#3 am posts


“Sometimes people surprise you…not everyone is a villain, not everyone will lie to you, there is still good genuine kind soft people in this world. You just have to keep looking.”

1:13 10/6/21

The Old Testament is the prequel to the New Testament in the Bible

The most unrealistic things in movies is when the car doesn’t beeb when the characters have their seatbelt off

The phrase “objects in the mirror are closer than they appear” in review mirrors sounds more philosophical than it is

All children only love their parents due to Stockholm syndrome

The words wine and dinner combined is winner

Why does the word fridge have a d in it but the word refrigerator doesn’t?

Doctors have complete control over whether you live or die

Our noses are made up of two oxygen holes

If you’re the only person on a planet and half the population gets cut in half, are you cut in half?

Are Apple’s apps not only short for applications but for APPle?

The word disease has the word die in it

What if right side up is actually upside down and we’re all like bats?

Does satan have a mother?

How did the Black Death become a children’s song?

What happens if you do 0 divided by 0?

Does lightning McQueen have life insurance or car insurance?

Duct tape can solve many problems

There are people out who dress manikins all day.

Pop socket backwards is socket pop which sounds a lot like sock puppet
