#witchy tip



If your craft involves casting a circle, use a circular rug to mark the boundaries of your sacred space. The rug is ideal for quick setup, quick cleanup, and discreet practice. Save time fiddling with boundary measurements and making marks on the floor.

For discreet witches, the rug is becomes an every day decorative aesthetic.

Crafty witches can crochet a circular rug, maybe incorporate some knot magic to the project.

If a buying new rug is out of your budget, acquire a large piece of fabric and draw a circle on it.

Or you could use a large hula-hoop or some similar toy and just paint/decorate it to your heart’s desire.

Curses and HexesWitchy tip: When making curses, surround yourself with plants or carry with you some

Curses and Hexes

Witchy tip: When making curses, surround yourself with plants or carry with you some, even if it´s a tiny one.

This will protect you from bad energy that could get attached.  Remember that casting curses and hexes could harm you too, so this way you make sure the elements of earth protect you ☆

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 Moon water!✨ If you wish to make moon water for a specific spell/ritual/intention, or if you’d like

Moon water!✨ 
If you wish to make moon water for a specific spell/ritual/intention, or if you’d like to know the many ways you can use your moon water, we just did a blog post on this!  You can find it here - www.witchcasket.co.uk/blog 

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Just put some tied up sticks (i used the stick flowers usually have in pots) in a vase full with rocks.


Witch tip: I’m not sure if anyone has said this before or not, but window sills make the best discrete altars!
Have candles on your window sill? Totally normal
Got a couple of plants and some rocks from the beach? Cool
You can have all sorts of things that have magical connotations on a window sill and to everyone else they just look like normal decorations
Plus you can use the window to charge things by the sun and the moon.

Witchy tipfortravel

Take your herbs with you in tea bags. You can take full store-bought tea bags as your herbs or you can empty them out and put in the herbs that you need. I suggest you secure the bags with bobby pins or sew them together (you could also glue it, tie it up or tape it…)


Ok so I am gonna say this is my personal reference, its mainly through associations. You might TOTALLY disagree and thats chill!

Its more something to think about and a guideline of what I use myself…

Candle Magic:

Carve a candle when…. the candle represents the target, in sympathetic magic. When, essentially, the candle is a poppet and lighting it is a symbol of destruction or empowerment to the target.

Place something under the candle or before it when… you are doing general candle magic, when the candle represents empowering a wish, idea or concept.

Anoint the candle when… doing work with spirits and gods, when you mark the candle for a special purpose, when doing high magic.

Herbs and plant work:

Use dry herbs when… it is convienent to do so, when the herbs are out of season or when you need to store them in a jar or bottle for a long time.

Use fresh herbs when… the spell is very earth orientated, when doing magic on behalf of another or when the magic is sympathetic so that the herbs represent the target, within kitchen witchery.

Use flowers when… when the spell concerns love and sex, or perhaps fertility and attraction, due to flowers being the reproductive parts of the plant.

Use fruit when when… working with children as a target, or with children practising. When you work with fertility and abundance spells.

Use wood and twigs when… when the spell is for protection or binding, for hardiness.

Burn herbs (recaning/incense) when… you wish to cleanse or banish, or invoke an atmosphere - that being, for divination using herbs that are said to open up your perceptions, when banishing, burning acrid or pungent herbs.

Use oil infusions when… you wish to anoint something, when you wish to mark something permanently.

Use floral waters (rose water etc) when… dealing with spirits and gods, for glamour as it has a long history of being used to beautify.


Use metals (haematite, copper, ores etc..) when… you work in protection, when you do energy work due to the conductive properties of metal.

Use shell, pearl, coral and such when… you work in sea magic, when you work within emotional magic due to the element of water.

Use points when… you wish to direct magic to a target.

Use tumble stones when… you wish the magic to be gentle or manifest at a certain place on the body on a target.

Use geodes when… you work in protection, when you work with glamour aimed to obscure and hide.

Knot magic:

Use cotton when… it is convenient.

Use silk when… doing spells that benefit the target.

Use ribbons when… love spells and wealth spells, as well as confidence and beauty spells. Spells to ensure victory.

Use rope when… doing spells that aim to hurt or weaken the target, binding especially.


Use cloth when… the spell aims to benefit who the poppet represents, use particular care when sewing or cutting, choose colours that are appropriate to them.

Use wax when… you wish to manipulate the target.

