

“Look, Serkan, I get you. You’re so angry but… Can we talk another time?”

“Another time? When? I mean… When? I already waited for you to behave like a dad all my life. When is that ‘Another time?’”

“Serkan… Can you talk with your dad when you’re calmer?”

“With my dad… What dad? What dad, mum? Is there someone like that? Please stop fooling yourself. For years, he wasn’t here for us on our good or bad days. You couldn’t get out of the house. And where was he? Where was he? He was after business… Business. Why did I move to the house across from here? Because you don’t have a husband. I don’t have a father. We never had such a person.”

This was heart breaking I feel so sorry for both Serkan and Aydan.


What to say about her… I never liked her, from the beginning I thought she is a spoiled rich girl who wants everything to be like she wants. I never changed my opinion about her, sometimes I felt sorry for her because it has to be very difficult to watch the man you love treat his fiancé like you always wanted to be treated by him, but I never liked her. And in every episode my opinion about her only worsened, she didn’t care about anyone except herself, she had a wonderful and loving fiancé who loved her so much, but no she run after Serkan every time. She dumped Ferit at the rehearsal dinner for the wedding, she lied to him saying that she was at Piril’s house when she actually was at Serkan’s. She was ready to broke up with Ferit two days, TWO DAYS, before the wedding for Serkan. Oh come on girl…

And the thing that I don’t understand is when she understood that Serkan wanted her back? Which signals Serkan gave her to understand that? I really don’t get it.

And in episode 12 when Selin and Serkan talked about their feelings for each other he was so clear that he never loved her, and that he don’t love her, that he is in love with Eda. And Selin said that she actually fell in love with the idea of Serkan, a wrong idea. In that moment I thought ok she finally understands that this was never going to work, she will move on. But no she did not.

OK Ferit made a mistake by leaving her at the altar but she didn’t love him, not in the way he wanted. And after this Selin was jealous about him and Serkan. Really girl? Really?

She’s like a damsel in distress. She needs a man, and I don’t get that.

In episode 18 when she asked Serkan if she could stay at his house I was like she didn’t really did that right? She didn’t ask at Serkan if she could stay at his house… She doesn’t has parents, friends, hotels like Aydan said? In that moment I gave up on understanding her. And when in episode 19 she asked him if he would like to watch a film together i really lost my mind. I really don’t get her, and her behavior. And at end of the episode when she keep asking Serkan what he needs, or that she’s there if he needed something an he keep say Eda, Eda, I need Eda i was like read the signals Selin, he doesn’t want you there. What else do you need to understand that? And when Eda arrives at Serkan’s home she says “Welcome Eda” in an annoyed way… Ehm what?! That is not your home, what right you have to speak to her like that? And when Serkan tells her that there is the driver outside the house waiting for her what she does… She cry…

And I don’t understand why she was so angry at Serkan about the secret of Eda’s parents, what she wanted to use this against Serkan and Eda relationship? She was going to blackmail him? I don’t get it really.

She really doesn’t have self love. I think she has to love herself more, to be more self respectful. Where Is her pride?

Sorry for this outburst but I can’t take her anymore. I really hope that Serkan close the relationship with her forever after this. And he doesn’t even know that she covered Ferit about the agreement thing, I really hope that Eda tells him about that because he deserves to know what kind of person is Selin.

P.s: How beautiful is Bige though? She has those big blue eyes that enchant you. And I think that she’s a really good actress.

“Even the possibility that you might be with someone else destroys me; that he will touch you as I do, that he will look at you the same way I do, that you will smile at another and illuminate everything with your smile. I know it’s selfishness, but I want you to be mine only, to only look at me, to only smile at me, to only touch me. Be mine.”

“I can’t erase you from inside of me. How can I love another when you exist? My soul, my body, my heart – everything belongs to you. I know it’s impossible but I want you to look at only me, to only smile at me, to touch only me, to be mine.”

“What is Serkan doing here?”

“What is Serkan doing here? Serkan’s mother lives here, so Serkan is here. More importantly what is Eda doing here?”

This was so funny, and Serkan took the crust off the bread because Eda like it so, and he do that unconsciously. That’s amore.

“Did I tell you about this horse?”


“I chose her from several horses. But she didn’t want me at all, isn’t it? In the first weeks she didn’t allow me to approach her, didn’t allow love, she didn’t allow me to ride her at all. Just when I thought that there was a connection between us, I rode her and she threw me off.”

“And then? Did she attached to you?”

“No. She doesn’t allow me to ride her. She just allow me to touch her from distance. She is rebellious, a stubborn horse.”

“Maybe you don’t know how to love her.”

