#words to remember



  • Admit you have talent

No, seriously, do it. Say it right now, aloud, in front of your computer. “I am a good writer/artist/musician/singer/whatever.” Just admit it to yourself. Because I swear when you do, your work will become better. You’d be amazed at what you can produce when you feel confident in your abilities.

  • Stop comparing yourself to other people

“I’ll never be as good of a writer as Hemmingway/Bronte/Rawling!”, “I’ll never sing like Adele/Florence Welch/Joan Jett!”, “I’ll never paint like Picasso/van Goh/O'Keefe!”, “I’ll never draw like Davis/McCracken/MacFarlane!”, “I’ll never play like Hendrix/King/Cooder!”

No. You won’t. You will never, ever be as good as them. And they will never be as good as you. Every artist is unique. You have your own voice just like they had their own voice. Don’t try to be someone else; be you.

  • Be proud of your work

Wrote a shitty poem? Song? Manuscript? Paint something you didn’t like? Drew something wrong? Who. The hell. Cares? At least you DID something! That’s more than most people can say! You finished a piece of work. Be proud of that accomplishment.

  • Realize that not everything you do will be great

This ties in with the previous tip. You’re going to do shitty things. It’s part of being an artist. Stop putting so much pressure on yourself to create something great every time. Strive for it, sure, it SHOULD be your goal. But realize that sometimes you’re just going to do something that sucks, and then get over it and try to do better the next time.

  • Be proud of your talent and enjoy it

I’m a writer and my best friend is a singer. I can’t tell you how many times we’ve told each other that we wished we had the others’ talent. This is a typical “grass is always greener” thing. Be proud of what you’re good at and enjoy it, because someone out there is wishing they were as good as you, I guarantee it.




I want you to look at your latest piece of art. okay? got it up?

Now think back a few years. If you were to see that piece of art back then how would you have reacted?

Now think back many years, as many as you want. How would you have reacted then?

you are the artist you wanted to be, right now

Stop hating on yourself, and have fun.

i realized this few days ago and it changed me

I think this is a really important message that every artist should know and appreciate.

No matter how much you may hate what you’re making right now, no matter how frustrated you may be about your lack of progress, the fact is, you’ve made progress. You’ve made more progress than you’re giving yourself credit for. And this is something that happens to every artist, no matter their skill level or years of experience.

Trust me when I say, the current you is someone that you would have looked up to years ago. And now you’re here, you’ve made a difference.

You’re your own hero. Remember that.


my heart goes out to anyone who was made to feel stupid for caring too much. anyone who was laughed at or “cringed” at for being themselves. anyone who cried silently so they don’t be a burden. anyone whose love was taken for granted. anyone who feels unsafe in their own bodies. to anyone who felt devastated because others failed to be humane enough. it’s not you, it’s them. i hope you find a way to love yourself again. you’re not alone. you’re important.


a hurricane season that’s already started
a fortune cookie that reads
     Change Your World
      Now is Your Chance

i hang my arm out of a car window, feeling
the waves of wind shape its movement

I am living because I do not know what else to do.

beside me is beauty.


when the sun comes up in the morning, consider your heart new and repaired. consider the rest of the day a blank page. meet the world with the thought of something good in mind.
