idea since it made me feel dirty as soon as I woke up. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I quickly shower and get into some clean clothes. Wandering through the house I end up in the kitchen and I find a list of errands for me to do today and underneath is another note to give to someone called Deaton? I shrug and put them in my pockets so I can get some breakfast before leaving.

Just as I am about to put the bread in the toaster, I hear Bea shout my name. “Yeah?” I question. “I’ve got a friend coming around so let him in when he gets here please!”

“Sure!” I reply and turn back to the toaster and push them down.

Yet just as they pop out of the toaster the doorbell rings. “I’m coming!” I pull the toast out and drop it on the plate before sliding towards the door and slipping back as I open the door due to wearing socks on a clean laminate floor. I fall on my ass as the door swings open to reveal a dark figure in a leather jacket and seems to have a case of resting bitch face to me. He looks down at me. “Hi.” He awkwardly greets and offers me a hand up.

“Hi, I’m Y/N, Bea’s younger sister. You must be…” I trail off.

“Derek. Derek Hale. It’s nice to meet you Y/N, can I ask where’s your sister?” He questions and I step away from him due to the proximity.

“I think she’s in her study, I’m sure you’ll know where that is because I sure as hell don’t. Now if you don’t mind me, I’ve got some toast with my name on it. It was nice meeting you Derek.” I explain and give him a sincere smile.

“You too Y/N” he returns with a smile and heads down the nearest corridor presumably to Bea’s study. I close the door behind him and head back to the kitchen. As I sit there eating my toast I notice my iPad lighting up with messages from Facebook messenger from my friends back at home. I elect to ignoring it and go back to eating my food when a shiver runs down my spine. Ha, it must be somebody walking over my grave. That’s how the saying goes right?

I finish up my food and head out to do the errands that Bea has requested. I stop by the animal clinic where I am met with a boy my age with an uneven jaw. “Hi, is Deaton here? I have something for him from my sister.” I explain to him and he explains that he’s just gone to pick something up from the shop, or store as he called it.

“So, are you new in town?” He questions.

“Let me guess you could tell from the accent?” I return and he chuckles.

“Just a bit, do you know your way around town?” I shake my head. “After Deaton gets back, I’m meeting with my friend Stiles, if you want we can show you around.” What sort of a name is Stiles?

“You know what I’ll take you up on that offer…”

“Scott. Scott McCall.”

“Nice to meet you Scott McCall, I’m Y/N Blackwood.” 






/: . ’ ! ... , . !


You stirred awake to the sound of your phone going off. You untucked your arm from the warmth of your comforter and reached over to grab your phone which was still going off. You squinted your eyes at the bright light and saw Stiles’ name. You tiredly answered the phone, “Y/N!” You groaned at the volume, “Stiles it is twelve in the morning what do you want?” You asked. “Y/N, we think Derek Hale is the alpha!” You rolled your eyes. “Okay. Can I go back to sleep now?” “Y/N, get your ass out of bed and let’s go, we’re waiting outside.” You shuffled out of your bed to peer out your window, and sure enough, Stiles blue jeep was parked out front. “I’m going to kill you.” You threatened, annoyed. “Hurry up!” Stiles yelled through the phone before hanging up.

You begrudgingly got ready, not changing out of your pj shorts and t-shirt, opting to just slip on a hoodie. You put on your shoes, grabbed your phone and wallet and you were out the door and with an angry frown on your face, meeting with Stiles’ and Scott’s grins as you hopped in the backseat of the jeep. “Hey babe.” Stiles smiled, turning around in the driver’s seat to look at you. You just rolled your eyes. “Where are we going?” You asked, settling in the back seat. Stiles started to pull out of your driveway and drive down the dimly lit street, only few street lamps on. “We’re going to the Hale house.” He said. “What?” Scott turned to look at you, “We’re just going to investigate a little bit.” You raised your eyebrows, “So what? We’re gonna snoop around in his house, because I’m pretty sure that’s breaking and entering. And wouldn’t he be home?” You replied. Scott turned back around. “We’re not going inside, we’re just going to investigate around the house.” “Snoop. Snoop around the house?” You shot back. He sighed, “Yes.”

“What’s wrong with snooping?” Stiles popped in. “It’s rude.” You said, crossing your arms. Just then you pulled up to the clearing of the woods, which revealed the Hale house, which was deteriorating by the minute. It was dark, gloomy, and quite frankly, scary. It looked like something straight out of a cliche horror film. You all hopped out of the jeep with caution, being sure to shut the doors as quietly as possible. You walked up to Stiles, linking an arm with his as you three cautiously stepped closer to the house. A house your parents would tell you to never go near as children. And the house you guys egged on halloween when your parents told you not to.

“So what are we looking for?” You asked as you and Stiles began to walk around. Scott splitting up slightly, but still within your hearing range. “I don’t know, anything out of the ordinary.” Scott replied. You were about to say something when Stiles stopped walking, causing you to so the same. “Like this?” He said, which made Scott come over to where we were standing. You three looked down to see dirt. But it seemed to be dug up and then placed right back, as if someone dug a hole and then filled it back up. Like they were burying something. “Yeah, yeah like this.” Scott said, kneeling down and beginning to dig. Stiles pulled away from you to help, but after a minute or two, gave up and made Scott do the rest on his own.

