#witchy tip


Life hack for all my witchy youtubers and models out there! Need to take a quick selfie for film a video and cant drag your lighting gear out? Do you highkey look like a hot mess? Tape a tissue over your favorite desk lamp to diffuse the lighting.

Tip 3!

Burn your incense cones in a geometric glass cage! Even after the cone burns out the cage will hold the smoke and release it way slower! Also it keeps kitties and dogs from sticking their noses into it and getting burned.

Just make sure you put it on a thick stone bottom so the cone doesnt heat up the metal bottom. You can get burned that way!

Want to use a sheet book for your spells but also want to be able to move them around?

Scrapbook the spells onto a different sheet then you can put them in with paper clips!

This way when you find new spells you can move them around so they are near similar ones!

Having a Djinn Witch pathway has taught me the importance of vessels.

One tip I’ve picked up from this is to think of every flower pot not as just a home for your green friends, but at a vessel for another world. Fill each pot with elements from that realm and surround your work space with pockets of other dimensions to draw energy from. The happier these worlds are the happier you are.

This especially helps because your parents or guests wont be able to know what it is!

For Closeted WitchesA crescent moon is your best friend. It’s not obviously witchy, and coulFor Closeted WitchesA crescent moon is your best friend. It’s not obviously witchy, and coul

For Closeted Witches

A crescent moon is your best friend. It’s not obviously witchy, and could always be explained away, but other witches will recognize your intent when wearing it.

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