“She just doesn’t understand.”

I loved this metaphor, it will be because I go on horse riding and I understand perfectly what Serkan means. It is true that there are some horses that do not allow you to get close despite you putting all the love in the world into it, it is very frustrating and describes perfectly what Serkan feels. And this happen with people too.

“You are a gift to me from the universe. And so for Serkan”

Aydan and Eda coffee scene was so beautiful and sweet. I like the fact that we know that Serkan’s brother was sick and Aydan agarophobia was due to that. And I love that Aydan tells Eda that all the insecurity that Serkan has are because she and Alptekin send him away when he was young. The phrase “Who know what a storm there is inside him” describe his emotions perfectly, he’s actually a mess of emotions but with Eda he finally found peace. And another phrase that describes him is “He was afraid that you would leave him, because everyone who loved abandoned him”, he’s such a insicure person when it comes to trust and love.

“I always been there for you.”

Eda is sooo right, and I understand her when she says that she’s tired, I would be tired too if I was her, but on the other hand I feel so sorry for Serkan because he really wants to tell her but he doesn’t know how.

“Burn those stupid flowers.”

This together with the chair scene were the most hilarious, I couldn’t stop laughing.

“The mistake he made in the past is now snatching the most valuable thing from my hands.”

In episode 18 Serkan says that he never valued anyone like he value Eda. Come on girl read the signals.

The team Aydan and Eda aka her Daughter-in-law was so strong during the charitable foundation dinner, and when Serkan arrives it was so funny. These two fight like an old married couple.

Ahhh my dear Efe I told you that you start this game with the wrong man, Serkan Bolat isn that easy to defeat. Check mate honey, say bye bye to your career.

“I miss you so much Eda Yildiz. I LOVE YOU. I’m jealous of you. I miss you and I’m so sorry for everything”

My poor babe Serkan, when he finally confess Eda didn’t hear him.

When he got home I think that he thought I will drink just one glass of alcohol, just one. Then he thought one glass won’t take the pain away, and he want the pain to go away, so he take all the bottle with him. This is really sad.

Drunk Serkan was so sweet, funny but for me was so sad. I lost the count of how many times he said Eda’s name. And when Selin ask him to tell her what he needed and he answered “I need Eda. I need Eda” this show us how much he loves her, needs her she is his salvation, his anchor, his world. He loves her so much. And he was afraid that she wouldn’t come, he constantly watched his clock and said to Selin that she will definitely come. I loved that drunk Serkan did what normal Serkan would never do… Throw out of his house Selin, the whole thing was so funny.

The shower scene was beautiful and the chemistry was on fire… But it lasted like 5 seconds… What the hell???

The last scene was so painful to watch, Serkan was literally scared and Eda was so tired of the situation. And when he finally found the courage to tell her the truth… Here comes Selin to ruin everything. I can’t wait to see next episode.

“I didn’t want you to carry my mistake

This is why I don’t like Alptekin at all. He made sure that Serkan carry this burden, this heavy burden, all alone. And the thing that make me go crazy is that he told this secret just when Serkan finally found his happiness with Eda, and when he knew that they broke up he didn’t do anything. He saw that his son was hurting, bleeding, that this secret was eating him alive… And what did he do? Nothing of course. He’s such a coward. Even now that the secret is going to be revealed he continues to lie, to cover the mistake. What kind of person is that? How can Serkan and Eda will be able to forgive him? How can he be forgiven?

I feel so sorry for Serkan, he’s carrying a burden that is not his to carry. And when he can’t carry that burden anymore, when he finally got the courage to tell Eda all the truth, everything is ruined by Selin… I’m so tired of this two people.

We can handle this together

Eda is always there for Serkan. She never doubt him. And the fact that she cries for him show us how much Eda loves Serkan.

“Tell me the password”

Sooo you are telling me that Serkan’s computer password is the number of coordinates of the star he gave to Eda?! My babe, Serkan, you are sooo good at hide your feelings for Eda. And her reaction when she finds out was like “Okay Serkan Bolat now explain me this… You don’t love me right?!”

Sooo my dear Selin… After the conversation with Efe about dark times you don’t suspect him, and when Serkan told you that he’s sure Efe is plotting against him you have the courage to look at him like *Serkan what are you saying? You’re so wrong*?! Nice way of supporting the person you love…

And you’re telling me that the same Selin just staring at Eda, who is talking to Piril and Engin, has immediately understood that she was asking about her?! Okay…

Serkan honey what the hell? Why are you yelling at Eda like that? Bad move…

“Until today I did not care anyone as much as I care about you

“How did you care? Talking to me like that in front of Selin? Or leave me for work? Is that how you care me? Do you know what interests me? After everything you’ve been through, after what you’ve done, being so close to Selin, how can you be so rude to me? What I did to you?”