You and Stiles stood there watching as Scott dug, but then he found something. You and Stiles heard Scott dig upon what sounded like plastic or something. “What is that?” Stiles asked. “A tarp.” Scott replied lifting it up, revealing something that you guys weren’t prepared to see. You gasped, as you guys looks down to see a dead wolf, ripped in half. Stiles wrapped an arm around your shoulder and pulled you close. “What the hell?” Scott said. “Oh my god that’s disgusting.” Stiles added. You looked back down at it, gasping yet again, seeing something even more gruesome than before. It had turned into the upper half of a girl. You quickly turned to Stiles, tucking your face into his chest as he wrapped his arms around you protectively. “That’s the other half of that body.” Stiles said. “Yeah, this is the half I saw the night I was bit.” Scott said, burying her back up, kicking the dirt back into the hole.

Scott frantically kicked the dirt back in the hole. “We need to go, like now.” Stiles said, pulling you along with him towards the jeep. Scott followed. You three quickly got into the jeep and got the hell out of there. “Why would Derek bury that girl?” Scott pondered. “Maybe she was a werewolf, ‘cause she like, transformed or whatever.” Stiles said. Scott nodded in agreement. “Okay but still, why did Derek feel the need to bury her by his house, where’s the connection?” You asked. “Hold on, if she’s a werewolf, and he’s a werewolf, what if they like…knew each other or something.” Stiles said. “Or they’re related.” Scott said, looking over at Stiles with wide eyes. You three knew right then that you had stumbled upon way more than you had previously intended. This was something you weren’t supposed to see, and something no one was supposed to know about. “What if he killed her?” Stiles asked, already thinking of every possible scenario in his head. “I think we should just drop it for tonight.” You replied, tired and not wanting Stiles to get riled up. The boys reluctantly agreed and you three sat in comfortable silence as Stiles drove Scott home.

Once at the McCall house, Stiles and Scott said their goodbyes and you got out of the jeep to take Scott’s previous place in the passenger seat. After Stiles pulled out of the driveway and began driving down the dark street, you reached over to grab his right hand and intertwine your nimble fingers with his. His hand was warm. He didn’t say anything, only glancing at you as you took his hand. You rested yours and his hand on the console that separated you two. You leaned your head on the window and closed your eyes, just barely falling asleep.

It wasn’t before long that Stiles pulled into your driveway and pulled his hand from yours, getting out of the jeep and over to the passenger side door, carefully opening it to wake you. “Hey, come on let’s get you to bed.” He said softly. He unbuckled you and you turned to look at him, bringing your arms around his shoulders, his arms wrapping around your torsos and lifting you out of the jeep. He walked you inside and into your room, keeping an arm around you as you leaned on him.

Stiles flicked on your lamp, slightly illuminating the room. You glanced at your alarm clock on your bedside table, reading 2:01. Stiles pulled back your comforter and you climbed into bed, Stiles tucking you in. Once were tucked in and comfortable he gave you a peck on the lips. “Okay, I’ll see you in the morning, alright?” He said. “Wait,” you interjected, “stay.” You finished. He smiled, kicking off shoes, then pulling off his jeans and shrugging off his jacket. He climbed into bed beside you and you turned onto your side and faced away from him. He comfortably wrapped his arm around you, nuzzling his nose in the dip between your neck and shoulder. He breathed out a sigh of contentment. “Goodnight, love you.” He whispered, kissing your neck. “Love you.” You replied, falling asleep in your lover’s arms.


Two Mates Are Better Than One - Sterek x Reader

Pairing: Sterek x Reader

Prompt: my love for Sterek and Dylan O’Brien’s hands.

Warning: Smut! A lot of heavy straight, gay and bisexual three ways it had to happen okay it just did. Also light d/s undertones. Not a lot barely noticeable if you blink.

Description: As Derek’s mate you knew he loved you but another part of him was always somewhere else so when you decidedly crash his pack reunion and you discover no one knows about you, you may or may not tell a certain lanky young man about Derek’s secret love for him. But who could blame you. Two mates are better than one…

A huge thank you to my beta @lets-imagine-fanfics, who as always is a pro at deciphering my terrible spelling and grammatical errors.



You strut up the stairs with anger boiling under your skin. Everything that had happened over the last few months was unreal, but the fact that the only person you had left decided to say he was going to be a few weeks and then not come back for 3 months.

You dug your high heel in the pavement as you flicked the door open with ease before strolling into the apparently full loft that Derek had told you about when you were in New Orleans together. You ignored the looks from the people you didn’t know but vaguely recognised, walking straight into the middle of the pack.

“Stiles, did you eat my last pudd-”


Your hand connected with Derek’s cheek before he even scented your presence. His eyes shot up in surprise, and the second he saw you, he panicked, and you could see it in his eyes even if everyone else couldn’t. Good, he should panic, you thought angrily.

“Y-Y/N…baby…” Derek started and you let out a growl in return.

“Don’t you dare! ‘I’ll be 3 weeks tops.’ That’s what you told me Derek!” You screamed angrily before grabbing his arm and throwing him straight over your shoulder onto the cold hard ground of his loft.

“Maybe I should find a different mate!? One worthy of me!” You snarled angrily as you glanced around the pack that he’d told you about and showed you pictures of.

“Stiles! He seems fun!” You smirk as Derek growled as he tried to stand up but your pushed your heels into his chest.

“Ah ah ah. Anything you wanna say first, DerBear?” You asked with fake sweetness.

“I’m sorry, baby. I was gonna come get you when I settled down…” He huffed sadly, giving you his best puppy eyes and you melted instantly.

“Holy shit, someone tamed sourwolf!” Stiles laughed as he pointed at Derek on the floor and you shot the younger boy a smirk.

“You wanna end up under my heel too?” You asked mischievously.

“Depends on why it’s there.” Stiles answered instantly and Derek shot up, instantly wrapping a possessive arm around you.