Use clay when… wish to create fetches or servitors, when you wish to create permanency.

Use twigs when… you wish to bury or throw the poppet out, when you want the poppet to be easily destroyed by breaking or setting on fire.


Use an alphabet grid or circle when… you wish the sigil to be more random and less attached to you.

Combine the shapes of letters from a sentence… when your sigil is very specific and a short term goal.

Use your own personal symbols when… you want the magic to be connected to you, when it is personal.

As Halloween is upon us please share what you did/are doing to celebrate this glorious day.

I saged my home, preformed a small ritual/spell and drank some Bloody Mary’s and Jose literally moved cross country. We’d love to hear from you all in the replies.

— Samantha ❣️


Spell Ingredients Index: Vetivert

Scientific Classification:Andropogon zizanioides, Vetiveria zizanioides

Folk Names: Khus-Khus, Vetiver, Moras

Vetivert is a traditional incense burned to entice money and riches, and to drive away evil spells. It is easy to get ahold of, if you know where to look. Usually, your local herb or witch shops will carry a supply.

Use in spells for:

  • Love
  • Prosperity
  • Money
  • Hex-breaking
  • Luck
  • Anti-theft

Use in these spell types:

  • Sachets
  • Poppets (used here to mean “an effigy of a person who is the target of a spell”, and does not have any cultural connotations)
  • Burning spells
  • Enchantments
  • As an incense or oil

Other uses:

  • Place in cash registers to increase business
  • Carry vetivert root to attract luck
  • Burn vetivert root to ward off evil curses

Medicinal Uses:

Can be used topically to reduce stress, repel insects, and to treat lice.

Can be taken internally by mouth to treat circulation and nerve problems, but be sure to check with your general practitioner first.

Pregnant women should not take vertivert internally. It is rumored to induce abortions and start menstration when taken orally, so I would be very cautious when using this herb medicinally if you are a woman.

I should also note that essential oils of any kind are not always made to be taken internally, and you should only do so under the supervision of a physician.

Become a Patron!

What You’ll Need :

  • Study Guide (Has to be finished!)
  • Yellow/White Candle
  • Calcite
  • Glass Bowl

I. Light the Candle

II. Hold the Calcite in one hand, place the other over the study guide. Imagine the energy of the work absorbing.

III. Rip a little piece [of your Study Guide] and place it into the glass bowl, light it up and inhale the smoke. (If you cannot inhale the smoke, simply place your hand over it and visualize it seeping into your skin.) Then, chant :

Study, study, keep in my mind. Study, know, so I won’t be so blind. Know, know, the correct answer I’ll write. Know, memorize, so I get the test right. Memorize, memorize, this test I shall pass. Memorize, forever, so I’ll pass this class.

Good luck to those who have tests!

I mean this in the kindest possible ways: Take care of yourselves! Be kind and give yourself grace. It’s nothing less than what you deserve.

Journal Prompts for Witches

I have been on a journal spree for about a month now and have been loving the growth I’ve been experiencing- not just within myself, but also the growth I’ve felt as a witch.

Journaling allows us an opportunity to narrate our own story. And, as narrators, we begin to see things and patterns within our thinking that can help us better determine who we are and the things we need to work on. Keeping a daily journal I feel is important for any witch (or person, really) as it can be a great way to track personal progress, goals, and growth. It’s also a great tool for keeping you motivated to do so.

So, I’ve decided to put together a list of Witchy Journal Prompts to help you get started.

The journal prompts I use will always have first person language, so when I say “I” or “me” it can apply to anyone. I like to write it this way in my journal because it’s a personal question, and the answers don’t have to be read by anyone else.

So, let’s get to the list. I’ll expand on this more as time goes on. These do not have to be used in order, as they are not meant to build off of eachother. And, some of them are meant to be more fun, while others are meant for deep thinking exercises.

