


하다 - to do

Past tense - 했어요

  • A:어제 뭐 했어요?
  • What did you do yesterday?
  • B:나의 숙제를 했어요.
  • I did my homework.

어제 - yesterday

뭐 - what

나의 - my

숙제 - homework

Present tense - 해요

  • A:무슨 일을 해요?
  • What work do you do?
  • B: 저는 의사예요.
  • I am a doctor.

무슨 - what; what type; what kind

일 - work

의사 - doctor

Present progressive - 하고 있어요

  • A:뭐 하고 있어요?
  • What are you doing?
  • B:운동을 하고 있어요.
  • I am exercising.

운동 - exercise (noun)

Future tense - 할 거예요

  • A:너 왜 이렇게 빨라요?
  • Why are you so fast?
  • B:제 친구가 기다려서 내가 이거를 그냥 빨리 할 거예요.
  • My friend is waiting so I’ll just do this quickly

너 - you

왜 - why

이렇게 - so; in a manner; in a way; like this

빠르다 - to be fast (빨라요 - present tense)

제 - my

친구 - friend

기다리다 - to wait

이거 - this

그냥 - just


보다 - to see

Past tense - 보 + -았어요 = 봤어요

  • 어제 뭐 했어요?
  • What did you do yesterday?
  • 친구랑 같이 영화를 봤어요.
  • I watched a movie with my friend.

Present tense - 보 + -아요 = 봐요

  • 요즘 뭐 해요?
  • What do you do these days?
  • 영화를 봐요.
  • I watch movies.

Present progressive - 보 + -고 있어요 = 보고 있어요

  • 지금 뭐 하고 있어요?
  • What are you doing now?
  • 지금 텔레비전을 보고 있어요.
  • I am watching TV now.

Future tense - 보 + -ㄹ 거예요.

  • 내일 뭐 할 거에요?
  • What will you do tomorrow?
  • 내일 공원에서 폭죽을 볼 거예요.
  • I will watch fireworks tomorrow at the park.


먹다 - to eat

Past tense - 먹었어요

  • 저는 어제 피자를 먹었어요.
  • I ate pizza yesterday.

Present tense - 먹어요

  • 오후 열두 시에 점심을 먹어요.
  • I eat lunch at 12 pm.

Present progressive - 먹고 있어요

  • 지금 빙수를 먹고 있어요.
  • I am eating bingsu now.

Future tense - 먹을 거예요

  • 나중에 친구들이랑 냉면을 먹을 거예요.
  • I will eat naengmyeon later with my friends.


The following words are words that are commonly used in a daily conversation. These are helpful and good to know especially to those who are still in a beginner level and to those who are still building up their vocabulary in Korean.

*자주 - frequently / often

*가끔 - sometimes

*거의 - almost

*계속 - continuously

*똑바로 / 바로 - straight

* - please

*가장 - most

*먼저 - ahead / first

*우선 - in the first place

*매우 / 무척 / 아주 - very

*너무 - too / so

*얼마나 - how long/much/many

*정말 - really

* - really / very

*많이 - many

*약간 - a few / little

*전혀 - none / not at all

* - well

*일찍 - early

*이따가 - later

*못 / 안 - not

* - more

*모두 / 다 / 전부 - all / whole

*또 / 다시 - again / once more

*따로 - separately

*주로 - mainly / usually

*간단히 - simply

*갑자기 - suddenly

*빨리 / 어서 - fast / quickly

*천천히 - slowly

*같이 - together

*벌써 - already

* - soon

*새로 - newly

*금방 - soon

*방금 - just now / seconds ago

*늘 / 항상 - always

*조용히 - quietly

*열심히 - eagerly

*언제나 - whenever

*오래 - for a long time

*없이 - without

*아까 / 좀전에 - a while ago

*특히 / 특별히 - especially

*아직 - yet

*미리 - in advance

*바로 - right now

*직접 - directly

*깜빡 - with surprise

* - firmly / just

*아마도 - probably

*별로 - particularly

*그냥 - just

*서로 - with each other

안녕하세요 여러분! Hey everyone! I have another Hanja lesson for y’all today – this one is about two possible meanings of 악! I’m planning on posting this to my Instagramtomorrow as well, so be sure to follow me there for more Korean content! I hope this is helpful, and you can let me know if you have any questions! 화이팅!

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안녕하세요 여러분! I have another Hanja lesson for y’all – this one is about 수! This lesson doesn’t list every single possible meaning of 수, but these are some common ones. You can find this post on my Instagram as well; be sure to follow me there for more Korean content! I hope this is helpful!