I have never loved her. Alright ? I can’t see you there anymore”

“Do you want me to leave? Because you are scared of the woman who loves you more than anything else. Get away.”

The most hilarious scene? When they are watching the surveillance videos

Ayfer knows that Serkan is helping her and all she says to him is to don’t upset Eda? Well I didn’t like that, but I’m glad that she noticed he’s still has the ring on.

Library scene and walk scene I don’t think that I have to talk about them, they speaks for themselves

I love child Serkan using the curiosity card about new house so that Eda would come at home with him.

Eda always telling Serkan how a great architect he is. She really admire him and his work skills.❤️

So proud of Aydan . And I like that the first thing she asked when she was out was to see the sea. And then when they got at Serkan’s house it was so funny. Aydan telling Selin about hotels and the fact that she’s always around her son, love her. And the mug scene… Serkan was so proud when he sees that the mug was turning red.


Loved the dinner scene. Serkan and Eda were so jealous about each other, and Serkan’s faces elwere so funny. But I didn’t like how Efe confessed HIS truth about the blue prings and how he get away with it without any consequences.

P.s: This episode was the weakest one, I did enjoy it but I think that we are in a dead point. Basically in this episode nothing happened a part for Aydan getting out of the house. I think that every Edser scene was beautiful but there was something missing. But I can’t wait to see the next episode.

“I took all her things out of the house, but she is everywhere anyway. Everywhere.”

Serkan, babe, you will never be able to forget her.

Serkan asking Leyla how is Eda, and if she knows something more about her she have to tell him immediately.

Serkan’s faces when the doctor tell him that Eda may be pregnant, and when he eavesdrop the speech between Eda and Asli. And the way he check her belly… I was crying out of laughter

I want to see Papa Serkan and Mama Eda of course… But I can’t wait to see Uncle Engin.

“What a lucky little Serkan you are! You are more fortunate than all others Serkan! Why? Because you were in Eda Yildiz arms all day!”

Big Serkan being jealous of a little baby

Papa Bolat telling little Serkan Roman architecture. He will be a wonderful, loving and caring dad

His touch will always have effect on her. His touch will never be indifferent to her.

The most hilarious scene?! When Serkan finally understand that Eda wasn’t pregnant

I love the way Eda is helping Aydan to win her phobia. She really is an angel.

The way Serkan stare at Eda at the party… He’s so in love.

The ending… Ahhh Efe I really hate you. You started this game with the wrong man. I loved how Eda believes in Serkan, she knows that he would never do a little mistake like that. He’s so broken.


“I’m listening Eda what?”

“You… You can’t have done something like that. There’s a mistake”

“Eda can you please go out”

“No I can’t leave you alone”

“Eda can you please go out?!”

“No. I know you, you wouldn’t have done something like that. There’s a mistake”

“ Eda why are you doing this?”

“Because I trust you Serkan Bolat”

“So you trusted the wrong man”

“Not in architecture. You are the best architect. You do big projects. You couldn’t make such a mistake”

“I’m the best right? And that is why I made such a stupid thing. Eda, look, please leave, okay, go away”


“Eda I did a mistake. Please leave me alone”


The man who never admitted his mistakes saying “I made a mistake” in front of the girl that called him “insensitive robot who never admitted his mistakes” . How he has grown. I’m so proud of him. And Eda knows that this is not his fault. And I bet that now Serkan thinks he’s just like his father because he thinks he’s made the same mistake. He’s so broken. Ahhh Efe I want to kill youuu! I can’t wait to see both Serkan and Eda destroying Efe. Efe, my dear, you started this game with the wrong person, Serkan is not that easy to defeat. You will see who are you challenging.

P.s: Kerem you are really an amazing actor. I got the chills during the whole scene. I don’t have the right words to describe him, he’s so empathic.

“If I didn’t meet you by coincidence, I was going to live the same way without having an insight about anything, you showed me there is another kind of life in this world… You opened my eyes and showed me I have a soul, if I didn’t take it to the end it’s not your fault.”

Serkan there is something…

Eda knows that there is something else under their break up. She feels it.

And moreover Serkan eyes don’t lie. He’s so in love with her.

The beginning of the episode was so funny. Eda calls Serkan “My Love” and his faces were like… Ehm what?

And when she remembered everything in that moment I was crying out of laughter.

The flashbacks were so sweet and special and full of love, I miss my babies like that, out of thoughts and in love. Ah Serkan my love I don’t know if you can live in that house, full of memories of Eda.