  1. What is something I feel is unique to my practice?
  2. What does the word “witch” mean to me?
  3. Where do I feel I draw my magick from? Why?
  4. When was the last time I felt truly connected to my magick?
  5. Who is my God/Goddess and why?
  6. Who is/are my spirit guide/guides?
  7. What kind of magick do I feel I practice?
  8. Do I feel it’s important for witches to have a specialty? I.E. Divination, kitchen witchery, sigil witchery, etc. Why or why not?
  9. What is the last book I read on witchcraft? What are my thoughts on it?
  10. Do I feel magick is innate in everyone? Why or why not?
  11. Do I use magick to help friends and family? Why or why not?
  12. How do I communicate with spirits?
  13. Have I ever astral projected? What was it like?
  14. Do I have any “psychic” skills? What are they and how do I feel about them?
  15. Have I ever had visions of the future? What happened?
  16. Do I follow a specific practice? I.E. Am I wiccan, norse pagan, Hoodoo/Voodoo, etc.? Why?
  17. What is my process for crafting spells?
  18. What are some things I can do to feel more witchy every day? Why those things?
  19. How do I feel my practice influences my life?
  20. What little things do I do or can I do throughout my day to feel more connected to my magick?
  21. What happens when I die?
  22. What kind of magick or spells will I never do? Why?
  23. What are some of my personal boundaries with witchcraft? Why?
  24. How has my journey led me to where I am now?
  25. Do I believe in ghosts? Why or why not?

These prompts can be changed in any way you like to suit your personal needs from your journal. Some of these are also similar, and I am aware of that, but I do feel that they’re separate enough to spurn new thoughts on the subject. Also, there’s absolutely no need to use prompts that don’t pertain to you or your practice. At the end of the day you get to decide which topics you do and don’t want to discuss, but these questions will help you get a clearer picture of who you are as a witch and solidify your beliefs.

Here some deeper ones that I like to call…

Shadow Work Prompts

  1. Do I trust myself? Why or why not?
  2. While reflecting on my childhood, what makes me sad or angry to this day?
  3. When was the last time I forgave myself?
  4. How do I feel about myself?
  5. How has pain and trauma shaped me?
  6. What holds me back?
  7. What traits do I have that I don’t like?
  8. How do I see myself?
  9. What negative thoughts do I frequently have about myself? Why?
  10. How do I deal with emotional pain?

These prompts are heavy, so I use them sparingly. But, they can be great tools for identifying areas in your life where you need healing, and may help you make a plan on how to deal with it. As before, you don’t have to use all or any of these prompts. They can create big emotions that are sometimes difficult to pull yourself out of, so I would definitely recommend some meditation and grounding and centering before venturing down one of these topics.

Nevertheless, identifying your shadow self can help you connect and heal, and teach you more about yourself.

I’ll do another post about “Shadow Work” and why it’s important in your practice.

Until then, thanks for reading


Wording a spell correctly is extremely important! We’ve all heard the stories of someone who cast a spell and technically had it come true, but in a way that wasn’t what they actually wanted at all! Here’s a list of common “loopholes” spells will take to get the job done, and how to make sure you get what you want!

Taking its time- “I want money,” you tell the Universe, hoping to get some help with rent. Well, rent comes and there’s no extra cash in sight! Then, two weeks later, a surprise wad of cash all but lands in your lap. The spell came true, but not in time for when it mattered. This is easily fixed by adding “…by the end of the month,” or specifying what the money is for, which in this case was this month’s rent.

No help needed- “I want money,” you say again. Magic will often take the path of least resistance, so if you’ve already got a paycheck on the way, the spell might not do much besides make sure it doesn’t get lost. There. Money. It can be good to specify that you want your spell to work in addition to everything you’re already doing!

Bare minimum- This time from your money spell, it arrives on time from an unexpected source! But it’s a quarter you found on the ground. Maybe three quarters. Not much help! If your intent would require the money to be close to a certain amount or any other specific like that, let it be known! The universe isn’t there to make assumptions.

For the worst- Let’s say you have two friends that have been flirting, so you cast a nice little spell to let any mutual interest between them blossom into a relationship and save them some trouble. It happens, but it turns out they do NOT work well with each other. They are interested in each other, but argue constantly and bring out the worst in each other. The relationship is hurting them both. You had the absolute best of intentions, but there was no way of knowing that would happen! This is why a lot of witches include the phrase, “for the highest good” in their spells, as a failsafe for any unexpected pitfalls like this that may be lurking. The universe will see them but doesn’t know to care unless you specify.

Another layer- Once I made a dream bear to bring me more dreams. Well, I had lots more dreams, but couldn’t remember any of them! I didn’t think that was something I needed to specify. Make sure you hit every point you need to be satisfied with a result.

