#weight lifting


It’s a happy day for me last night I registered for my first fitness show…How exciting… In Fort Lauderdale, FL June 27-28 I will be competing in the Fitness Universe Weekend I will be in Musclemania Women’s Physique… Yea me… I’m so excited, nervous and scared all at the same time…Well it’s really happening …. So a lot of busting my ass at the gym and no distractions at all….

Sometimes you have to go through a whole lot pain and determination to see results…Sometimes you have to go through a whole lot pain and determination to see results…Sometimes you have to go through a whole lot pain and determination to see results…Sometimes you have to go through a whole lot pain and determination to see results…

Sometimes you have to go through a whole lot pain and determination to see results…

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Words that I live by….“The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshiWords that I live by….“The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshi

Words that I live by….“The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it. – Belfort”

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Results are always a proud moment….sigh…happy but far from where I need to be, but wilResults are always a proud moment….sigh…happy but far from where I need to be, but wilResults are always a proud moment….sigh…happy but far from where I need to be, but wil

Results are always a proud moment….sigh…happy but far from where I need to be, but will work to get there…

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I look at where I started and where I am now…I can say I am a believer… IN MYSELF!I look at where I started and where I am now…I can say I am a believer… IN MYSELF!

I look at where I started and where I am now…I can say I am a believer… IN MYSELF!

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This is my journey and it’s a hard one for me. I want to compete as a physique competitor and I want to be a fitness model. I like that I’m unique and this is me having confidence in myself… I started at 200 pds as a plus size model, but I was not happy with my weight. I carried it well, but my body showed me signs of being stressed and unhealthy.. From constant swollen ankles, chest pain and smokers cough from smoking, not being able to look down without seeing my stomach in the way so I couldn’t see my feet, insomnia, drinking way to much hard liquor and beer, stress, and migraines… I was not happy I hated myself so much I hung out with people who saw me as being beneath them …Yea it made them feel better, but they made me feel like crap more so than I already did. I dated and married men who tried to control me and made me feel less than. Because I thought that was what I deserved, but I deserved better than them. Towards the end of last year I had enough. I started to realize my worth, my own beauty, sexuality and confidence. I started slowly, but surely getting rid of all the negative people and unhealthy things in my life. I did a life, mind, body and soul detox. I push myself to reach for all the potential I knew I had and went from a size 16 to a size 6. I started working out at the park with my bestfriend and the more we pushed the more results we saw. At that point I realize no matter what anyone thinks of me…I am making good and amazing life changes. Now I’m 135 and gaining but its healthy muscles. I wake up refreshed and happy because I am changing me for the better…. I am doing this from scratch and I am working my butt off everyday…I don’t need to be validated, but I do want to inspire…  my children tell me everyday how proud they are of me. I’m not worried if people find me unattractive because of the muscles…Nope I am doing this for me not for you. I stop caring what others thought of me when I started detoxing myself. So needless to say this is my journey

200pds at the worst time in my life…..

135 pds and working hard everyday

Have a lot of work to do, but I have determination and will make my dreams come true….Have a lot of work to do, but I have determination and will make my dreams come true….Have a lot of work to do, but I have determination and will make my dreams come true….

Have a lot of work to do, but I have determination and will make my dreams come true….

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Pain and sweat… But I can’t stop…I want it …I can taste it…This isPain and sweat… But I can’t stop…I want it …I can taste it…This isPain and sweat… But I can’t stop…I want it …I can taste it…This is

Pain and sweat… But I can’t stop…I want it …I can taste it…This is my journey and I will see it through…

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Damn it’s morning workouts like this that just leave you pumped up…. Breaking a sweat feeling the pain of every rep as you pump it out and just yell when your arms, stomach, shoulders or legs want to say stop, but you just keep going and scream the pain out… Now that’s a workout… Woooo hoo ….Feeling the burn and the pain makes me feel alive…


myprojectfitness: skinny4fitness:thefitnessmotto:This is awesome!Follow 4 Fitness (:I’m gonn




This is awesome!

Follow 4 Fitness (:

I’m gonna take a picture like this!!

Oh hey look, it’s me. *bats eyelashes and blushes*

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love empty gyms ✨

QUESTION: would you be interested in me doing a video answering your questions on my life / health / fitness / nutrition etc?


Cum watch me and my tits lift some weights!!

