#adhd memes


Any tips for bruxism with ADHD meds? I have ordered a night guard which looks awful but I’ll have to for now, I know it’s not good to keep grinding your teeth long term, but I finally had a medication regime that was working noticeably well for me for the first time in about 8 years

Has anyone managed to keep taking them and not wear a night guard? Because I have a feeling I’m gonna hate that for multiple reasons including sensory. It’s not just gonna go away because I realise now I’ve been doing this a while and I’ve been on the meds a while. The meds can chill my mind out a lot but at the end of the day a stimulant does what it does to your body and can still tense some parts. Add my regular stress/anxiety to that and I cannot freaking un-tense.

If you read this far then I’ll take the opportunity to turn this into one of those posts that reminds you to relax your jaw and shoulders.

Found on ig_adhdlife on Instagram

**edit** this post obviously came from @angeltiddies and I got it off Instagram and it didn’t even register with me that I was posting a Tumblr post on Tumblr until someone pointed it out… This sideblog is my ‘dump’ for putting all content ADHD and similar that I enjoy, and I’d like to leave this here for myself, but I am getting notes on things so if I am contacted by the OP of this post, or any other post and asked to take it down, I shall without issue.

Pepper: you aren’t going to get out of signing these papers

Tony: Don’t worry I’m really gonna do them this time, I’m just going to get a snack

☆2 hours later☆

Pepper: were have you be-

Tony: *making his third batch of cookies* wha- OH F*UCK

Me: *is in a hurry for an important work appointment*

Also me: *searches car keys at the exact place where I put it five seconds ago*

The place:

something funny about running a blog about symptoms of adhd is seeing people in the tags go ‘THAT WAS AN ADHD THING?’ and ‘people with adhd need to stop being so relatable or i need to see a doctor’ every. day. and i know the more they read into it they just spiral deeper and deeper and realise. what the fuck. why didn’t i know i’ve apparently had this condition that literally affects my whole life. and that’s exactly what happened to me.

The Autism loves making schedules, drawing up planners, writing out every detail of everything that is and will happen

The ADHD forgets we even made the plan two days later even though we spent over four hours on it

yknow there are days where you can turn ur mental illness into comedy and then there are days where your only accomplishment is that you woke up

  1. forgor to take my meds
  2. ate two pieces of homemade cookie cake
  3. instant regret with no sugar rush whatsoever
  4. felt like absolute garbage for hours
  5. ate real food
  6. still felt like garbage

[exits stage left triumphantly]
