#alt right


2016′s word of the year is…

Oxford Dictionaries has declared ‘post-truth’ to be its international word of the year. The use of the term has increased by around 2,000% in 2016 compared to last year. Oxford Dictionaries explains that this is in context of Brexit and the US presidential election. Last year’s word of the year was the ‘Face with Tears of Joy’ emoji: 

Acceptability versus Responsibility

Part 1:

“To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom.” – Socrates

It was a cold dark night in December, and I took a break working relentlessly on my startup company. I spent an Audiobook credit on Barack Obama’s new book, A Promised Land. I was also consuming an insatiable amount of Jordan Peterson paralleled with a fasting diet, and stories that kept flooding my head from…

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Richard Spencer getting cussed out at CPAC by an old dude in biker & American Flag gear, 

#cpac2017    #richard spencer    #alt right    #neo nazi    #he sucks    #richard spencer is ugly    #politics    #populism    #nationalism    #political    #conservativer    #libertarian    #republican    #liberal    #washington    
the-movemnt: Video of Nandi Cain Jr. getting beaten by Sacramento police officer prompts investigati


Video of Nandi Cain Jr. getting beaten by Sacramento police officer prompts investigation

  • Bystander footage showing a Sacramento, California, police officer slamming Nandi Cain Jr. — a black man — to the ground and punching him repeatedly in the face during a jaywalking stop on Monday has prompted an internal investigation, the Sacramento Police Department said in a statement.
  • “The actions of the involved Sacramento police officer are disturbing and [do] not appear to be reasonable based upon the circumstances,” the statement read. “The Sacramento Police Department holds itself to the highest professional standard and the actions that were observed are not indicative of the dedicated women and men who work for the department.”
  • Naomi Montaie, the local woman who recorded the incident with her cellphone camera and posted it on Facebook, told reporters that she had never seen anything quite like it. Read more.(4/12/2017 1:03 PM)

BLACK PEOPLE: “Why do cops kill us?”

WHITE PEOPLE: “Why are Black people so angry?”

BLACK PEOPLE: “Because we get attacked for WALKING. What’s your excuse for killing us?”


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Stand With Us Today for #BlackoutBlackFriday. Take a Moment and Sign Up for Our Thunder Clap: http:/Stand With Us Today for #BlackoutBlackFriday. Take a Moment and Sign Up for Our Thunder Clap: http:/Stand With Us Today for #BlackoutBlackFriday. Take a Moment and Sign Up for Our Thunder Clap: http:/

Stand With Us Today for #BlackoutBlackFriday. Take a Moment and Sign Up for Our Thunder Clap: http://bit.ly/2g5wyq9. Blackout for Human Rights is Hosting its Third Annual Blackout Black Friday with a Call to Action Encouraging All Concerned Citizens to Join in a Nationwide Economic Blackout on Black Friday, One of the Most Important Shopping Days of the Year. After Unprecedented Success in 2014 and 2015, Blackout is Once Again Calling on Americans to Refrain From Shopping on Black Friday and to Instead Stand with the Citizens of Ferguson, Standing Rock, Baltimore, Chicago, New York City, Flint, Oakland and All Those Who Have Suffered Atrocious Race-Based and Class-Based Acts of Hate. 

  • Human Rights Group Plans to Protest Black Friday for a Powerful Reason: http://bit.ly/2gn3WIM via ATTN:
  • Blackout For Human Rights Hosts Black Friday Boycott, Events: http://bit.ly/2gip1Xy via Colorlines
  • Third #BlackoutBlackFriday Kicks Off With Special Screening of ‘I Am Not Your Negro’ + More: http://bit.ly/2fzcUUJ via Shadow & Act
  • A Human Rights Group Is Encouraging America to #BlackoutBlackFriday and Here’s Why: http://bit.ly/2goyVDf via Raw Story

Blackout is Organizing Free Community Events Around the Country Including Special Events in Oakland, New York City, and Los Angeles:

