#15 prompts

  1. Person A is an immortal and finally found out B was reincarnated but doesn’t remember them
  2. A’s an ER nurse/doctor and B comes in with a minor injury but is freaking out/afraid of medical devices
  3. A works at a soup kitchen and mistook B for a person in need
  4. A found a number in a library book and it turns out B’s friend left it there as a prank
  5. A bumped into B’s car and thinks B is really injured when B is just really taken by A and asks for a date to make them even
  6. A keeps going to B’s apartment by mistake to visit a friend, it’s not always an accident
  7. A stole a car and halfway down the road B wakes up in the backseat
  8. A and B are rivals in an online game, meet by chance in person and recognize each other’s voices
  9. A angrily drunk texts B by mistake thinking it was their ex
  10. A accidentally ran over B’s toes while on a skateboard/bike/scooter/etc
  11. A dies but B is still alive so A’s ghost acts as a guardian angel until B dies and they meet up again
  12. A took B’s prescription glasses by mistake and now B is blindly trying to give chase to get them back 
  13. A is Santa/Easter bunny/etc at a mall photo shoot and B’s brought in a kid for pictures, A awkwardly tries to hit on B without alerting/traumatizing the children
  14. A stole B’s camera but after looking at the pictures A feels bad and decides to track B down to give it back
  15. A’s cat just chased B’s dog and now the owners have to catch them before they get lost, optional: the owners blame each other/each other’s pets
  1. Candy hearts
  2. Roses
  3. Blind date/set up by friends
  4. Chocolates
  5. Movie night
  6. Late for a date
  7. Wrong restaurant
  8. Strangers alone on Valentine’s day
  9. Friend(s) date
  10. Rained out picnic
  11. Low on money/homemade date
  12. Surprise date while working late
  13. Forgot to get anything
  14. Babysitter canceled/Family date night
  15. Secret admirer/admitting a crush 
  1. Forehead kiss
  2. Cheek kiss
  3. Nose kiss
  4. Back of hand kiss
  5. Fingertips kiss
  6. Collarbone kiss
  7. Shoulder kiss
  8. Spine kiss
  9. Throat kiss
  10. Stomach kiss
  11. Bellybutton kiss
  12. Hipbone kiss
  13. Outer thigh kiss
  14. Inner thigh kiss
  15. Pelvic bone kiss

15 enemies-to-lovers prompts

requested by: anonymous

Feel free to use and reblog!

#1 - thinking the strong feelings they had for the other were feelings of despise but it turns out it just covered the even deeper feelings they had

#2 - talking bad about the other behind their back but feeling very strange when they find out the other heard it

#3 - they never saw the other as the person they are but only as the one thing they despise

#4 - everything tells them to give the other away when they’ve got the chance but somehow they just can’t do it

#5 - thinking that maybe they really begin getting along well but then the other tells them it all wasn’t serious

#6 - hating the other but not being able to get them out of their head anyway

#7 - only having heard bad things about the other so their relationship is off to a rocky start. it’s easiest to ignore every nice trait the other shows

#8 - arguing all the time about everything and nothing (somehow love starts seeping into their arguments)

#9 - caring much more about the other than they even would admit to themselves

#10 - keeping their romance a secret at the beginning because how should they explain that they’re in love with their enemy?

#11 - sending anonymous love letters to the other and the other never guesses right who sent them

#12 - not wanting to be reminded of the fact that they once hated the other (because they’re so precious to them now)

#13 - not being able to believe that the other wants to do something nice for them

#14 - accepting that their feelings for the other are just a huge mess

#15 - realising that no matter how they label their feelings it will have a dangerous outcome because, oh, these feelings are so strong

bonus: #16 - and a classic: a heated argument turns into making out