“Tell me about the day you made someone very sad… And than tell me about the day you were the saddest… And than tell me about the day you were the happiest.”

“I think there’s no need to talk about personal things.”

“Because there is nothing personal between us. ”

In this scene I was so sorry for both of them. They are so broken.

“When you were lost in the woods we all looked for you in different places. Serkan stayed in one place all the time. It’s like he was saying ‘Eda is here’. Serkan felt that you were there Eda. If this is not a feeling for you than I don’t know what.”


In this scene Eda understand that Serkan followed his heart to find her. I loved that Pyril tell her that Serkan has feelings for her, even if he doesn’t show them.

The way Serkan stare at Eda while she’s singing… The chemistry was on fire. And the dance was so sweet.

“Listen, we could break up okay? But whatever you do with Efe, do not do it in front of me.”

My poor baby Serkan is jealous and broken every time he sees Eda and Efe together.

Serkan is helping Ayfer with the flower shop. My babe is so precious. And Eda think that Efe is helping them

Serkan not trusting Efe so he made research on him because he feels that something is wrong with him. I can’t wait to see when he finds out that Efe works for Eda’s grandmother.

I’m so proud of Ayfer, she started the therapy, and she finally ammitted that she loves Eda. Great step forward lady

I love the fact that Serkan can’t literally say no to Eda, she made him remake the project so that the tree remains there. I love my strong girl.

I’m a little bit confused about the fragment of episode 17, I’m sure that there is a misunderstanding about the baby but I’m so ready to see Papa Serkan Bolat in action. And of course uncle Engin

May 2015 - night falls over the densely populated Beyoğlu neighbourhood of Istanbul. Taken on assign

May 2015 - night falls over the densely populated Beyoğlu neighbourhood of Istanbul. Taken on assignment for @Iberia Ronda Magazine.

#cityscape #twilight #urban #density #istanbul #turkey #travelphotography #city #population (at Beyoglu)

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Time Travel Tuesday:  Late 1855, Selections from the Samuel Marshall PassportAbove are selections ofTime Travel Tuesday:  Late 1855, Selections from the Samuel Marshall PassportAbove are selections ofTime Travel Tuesday:  Late 1855, Selections from the Samuel Marshall PassportAbove are selections ofTime Travel Tuesday:  Late 1855, Selections from the Samuel Marshall PassportAbove are selections of

Time Travel Tuesday:  Late 1855, Selections from the Samuel Marshall Passport

Above are selections of pages from the passport of Samuel Marshall, a Milwaukee banker from the mid-1800s, chronicling some of his travels through late 1855. This passport can be found in the Samuel Marshall Papers (Milw Mss AQ) at the UWM Archives.

The first page, from November 15, 1855, grants Marshall entry to Turkey in the Ottoman Empire. The seal of the second cites the King of Prussia, dated November 16, 1855. The third is good for entry to Constantinople, from November 19, 1855. Finally, while I can’t read the fourth page, it is presumably from the same trip.

Visit the UWM Archives to see more of this passport, or stay tuned here for more selections over the summer.  Check out our “Samuel Marshall” tag to see more!

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“Stop acting so small. You are the #universe in #ecstatic #motion.” - #Rumi

#WhilrlingDervish #Dance #Pray #Worship #Flow #Rumi #Wisdom #Turkey #Istanbul #LightTrail (at Istanbul, Turkey)

#universe    #ecstatic    #motion    #whilrlingdervish    #worship    #wisdom    #turkey    #istanbul    #lighttrail    
Now that Halloween’s over, here’s your freshly slaughtered turkey…

Now that Halloween’s over, here’s your freshly slaughtered turkey…

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#OnThisDay: Spice Girls performing ‘2 Become 1’ at their first-ever live concert in Istanbul, Turkey, 20 years ago today, on October 12th, 1997!✌️ #spicegirls #spiceworld #girlpower #concert #Ginger #Posh #Scary #Baby #Sporty #GeriHalliwell #VictoriaBeckham #MelB #EmmaBunton #MelanieC #Istanbul #Turkey #90s @therealgerihalliwell @victoriabeckham @officialmelb @emmaleebunton @melaniecmusic

#girlpower    #victoriabeckham    #emmabunton    #concert    #onthisday    #turkey    #istanbul    #spiceworld    #ginger    #gerihalliwell    #melaniec    #spicegirls    #sporty    
On This DaySpice Girls performing at their first ever live concert in Istanbul, 20 years ago today,

On This Day

Spice Girls performing at their first ever live concert in Istanbul, 20 years ago today, on October 12th, 1997!

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