#tw caps







Disclaimer 1: This will probably get a little NSFW.

Disclaimer 2: Symptoms of periods vary from period-haver to period-haver. It pretty much sucks for everyone, though.

Disclaimer 3: I have a high pain tolerance. Really high. If I say something is really painful, it is really fucking painful.

And now for the reasons why having periods suck and it’s worse for us to have it than for you to hear about it:

  1. There is blood coming from our vaginas. This is a very unpleasant feeling. We cannot “hold it.” Some people get a light trickling. Some, like me, get a Goddamn crime scene.
  2. The ways to keep from bleeding all over everything include a pad, which basically feels like a diaper, and a tampon, which is basically shoving a cotton pipe up there, is not as much fun as it sounds, and can be very uncomfortable if done wrong. And doing it right is fairly hard. Thanks to good old Catholic sex ed, it took me about five years to figure out.
  3. Cramps. I am lucky in that my cramps tend not to be THAT bad (thank you, high pain tolerance), but some get cramps so bad that the pain is comparable to appendicitis.
  4. Headaches. What I lack in cramps, I often make up for in headaches. And not just any headaches. Agonizing headaches. They can start up to a week before the bleeding starts, they last a few days into it, and they don’t go away. No matter how much aspirin you take. Seriously, when I get menstrual headaches, I could down an entire fucking bottle of Advil and I’d probably die but my ghost would still have the headache.
  5. Acne. I’m talking looking like Deadpool under the mask.
  6. Indigestion. It isn’t fun.
  7. Bloating.
  8. Sometimes my actual vaginal region hurts. A lot. Enough to have me doubled over on the floor.
  9. For some reason my anxiety gets worse sometimes around my period. Which is extra fun. There’s nothing like nearly calling the morgue because your dad was late from a basketball game, only to find out he was at Applebee’s.
  10. Fatigue. Because I’m doing everything I normally do while my body is staging a mutiny.
  11. Backache.
  12. Just generally feeling disgusting.
  13. This goes on for a week.
  14. This happens every Goddamn month.
  15. This generally starts around age twelve or so and lasts until maybe age 45.

16. Pads will dry out your vaginal regions and make them itchy. Really REALLY itchy

17. Tampons come in three sizes, too small to do any good, not quite big enough and i think this is a sheep

18, menstrual cups are brilliant if you get them in right, this will happen maybe once a period. You will not know if it’s right until you discover it’s wrong when it leaks.

19. you will run at least two degrees hotter, and up to four degrees hotter at night. Sleep is clearly for other people as you do the too hot too cold quilt exercise all night

20. you will sleep on your side because you are paranoid that you’ve put you cup/tampon in wrong and your pad won’t catch the flow

21. crime scene periods get more frequent as you get older

22. your period will not conform to any cycle, it will range between 2-5 days every 28-32 days, this will change for reasons - what those reasons are your body will not inform you

23. Fatigue for no reason is common - it might be because you’ve worn yourself out trying to get to sleep.

24. Period panties are a must, these are generally black cotton monstrosities that cover you from waist to crotch area, they’re black because they will get stained.

25. Paranoia is normal. No, you probably aren’t leaking but you’re sure you are.

26. The smell. Periods have a smell and you will be paranoid everyone in a mile’s radius will be aware of it. 

27. you will shed more hair than usual, this can be up to three times as much. You’re not going bald, it will just look like it.

28. You will randomly dislike foods you previously liked and will like them again when the period is over

29. Chocolate does help, it’s not a myth, the darker the chocolate the better, and any threats to people who have stolen your chocolate are totally justified. Ibuprofen and a hot water bottle are also wonderful.

30. You will almost certainly, especially with cramps, feel like you really need to use the bathroom, you don’t, your body just makes it feel like you really need to.

17. Tampons come in three sizes, too small to do any good, not quite big enough and i think this is a sheep

And sometimes even the sheep will be too small to get you through the night. 

