

Oh how my soul is aching

for a lover 

that will understand the pain

I carry around in my heart

the fear I have in my head

I need someone to understand

Heartache is lying on the bedroom floor, trying your damn hardest to breathe while at the same time wondering why it all went wrong and how you’re going to get up and pretend that everything is alright, and what the hell you’re going to do about that hole in your chest…yeah, that’s my heartache.

My heart has ached a thousand times. And in each of these moments of loss and pain and the fear turning insane. I seek strength, to gain the power to endure again another heartache a thousand times.

My boyfriend is on his way over, but my pussy is full of my brothers cum and aching after servicing

My boyfriend is on his way over, but my pussy is full of my brothers cum and aching after servicing his 9 inch cock all afternoon.

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do you know how badly i want to kiss you? to hold your hands in mine and stare deep into your eyes? to tell you how much i love you? did you know how many songs make me think of you? how many ways i imagine us together? how much it aches that we just can’t?