“I like him. I can see why he’s your favourite.” You stated with a giggle as Derek flushed.

“Awww, I’m your favourite!? I thought I was your least favourite.” Stiles preened happily as Scott rolled his eyes.

“Wow, does anyone in this pack know who you are?” You asked as your eyes flickered from Stiles to Derek. With a sigh you decided to withhold what you knew since clearly he wasn’t very open with his pack.

“Anyways, I’m Y/N. Derek’s girlfriend.” You informed people and they nodded as they greeted you.

“I’m guessing no one knew I existed?” You asked with a laugh and everyone nodded.

After getting to know the pack, who left at about 11pm, now you were sat looking at Derek with a serious gaze. He knew what you were about to bring up, but he didn’t want to hear it although he knew that wasn’t going to stop you, because it’s something that needs to be addressed.

“Does anyone even know why you left? Does he know?” You sighed with a frown.

“No…” He whispered sadly and you stood up angrily.

“Der, you can’t keep doing this…you obviously love him!” You shouted at him as you stood up and began pacing.

“And I love you!” Derek replied equally as angry.

“I know that, Der! I’m not saying I’m leaving you, calm down! I’m just saying, you need to tell him!” You huffed and he looked beyond confused.

“Why…I’m with you?” He scoffed in confusion.

“You wouldn’t be the first born wolf to take two mates. There are a lot of gay wolves that also need to carry on bloodlines…” You supplied and his eyes widened like he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“Y-You’re not serious?” Derek stuttered with a bright red face.

“Actually I am. I love you Der and I want this for us. Ooo someone’s here…” You whispered as you turned towards the spiral staircase.

“Go talk to him.” You whispered pushing him down the stairs.

You stood by the stairs and listened to the conversation from there, tuning your ears in as Stiles took a deep breath. You should be jealous but honestly your were excited, you may not feel that way about Stiles but maybe you would one day. Right now you were just happy Derek Hale is getting everything he wants and deserves.

“I-I know this is weird, but was your girlfriend telling the truth earlier am I really you favourite?” Stiles whispered nervously.

“Yeah…” Derek grumbled huskily as his heart raced in his chest.

“You’re girlfriends seems cool…”He muttered lamely ad you rolled your eyes at how constipated they both seemed.

You had enough and started down the stairs startling Stiles at the sound of your heels. Derek looked up, meeting your eyes with a scared look and you gave him a reassuring smile before beginning to circle Stiles, before settling behind him, your hands on Stiles shoulders.

You felt the boy tense under your touch as you felt shame roll off him in waves making you smile softly. He feels bad because he was attracted to your boyfriend and you thought it was the cutest thing you’d ever seen.

“Don’t worry Stiles. I don’t mind that you find him attractive.” You whispered in his ear making his body shake slightly.

“Shall I tell you a secret?” You asked and Stiles surprisingly found himself nodding.

“Derek finds you attractive too.” You purred as you looked at Derek from behind Stiles.

You crooked your finger towards Derek, beckoning him closer, making him walk towards you and Stiles with a flushed face as he kept quiet. You giggled against Stiles ear before licking the shell of his ear, while maintaining eye contact with Derek. You couldn’t tell if he was more jealous about you touching someone else or that you got to touch Stiles first.

“Look he doesn’t know who to be more jealous of…isn’t it cute? Do you know how many times he moaned your name in his sleep? He told me about you…how he had to leave because he couldn’t be around the love of his life while they screwed his cousin…” You teased you know it was a little cruel but you needed to let him know you weren’t happy that Derek had suffered.

“L-Love of his life?” Stiles stuttered with wide eyes and you gripped his face turning him to you.

“Did you know sometimes wolves have more than one mate?” You asked as you stared into his eyes.

“Y-Yes, when a wolf is in need of a cub but prefers the same sex, they usually take on another mate to breed with…but I can’t breed so I’m kind of a useless mistress.” He rambled, making Derek chuckle a little at his antics.

“You are so cute Stiles… I’m doing the carrying you’re doing the main mate position.” You whispered and he seemed even more so confused.

“I-I don’t want to push you to the side, t-that’s not fair… he’s your boyfriend.” Stiles whispered fearfully like this was all a trick.

“Oh, baby boy, this was my idea. Wasn’t it, DerBear?” You purred seductively as you look at your boyfriend you swiped your tongue across Stiles’ lower lip.

“O-Oh you wanna be a throuple?” Stiles asked realising what you were clearly getting at.

“Yes, but we are not calling it that.” You laughed as you turned Stiles to look at Derek.

“Show him Der…show him how much you want him…” You whispered as you pushed Stiles into Derek’s arms.

“Oh and Derek?” He looked up at you as he caught Stiles in his arms.

“Don’t be afraid to throw him about a little, I have a feeling he’ll like it. I know I will.” You said in a sing song voice as you started stripping your heels off and jeans, before shedding your bodysuit, leaving you in a black lacy matching bra and panties set.

“Is she serious, I can’t tell…” Stiles asked Derek as he clutched the male wolves v-neck.

“Yeah, she’s serious… So am I… I-I… I love you, Stiles. When you came and found me, and I found out you weren’t with Malia, I didn’t know what to do… that’s why I didn’t contact Y/N… she knew how I felt about you and I was ashamed of still being in love with you while I had a girlfriend…but she said she wanted to try us three together…Personally I’m starting to think she’s just a pervert and wants to watch us have sex.” Derek joked towards the end and Stiles couldn’t help his own chuckled.

“Well, I love you too, Der, and I’d like to try this but how about instead of watching, you join in Y/N? It would feel less creepy.” Stiles whispered shyly and you let out a delighted squeal as you skipped over to the two boys who were still in a sort of embrace.