31. When you DO use tampons, the overwhelming fear in the back of your mind that you’re about to suddenly develop Toxic Shock Syndrome because they told you about it in biology when you were 12 and have been terrified of it ever since.

32. Period poops. It is, in fact, possible to be both constipated and have diarrhea at the same time. It is very unpleasant.

33. Period pukes. Then having to deal with the consequences of that for the rest of the cycle :)








Earlier today we announced to the press that we are running a beta test program for Post+, Tumblr’s newest add-on subscription tool. Post+ is a completely optional tool that will allow creators to make some of their posts exclusive to their paid subscribers. You can read more about it right over here on our @postplus Tumblr. This feature is being tested by a small group of incredible creators on Tumblr.

We want to hear about what you like, what you love, and what concerns you. Even if it’s not very nice. Tell us. We can take it. We WANT that feedback. It helps us make Tumblr better.

What we won’teveraccept is the targeted harassment and threats these creators have endured since this afternoon. These creators are some of the most talented people around, and all they’re doing is testing out a feature. These are the people who graciously agreed to pilot a program to help us discover bugs before we open it up to all creators. These are the humans who are testing a feature that we hope will soon help thousands of Tumblr creators feel empowered, get rewarded for their efforts, and find support within their community.

OurCommunity Guidelines are clear: Don’t engage in targeted abuse, bullying, or harassment.

Anyone in violation of these guidelines will be dealt with swiftly and will be forced to contend with the appropriate consequences. It’s okay to tell us how you feel. It’s not okay to bully someone because you disagree with their choices.

@staff​​​ it’s great to hear that you “won’t everaccept targeted harassment and threats”!

now: can you tell me what that looks like? genuinely, please, can you tell me what the fuck you’re going to do to put a stop to it?

because let’s be clear: the creators beta testing this (extremelypoorly-thought-out) feature, which is *going* to result in enough lawsuits to possibly actually shut tumblr down for good, are not fair game for criticism here. like: the whole point, the whole appeal of tumblr is that everyone here is in the same boat. we’re all poor as dirt, probably mentally ill, neurodivergent, queer, and/or disabled; the preferred term for a tumblr user is “dumpster-diving shrieking opossum.”

the people who were targeted for beta testing are not jeff bezos. they’re your local cashier and sales clerk just trying to survive. the backlash they’ve received is unwarranted, inappropriate, misdirected and cruel. @kaijuno​​ has received hundreds of death threats in one fucking day, and that’s not okay.

so,@staff​​​, what are you going to do to stop it?

because it doesn’t seem like you’ve done a thing to protect kaijuno, or any of your “post+” beta testers. users who’ve been suckered into this crapshoot are taking the fall for your tone-deaf decision making, so what are you going to do to compensate them? you want to talk about emotional damages, maybe there’s a place to have that conversation when the reason they’re being targeted,onyour platform, is because of you.

and while we’re here, let’s talk about one other section of the community guidelines you’ve mentioned:


let’s talk about how one of the common tags on tumblr, common enough that it pops up when i type “terf” in the tag bar, is “terfs do interact”. let’s talk about how tumblr, the place where pretty much all the most recent LGBT+ pride flags have originated, the so-called queerest place on the internet, isactively fostering the growth of a transphobic subculture. let’s talk about how your inaction has allowed ace exclusionists to gain a foothold in the young queer community, how your unwillingnessto enforce the ban on actual hate speech has led to a generation unfamiliar with the legitimate history of the word “queer.”

(side note for general readers: a good rule of thumb is, if a term has entered the lexicon of academia, it is more or less universally accepted as the Appropriate Name For The Thing. that’s your number one tipoff for the revisionist history behind this “queer is a slur” discourse, which was kicked off and is carried on primarily by TERFs).

so yeah: let’s talk about the community guidelines. let’s talk about selectively enforcing them.

because i’m happy to hear you’re not going to stand for targeted harassment and hate speech anymore. genuinely, i am. what i want to know is whether you mean it.

do you care about the health and safety of your userbase, and respect your so-called community guidelines? or are they just a convenient excuse for you to distance yourself from the latest shitstorm you’ve kicked off, defend the honour of your financial assets, and wash your hands entirely of the fallout?

