#text post


exam season is really cutting into my fanfiction time, might have to drop out :/

So I’ve had this NSFW side blog for a while now and I feel like it’s getting a little messy here, plus the porn bots have been relentless as of late.

So I think it’s time to start anew! I’ll post a new link for anyone who cares when it’s all set up! ✌

Can someone please pound me in the bed so hard my brain shuts off…? Thanks in advance

Hey babes! Just a heads up, URL changed from “lionstrust” to “fuckyeahliontrust” but everything else is as it was before. 

Apologies for being less active this week. I have been quite busy/stressed IRL and haven’t had as much time to indulge in fandom things. 


When is is too soon in a relationship to write them a poem? Not even a sonnet, I’m just talking like a lil limerick.



I think it’s hilarious that hands down the worst way to learn magic is the actual rulebook. Please do not read that. It’s just there for reference when something weird happens

posts that i know are about magic the gathering but i have to check to make sure op isn’t just living in a way doper world than me


When you’re reading a book that separately follows multiple characters and they finally all end up at the same location and you’re dying to see them meet eachother and interact for the first time



and i don’t necessarily believe any of this i’m just saying words recreationally

the last sentence of my thesis

Now with autism, we’ve generally become familiar with one of the general “signs” being social ineptitude, with difficultly in social cues and interactions. But there’s the different side of it that not as many people know about about, which is the hypervigilance in social interactions, which includes overthinking and overanalyzing facial expressions and being too in tune to the emotions of others.

So why don’t we talk about the latter? Well it’s because the DSM definition of autism was based off of males/young boys/those assigned male at birth.

The latter is found more often in people who are assigned female at birth.

Honestly, fuck HOAs

They’re classist and ableist as fuck, and they allow for zero creativity.

Like, why wouldn’t you want to live in a neighborhood with front yards and gardens that look like these?

Nature is beautiful. Let people have beautiful yards.

So I’m at the FedEx printing stuff out for my job, and a woman, noticing a bump under my coat, asks me “Oh, when are you due?”

I looked her dead in the eyes as I unzipped my coat to reveal…my fanny pack.