“There’s nothing creepy about watching, I bet Derek likes to watch.” You whispered playfully, before pulling Stiles down for a kiss.

His lips were as soft as you expected them to be. Derek had spoken so much about the boy over the last year, that you feel like you could almost taste him on your tongue whenever Derek kissed you. It never bothered you, it only made you more curious to meet the younger male.

You moaned into the kiss as your tongue twisted around Stiles’, you could hear Derek panting as he watched the two people he loved kiss. You opened your eyes as you pulled away your eyes meeting Stiles’ amber ones, his lips glistening and swollen from the kiss… he was beautiful.

“I’m suddenly realising why you love him… he’s alluring… like an aphrodisiac… looks innocent but the second you’re hooked, you’re done.” You whispered with flushed cheeks as you looked at Derek with a satisfied smile.

“How many times have you fucked yourself open, thinking of Derek? Hmm?” You whispered against his lips.

“Too much…” Stiles moaned as your nails dragged down his clothed torso.

“See, I bet I can peg every one of your kinks too… I did with Derek, didn’t I, baby?” You giggled and Derek smirked at you, flashing his wolf eyes at you playfully.

“Praise kink, but sometimes you like being shamed instead.” You guessed making his breathing hitch in his chest.

“Oral fixation.” Derek groaned as his eyes met with Stiles.

“Ooo, cum slut?” You asked with humour in your tone, but when Stiles’ heart started racing, your eyes widened at the thought of this boy loving being covered in Derek’s or maybe even your cum was a turn on for whatever reason.

“Oh he is… you two are wearing too much.” You whined as you started peeling Stiles’ plaid shirt off of his shoulders as you watched Derek strip his v-neck.

“Isn’t he gorgeous, baby boy?” You purred into Stiles’ ear as you pulled his plain white t-shirt over his head and off of his body.

“F-Fuck… I must be dreaming…” Stiles whimpered as your nails dragged down his now bare chest.

“Oh no this is very real, Stiles. So do me a favour, look at me.” You asked sweetly making him look you in the eyes.

“I need to make sure you’re okay with this. I need your full consent and agreement to use traffic light system incase I go too far okay?” You muttered and he smiled honestly.

“Yeah I want this…” He nodded enthusiastically.

You nodded before shooting a smirk at him and he suddenly looked a little scared. Instead of anymore words you grabbed Stiles’ hair dragging him to his knees in front of Derek, you knelt next to the younger male with a smirk as you unzipped Derek’s Jeans, pulling him out of his pants. Stiles gasped next to you making you giggle, with a nod of agreement, at his shock.

“Fucking hell, Y/N…” Derek groaned as he looked anywhere but at Stiles on his knees.

“Look at him, Derek!” You snapped as Stiles finally wrapped his hands around Derek large shaft pumping him a few times with his large hands, that you just now noticed and you felt hot from imagining them inside you.

“Shit, his hand…” You whimpered and Derek smirked suddenly very smug by you getting hot a bothered.

Derek stared down at you both, with a dazed dark look, that made you clench your thighs in anticipation. Stiles started licking the tip slowly earning a deep groan from the male wolf. You bit you lip as you watched Stiles’ mouth finally wrap around the tip, it had to be the hottest thing you had ever seen.

Your hand drifted down your stomach straight into your panties as you watch Stiles’ head bob up and down, but the second you let out a moan of your own, both men’s eyes were on you. Derek looked down at you, with a filthy smirk on his face, before turning back to Stiles.

“Can you multi-task, baby?” Derek asked, his voice thick with lust.

“I think baby girl wants your fingers… she always did have a thing about hands.” Derek taunted as you drag your panties down your thighs and off of your legs before sitting next to Stiles with your legs spread.

“Shit, so wet…” Stiles muttered as his hand ran up your thigh.

“If you think that’s wet, wait until you see her cum.” Derek groaned, his hand guiding his dick back into Stiles’ mouth as the younger male happily let the older male thrust into it slowly.

“Fuck… you’re taking too long.” You mumbled in a needy way as you grabbed his hand and put it straight in you wet heat. Stiles moaned around Derek’s cock as he started easing a finger into you.

“Does that oral fixation only apply to dick, or…?” You moaned as you thrust against his finger. Stiles pulled away from Derek’s cock with a pop, never stopping his hand as he spoke.

“No, it applies to pussy as well.” Stiles smirked and Derek let out a dirty groan making you both look at him.

“Let’s go to the bedroom, we need lube.” You moaned even though you made no move to stop his finger as he started picking up his own pace.

“Baby, if you can’t get up and get to the bedroom, I’m gonna keep Stiles to myself.” Derek teased making you freeze. You quickly removed Stiles one finger and ran up the stairs and Derek picked Stiles up and carried him upstairs.

You jumped on the bed and waited as Derek brought Stiles closer to the bed. The older male placed him down, stripping him of his jeans and positioning Stiles on his back. You bit your lip in amusement as Stiles’ flushed under Derek’s forwardness.

You leaned over to the bedside table, grabbing the lube you knew Derek would have there and passed it to your boyfriend with a smirk. He took it happily as you sat next to Stiles again with a seductive smile directed down at him.

“Can I suck your dick, Stiles?” You asked with fake innocent and he started choking making Derek chuckle.

“Y-Yeah…” He stuttered with a blush spreading over his chest.

You knelt closer to Derek, who was opening the lube quietly. He’s been so quiet, not that he was usually different, but it was worrying you, so you leaned over and took his lips with yours making him sigh happily.

