#you are doing great

 Just in case you needed to hear this today (with everything going on in the world): YOU ARE DOING F

Just in case you needed to hear this today (with everything going on in the world): YOU ARE DOING FANTASTIC!⁠
This is one of the first things I hear every morning when I do my @iceman_hof guided breathing exercise, and it always makes me feel good. I hope seeing this also makes you feel good!
Maybe you already noticed in my other work that I love to draw post-it notes. I even have a few one-of-a-kind originals like this for sale onEtsy, it would be FANTASTIC if you took a look, haha! Have a good day.⁠

Post link
vvank3rshim: holyhotpantsbatman:My therapist asked me to create something “motivating” so I made tvvank3rshim: holyhotpantsbatman:My therapist asked me to create something “motivating” so I made tvvank3rshim: holyhotpantsbatman:My therapist asked me to create something “motivating” so I made tvvank3rshim: holyhotpantsbatman:My therapist asked me to create something “motivating” so I made tvvank3rshim: holyhotpantsbatman:My therapist asked me to create something “motivating” so I made tvvank3rshim: holyhotpantsbatman:My therapist asked me to create something “motivating” so I made tvvank3rshim: holyhotpantsbatman:My therapist asked me to create something “motivating” so I made tvvank3rshim: holyhotpantsbatman:My therapist asked me to create something “motivating” so I made tvvank3rshim: holyhotpantsbatman:My therapist asked me to create something “motivating” so I made tvvank3rshim: holyhotpantsbatman:My therapist asked me to create something “motivating” so I made t



My therapist asked me to create something “motivating” so I made these.


I really love these, and I reblog them every single time. Some of you don’t realize how easy it’s to forget to do some of those stuff or how hard they can be some days.

Post link


if you practiced self care today by cleaning your room, doing dishes, catching up on missed assignments, and eating healthy, i’m so proud of you. your hard work is really impressive, and even if other people don’t notice, you did great.

if you practiced self care today by resting, drinking tea, and rereading/rewatching old favorites, i’m so proud of you. it takes strength to be kind to yourself, and you deserve that kindness. i’m really glad you were able to get it. 

if you struggled with practicing self care today, i’m still proud of you. you are surviving. it can be so hard to make it through the day, and you did it. you’re going to go into tomorrow, alive and able to keep living and keep growing. your survival means something. you’re going to be ok.
