#witch tricks


Apple Magic

Buckle up cowboys ‘cause it’s apple time.

In case y'all haven’t noticed, I love apples. Apple juice, applesauce, apple crisp, apple pie, apple crumble, apple cider… it’s absolutely one of my favorite fruits (second only to strawberries). But other than being delicious and nutritious - it’s also superstitious.

Okay, that was a bad word to use, but I really wanted a rhyme.


Let’s get down to the basics. Apples represent a whole ton of good, wholesome things. As seen in my Apple Cider Homesteading Spell post, we know that apples represent love, luck, prosperity, and healing. But what they can also represent is garden magic (which is exactly what it sounds like), fertility, and in some cases, lust/sexual tension. Apples are often offered to gods and goddesses of fertility.

But how do I use apples, Ander? Well for one, you can make me a pie. And for two, that’s a great question. Let’s make a quick list of ways I enjoy using apples in my witchcraft.

  • Kitchen Magic. As you all know, I am most aligned with being a Green, Kitchen, or Herbal witch. Cooking is a love language and so is infusing my food with magic to help those I love. Make an apple pie for your partner, made apple cider with your best friend, bake apple dumplings for your sister. Food can be infused with your intentions just like any other tool.
  • Offerings. For a house blessing, cut an apple in half. Eat half of it, and place the other half outside your front door. This will invite in a good future for your home!
  • HangingBlessings. If you have a dehydrator, thinly slice an apple into slices and let them get crispy. You can add whatever you like! Orange slices, cloves, nutmeg…. you get the idea. Once they’re all dry, string them onto some twine and drape it across your doorway to invite love, luck, and friendship into your life.
  • SamhainBurning. With preferably dry apple pieces, burn them after a silent dinner to honor those who may be reborn in the spring. It’s a sign of respect and thankfulness.

As always my lovely creepy crawlies, practice in a cleansed space and be safe! Blessed be

Support your local witch on Ko-Fi or at my store, Hallow Grove!



Dandelions (scientifically known as taraxacum officianale) are little fluffy circles of sunshine no matter how badly my family tries to convince me they’re just weeds. They’re beautiful, useful is so many ways, easy to grow, edible root to flower, make great rest stops and pollen distributor for bees, and have so many magical benefits that I doubt I can list all of them here if I tried. But what I can do is list a few things they (and their parts) are good for.

  • Dandelion leaves: purification, cleansing, banishing negativity, and inviting happiness.
  • Dandelion root: inspiring wishes to come true, grounding, earth magic, divination, and sleep protection.
  • Dandelion flower: invoking joy, light, happiness, hope, and healing.
  • Dandelion stem: forming connections, growth, patience, and creativity.
  • Dandelion ‘fluff’: lightness, spreading your wings, and finding a new home.
  • Dandelion plant: growing a whole dandelion plant symbolizing grounding, growth, and new opportunities. Make an excellent altar plant.

Each part of the dandelion can be used in a variety of ways. Most of it is edible, and the dried flowers can make an excellent infused oil or dried for tea. Making a flower grown out of them is a common way to celebrate the coming of spring. Gifting bouquets of dandelions symbolizes friendship and well-wished for those you give it to.

Plus, bee food. God, bees are so cute.

As always y'all, practice in a safe, cleansed space, and always do your own research before trying something new. Blessed be everyone!

Support your local witch on Ko-Fi or at my store, Hallow Grove!


Citrus Fruits

Another simple list! This one is for common (in my area) citrus fruits that are easily incorporated into spellwork. Many citrus fruits have similar effects, but different uses, so don’t forget to do some more thorough research on top of this list!

  • Orange: Happiness, Abundance, Yes/No Divination, Love
  • Lemon: Clarification, Cleansing, Energy
  • Lime: Purification, Love, Tranquility, Peacefulness, Protection
  • Grapefruit: Cleansing, Purification, Patience
  • Pineapple: Modesty, Chastity, Luck, Financial Gain
  • Tangerine: Vitality, Energy, Strength, Joy

Tips and Commissions for a struggling witch: Ko-Fi

Tea Spells

Tea spells are super easy, effective, and beginner-friendly spells that I still use almost daily. It’s broom-closet friendly as well, which is an excellent bonus for those of us who still live at home with traditionally religious folks.