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War Girls: WWII (SS-Scharführer or Higher) Cuties •World War Two •Non-Commissioned Officer Grades orWar Girls: WWII (SS-Scharführer or Higher) Cuties •World War Two •Non-Commissioned Officer Grades orWar Girls: WWII (SS-Scharführer or Higher) Cuties •World War Two •Non-Commissioned Officer Grades orWar Girls: WWII (SS-Scharführer or Higher) Cuties •World War Two •Non-Commissioned Officer Grades orWar Girls: WWII (SS-Scharführer or Higher) Cuties •World War Two •Non-Commissioned Officer Grades orWar Girls: WWII (SS-Scharführer or Higher) Cuties •World War Two •Non-Commissioned Officer Grades orWar Girls: WWII (SS-Scharführer or Higher) Cuties •World War Two •Non-Commissioned Officer Grades orWar Girls: WWII (SS-Scharführer or Higher) Cuties •World War Two •Non-Commissioned Officer Grades orWar Girls: WWII (SS-Scharführer or Higher) Cuties •World War Two •Non-Commissioned Officer Grades orWar Girls: WWII (SS-Scharführer or Higher) Cuties •World War Two •Non-Commissioned Officer Grades or

War Girls: WWII (SS-Scharführer or Higher) Cuties
•World War Two
•Non-Commissioned Officer Grades or Higher

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The far-right thinks a violent antifa overthrow is coming Nov. 4, but the truth is far stranger“The

The far-right thinks a violent antifa overthrow is coming Nov. 4, but the truth is far stranger

“The nightmare must end,” the full-page ad in the New York Times announced on Wednesday in bold, block letters. It called on thousands of people to take to the streets. “Nov 4. It Begins.”Less than one year ago, as protesters flooded Washington, D.C., for President Donald Trump’s inauguration, Refuse Fascism materialized, seemingly out of nowhere, brandishing their now-iconic black and white “NO!” posters. Since then, the anti-fascist organization has become a mysterious yet omnipresent force throughout the past year’s wave of protests. As demonstrators have continued to spill into the streets with anti-Trump resentment, Refuse Fascism frequently emerges with signs, shirts, pins, and orators primed with a megaphone. Read more.
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In the very first scene of Bombshell, the audience is walked through the layout of the Fox News Building. We are shown where the studios are in relation to the writer’s room. We get to see the decor of the executive offices and the elevators that lead to them. We are shown such things to establish one very important fact: this script was written with intimate knowledge of what goes on behind the scenes at Fox News.

And it’s not pretty.

However, as someone who is STILL getting in intense online arguments defending the all-female Ghostbusters reboot, there was very little chance I was going to dislike a movie about rising up against a system that seeks to objectify women. But what I didn’t expect was how much this movie made me empathize with people on the far right.

It doesn’t need to be said that this is one of the most polarizing time in our nation’s recent history. But after seeing Bombshell, I am reminded that after Trump eventually leaves office, we will still need to find a way to coexist with the 40% of the country that still loves him. And those people are not Stormtroopers or Nazis or video game villains (despite how they behave at rallies). They are people. People who have DRASTICALLY different values than me, but people who have ups and down, triumphs and tears.

Early in the movie, Margot Robbie’s fictional news writer Kayla Pospisil defends Fox New’s zealous pandering to the far right as “balancing the national conversation.” That was the first time in my life I ever heard a defense of Fox News that I could actually understand philosophically, even if I didn’t agree with it. Charlize Theron’s surreally accurate portrayal of Megyn Kelly (a woman I grew up hating) made me see her as someone who was intelligent, strong, and willing to fight for her beliefs and her fellow woman. I was even moved by John Lithgow’s revolting performance as sexual abuser Roger Ailes, for while I despised his actions, I couldn’t help but feel a pang of sympathy every time he derided his own slovenly, half-crippled appearance.

It’s very easy to make an argument against the far right, but it’s tricky to do so without abandoning empathy for them. And that’s why Bombshell is more than one of the best movies I’ve ever seen; it’s also one of the most important.


daModena antifascista

L’autore del manifesto politico dietro la strage di Christchurch non è un folle,  è il figlio legittimo, integrato e coerente, del tempo in cui viviamo: il tempo della crisi.

Crisi – nel suo significato originario di trasformazione radicale – che non è solamente materiale, ovvero di decadenza di un intero ciclo di egemonia ed accumulazione capitalistica, ma anche politica e sociale, che sconquassa le categorie e i rapporti su cui si sono retti patti e conflitti, e che sconvolge aspetti culturali, antropologici, esistenziali – collettivi e individuali – che si erano dati lungo tutto un arco storico.  

