

Hey all, update!!!!

So, the past month has been a rough one; weight loss wise. I actually fell off and gained 5lbs back

I have 3 friends (in rl) that are on their fitness journey and have been putting their results and what they are doing on their fb pages. HOLY MOTIVATION! Idk what clicked but my behind is ON A ROLL! For the past 7 days I have stayed under my calories, did a 1+ mile walk every day AND worked out. Nothing too crazy just 20 min of cardio. I’ll put my results below.

Current stats (last week > this week)

Weight : 212.4lbs > 210.6lbs

BMI : 39.8 > 38.8

BF : 43.9% > 33.2%

MUSC : 32.7% > 36.4%

WW : 39.8% > 50.8%

LOOK AT THE CHANGE!!!! I’ve NEVER seen that before! Usually it goes down by like .2%…. and I’m a lot less bloated!!

Talk about motivation. I’ve also never contiuousy worked out for more than like 2 days ever. I HATED working out. Now I have a passion for it. Something clicked and I feel more better about myself than ever