I also want to add to this to say please take the survey! I know people who don’t want a feature usually just don’t take whatever survey but this is extremely important. We need @staff to know that we do not want this feature and to do that we actually have to tell them. Please take the survey and pleasewritehow much you do not want this feature.

Tumblr is not the place for paid content, it’s a social media website/app. There are far better websites for paid content that people already use and are comfortable with, not only is this a bad idea for website content in general, it’s also a bad business idea. You will never be able to compete with OnlyFans, Patreon, KoFi, Twitch, or even just someone’s independent website shop. This website is not set up to house paid content and if this truly gets implemented, it will only be a disorganized mess.

This is a bad idea.

Previously when this idea has been tested, it’s had a horrible backlash as well. Sixpenceee, Striders, Egberts, and other bloggers have tried to monetize their blogs only to face horrible repercussions. One of the main philosophies present in this website is anti-capitalism!!

So anyone reading this I’m begging you to take this survey and tell @staff how awful of an idea this is and how you will not support it. Don’t just ignore the survey.


hey people this stuff is going to ruin tumblr. please take the servey, its really short and feedback is crucial to prevent this from existing in the first place. we need to snip this in the roots asap.

please take this survey. it really doesn’t take up a lot of your time and we can shut this down if we make sure we all tell them we don’t want it.

also, i know we’ve all been making a lot of jokes abt it but for real if any of you (as in ppl who follow me who’ll see this) have sent death threats or general hate to those who are using this feature rn? i don’t want anything to do with you, what the fuck is wrong with you?? like actually what the fuck is wrong with you????

anyway take the survey y'all

Y’all… I- *long sigh* just take the goddamn survey please

This post is a friendly reminder to:


Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk :)


That being said commissions are now CLOSED!




So again, I’m really sorry but I was born after the year 2000 and I keep getting a TikTok with the ending “you lost the game” and everyone in the comments are just distraught millennials and I never understand so I went up to my dad and went “why do I keep hearing that I lost the game?”

I’ve never broken this man faster and he went “I don’t wanna talk about it” so now I’m even more confused so uh

FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU BECAUSE OF YOU I LOST THE GAME (the fuck you is /j hope you understand that-)

(also “the game” is literally if you think of the game you lose, it’s kinda hard to explain?? But yeah that’s pretty much it as far as I know. Unless there’s some context I’m also missing???)


The game as described by a random tik-tok:

The Game is a mind game in which players attempt to avoid thinking about the phrase “the game” at all times.

The only real winners are those who don’t know What “ The Game “ is. (Because they can’t think about something they don’t know)

Everyone who is aware tries to not think about it. And If they do think about it they lose!

Which is why people love to ask if you lost the game (because the sentence in itself makes you think about the game)

Thank you for being better at words than I am-

Yeah that’s a pretty good explanation.


So again, I’m really sorry but I was born after the year 2000 and I keep getting a TikTok with the ending “you lost the game” and everyone in the comments are just distraught millennials and I never understand so I went up to my dad and went “why do I keep hearing that I lost the game?”

I’ve never broken this man faster and he went “I don’t wanna talk about it” so now I’m even more confused so uh

FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU BECAUSE OF YOU I LOST THE GAME (the fuck you is /j hope you understand that-)

(also “the game” is literally if you think of the game you lose, it’s kinda hard to explain?? But yeah that’s pretty much it as far as I know. Unless there’s some context I’m also missing???)








Here’s one good thing to come out of 2020:

Paleontologists completed a life-sized replica of Sue, the most complete T. Rex ever found.


And she is freaking GORGEOUS!

As I read more about this beauty, I found out some new details regarding things I thought I previously knew about the beast that was Tyrannosaurus Rex, and I’m going to share them with you.