“Do you need some encouragement, DerBear. Want me to show you how its done?” You smirked as you took the lube from him, spreading a little on your index finger before bending over Stiles’ torso to feel for his entrance.

When you brushed over it Stiles gasped as you pushed past the ring slowly, feeling his entrance suck in your finger greedily and you let out a dirty moan as you looked up at Derek as he watched with dark eyes.

“So tight… and greedy.” You teased as you started thrusting the finger in and out of the younger boy.

However, before you could get too cocky, you felt two long fingers thrust inside of you, so fast you started shaking, your end right in sight already. You pulled your finger out of Stiles and passed Derek the lube as you took hold of Stiles rock hard member, engulfing it into your mouth almost instantly.

He gasped huskily,your name coming off your lips and it sounded like heaven, especially when it was followed by Derek’s name, as Derek pushed his much thicker finger past Stiles’ ring of muscle.

You moaned around the younger male’s cock as he continued thrusting his fingers, adding a 3rd one as he went. You took his member as far as you could, gagging a little as you almost took him all.

“Find her g-spot… she squirts… not lots, but it’s hot.” Derek groaned as he pushed another finger into the younger male, making him whimper, taking it happily.

Stiles nodded at Derek’s words and crook his finger in search of your special spot, the second you found it you popped off his cock letting out a dirt moan, his finger massage the special spot as his thumb came to caress your clit.

“F-Fuck… yes. Just like that! M’gunna cum, Stiles.” You panted breathlessly as you thrust against his fingers like a mad woman.

“Cum for Stiles, baby.” Derek groaned as he stroked his own hard on, never once stopping his stretching of Stiles.

“Fuck! Yes!” You cried out as you came all over Stiles’ finger, liquid leaking all over the bed making Stiles groaned at the sight.

“We’re doing that again later after you fuck me, big boy.” Stiles groaned as Derek circled the now 3 fingers inside of the younger male.

“Be a good girl and sit on Stiles’ cock, baby girl.” Derek commanded and you let Stiles slip his finger out as he watched with wide eyes.

“You ready, baby boy?” You moaned as Derek rest his chin on your shoulder, lining himself up at Stiles’ entrance as you hovered over his cock.

He nodded desperately and you slowly sat on his cock, moaning at the feeling of him inside you. He felt different to Derek, longer but not as thick as Dereks. It felt amazing, you looked over your shoulder at Derek to see his face pinch as if he was trying to control himself.

“Does he feel good, Der? Tight and hot?” You gasped as you angled yourself so Stiles was hitting your g-spot and you continued bouncing on him like he was your favourite ride.

“Y-Yes, you like him fucking your little pussy, baby girl?” Derek growled in pleasured as he stated slowly thrusting into Stiles making you younger boy almost scream in ecstasy.

“Y-Yes fuck! You’re so perfect, baby boy… Look at you, taking it all. It makes me wanna ruin you.” You whispered huskily, Stiles eyes meeting yours as his hands came up to grip your thighs.

“M’gonna c-cum… Y/N, D-Der, faster please…” His voice cracking as he moaned out loudly.

“Cum for us, baby boy.” You moaned and Derek sped up, grunt and growling as he left kisses along your neck, his hand cupping you breast as he pinched at your nipples.

“You too, baby girl, cum for us.” Derek whispered in your ear before moving his hand down to massage your clit.

You clenched around Stile, making him clench around Derek triggering everyone’s orgasms, the room filled with the smell of sex and the heat from your body’s entangled together.

“That was amazing…when can we go again?” You asked with a smile on your face and Derek started laughing as Stiles choked.

“Is she always like this?” Stiles asked exasperated.

“She’s a greedy girl, aren’t you, baby?” Derek chuckled darkly and you nodded your head with a cheeky smile on your face.

Derek lifted you off of Stiles, moving you to lay in the middle of both of them, before his hand drifted down to your cum covered sex. Derek started pumping his fingers into your special spot but what shocked you was Stiles’ fingers joined in like it was a normal occurrence, his mouth meeting yours in a heated kiss before you felt yourself building up again.

“Mmmm p-please…” You whispered as they both sped up.

“Moans so pretty for us doesn’t she, baby boy?” Derek groaned as he kisses Stiles in front you.

“Mhmm so pretty. Maybe we should try both of us together next time.” Stiles groaned and with the imagine of both men fucking you, you came over both males fingers.

“This…is totally…gonna work.” You said between breaths, making both males laugh at you.

Stiles brought up his hand seeing your cum all over it before bring it up to his lips and licking his fingers making you and Derek let out growls of satisfaction. You looked at Derek with a smirk before you both dived on top on Stiles clearly ready for round two. You couldn’t wait to see what the further held for you all.

Take Me Dancing -

Stiles Stilinski x Plus size!Reader

(Because my boy can dance …fuck)

Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x Reader


Warning: Smut! Stiles got a obsession with asses! Because in my mind he’s an ass man or legs man!

Description: Malia made you buy a dress you aren’t so comfortable in…she’s taking yes as an answer only. Grin and bare it you guess…until you finally got the boy you like to notice you.



However before you could change Malia bust into your room without so much as a knock, looking you over with a satisfied smile. You shook your head, your eyes widening as she grabbed your arm.

However before you could change Malia bust into your room without so much as a knock, looking you over with a satisfied smile. You shook your head, your eyes widening as she grabbed your arm.

“Nope! I need to change!” You screamed dramatically as she dragged you out your room with ease, god damn werewolf strength, your size clearly didn’t faze the wolfs when they flung you around like you were a size 6.

“Nope you need to get in the nice expensive car Peter bribed my love with.” Malia deadpanned as she opened the passenger door to her car.

