#mathias helvar

merrigel: AH HEY y’all remember that Six of Crows zine I got into?? Here’s my piece for it!! I’m stimerrigel: AH HEY y’all remember that Six of Crows zine I got into?? Here’s my piece for it!! I’m sti


AH HEY y’all remember that Six of Crows zine I got into?? Here’s my piece for it!! I’m still really, really pleased with how it came out- I love all these kids so much!!

Post link

fyi i just finished reading chapters 38, 39 and 40 of crooked kingdom. i cried in my bathroom for a whole 45 minutes. i’ll never recover from this. send your thoughts and prayers pls, i need them

The demon king of Ketterdam

One year ago today I finished reading crooked kingdom and yeah… ever since then those characters (let’s face it, one edgy crow boy especially) have taken over my life and I could never be More grateful

It’s a dregs Halloween!!!!

This year’s Halloween special is Kaz and the gang dressed as the characters of the Komedie Brute!

From left to right:

Mathias - Mister Crimson

Nina - The scarab queen

Kaz - The Madman

Inej - The lost bride

Jesper - The Imp

Wylan - Mister Crimson (Because there are only 5 characters…)

“Handsome decoy is also not a Jesper talent”

Where Wylan with his flute and drunk fjerdan soldier impression when you need him

Book fans: freaking out over the possibility of there being a darklina or Kanej sex scene in the tv show and how that would ruin their characters

Meanwhile Jesper: being the power bottom we all knew he was and sleeping with the stable boy

“Here’s what I dont get” “we’re gonna be here all night”


Okay I want talk about chapter 30 of crooked kingdom. Jesper asked Kaz to give him the parem so if their plan failed hed have a way to bail them all out at the cost of his own life. Jesper was willing to risk it all for his dad and Wylan and Inej and Nina and Kaz and even Mathias. He knew he wouldn’t survive it, it was said that Nina was a very strong grisha and if she had been any less so then she wouldn’t have survived. Jesper isnt confident in his powers, he knew that he wouldnt be strong enough to get through it and he still asked Kaz. But Kaz said no even though he knew that giving the parem to Jesper would be the smart choice the logical choice, and if Kaz didn’t care about Jesper he probably would’ve given it to him. Yet he didnt because they care about eachother even if they dont want to admit it. Kaz doesnt want to lose Jesper anymore than he wanted to lose Jordie and that chapter proved it. It also proved how much Jesper cares about the crew and his father, that he was willing to sacrifice it all for them.

Shadow and bone trailer reaction

• the music is epiccc; i hope we get an amazing theme song and intro

• I hope they won’t ruin the perfection that is SOC; also if they make the crows hunt down Alina, won’t that clash with the fact that Inej literally prays to her?

• if we get the same story from soc I hope they edit the scenes in such a way that their impact is not lost along the way which can be ruined if they choose to present things cronologically (ie: Nina and Mathias’s relationship, Kaz’s past etc)

• HAVE YOU SEEN ZOYA??? murder me pls

• I cannot wait till friday

• The cast actually looks like the characters and you bet I cannot wait for season 2 so we could see Nikolai and Wylan




• I hope the changes they made will actually be beneficial to the original trilogy

It’s working. The mighty Fjerdan has fallen. You are powerless to resist me.”


The fact that this giant of a man actually giggles and blushes in the mere vicinity of Nina Zenik is my one and only source of serotonin

Calahan Skogman has no right being this hot

Their chemistry is something else

Also somebody tell me why i found this searching for Matthias Helvar gifs

I mean I know why but really?

I need season 2 yesterday
