#actually mogai



Gender binary: an encompassing term ascribing the embedment of two gender arities, commonly describing individuals who have either male or female gendered feelings, prescribing identities such as woman or man, boy or girl, gal or guy, feminine or masculine, it really depends the culture and not all cultures are binarized like this or have a binarity at all.

Combining colors from the original binary flag, except this time it’s not used interchangeably with cisness, because it includes the trans binary flags colors by @x-mogai-glitch-x​. I couldn’t take the colors from the common transgender pride flag, since “trans woman” and “trans man” do not specify it’s binary or not.

Disclaimer: I’m nullary, not technically binary nor non-binary. But I feel flags like this need to exist, to validate our feelings of belonging to real groups/space-ness. Some people consider themselves outside the binaries of cis or trans and AMAB/DMAB or AFAB/DFAB, among others too.

See also: midbinary. Sidenote: @conformant-archive - AP


Neutgender flag

Neutgender - when you prefer to go by it/its/itself pronouns instead of they/them (since It hints having a gender of some sort instead of none) as a way to express being completely neutral and/or disconected from humans/others. 

term coined and falg made by : @wingsdownmyspine


(Bonus)DemiNeut - identifying partially as Neut and partially as something else.


Very nice terms! Unfortunately, I think both flags look too similar to other ones already in use (the first one, at least, looks just like the asocial flag). Sorry about that!



  • Transmasculinity: a term used to describe trans people who identify with masculinity to a greater extent than with femininity.
  • Womanhood: describing the quality of being a woman.

I could also call this flag as FtM/F2M/M2M/MtM girl, describing polygender and multigender (specially am/bigender) folks. This isn’t the same as being a masculine trans gal though. This has to do with women having gender masculinity (e.g. mingender) who are also transgender. - A.P.

beyond-mogai-pride-flags:This is my submission for “Trans Non-Conforming” (I couldn’t find a better


This is my submission for “Trans Non-Conforming” (I couldn’t find a better name, ahh-)
I feel a bit silly submitting this since I just saw the Transmasc woman flag, but I hope it’s alright.

“Trans Non-Conforming” is an identity in which the individual is transitioning but in a way that traditionally wouldn’t align with their gender (like gender non-conformity but on a physical level). So for example someone who identifies as a woman but is taking testosterone, getting top surgery etc. I suppose this could also include trans people comfortable with not getting certain surgeries though that isn’t part of my personal experience.

This is a flag made to be proud not to fit in the traditional binary or public expectation, can be used for enbies proud not to fit into the androgynous stereotype.This flag is also inclusive of people who may be TNC but without experiencing dysphoria. What I mean is, that this flag is for those who do not conform to their gender’s typical expectations on a deeper level than gender expression, and being proud of it.

Now for color meanings!

Dark Blue - Experiencing/Living with dysphoria
Light Blue - Masculinity
Yellow - Non-Binary Identities
Orange - Defying Expectation
Hot Pink - Femininity
Dark Red - Not experiencing dysphoria

(Sorry if I got rambly! Please suggest a better name for this if there is one.)


Oh hey, that’s actually really awesome! Thanks so much for the submission!


Post link



Genderfluency/Genderfluence: someone whose gender is easily able to flow (change or fluctuate) freely; a gender moving along or out steadily and continuously in a current or stream; when genders go from one place to another in a steady stream, typically in large numbers; the amplusian combination of genderfree and genderfluid (genderflux or genderflow).

Using neutrois in the middle mixed with genderfluid flag. Genderfluent is the adjective, could be also called freefluid or fluidfree (just as fluidflux). [Image: 5 stripes of pink, white, green, black and blue] - Ap



Eugenderless/Euagender (eugender + agender): an absolute genderlessness, agenderness or gender nullity.

Absolute does not essentially mean complete or total, it’s synonymous to affirmative in this case, as not opposed to genders (as in ungender and panantigender).

Using colors from a flag stampby@queerflagswithbenton​ - Ap.


Joy: an alternative for enby (plus boy and girl). It comes from joyfriend (a non-binary datemate/datefriend/significant other) comparable to boyfriend and girlfriend (plus enbyfriend and theyfriend).

Alternate labels: jirl/jenby/jal/nirl/juy/nuy.



Genital dysphoria: discomfort, confliction or distress with one’s genital sex, sometimes also gonadal and other secondary/phenotypic sex characteristics, not always external. 

It’s also known as genital dysmorphia when it’s not caused by a mismatch or disconnect between the biological/body/corporeal sex and gender identity, however people use the term this way even though they are not essentially gender dysphoric or transgender.

- AP



Sex Questioning is a process of exploration by people who may be unsure, still exploring, and concerned about applying a sex label to themselves for various reasons.

Colors from this flag by@protego-et-servio​ using -genital flags format, however sex questioning could be more than just genital, could apply to question your genotype, karyotype/chromosomes, gonads and so on. Not always questioning if they are intersex but could also altersex, perisex, parsex or protosex.




Gender revolutionary/revolutionist flag by @whimsy-flags

Definition: being completely or predominantly gender inconformist/nonconformist/anticonformist/deconformist; advocating for radical and drastic changes in the structural gender norms (a gender revolution) or their abolition and complete disruption.

Once someone also told me volution (volutionist/volutionary) is also a term, alluding evolution.



veggender: a gender tied to plants, nature, vegetation, or farming

pronouns: veg/vegs/vegself


Thanks for the submission!