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안녕하세요 여러분! Hey everyone! Today’s lesson is about -고 보니까, which is one way to express realization. Let’s start!

Use this formula:

  • [verb stem] + 고 보니까 + [rest of sentence]
  • The -까 can be dropped with no difference in meaning.

This structure is used to express your realization after you finish doing an action. Let’s look at an example:

  • 한국어 수업을 듣고 보니까 꽤 어렵더라고요. = After taking a Korean class, I’ve realized that it’s quite difficult.

This sentence communicates your realization after you completed the action of taking a Korean class, that realization being that Korean is difficult to learn. I want to emphasize that this structure can only be used when talking about a completed action, not one that is currently in progress. 

Notice that this structure is seen in sentences that have other endings communicating some sort of realization or surprise like 것 같다, -네요,and-더라고요. Let’s see some more examples! 

  • 책을 다 읽고 보니까 생각보다 재미있어요. = After reading the book, I see that it’s more interesting than I thought.
  • 그러고 보니까 그 콘서트 표는 꽤 비싸네요. = Now that I think about it, that concert ticket it quite expensive.
  • 그러고 보니 is a fixed expression meaning “now that I think about it” or “come to think of it.”
  • 처음에는 김치를 싫었는데 다시 먹어보고 보니 괜찮더라고요. = At first, I didn’t like kimchi, but after trying it again, it’s okay.
  • 원래는 걔가 좀 차가운 것 같지만 더 친해지보니 아주 착하네요. = Originally I thought she was a little cold, but now that I’ve gotten closer to her, she’s very nice.

That’s about it for this lesson! Lmk if you have any questions :) See you in the next one! 다음에 또 봐요!

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Some of these styles are difficult to describe, so if my description doesn’t make sense, google image search should make it clear.

생머리, straight hair

곱슬머리, curly hair

층을 내다, to get layers

머리를 다듬다, to trim hair

Men’s styles (남성헤어스타일)

바가지머리, a bowl cut

까까머리, a buzz cut

이대팔, a man’s haircut which is parted to the side (the ratio is 2:8)

오대오, a man’s haircut which is parted in the middle (the ratio is 5:5)

댄디컷, a man’s haircut which is long with bangs

투블록, a man’s haircut which is shaved underneath and longer on top

맥가이버 머리, a mullet

울프컷, a short mullet

대머리/삭발, bald

반삭머리, hair that is very short (but longer than a buzz cut)

리젠트, the pompadour 

올백, slicked-back hair

드레드록스, dreadlocks

Women’s Styles (여성헤어스타일)

단발머리,  a bob

숏컷, a boy cut 

파마/펌, a perm

똥머리/당고머리, a bun

만두머리, two buns on side of head

양갈래머리/삐삐머리/트윈테일, pigtails

옆가르마, side part (가르마 means part)

올림머리, an up-do

땋은머리, braided hair

디스코머리, french braided hair

히메컷, hair with choppy side layers

벼머리, a small braid which is braided into the rest of the hair

포니테일, a ponytail

꽁지머리, a low ponytail

사과머리, one small lock of hair tied up on the top of the head (to look like the stem of an apple)

반머리, half of the hair tied up at the back of the head

아줌마파마, the classic curly perm that Korean ajummas often have

Bangs (앞머리/뱅)

일자앞머리, straight bangs

쉼표머리, bangs that curl to the side (like a comma)

여신앞머리, long bangs parted to each side down the middle

시스루 뱅 앞머리, thin see-through bangs

처피뱅, choppy bangs

깻잎머리, side bangs which are pinned to the side of the head (to create a shape that looks like a leaf)

hi everyone

~ 정황이 포착되다, to be caught/discovered

산하기관, affiliated organization

사표를 내다, hand in one’s resignation

헌신적인 사랑, selfless(devoted) love

정의롭다, righteous

활력소, the lifeblood/zest of smth

파티의 활력소, the life of the party

무산되다, fail//fall apart

적격자, a qualified person/a qualified candidate

돌연, suddenly/unexpectedly

일련의, a series of

품성, character

품성의 좋은/착한 사람, a person of good character

품성에 -를 심다, to instill – in one’s character

도덕적 품성, moral character

품성을 도야하다, to build character

비천하다, humble/lowly

비천한 배경, a humble (ie poor) background

비천한 출신의 사람, a person of humble beginnings

비천한 가문 출신, a humble family background

This is vocabulary from “Oh! My Mistake (예쁜 게 죄)” by APRIL (에이프릴). All verbs are in their infinitive form and the list is in alphabetical order.