As a general rule, if my spell includes a prayer or petition of any sort, I take a few minutes and comb through it for stuff like this beforehand. What am I specifying? What am I leaving up to interpretation? Could any of that manifest in a way I would be unhappy with? Take a little time before you start casting to smooth out all those wrinkles! Best of wishes!


teach your children the importance of grounding, deep breathing, higher thinking and meditation.

keep crystals in their room (out of reach obv if their the age to put things in their mouths) for creativity, calm, imagination, and good sleep.

anoint them with protection oil before they set out for the day.

teach them the power of their words; about manifestation and speaking their intentions into existence.

all kitchen witchery tbh; choose foods and herbs that you correspond with self-love, determination, success, happiness, etc.

observe how they respond to nature. foster any interests they have and teach them the magick of the world around them.

keep a satchet/crystal/mini spell jar for success and determination in/on/near training potty or toilet during potty training.

add essential oils to their humidifier. (be careful duh)

write original songs, books, stories & do crafts with them. they can all be forms of spells.

create a sigil from their name, use for protection spells, lunch box notes, birthday cards, etc.

essential oils in their shoes to guide their steps towards success.

If any witchy parents/caregivers want to add to this list feel free.



  • Maps! Maps! MAPS! If you’re a death witch, get one for the cemeteries you visit and mark gravestones/areas you’ve practiced in! Garden witches! Map out your gardens! Green witches! Map where you find specific herbs in your area! Lunar witches! Mark the best spots to go look at the sky! Make a key! Take notes!
  • Recipes for COMPONENTS! Write down how to make the mixtures you use in spells often- A special salt mixed with herbs and put under the moon, a mixture of oils for protection, the herb mixes sachets you keep making to add to sachets, whatever!
  • For green witches- press samples of stuff and glue them in! Go to an arboretum and ask for permission to take leaves to press, they’ll usually let you take some- add them in with your notes about trees
  • Cool ways to make spells! I make spells in envelopes and on empty spools, what are some ways you do?
  • The local plants in your area and what they do. You’re not going to be likely to find chrysanthemums to forage in Missouri, but you will find creeping charlie and prairie plants. What can you do with a thistle?
  • When you celebrate a sabbat, write down what you did and include samples! Ribbons from your Beltane altar, a pressed sample of your lemmas harvest, a scrap of your Yule decorations. Maybe do a spell and tape the remnants into your grimoire in a plastic baggie
  • Learn how to make an envelope out of paper just by folding it, how to string seeds, how to dry plants, how to macrame rocks and hang them from your window. Find those little witchy skills and write them down.
  • How to incorporate your hobby into your magic. Sigiling origami paper, weaving knot magick into your crochet, making blessed bookmarks, etc
  • Substitutes! Rosemary, rose and clear quartz are good for most things, but there are more substitutes to be used that are more powerful. Roanoke bells are good substitutes for bluebells, apparently.
  • Correspondences of odd things. Turns out different kinds of cats have different correspondences, huh.
  • Superstitions and such from where you’re from.
  • For kitchen witches: easy to alter recipes. An egg noodle recipe that takes herbs really well, a simple bread recipe that can be dressed up for spells or rituals, how to make a good pie crust that you can sprinkle nutmeg in or whatever you desire.
  • Or: What foods go good with what herbs. You’ll make a better apple pie (and get the benefits of apples, nutmeg, and cinnamon together!) If you know how your herbs taste together with your cooking. (Most kitchen witches know this stuff, but for a green witch who likes to make teas or a sea witch that likes to make soup, etc, this is important)


Super Casual Mini Spells

Need to fall back in love with your craft? If I’ve learned anything, it’s the little moments that count. Learning to make small, everyday things magical is an art all witches can benefit from. Not to mention, being on tumblr often surrounds users with elaborate, expensive altars which, while totally fine, aren’t always realistic.

 Making everyday activites a part of your craft is incredibly helpful for:

   - getting back into witchcraft after a long break or hiatus

   - beginners who don’t feel ready for a formal spell

   - witches with mental disabilities who don’t have the energy for a formal spell  but still want to continue their practive

    - anyone!!! literally anyone!! everyone !!!!!

Here’s some ideas I had! Feel free to add yours on too :)

  much love, @nature-is-punk

Casual Kitchen Spells

-Stir your coffee/tea to the right on days you want a boost of extrovertedness, bravery, and confidence.

-Stir your coffee/tea to the left on days you want to focus on yourself. I like to do this before I paint or take a test!