“Malia I look like a big red marshmallow!” You screamed childishly as she was wrapping the seatbelt over your body clearly not taking any chances with you running back into your house.

“Stop. You look sexy and if he doesn’t see that, find someone better. I heard that Brett has a thing for curvy girls.” Malia supplied and you rolled your eyes at her words like she was lying through her teeth.

“You mean fat?” You supplied bitterly and she shot you the deadliest glare she could muster, her eyes flashing at you in warning.

“Listen to me now woman you look so fucking good so when we get there you’re going to get a drink, then we’re going to dance and ignore everyone else? Okay?” She demanded as we started pulling up to the loft.

“Fine. I do love dancing… also does Derek know we’re using his loft this time?” You asked with a raised brow as you stared at the glowing light coming from the loft.

“It was his idea since he’s away he said we could use it as long as we cleaned up and replaced whatever gets broken.” Malia shrugged as she turned off the car.

You stepped out of the car, looking down at the red, long sleeved wrap dress that came to the middle of your thighs and your black heels with a sigh before taking a deep breath. You put on your best fake confidence and linked arms with Malia who was in a plain tight black dress.

The second you walked into the loft your eyes widened at the sight of all the bright lights flashing on the make shift dance floor, there was a make shift bar in the corner too making you cheer happily. You dragged Malia to the bar in desperate need of alcohol to loosen you up.

You ordered your favourite drink, taking a few heavy gulps, your throat burning as it went down and you finished the drink and looked at Malia with a wide grin as she laughed at your antics.

“Happiness, ain’t something you sit back and ya wait for.” Selena Gomez’s voice sounded through the speaker and your arm shot in the air happily.

You cheered happily as you dragged Malia to the dance floor swaying your hips as you went, the beat rippling through your body as the body’s mushed together dancing along to the beat.

You and Malia danced closely, resting your hands on each other as you danced, getting lost in the beat. You were enjoying dancing, it had been so long since you felt this free you were shocked when someone started dancing behind you, their hands on your hips but Malia just nodded so you went with it, not looking who is was.

You could feel they were tall, their muscles pressing against your back and your best guess was Brett which made you laugh softly as you danced, he was a friend so you had no problem with it and you were very single. However since you never looked back, scared you’d lose your nerve, you couldn’t confirm it was Brett.

You danced for the rest of the song pressed against Malia and the unknown guy behind you until the DJ announced he’d had a request from someone called Stiles and your eyes widened as Stiles came to the side of you glaring at the guy behind you making Malia chuckle.

“Don’t mind if I steal Y/N do you? Of course not.” Stiles stated sarcastically as he drug you away from, who you now saw was indeed, Brett who looked beyond amused by Stiles as he continued dancing with Malia.

As Jason Derulo’s Take You Dancing came on you raised a brow at Stiles who just shrugged as he took you hand with a suggestive brow wiggle as he did a little bow, making you giggle softly. He suddenly spun you outwards before bringing you back into his chest as started grinding your body together his leg slightly between you leg.

“When did you learn to dance?” You chuckled awkwardly as you felt you face heat up being this close to the man you liked so much.

“Last year when I was living in Washington. I went to a few clubs and I met an older woman who took pity on me. She taught me how to dance telling me it was a waste that I had such a pretty face. She was an old dance teacher.” He huffed shyly into your ear before pulling away at arms length encouraging you to dance for him.

You shook your head at his confidence but for some reason it only seemed to boost your own. Right now the boy of your affections is showing you attention whether it was only for tonight or not, you were going to enjoy it.

“Well you do have a very pretty face.” You agreed casually, a mischievous grin taking over your face.

“So does Brett.” Stiles muttered childishly but you caught it, his words instantly made you feel elated.

“I prefer yours.” You purred in his ear as you rolled your body against his, his hand tightening on your hip as he pulled you closer, his forehead rest against yours.

“Wanna get out of here?” Stiles whispered, his hot breath hitting your lips as he spoke causing your breath to stutter so you gave him a nod letting him know you wanted to.

He intertwined his fingers with yours, pulling you towards the loft door not caring who saw which shocked you but what shocked you more is he approached Scott his hand still in yours clearly not ashamed of you which made your eyes widen.

“Scott I’m leaving with Y/N can you get a lift off Lydia?” Stiles shouted from a respectable distance.

“Okay man. Use protection!” Scott shouted with a smirk and you flushed instantly.

“Fuck you Scotty! I know how to wrap up okay!?” Stiles shouted back his tone full of playful hate.

Stiles took out his car keys and dragged you to the elevator in the loft, pressing ground floor and as soon as the door closed you looked up at him and his eyes were flickering so quickly between your lips and eyes you lost track as he started bouncing in his spot like he always did when he was nervous.

“Fuck it.” He whispered before pinning you against the elevator wall his lips on yours, one of his hands cupping your cheek as his other rested on the wall at the side of your head.

He seemed hesitant to deepen the kiss so you ran your tongue along his bottom lip begging for entrance and he let out a husky groan, the sound going straight to your core. His lips were so soft and pliable it made you feel so confident and in control.

The elevator made a small rattle when it reached the bottom floor and you pushed him back, allowing your hands to drift down his abdomen as you pulled away. You walked out of the elevator swaying your hips as you went not stopping, even when your dress rode up your thighs, until you reached the jeep.

Stiles scrambled to unlock the vehicle opening the door for you, and you couldn’t help the smirk on your lips as you noticed his shell shocked expression. He practically ran to the drivers side of the jeep, hopping in the seat before slamming the door, his gaze drifting to you as he turned the keys starting the jeep up surprisingly easily.