갖다 - to have

계속 - continuously

그리다 - to depict

기쁨 - joy/happiness

- flower

나비- butterfly

- daytime

녹다 - to melt

눈빛- expression in one’s eyes

느낌 - feeling

다가오다 - to come closer

달콤하다 - to be sweet

떠오르다 - to come up

떨리다 - to tremble

마음 - heart

마치 - as if

만들다 - to make

망설이다 - to hesitate

매번 - every time; always

문제 - problem

믿다 - to believe

바라보다 - to look at

반짝이다 - to glitter

반하다 - to fall in love (with)

- night

보내다 - to send

- gleam/light

빠지다- to fall (for)

빨개지다 - to turn red

사라지다 - to disappear

사랑하다 - to love

사탕 - candy

상상 - imagination

새벽 - dawn

생각 - thought

손길 - touch

스치다 - to brush (past/against)

시선 - one’s eyes

신호 - signal

아픔 - pain

앉다 - to sit

얼굴 - face

예쁘다 - to be pretty

외롭다 - to be lonely

웃음 - smile

원래 - originally

원하다 - to want

유혹하다 - to tempt

자꾸 - again and again

제발 - please

좋아하다 - to like

- sin; crime

준비 - preparation

진심 - sincerity

태어나다 - to be born

표정 - facial expression

핑크 - pink

함께 - together

홀리다 - to be bewitched (by)

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This is vocabulary from “Hi High” by 이달의 소녀 (LOONA). All verbs are in their infinitive form and the list is in alphabetical order.

가끔- sometimes

걱정 되다 - to be worried

계속 - continuously

기다리다 - to wait

기분 - feeling

김밥 - kimbap

- dream

놀리다 - to tease

달아올라다 - to blush; to get excited

달콤하다 - to be sweet

더욱 - increasingly

데려가다 - to take

두근두근 - heart beating sound

두렵다 - to be afraid

뛰다 - to run

듣다- to listen

들키다 - to be discovered

만두 - mandu (dumplings)

많다 - to be a lot

- words

말하다 - to talk

밀당 - push and pull; playing hard to get

- heart (short for 마음)

매콤하다 - to be spicy

매콤새콤하다 - to be spicy and sour

묻다- to ask

받다 - to receive

비밀 - secret

빨리 - quickly

사랑 - love

사랑하다 - to love

사실 - honestly

상큼하다 - to be fresh

상큼매콤하다 - to be fresh and spicy

새콤달콤하다 - to be sweet and sour

세상 - the world

소심해지다 - to become shy/timid

수능 - korean college enterance exam (수학 능력 시험)

쉽다 - to be easy

시간 - time

아주 - very

안달 나다 - to be impatient/anxious

알다 - to know

얘기 - story

어지러워지다 - to become dizzy

예쁘다 - to be pretty

이기적 - selfish

이렇다 - to be this way

자꾸 - often

자주하다 - to do it often

잔인하다- to be cruel

전부 - all

조금- a little

조심 - caution; carefully

지치다 - to be tired

톡톡하다- to text (from 카톡하다)

특별하다- to be special

필요하다 - to need

하루 - day

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This is vocabulary from 죽겠다 (Killing Me) - iKON. All verbs are in their infinitive form and the list is in alphabetical order.

가슴 - heart; chest

각오 - determination

개입되다 - to get involved

괴롭히다 - to torment; to trouble

그리움 - longing (for)

깜깜하다 - to be very dark

꺼지다 - to be extinguished

- others

남다 - to remain

눈물 - tear (drops)

달리 - differently

닮다 - to resemble

대하다 - to face

돌아서다 - to turn back

떼다 - to detach

- again

마음 - heart

만나다 - to meet

무게 - weight

무너지다 - to collapse

미련 - lingering attachment

- half

버리다 - to abandon/give up

불씨 - embers

비슷하다 - to be similar

사이- relationship

세상 - world

쉽다 - to be easy

습관 - habit

어김없이 - certainly; without fail

외로움 - loneliness

외롭다 - to be lonely

외면하다 - to disregard

이별 - farewell

이기적 - selfish

잘 먹다 - to eat well

잘 살다 - to live well

저리다 - to ache

존재 - existence

죽다 - to die

죽어있다 - to be dead

타오르다 - to blaze

택하다 - to choose

해방감- sense of freedom

허탈하다 - to be dispirited

헤어지다- to break up

헤어짐 - breakup

혼자 - alone

흔적 - trace; mark

후회 - regret

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HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY PART II!!! This is vocabulary from It’s You (feat. Zico) - Sam Kim. All verbs are in their infinitive form and the list is in alphabetical order.