First, and most obvious, her size:

This is nothing new, we all figured T. Rex was big, but I for one never stopped to consider exactly howbig it was. Nobody ever really knows what to imagine when they read about something the size of a whale that walked around and ate everything it could kill. 

Speaking of eating things, I just want to remind you all that T. Rex had–by miles–the strongest bite of any terrestrial animal living or dead, somewhere around six and a half tons of force. That’s over six times greater than the current estimate of what Allosaurus was capable of, and three times what was delivered by the highest measured reading of the living title holder–the estuarine crocodile. It didn’t have to waste time swinging its head open-mouthed like Saurophaganaxfor a little extra oomph, or grow fancy serrated teeth like Carcharodontosaurus to cut pieces out of its prey. It opted for the simplest approach: get its mouth around something and crush it to death; imagine the full weight of an elephant on whatever was between this thing’s jaws.

“How did it find something to eat?” I hear you asking. “It can’t see something if it doesn’t move, right?”

Listen, I love Jurassic Park too, but that’s a big crock of shit.

Notice how both her eyes face forward. That gives her binocular vision (the ability to focus both eyes on one target, like you and I). More importantly it means she has impeccable depth perception due to overlapping fields of vision from each, large, eyeball. Researchers agree that T. Rex not only had incredible vision, but that it was probably better than most modern animals–including eagles, hawks, and owls–and that she could likely spot something three and a half miles away.If something thatbig can see thatwell, it doesn’t matter if you move or not, she’d be able to tell if it was an animal trying to hide or a piece of vegetation. So pray she isn’t hungry if she lays eyes on you. And even if by some miracle she didn’t see you, she’d still smell you. 

If she decided you looked tasty, you probably wouldn’t hear her coming as much as you’d feelher. Modern science indicates that T. Rex didn’t roar like in Jurassic Park, but rather bellowed or maybe even hissed like crocodilians. If she were on to you, you’d most likely feel this sense of unease creep up your spine as a low-pitched rumble in the air permeated through you. You wouldn’t know what it was or where it was coming from until you hear her footfalls. By then it’s too late–you could try to run but she’d probably catch you. There’s plenty on YouTube that reconstructs what T. Rex may have sounded like, and it’s legitimately haunting.  

To wrap all of this up, the one bit of good that came out of the cursed year that is 2020 is that this wonderful child of science and art came into the world, and reaffirmed my respect and admiration for the eight ton slab of muscle and teeth that is this magnificent creature.

…and it is nothing if not magnificent.

I honestly expected like three notes, what happened!?

Palaeontologists are the ones providing the data and advice but don’t give them full credit, this life-sized sculpture was created by ARTISTS, the artist team of @bluerhinostudio

They also created this Quetzalcoatlus that made the rounds online (image credit goes to National Geographic)

As well as many more amazing sculptures and dioramas, so please check them out here on Tumblr and on Instagram

They are currently working on a new Tyrannosaurus again which will be on display in Europe (image credit goes to Blue Rhino Studio)

Please give the amazing team of Blue Rhino Studio the credit they deserve

Not to kill the buzz but where are the feathers??

As it stands now, there is no evidence for or against feathers on Tyrannosaurus specifically, so either way to depict it would be equally accurate at the moment, if feathers are present they would be on the back and shoulder region as that is the only spot that doesn’t have preserved skin impressions

Below is a handful guide by Dr. Mark Witton who happens to be both a palaeontologist and an artist:

Fun fact! Sue officially uses they/them pronouns! Scientists don’t know if they were male or female. Because of that, and as a gesture of good will to the LGBT+ community, scientists officially use they/them pronouns to refer to SUE the T-Rex!

“(Please, do not body-shame our T. rex. SUE is perfect just the way they are. And, yes, “they” is correct there—scientists don’t know if SUE was male or female, so in the spirit of scientific accuracy and LGBTQ inclusivity, we’ve transitioned to singular “they/them” pronouns instead of calling SUE “she” or “her.”)”


“Please, do not body-shame our T. rex” is the funniest thing I’ve seen in at least 20 minutes






i’ve waited one year to reblog this
