#the dark prophecy


Chapter six in the dark prophecy and it’s already hella gay


toa fandom we NEED to talk more about trophonious!!! he is a silvery pale skinned, dark-haired, betrayed son of apollo who’s gone half-mad with grief and is one of the most cursed and powerful oracles out there. he’s so beautifully tragic and his relationship with his brother and apollo need to be talked about more!!

“the first two trials of apollo books are boring” maybe for you, but I had so much fun reading about a 4000-year-old god stuck as an acne covered 16-year-old mortal struggling to adjust to being a small gremlin child’s servant and his lack of attractiveness, fight a giant naked gold statue of his old self, bond with his kids who look older than him, discover he fathered yet ANOTHER kid (who was adopted by one of the people he turned immortal and her lesbian wife who were both in his sister’s gang) who gets captured by his other kid whose half brother is a headless ghost with a magic 8-ball, discover the ex that he murdered in a bathtub is not only alive but also out to kill him with an illegal zoo, and experience the deepest darkest fears and memories of the 12-year-old he’s stuck with by sucking bees from her and growing to love her like family despite her cold exterior. idk sounds pretty interesting to me.

just finished the tower of nero and i have no next book of riordanverse… i’ll go cry now