가끔 - sometimes

갖다 - to have

개수작 - nonsense

거치다 - to pass through

걷다- to walk

게임 - game

고민하다 - to worry

고백 - confession

고통스럽다 - to be agonizing/painful

굴곡 - bend; curve

궁금하다 - to be curious

기분 - feeling

깜깜하다 - to be very dark

깨다- to wake up

나서다 - to take action

- daytime

느끼다 - to feel

능숙하다 - to be good at

답답하다 - to be stifling

돌다 - to go around; to circle

떠들다 - to talk

마음 - heart

맞다 - to be right

물어보다- to ask

- night

보내다 - to send

부담 - burden

뾰족하다 - to be sharp

새벽- dawn

생각 - thought

서투르다 - to be poor at

시뮬레이션- simulation

신호- signal

쓰라림 - bitterness; pain

안다 - to hug

아마 - probably

어색하다 - to be awkward

얼굴 - face

연락하다 - to contact

원하다 - to want

이미 - already

이야기 - story

작사하다 - to write the lyrics to a song 

잡다 - to hold

전개되다 - to develop

정신 차리다 - to recover one’s senses

좋아하다- to like

직접 - personally

진심 - sincerity

짜증 나다 - to be irritated

춥다 - to be cold (weather)

충분히 - sufficiently

통하다 - to get through

표현 - expression

혼자 - alone

확실해지다 - to become certain/clear

환심- favor

홧김 - fit of anger

힌트 - hint

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HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY PART I!!! This is vocabulary from Forever Yours (feat. 소유)” - Key (키). All verbs are in their infinitive form and the list is in alphabetical order. 

가득 차다 - to be chock-full

가득하다 - to be full

가지다 - to have

갑자기- suddenly

- place

기다리다 - to wait

기분 - feeling

깊이 - deep(ly)

- tightly

- daytime

놓치다 - to let go

다르다 - to be different

닮다 - to resemble

떠나다 - to leave

뜨다 - to float

만나다 - to meet

매일- everyday

멀다 - to be far

멈추다 - to stop

모든 - all; every

무심하다- to be indifferent

믿다 - to believe

- night

- light

빠지다- to fall

살짝 - slightly

새롭다 - to be new

- color

생각 - thought

생각 나다 - to come to mind

선명하다 - to be vivid

세상 - the world

싫다 - to dislike

쏟아지다 - to pour out

쓰러지다 - to collapse

엔진 - engine

열다 - to open

요즘 - these days

우주 - universe

유난히 - particularly

이어지다 - to be connected

잃다 - to lose; to stray

자꾸 - repeatedly

전부- all

쥐다 - to hold

짙다 - to be dark; to be thick

짧다- to be short/brief

칠하다 - to paint

커튼 - curtain

터지다 - to pop

표정 - expression

풍선 - balloon

하루 - day

허공 - the air

헤매다 - to wander

확실하다 - to be certain

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this is a list of 50 nouns that can be turned into verbs by using this method. by learning these 50 nouns, you also learn 50 verbs which will help you expand your vocabulary in an easy and effective way

건강 [health] →건강하다[to be healthy]

행복 [happiness] → 행복하다 [to be happy]

[language; speech] → 말하다 [to speak]

청소 [cleaning] → 청소하다 [to clean]

이해 [understanding; comprehension] → 이해하다 [to understand]

대화 [conversation] → 대화하다 [to converse]

전화 [phone call] → 전화하다 [to make a phone call]

이야기 (얘기) [story; talk] → 이야기하다 (얘기하다) [to tell; to talk]

추억 [memory] → 추억하다 [to remember; to reminisce]

가능 [possibility] → 가능하다 [to be possible]

추천 [recommendation] → 추천하다 [to recommend]

확인 [confirmation] → 확인하다 [to confirm]

취소 [cancellation] → 취소하다 [to cancel]

완성 [completion] → 완성하다 [to complete]

예약 [reservation] →예약하다 [to reserve]

식사 [meal] → 식사하다 [to have a meal]

긴장 [tension] → 긴장하다 [to be nervous]