So how do I make one? Glad you asked! There are two ways I tend to do it: one easier than the other.

  • Pre-made Tea Packets: Simple; get teas that align with your needs. I usually end up opening the bags, adding other ingredients in, and stapling it back shut. Label the little tags and you’re good to go!
  • Loose Leaf: Just as effective but with slightly more potential for some mess. Toss the dried herbs/ingredients you want in your brew together and brew however you’d like.

Here are a few of my favorite recipes!

  • Relief and Relax: Chamomile, Strawberry, Cherry
  • Energy and Zest for Life: Strawberry, Lemon, Tangerine, Ginger
  • Happiness at Home: Allspice, Cinnamon, Clove, Nutmeg, Orange, Ginger
  • Self-Love: Strawberry, Apple, Hibiscus, Rosemary

If you come up with anything you like in particular, please feel free to add it into the comments. I’d love to try some new things!

Tips and Commissions for a struggling witch: Ko-Fi

Affordable Crystal Beads

So I know that when we think of crystals, we don’t think of beads, pendants, and charms. Usually, we think about… well, crystals. In crystal formation.

But the shape of a crystal doesn’t necessarily affect how it benefits us. Plus, things like beads, pendants, and charms can be easily turned into wearable items like jewelry or sewn into clothes and accessories. Plus, beads can be well hidden if you’re in the broom closet. It’s much less suspicious to have a bracelet with purple beads on your windowsill than a giant shiny hunk of purple crystal.

So, here are a few examples from my favorite jewelry supply/crystal bead supplier. There are also a few things like towers, chips, etc. but they will be listed as beads that are undrilled (no holes).

Although it seems a little sketch, I’ve ordered from here before and can personally attest that as long as you look for natural, undyed stones, they are genuine. Shipping is calculated by weight, and it does come from outside the States so it may take some time.

Would I prefer to support a small business and pay a decent amount? Yes.

Would I if I could afford it? Yes.

But for those who can’t, this is a valid option.

Blessed be <3

Support your local witch on Ko-Fi or at my store, Hallow Grove!

Magical Tea; Moon, Sun, and Snow water.

Kitchen witches know that one of the most precious things we can do for someone is give them something we made by hand, infused with magic to make their lives a little better. Well, if someone you know is just getting into witchcraft and want to try something new for themselves without depending on you to make it, this is a good place to point them.

Magical teas are incredible. You can use any herb, any spice, pretty much any fruit - you get the idea - to make powerful, sometimes tasty blends (Note to self, never make oregano tea again. Uck.) that benefit you all day or night. But other than the tea leaves themselves, what else could we infuse? Honey, sugar, absolutely - but what about the water itself?

  • Moon Water: We all know what this is: water charged with the magic benefits of the moon. Great for all kinds of things, this is the best beginner water to use! It’s great for cleansing, but also for most kinds of rituals, spells, sabbats, and more. Seeping your tea in moon water can help you keep a clear mind, amplify the effects of the tea blend, and in general help you feel more like a ‘whole person’ though the day. It’s also a great choice when it come to self-cleansing: clearing away negativity, opening your mind, etc.
  • Sun Water: I always see sun water as the 'citrus’ of magical water Energizing, charging, confidence-boosting - it’s an empowering water that would be amazing to use for confidence, power, or self-sufficient spells.
  • Snow Water: Snow water is pretty unique, and it’s my personal favorite. As someone who rarely fin myself attractive, snow water is perfect because it invokes beauty, peacefulness, reflection, and purity. The teas that pair best with snow water are ones that invoke self-love or self-satisfaction. Here’s a strawberry self-love spell that could be paired with snow water rather than moon water for an even more potent effect!

As you probably know, there are so many different magical waters that can be used, but these three are my personal favorite! As always, do your own research, cleanse your space, and blessed be <3

Support your local witch on Ko-Fi or at my store, Hallow Grove!
