#lost myself

Confusion in her eyes that says it all. She’s lost control. And she’s clinging to the ne

Confusion in her eyes that says it all.
She’s lost control.
And she’s clinging to the nearest passer by,
She’s lost control.
And she gave away the secrets of her past,
And said I’ve lost control again,
And of a voice that told her when and where to act,
She said I’ve lost control again.

And she turned around and took me by the hand
And said I’ve lost control again.
And how I’ll never know just why or understand
She said I’ve lost control again.
And she screamed out kicking on her side
And said I’ve lost control again.
And seized up on the floor, I thought she’d die.
She said I’ve lost control.
She’s lost control again.
She’s lost control.
She’s lost control again.
She’s lost control.

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Excited to be moving out on my own soon.

Scared to left to my own devises…

Scared to see what I’ll do when no one’s watching

The good thing about having no friends is that there will be no witnesses to my inevitable crash and burn.

He laughed at me.

“you really think you’re mentally ill?” Asked my father, amused. My father. Who fully knows I have been on medicine for both anxiety and depression since I was 15. My father. Who fully knows they’ve had to up the dosage, not once, not twice, but 3 times, on my anti depressant. My father. Who had just witnessed my breakdown, my crying, my screaming-the cracking of my voice. My father. Who just learned I’ve struggled with an eating disorder since middle school, just a mere 10 minutes ago.

My father. How can I both love and detest you. How can I share your stubbornness and humanity but also be at the end of words that cut like the blades I use to keep in my sock drawer.

My father. How can I remember every heartbreaking snap of anger that’s come from your mouth, but forget to take my medicine every other day.

My father. How can I ignore your opinion while still seeking your approval.

My father. How can I go from your biggest fan to your biggest adversary. If this is a battle. I do not remember being drafted.

Growing up, i use to say I wanted to marry my father…

Guess who broke their ankle.

I can barely use crutches so I can’t be my usual independent self.

And just this first dr. Visit alone cost $700 (with insurance) and I haven’t even gotten a real cast yet.

Guess who’s fucked.

I will eat less than you do in a day. Just to show you that you don’t care about my well being as much as I do yours. A simple are you hungry or what have you eaten today, shows just how much a person cares when you’re skin and bones.