표현 [expression] → 표현하다 [to express]

저장 [storage] → 저장하다 [to save; to store]

불안 [anxiety] → 불안하다 [to be anxious]

불편 [discomfort] → 불편하다 [to be uncomfortable]

후회 [regret] → 후회하다 [to regret]

연구 [research] → 연구하다 [to research]

포기 [abandonment] → 포기하다 [to give up]

결심 [decision] → 결심하다 [to decide]

해결 [solution] → 해결하다 [to solve]

연습 [practice] → 연습하다 [to practice]

이혼 [divorce] → 이혼하다 [to get a divorce]

초대 [invitation] → 초대하다 [to invite]

정리 [organization; arrangement] → 정리하다 [to organize; to arrange]

참석 [attendance; presence] → 참석하다 [to attend; to be present]

실패 [failure] → 실패하다 [to fail]

발표 [presentation] → 발표하다 [to present]

구경 [sight-seeing] → 구경하다 [to sight-see]

상상 [imagination] → 상상하다 [to imagine]

운동[exercise] → 운동하다[to exercise]

방문 [visit] → 방문하다 [to visit]

기록 [record; document] → 기록하다 [to record; to document]

발달 [development] → 발달하다 [to develop]

만족 [contentment; satisfaction] → 만족하다 [to be content; to be satisfied]

관찰 [observation] → 관찰하다 [to observe]

고생 [hardship; suffering] → 고생하다 [to suffer; to have a hard time]

반대 [the opposite] → 반대하다 [to oppose]

계산 [calculation] → 계산하다 [to calculate]

무시 [disregard] →무시하다 [to disregard; to ignore]

결정 [decision] → 결정하다 [to decide]

사랑 [love] → 사랑하다 [to love]

거짓말 [lie] → 거짓말하다 [to lie]

강조 [emphasis] → 강조하다 [to emphasize]

창피 [embarrassment] → 창피하다 [to be embarrassing]

*all of these verbs can also be written as “noun을/를 하다”
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This is vocabulary from Right Here - The Boyz (더보이즈). All verbs are in their infinitive form and the list is in alphabetical order. 

가까이 - close (to)

가져가다 - to take

간단하다 - to be simple

감싸다 - to cover; to surround

겹치다 - to overlap

결국 - in the end; ultimately

결말 - ending

곁에 있다 - to be by one’s side

계획 - a plan

기대하다 - to anticipate

긴장감 - tension

놓다 - to let go (of)

눈빛 - the expression in one’s eyes

눈이 마주치다 - to meet eyes

느낌 - feeling

다가가다 - to approach; to go closer

다가오다 - to approach; to come closer

다르다 - to be different

- answer

되돌리다 - to go back

들어오다 - to enter

들키다 - to be caught

멈추다 - to stop

미소 - smile

벗어나다 - to escape; to break away (from)

복잡하다 - to be complicated

본능 - instinct

비교 - comparison

빠져들다 - to fall into; to fall for

생각 - thought

시선 - one’s eyes

알다 - to know

어렵다 - to be difficult

어서 - quickly

역시 - as expected

예감이 들다 - to have a hunch/feeling

완벽해지다 - to become perfect

움직이다 - to move

이끌다 - to lead

이미 - already

절대 - never

점점 - gradually

정답 - right answer

정해지다 - to be decided; to be fixed

조금만 - just a little

직감 - intuition

짐작하다 - to guess

피하다 - to avoid

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This is vocabulary from 나나나 (懦那䛔) - 임팩트 (IMFACT). All verbs are in their infinitive form and the list is in alphabetical order. 

계속- continuously

공허하다 - to be empty

깨다 - to wake (up) 

- dream

녹이다 - to melt

놓다 - to let go (of)

두렵다 - to be fearful (of)

들어오다 - to enter

등돌리다 - to turn one’s back (등을 돌리다)

따듯하다 - to be warm

마음 - heart; mind

매일 밤 - every night

멍청하다- to be stupid

미소- smile

미치다 - to be crazy

믿다 - to be believe

바보 - fool

밝히다- to brighten (up)