Brenton Tarrant, come del resto qualsiasi jihadista cresciuto nelle metropoli d’Europa, parla la nostra lingua. Ha 28 anni, è cresciuto con internet e la sua cultura, dentro l’atomizzazione della forma di vita neoliberista, giusto in tempo per assistere alla decomposizione dell’ordine liberale. Depressione e disperazione, meme e cinica postironia nichilista, disintermediazione politico-culturale e catastrofe ecologica planetaria. Un senso della fine che, dentro un eterno presente senza storia e senza futuro, si compenetra con la fine del senso, sprigionando energia distruttiva. Che non trova niente a incanalarla verso fini progressivi. E per questo va a scorrere, inevitabilmente spinta dalla forza di gravità, sui solchi già tracciati nel terreno.

Come Anders Breivik e Luca Traini prima di lui, Brenton Tarrant infatti ha semplicemente cristallizzato in atto ciò che è quotidianamente diffuso a livello liquido e gassoso nelle nostre società, non solo occidentali. Ciò che respiriamo ogni giorno. Ciò che è stato sciolto nei pozzi da cui ci abbeveriamo.
Il manifesto che ha mosso i fucili mitragliatori degli stragisti sulla folla inerme in preghiera si intitola, paradigmaticamente, “The Great Replacement”: La Grande Sostituzione.
Parole, concetti diventati moneta comune in occidente, che ritornano. Ma che hanno un origine precisa. La sostituzione etnica, il genocidio – culturale e biologico – della razza bianca, la grande paranoia contemporanea dell’uomo occidentale: dal grezzo cospirazionsimo suprematista a fine teoria della Nouvelle Droite (dice niente il best seller di Renaud Camus “Le Grand Remplacement”?), dalla marginalità degli ambienti neonazisti a strumento di campagna elettorale del governo. In Italia, dalla copertina del Primato Nazionale alla tv in prima serata, fino al Ministero dell’Interno.

Brenton Tarrant, che si è filmato mentre uccideva cinquanta persone disarmate, si definisce un fascista. Lo è. Ma le sue parole sembrano appena uscite dal telegiornale della cena. Da un qualsiasi talk show televisivo in prima serata. Dall’intervista alla radio di qualche rappresentante delle istituzioni, magari “oltre la destra e la sinistra”. Dal tweet di qualche politico che si dichiara contro i poteri forti ma di buon senso, populista ma non razzista, Dalla Vostra Parte ma prima gli italiani bianchi. L’omogeneità etnica e l’organicità nazionale come valori in sé. L’immigrazione come un complotto contro gli autoctoni. L’uomo bianco sotto attacco, devirilizzato, sterilizzato, come vittima. La decadenza dell’occidente, l’invasione islamica, il razzismo differenzialista. L’etnonazionalismo mascherato da identitarismo, la guerra civile-razziale. Tutto ciò è perfettamente compatibile con la democrazia liberale.
La tragedia non è soltanto l’orrenda strage, ma la legittimità sociale, il senso comune, l’integrazione culturale e la nobiltà politica che sono state conferite agli assiomi che l’hanno portata a compimento.

Il passaggio dalla metapolitica, ovvero dalla costruzione di egemonia culturale, alla lotta armata di lupi sempre meno solitari e sempre più organizzati, sul modello di Daesh, alla guerra civile. Dentro questo ampio spettro, la strage di Christchurch porta allo scoperto, attraverso la loro coerente estremizzazione e come un presagio, le matrici di processi di lungo periodo in atto già da tempo nelle nostre società, dentro cui specifiche forze stanno operando per determinarne una possibile direzione e un tendenziale sbocco.
Dentro questo spettro si rimodula il potere sovrano, se esso è colui che decide sullo stato di eccezione.

Dentro a tutto ciò, a partire da tutto ciò, le categorie che abbiamo utilizzato fino ad ora paiono inermi, non più efficaci, limitate a comprenderne la portata. Le bussole antropologico-politiche di un intero arco di civilizzazione si stanno riorientando: vediamo il movimento, non riusciamo a coglierne appieno la direzione d’approdo.

Dentro a tutto ciò, di fronte a tutto ciò, il senso di quello che chiamiamo un antifascismo per il XXI secolo è tutto da ricercare, costruire, sviluppare, necessariamente, crediamo, travalicando i limiti dell’antifascismo stesso.

Questa la porta stretta entro cui, necessariamente, passare.
