
chrystalwynd:“He said he was with the C.I.A. and stuff, you know? So he used a super secret spy birt


“He said he was with the C.I.A. and stuff, you know? So he used a super secret spy birth control pill when we did it. But, ummm, I guess the bad spies somehow counter-acted it, ‘cuz I totally got a belly now. I bet he’s gonna be really surprised when he gets back from his mission. It’s a really long mission, though. I haven’t seen him since the night we did it.”

I like it. :)

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Curse Of The Gods By Jane Washington and Jaymin Eve

I love this book series. It’s a reverse harem book series set in an alternate fantasy universe. It’s a funny, crazy, and amazing series. I love the main character Willa and her absolutely ridiculous thoughts and actions. The later books do have sex scenes in them, but they totally add to the whole story line. I would recommend this series to everyone over 15.

I’m a dog person so why must my cat be so fucking adorable, it’s really confusing, he tricked me into having him in the first place by being a kitty, he then grew into a cat and now I’m stuck loving the spawn of Satan, what is this.

Kisses for my little Cartman He’s such a mommas boy, loves his food, can manipulate people by being

Kisses for my little Cartman He’s such a mommas boy, loves his food, can manipulate people by being all cute and he can become mean when he doesn’t get his way…just like the South Park character he was named after
Earrings: @trickery.co
Rings: @alchemyengland and @arcana_obscura
Eyeshadow: @blackmooncosmetics ‘Sleepwalker’ liquid lipstick with ‘Orb of Light’ palette on top.
Lashes are ‘Mystic’ lashes from @rouge.and.rogue .


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