“My p-place or yours?” He asked nervously earning a chuckle from you.

“Mine.” You answered easily knowing you didn’t have roommates or parents living with you so you’d be free to do what you wanted without worrying someone would be home soon.

He nodded shakily, his face flushing as he started driving towards your home barely 10 minutes from Derek’s loft. You were starting to lose your nerve as silence of the drive took over you, your anxiety spiking as you glance at Stiles’ jittery fingers drumming on the steering wheel of the jeep.

“If you’ve changed you mind you can just drop me at home and leave Stiles.” You offered softly and he looked at you in panic.

“Do you not wanna do this?” He ask in worry.

“Stiles I want to do this.” You snorted and he nodded suddenly relaxing against his seat as he pulled up outside your apartment block.

“I really wanna do this.” Stiles confirmed, making you smile at him happily.

Stiles got out the vehicle before running around to yours, opening it and holding out his hand for you. You took his offered hand and stepped out of the jeep gracefully. Stiles locked up roscoe with a nod before allowing you to drag him inside the build straight to the elevator.

You got out at the 3rd floor making your way to you apartment pulling Stiles with you, who had yet to say a word. You were nervous but you ignored it in favour for the excited feeling you had for having finally gotten Stiles’ attention. He was always too concerned with Lydia to notice anyone else at least until Malia but when that ended you were to scared to tell him how you felt, scared of rejection from this beautiful man.

You opened your apartment door, letting go of Stiles hand allowing him to come in at his own pace. However the second you closed you door his lips were on your again with more confidence this time, his tongue wrapping around your as he dominated every inch of your mouth. You moaned into his mouth, the sound clearly pleasing him because he let gripped your hair, that was tangled in his longer fingers, tightly.

He pulled away, his lips wet and swollen as he stared down at you with a look you’d never seen on him and you could swear he looked hungry. Your cheeks flushed as his hands tugged at your hair so you were looking up at him, not allowing you to look away from him as he pinned your gaze.

“This dress is sinful Y/N.” Stiles whispered darkly against your lips.

“It’s amazing what makeup and a short dress can do.” You chuckled jokingly but instead of a laugh he frowned softly.

“Let me rephrase that. YOU look sinful in that dress.” Stiles growled uncharacteristically assertive, as he started backing you up towards your bedroom.

“I’m seeing all kind of sides of you tonight Mr Stilinski.” You giggled as you slipped out of your heels once you’d reached your room.

“You have no idea baby.” Stiles growled playfully as he grabbed your ass, squeezing both globes with his hands earning a gasp from you.

“Then educate me Mr Stilinski.” You moaned softly, grinding against him teasingly.

“Hands and knee’s baby.” Stiles instructed with a smirk and you raised your brow challengingly before doing what he asked, crawling onto your bed before looking back at him over your shoulder.

“Good girl.” Stiles praised as he got onto the bed behind you, his hands sliding up your bare legs as he went until he got to the hem of your dress. He paused for a few seconds however before you could check on him a hand came straight down onto your thinly covered ass cheek making you jump slightly at the confidence Stiles wash clearly holding right now.

“Fuck you feel so good…” Stiles groaned as he clutched your hips, grinding his jean covered cock against your ass. You felt like he had all the control which was making you uneasy so you pushed back grinding your ass against him teasingly.

“You gonna fuck me or should I kick you out and do it myself?” You said with fake confidence as you looked back at him in a challenging way and his eyes darkened as they narrowed at you.

“Well I was gonna be nice and take my time but clearly you’re too impatient, huh baby?” Stiles taunted seductively, his hands tugging your dress over your ass exposing the thong you had on and all you could do was moan in response.

His hand came down onto your lace covered ass earning a louder groan of pleasure from you, pushing your ass against him once again. He moved back a little on the bed making you look over your shoulder to see his stripping off his t-shirt leaving you to stare at him and you wouldn’t be surprised if you were drooling as your eyes flickered up and down his body.

“Fuck…” You moaned as he started pulling his cock out of his jeans.

“I intend to kitten.” Stiles chuckled darkly, a smirk taking over his face as he took out a condom from his back pocket.

He tore the packet open with his teeth before slipping the condom onto his rock hard length with slow movements clearly knowing him touching himself was effecting you. He suddenly pulled down your lace panties down your thighs and instead of his cock his tongue was on you in seconds.

“Sh-Shit! S-Stiles!” You moaned as his tongue pushed into your wet entrance.

“Mmm you taste good baby.” Stiles groaned against your fold earning another moan from you.

Your breathing was beginning to quicken as as tried to resist pushing your pussy against his face. Your hands gripped the cover as below you your moans growing louder the more the coil in your stomach built up. stomach started building with every lick and nibble.

“One of these days I’m gonna have to have you sit on my face and ride my tongue.” Stiles teased as he pulled away as you were about to cum.

You wanted to complain about him pulling away but his words stopped you. That meant he wanted this to happen again and the thought of that turned you on even more especially when the imagine of sitting on Stiles face popped into your head.

“P-Please…” You pleaded breathlessly.

“Please what baby?” Stiles taunted as his right hand slid down your spine, pushing your head into the bed roughly.

“Please fuck my pussy Stiles…I need your cock.” You moaned desperately against the covers beneath your face.

“Such a good girl for asking no nicely.” Stiles praised into you ear before pulling away.

You felt the tip of his cock brush against your entrance and before he could slowly enter you you pushed back onto him, taking his full length the stretch leaving a burn but you reviled in it. You heard Stiles curse behind you so you looked behind you to see his eyes closed in ecstasy and the sight made you clench around his member.

