#ace copular


2d: whats the matter

ace: i just found out i have a latex allergy

2d: oh shit that means you cant-

ace, tearing up: eat anymore balloons

ace: gonna be honest. a lot of hot people go to art museums. im one of them.

2d: im 2 ugly they wont let me in

2d: that and my shirt that says “i eat oil paintings when security guards aren’t looking”

2d: i slept for almost 12 hours but i migt still be tired so lets go for 12 more just in case

ace: stuart thats a coma.

2d: sounds festive

ace: im ambidiextrous

2d: yo that’s wassup dude love who you love

2d: murdoc gave me a get better soon card

ace: aw, that’s sweet!

2d: i wasn’t sick. he just thought i could do better

ace: gentle reminder not to eat too much candy before bed.

2d: no.

ace: this was a gentle reminder, yet your words of defiance bring me ungodly amounts of rage.

russel: 2d eats unpeeled oranges. thats fucked up right.


noodle: not really, no.

ace: you’re supposed to peel them?

2d: i think we should have glowstick juice injected in our bones when we’re born so if we break em theres a fun little surprise

ace: whats the surprise

2d: blood poisoning

In honor of the new album coming out yesterday and all the stuff preceding the release, I thought itIn honor of the new album coming out yesterday and all the stuff preceding the release, I thought itIn honor of the new album coming out yesterday and all the stuff preceding the release, I thought itIn honor of the new album coming out yesterday and all the stuff preceding the release, I thought itIn honor of the new album coming out yesterday and all the stuff preceding the release, I thought it

In honor of the new album coming out yesterday and all the stuff preceding the release, I thought it was only necessary to post some of my gorillaz art. I might post more, but I ain’t making any promises. Anyway, happy Now Now.

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Ace : “I wonder why I keep getting arrested”

Buttercup : “I dont know, maybe because you keep doing illegal things!”

a few sketches made by me in my friend’s sketchbook

a few sketches made by me in my friend’s sketchbook

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 and again sketches from my notebookthe text has nothing to do with the outlinetranslation: I will a

and again sketches from my notebook
the text has nothing to do with the outline
translation: I will always be upset that the person closest to me can just take and turn away from me one day. And how can I enjoy communication if I still think about how soon the moment will come when we just become nothing to each other. Then what is the point of being attached to a person, if everything that happened between you will one day become just a memory?

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Набросок, который не должен был вырасти в полноценный, но все равно получился.

Набросок, который не должен был вырасти в полноценный, но все равно получился.

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noodl went to the store ‍♀️


Had a bad mental health week but then I FINALLY forced myself to start drawing again and OH LOOK I feel better LMAO



Did a quick frame redraw to distract myself from the fact that college starts tomorrow ahahahaldsidjkajdj *cries*



Stuff my friends said as Gorillaz:

[watching Kitchen Nightmares]

Noodle: Everyone talks about the owners being sloppy and letting roaches roam around but what about the costumers?

Russel: Well like, they didn’t kno—

Noodle: AT FIRST! BUT THIS BITCH FINDS A ROACH IN HER DISH. IN.THE.SOUP.—and her nasty ass kept going!


Murdoc: You gotta admit she got you there.

2D: Homemade dinner, so good!

Ace: That’s a frozen lasagna and it wasn’t even you who put it in the oven.

Murdoc: Who puts frozen lasagna in an OVEN?


Murdoc: From which time period?!

2D: *teary-eyed* I burnt my tongue—

Russel: What was the only thing you had to do?

Murdoc: Keep 2D from doing dumb shit

Russel: And why?

Murdoc: Cos the bastard removed his wisdom teeth today

Russel: Then why did I receive a picture of him on his underwear inside the empty pool?

Murdoc: Because I made him bel—


Noodle: *groaning*

Ace: It’s 8am

Noodle: Oh excuse me, Ace, I had no idea we had a set time to be tired about life


Murdoc: NO YOU DO IT



Murdoc: Shut the fuck up

Noodle: Who was that for?

Murdoc: In advance because I feel one of you bitches will piss me off

Ace: Are we out of eggs?

Murdoc: Depends

Ace: And what the fuck does that even mean?

2D: Murdoc is mad at me

Russel: What—why?

Murdoc: [from the living room] Do I need a reason?!