변하다 - to change

불안하다 - to be anxious; to be insecure

사실 - actually; tbh

살다 - to live

- life

세상 - the world

손을 잡다 - to hold hands

아름답다 - to be beautiful

안다 - to hug

어울리다- to match; to suit

영원하다 - to last forever

완전하다 - to be complete

외면하다 - to turn one’s face away; to disregard

욕하다 - to curse; to swear

웃다 - to laugh; to smile

원래 - originally; by nature

원하다 - to want

위험하다 - to be dangerous

이유 - reason

절대 - never

정말 - really

조금씩- gradually

차갑다 - to be cold

하루 - day

향하다 - to face

흐려지다- to become blurred

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This post will show you how to change nouns into verbs; if you want to see how to turn verbs into nouns, check out this post. In some cases, not all, nouns can be turned into verbs by simply adding the verb 하다 (to do).

some example words

수영 [swimming] + 하다=수영하다 [to swim]

모험 [adventure] + 하다=모험하다 [to have an adventure]

여행[travel; traveling] + 하다=여행하다 [to travel]

사랑 [love] + 하다=사랑하다 [to love]

공부 [studying] + 하다=공부하다 [to study]

도착 [arrival] + 하다=도착하다 [to arrive]

운전 [driving] +하다=운전하다 [to drive]

노래 [song] + 하다=노래하다 [to sing]

example sentences:

수영하러 가고 싶어요.

= I want to go swimming.

지난주에 한국에 도착했어요.

= I arrived in Korea last week.

노래하고 춤추기 너무 좋아요.

= I really like singing and dancing.

*in order to negate the verb, there are two options: add between the noun and 하다 [공부 안 하다], or attach ~지 않다 to the verb stem [공부하지 않다]


가다 - to go

지난주 - last week

한국 - korea

춤추다 - to dance

너무 - very; too

좋다 - to be good

A second K-Pop post for today because I love both comebacks and why not ^_^ This is vocabulary from “Power Up” by Red Velvet. All verbs are in their infinitive form and the list is in alphabetical order.

까맣다 - to be jet-black

날다 - to fly

놀다 - to play

놀리다 - to make fun of; to tease

던지다- to throw

돋다 - to sprout; to come out

들뜨다- to be excited

떠나다 - to leave

뜨겁다 - to be hot

레벨업 - level up (pronounced the same as 레베럽 aka reveluv ;)

마시다 - to drink

말씀하다 - to speak (honorific of 말하다)

매일- everyday

반짝거리다 - to twinkle

반짝이다- to sparkle

백그라운드 뮤직 - background music

번개 - lightning

벌써 - already

본능적 - instinctive

새롭다 - to be new

3시- 3 o’clock

소름- goosebumps

선생님 - teacher

시간 - time

신나다 - to be exciting

아무것 - anything

아이스 아메리카노 - iced americano

아스팔트 - asphalt

에너지 - energy

엔진 소리 - sound of an engine

열정 - passion

오늘 밤 - tonight

50도 - 50 degrees

온도 - temperature

완전 - complete

원하다 - to want

유달리 - particularly

일하다 - to work

제일 - most

좋아하다- to like

즉흥적- impromptu; improvisational

즐겁다 - to be enjoyable

짜릿하다 - to be thrilling; to be exhilarating

차갑다 - to be cold

찾다 - to find

천재적 - talented

타다 - to burn

타오르다 - to flare; to go up

태양- the sun

파도 - wave

파워 - power

필요하다 - to need

후끈후끈하다 - to be hotly

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This is vocabulary from “My Pace” by Stray Kids. All verbs are in their infinitive form and the list is in alphabetical order.

가득 - full; filled

갈림길 - crossroads; forked road

결승선 - finish line

계속- unceasingly

고르다 - to choose

고민 - worry

괜찮다 - to be fine

그냥 - just

급하다 - to be urgent

- others

내리다 - to unload; to leave

다르다 - to be different

달리다 - to run

닮다- to resemble

돌아보다 - to look back

뒤처지다 - to fall behind

따르다 - to follow

먼저 - first

멀리- far away

모르다 - to not know

목적지- destination

- half

부럽다 - to be jealous; to be envious

불안감 - anxiety

비교 - comparison

비교하다 - to compare

비다 - to be empty

선택 - choice

앞서가다 - to go ahead

연속 - continuation; cycle

욕심 - greed

우습다 - to be funny

의미 없다 - to be meaningless

인정하다 - to acknowledge; to admit

일단 - first; for the time being

잊다 - to forget

자꾸 - repeatedly

잘나다 - to be good; to be distinguished

- him; that person

조급하다 - to be hasty

조르다 - to pester; to bother

지금 - now

천천히 - slowly

쳐다보다 - to look

필요 없다 - to be unnecessary

하나씩 - one by one

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