“Well here’s me thinking you were a good girl…looks like I’ll have to punish you.” Stile growled as he bent over you body, his lips brushing against your ear as his cock pushed into you as deep as he could go.

“Bad girl.” Stiles whispered and if that wasn’t the dirtiest two words you’d ever heard in your life you didn’t now what was.

It effected you that much you came around his cock and he lost it, pounding into you so suddenly you let out a scream from the over sensitivity but he kept mercilessly fucking into you. His cock was bigger than the very little amount you’d seen and it made you feel full to the brim. He pulled back again too watch you fall apart beneath him.

His thrust started getting more frantic as you felt him sweep up bigger inside of you, knowing he was close you started pushing back against his cock meeting his thrusts, your ass bouncing off his hips. His eyes never left your ass, almost like he was mesmerised but what shocked you more was when he stopped thrusting to watch you continue you fast harsh bouncing on your ass.

“Fuck…your ass looks so good…that’s it baby finish me off…maybe I’ll let you cum again.” He moaned huskily, his eyes never leaving your ass.

You moaned at his words but started practically twerking on his dick like you were a needy porn star and Stiles couldn’t get enough of it. You felt yourself building for the second time but you held back until you finish Stiles.

His moans and grunts of pleasure filled your dark bedroom as you worked to finish him off. This was the hottest sex you’d had and honestly even if this ended up casual you thought maybe it wouldn’t be that bad.

“Hey eyes on me kitten. I’m close…” He groaned demanding my and you obliged happily your y/e/c eyes boring into his amber ones.

“Cum for me Stiles…” You moaned dirtily as you sped up you hips, your eyes never leaving his as you did and then he threw his head back and let out the sexiest moan that sounded almost like a growl.

“F-Fuck.” He stuttered as he thrust into you desperately a few more times before coming to a stop.

When he started pulling out you figured that was it but suddenly he rolled you over and started eating your pussy like it was his favourite snack. Spreading your lips, he licked and sucked at your clit, making your legs shake as you came closer to your end.

Two of his fingers were thrust inside of you before you could even comprehend what was happening, curling up to press against that special spot. Your toes scrunched up and he starting moving his finger across that spot as he tongue sucked on your clit and you came with the loudest noise you ever made as you felt liquid literally gush out of you.

“Stiles! Fuck I’m still cumming!” You cried out as he continued thrusting and sucking.

“Shit…I was gonna finish you off and then cuddle but now I’m thinking I wanna do that again as you finally stopped cumming.

“Y-You’re gonna have t-to give me a minute Stiles.” You stuttered as you tried to stop you body twitching.

“Fuck I’ve n-never cum that hard in my life.” You whimpered your mind drifting.

“Baby you didn’t just cum you fucking squirted. I thought that shit only happened in porn. Yeah no can’t wait sorry babe.” Stiles exclaimed darkly as he delved back down and started back up his finger back inside of you rubbing at that spot all over again.


After two more times cumming Stiles fucked you again and it must’ve been about three in the morning when you finally both collapsed from exhaustion. He laid next you staring at the ceiling as you did the same, his breathing coming out in puffs of hot air.

“Best…” Stiles huffed out, his heart racing still.

“Sex…” He added his voice rough from the hours you’d spent in your bedroom.

“Ever…” He finished with a satisfied grin and you couldn’t help but laugh at him.

“Yes it was…very surprising considering I’m not a petite red head.” You joked and Stiles didn’t seem to like that because he frowned at you.

“I wanted YOU not HER. Otherwise I’d of shown HER my improved dancing skills however I didn’t I came to YOU. Because watching Bretts hands all over you was torture and if he wasn’t a giant meat head wolf I’d of punched him for touching you— He sat up to look down at you, showing you everything he was saying was the truth and you couldn’t believe what was happening…Stiles…the man you have wanted for so long…is confessing to you.

—I’ve liked you for a long time Y/N and I never made a move because I figured someone so sexy and full of sass would want someone like Derek Hale or Brett Talbot…a manly big man who can sling you around…not some skinny hyperactive boy that has little experience with girls and even less with women.” He stated seriously and you sat up to look him in the eyes.

“I like you too…I have for a while tonight was about either getting your attention or moving on for good…” You replied softly and his eyes widened.

“You had my attention already…I wish I’d said something sooner…” He whispered sadly and you shook your head.

“This was the perfect moment. We both felt ready enough to make those moves and we finally pulled our fingers out…well you did.” You jokes at the end and he started laughing as he pulled you into a kiss.

“You know people are gonna call you names if you’re seen with me…I’m a big girl Stiles…” You stated sadly as he pulled away.

“No you’re perfect. Plus real men like a little cushion for the pushing baby. Ask Hale he’s always staring at your ass, fucking just as creepy as his uncle sometimes.” Stiles snorted as his eyes narrowed at the mention of Derek.

“One, cushion for the pushing really? That saying is outdated and some people take offence and two, Derek? Really? Hmm strange I never noticed.” You mumbled sceptically.

“Yeah well if he does it again I’m gonna rip HIS throat out with MY lovely human teeth.” Stiles grumbled against your neck, nibbling on yours neck as if to prove it somehow and the though made you chuckle.

“So possessive MR Stilinski.” You gasped playfully.

“Damn right. You’re my woman.” Stiles growled before he started sucking on the skin under your ear.

“I like the sound of that…but you know what I like the sound of more?” You moaned softly.

“What’s that baby?” He asked, his voice full of dirty promises.

“The sound of you fucking me.” You purred seductively making Stiles jump into action. This night couldn’t of been more perfect.
