

I don’t seek out romantic relationships and they feel boring and stressful to me. I don’t think I’m 100% aromantic since I can still feel romantic attraction, I just lack that drive to act on it and prefer to create the relationship as a fantasy instead, rather than acting it out in real life. And that’s fulfilling for me.

So I have been having trouble figuring out a label for my romantic orientation. And I decided on lithromantic.

I wonder how common this romantic orientation is in schizoids. Anyone else relate?

Finding it difficult to accept yourself, no matter how much you try to be positive about it

Being unable to remember why you were attracted to someone but still feeling sick at the feelings

Feeling as if you are lying to yourself and everyone around you when you come out because of the look of shame you get

Sorry I went away on a small hiatus because I wasn’t feeling amazing but I’m back and will be posting as often as I can! Dm me any of your own lithromantic problems to post (please specify if you would like it posted anonymously or not) and I will post it when I can :) also thank you for 100 followers!!!

When someone says they like you too and your stomach drops.

Like nooooo, you just ruined everythingggg!

submission by @surpriseimgayy

Reading about cute couples and imagining being in a relationship like that, but remembering you don’t work that way.

submission by @newwave-altqueens

When you’re in love with the idea of love and being in a committed relationship but you realize that it could never really work out.

submission by @ahjoomas

Thinking it would last because of how you felt at first but then the attraction fades

When someone tries to be romantically affectionate with you and you have to avoid them


lithromantic + self-acceptance and flowers

requested by anon

lithromantic: feels romantic attraction but does not desire reciprocation. an aspec identity that can act as a prefix (lithpanromantic, lithbisexual, etc) or as an identity of its own. it’s also known as akoi, akoin, or ap
