#the darkling



Ben Barnes as General Kirigan in Shadow and Bone (2021)


I think the worst part is that this is painfully in character for the Darkling.

I just assume there’s a modern AU where this exact thing happens.


I just read the whole damn Shadow and Bone series in 24 hours and I am ENRAGED that my career of reading YA fantasy has failed me so badly that I was shipping Darklina until the end

My dumb ass was really like “no this is definitely still salvageable they can absolutely still make it work” after every mass murder I stg someone come revoke my gender studies degree.

Shadow & Bone has dropped on Netflix; I am ready to be hurt again.

I just read the whole damn Shadow and Bone series in 24 hours and I am ENRAGED that my career of reading YA fantasy has failed me so badly that I was shipping Darklina until the end

My dumb ass was really like “no this is definitely still salvageable they can absolutely still make it work” after every mass murder I stg someone come revoke my gender studies degree.


alina: i’m sad.

mal: *holds out arms for a hug* it’s going to be okay


alina: i’m sad

the darkling, nodding: mood

I just think that scars make a villain 400% sexier

You have no chance, Shadow Man.

Hold on tight to Papa, malyshka

Every night, after bath time, a small battle rages in the Little Palace

Author: *writes* Pronounced jawline and cheekbones softened by a mess of curls. His blue blue eyes contrasting sharply with the black of his hair.

Me: Oh, I love him

Author: No, listen. He’s a villa-

Me: *dreamy* Black hair and blue eyes. He’s a keeper

I just finished King Of Scars, i know I’m late to the party but did anyone else feel like we were robbed of Nikolai??!! I really thought and hoped that KOS would be solely focused on him as he is that complex layered character that we could see him unwrapped and understand him more. Focusing on Nina’s loss and not mentioning Nikolai’s loss over the last three years as much as mentioning Nina’s really infurated me. There is soo much to him we should’ve and deserved to see but we were honestly robbed!!