-Envision your goals and wants each day as you make breakfast. Even if it’s just you pouring cereal and picturing an A on that test, it’s a small bit of mindfullness that can make a big difference.

-Mumble or just think of a sentence or two to serve as a little spell, repeating it three times. Then take three bites/sips to cast it! Bonus points if the food you’re eating coordinates with the spell - i.e,  eggs for new growth

-Eating oatmeal? Draw sigils with your spoon!

-My mom always said it was good luck to kiss the tea bag before you brew it…Not sure about this one, but might as well!

Casual Bedroom + Bathroom Spells

-Coordinate the colors you wear with your want for the day! Personally, my favorite way to do this is with underwear and socks, since I don’t exactly fancy wearn head to toe orange on days I want to be a bit more positive.

-Leave a few second pause before your feet first touch the ground in the morning, let yourself just have a little moment to dedicate your renewed energy before taking your first steps.

Make sigils with your:

  • Moisturizer
  • Foundation
  • Lip Balm
  • Sunscreen

-Each time you run the brush through your hair, repeat a little spell for personal growth and health! Clean your brush frequently so there is no old hair and ‘old energy’ adulterating the spell.

-Envision anything negative or toxic in your life being scraped off your skin each time you wash your hands.

-Shower magic is the absolute BEST! Enchant all your soaps so each wash gives you a little boost!

Casual Workplace Spells

-Draw sigils with your eraser on your assignments, portfolio, resume, etc.,

-Consistently churning out sub-par work? Try washing your pens off in the bathroom sink, imagining the water cleansing any sluggish energy. If anyone asks, you were eating something sticky and it got on your pens.

-When going up or down stairs, stick to the right side to attract new friends and maintain confidence.

  • Stick to the left side to focus on your own path and self.

Casual Misc. Spells

-If walking down the street a distance, come up with a little spell chant. Each step, say a word or piece of the spell.

-Enchanting your shoes - basic, but a must have. I have each of my shoes echanted for the places I generally wear them to–my heels are specialized for beauty and confidence, while my everyday sneakers for resilience and positivity.

- Find a spider in the house? Get a cup, and as you take it outside, explain to it that you could have easily killed it because it was in your home, but you benevolently let him go! Ask a question–the spider will answer within 7 days! Be on the lookout for signs.

             - This only works with spiders you find in your house! Not outside.

Always be on the lookout for tiny signs. Finding the magic in little things is important.

Witchy Warning for Christmas!

Reminder for this Christmas time, it might seem cute to use mistletoe in a love spell but unless you’re really experienced and bleach it of its previous energy.

Mistletoe is a parasitic plant that grows on trees. Thanks to this its energy can have a parasitic nature. If you try to use this in a love spell it could very easily have the effect of taking away the free will of a person.

So be careful with this plant and know it’s true nature before you use it!

I don’t know about you all, but I’m horrible at keeping an eye on things. I always burn my incense over some water to help out! If still burning ashes fall, they’ll just get put out.

This is great for witches who can get distracted easily, like me.

Life hack for all my witchy youtubers and models out there! Need to take a quick selfie for film a video and cant drag your lighting gear out? Do you highkey look like a hot mess? Tape a tissue over your favorite desk lamp to diffuse the lighting.

Tip 3!

Burn your incense cones in a geometric glass cage! Even after the cone burns out the cage will hold the smoke and release it way slower! Also it keeps kitties and dogs from sticking their noses into it and getting burned.

Just make sure you put it on a thick stone bottom so the cone doesnt heat up the metal bottom. You can get burned that way!

Want to use a sheet book for your spells but also want to be able to move them around?

Scrapbook the spells onto a different sheet then you can put them in with paper clips!

This way when you find new spells you can move them around so they are near similar ones!

Having a Djinn Witch pathway has taught me the importance of vessels.

One tip I’ve picked up from this is to think of every flower pot not as just a home for your green friends, but at a vessel for another world. Fill each pot with elements from that realm and surround your work space with pockets of other dimensions to draw energy from. The happier these worlds are the happier you are.

This especially helps because your parents or guests wont be able to know what it is!

For Closeted WitchesA crescent moon is your best friend. It’s not obviously witchy, and coulFor Closeted WitchesA crescent moon is your best friend. It’s not obviously witchy, and coul

For Closeted Witches

A crescent moon is your best friend. It’s not obviously witchy, and could always be explained away, but other witches will recognize your intent when wearing it.

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