#esme squalor



keep dreaming honey

“vfd’s sub-sub-librarian,” esme lights her cigarette but doesn’t actually smoke it. “that’s just an urban legend, everyone knows.” she huffs. “i haven’t been trained in your precious organization since childhood but even i know that. don’t think you can fool me. it’s just a rumor they made up to scare you into thinking that there’s is someone documenting your every move, collecting evidence of your crime. to scare you into never betraying the vfd. don’t fall for that, kids.”

the crowd of young, new, freshly started firestarters cheer. “you’re absolutely right, miss esme!” “we won’t be fooled!” “there is no sub-sub-librarian!”

“she’s good, isn’t she?” olaf says smugly to ernest. “recruitment’s been going so well with her giving speeches. which is all thanks to me since i’m the one who recruited her!”

“is this what we’re doing? recruitment?” ernest raises an eyebrow.

“oh totally,” olaf says earnestly. “and we are doing actual recruitment, not any of the kidnapping bullshit vfd has got going on. we go around the cities giving speeches and recruit people with the actual truths! inspire the kids! ignite their interests! light the flame in their hearts! ha! do you see the wordplay i did there?”

“wordplay - that’s very vfd,” ernest comments drily.

“yes, but we do it better,” olaf says proudly.

“so do you really believe that the sub-sub-librarian is just an urban legend?”

“please, ernest,” olaf scoffs. “the rumors say that kit is dating this so called sub-sub! as if she can move on from me that quickly. that’s just absurd. obviously he’s fake.”

“actually, we have no idea if the sub-sub-librarian is a he, based on the rumors we have,” ernest says smoothly.

“kit’s not interested in women,” olaf says dismissively. “otherwise B would’ve made her move a long time ago.”

“i thought you said the sub-sub-librarian is all made up and it’s impossible that k’s actually moved on?”

olaf glares. “why are we even arguing about this anyway? it doesn’t matter. today, we’re here for esme. our newest recruiter, talented firestarter, beautiful actress, my girlfriend. now listen, we cheer and clap when she finishes, you hear me?”


braiding lessons and gossip

e: where even is winnipeg, anyway? do we even know it has a monarchy?

b: hey, am i doing this right?

e: no. i bet this is all a ruse by her, making up her duchess status just to spend the day with our count! harrumph!

b: viscount, E…

esme sitting on a comfortable bean bag chair with fancy patterns (very in right now) under kit’s desk and while kit is sitting in front of the desk on a zoom meeting with other volunteers. esme paints stuff on kit’s legs as kit discusses important vfd matters.

lisondraws: I read a Kit/Esme fanfic by @virginian-wolfsnake and it opened my eyes to the potential lisondraws: I read a Kit/Esme fanfic by @virginian-wolfsnake and it opened my eyes to the potential lisondraws: I read a Kit/Esme fanfic by @virginian-wolfsnake and it opened my eyes to the potential


I read a Kit/Esme fanfic by @virginian-wolfsnake and it opened my eyes to the potential of this ship. Also I want to practice comics, so this happened. (Text under the cut if you have trouble reading)

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Esme Gigi Genevive Squalor would be a wonderful name for a chicken, not only because Esme’s personality perfectly embodies the sophisticated and self-absorbed air that all chickens have despite their extreme lack of intelligence, but also because the initials of Esme’s name spell out the word EGGS.

One thing that A Series of Unfortunate Events does really well is that it establishes very early on to a quite young audience that sometimes people don’t mean it personally when they hurt you, but that doesn’t excuse their behavior.

Take Mr. Poe for instance: in every single encounter the Baudelaire orphans have with him, he messes everything up. He consistently puts the children in dangerous situations just because it’s convenient for him, he never listens to what the children actually have to say, and he refuses to be held accountable for his own mistakes, thereby dooming himself to make them over and over again.

If you divide it up evenly, Mr. Poe is just as responsible for the children’s ill fate as Count Olaf because for every single book in which he’s involved, and up through The Carnivorous Carnival in the Netflix series, he is capable of righting the situation and saving the children and he still decides to save his own behind rather than helping the children who are in dire need of an adult figure they can trust. Desmond Tutu famously said that “if you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor”.

And yet, Handler draws a distinctive line between Mr. Poe and Count Olaf in the series because one truly is worse than the other. Mr. Poe doesn’t mean to harm the children, and genuinely does care about their wellbeing, even if he is awful at doing so. He is always appalled when Count Olaf is actually revealed at the end and he does want the children to be safe. Count Olaf on the other hand actually hates the children and means to cause them harm.

The series draws the same distinction between Charles and Sir in that regard and Jerome and Esme, as well. It makes the point that people hurt each other and do harm in the world for all sorts of reasons and very rarely is it personal - that we shouldn’t take it personally when people are bad because adults are fallible too and sometimes they make mistakes without thinking. But even more so, the series makes the point that unintentionality does not excuse the harm that they do. Just because someone doesn’t hate you and that someone didn’t mean to harm you doesn’t mean you are obligated to forgive them or be understanding of their position. So often in this world people make excuses for their behavior, saying they didn’t mean to do something or they didn’t understand the effect it would have or they just weren’t listening and we’re expected to accept their apology and move on because we’re told intent means everything.

But the thing is, intent isn’t everything. Intent is only half the battle and our actions always have consequences, regardless of whether we like those consequences or not. Ignorance is not an excuse for inaction because it is our responsibility in the world as citizens of the world to be conscious of the effect our choices could have on others. The Baudelaire orphans never forgive Mr. Poe, and in The Penultimate Peril when Mr. Poe approaches them and offers them help and offers to take them to their next home, they refuse his help and their refuse his apology because his intentions in that instance don’t matter because he created great harm in the world and just because he didn’t foresee it doesn’t mean that he couldn’t have. This follows the same vein as excusing someone’s behavior because it was rooted in deep trauma or mental illness or justified revenge - the reason why someone did something wrong doesn’t matter, they still did something wrong and they need to face up to their crimes.

It was an important message then, but I think it’s an even more important one now in the political climate that we live in. There are so many people in this world right now who want to cause harm: neo-Nazis, the alt-right, homophobes, transphobes, racists, sexists, and we have an administration that actively takes delight in causing harm to oppressed people as long as it stands to benefit them in some financial way. They know they are hurting people and they continue to do so anyways so long as it makes them more comfortable. These are the Count Olafs of the world.

But then there are the ignorant people that support Trump and his administration, that do racist things like calling the cops on black people just because they look “suspicious”, or use their religion as an excuse to justify discrimination, and simply regurgitate everything they’ve been told by others just as ignorant as them about the way the world ought to work, and those are the people who pave the way for the Count Olafs of the world. It is easier to excuse their bad behavior because they really don’t mean for what they do to cause harm - most of the time they genuinely think they’re doing the right thing - but their actions have just as big of consequences as the actions of the Count Olafs. The children never would have ended up in Count Olaf’s clutches time and time again if Mr. Poe hadn’t put them there. The Count Olafs are worse, and it’s important to recognize the difference between intended harm and unintended harm, but we have to hold the Mr. Poes of the world accountable too, because ignorance is just as much a choice as malice.

About the sugar bowl…

Okay, am I the only one who’s kinda disappointed with what turned out to be in the sugar bowl? I mean, it neither explains Esme’s obsession with it nor its vital importance to the VFD and the villains.  It wasimportant to some extent but was it reeeeaaally worth the whole frenzy around it? Or maybe it’s just me, idk:D
