#anonymous asks

As promised, I’ve collected all ther terms people sent me in last night and I’m putting

As promised, I’ve collected all ther terms people sent me in last night and I’m putting them out here.

1. Nix is an interesting term anon, however, it still defines the non-magical folk in terms of what they do not have - magic. Also it has unfortunate associations with the word “nothing” and could potentially be used to imply that all things that come from muggles (and that muggle themeselves are) of no worth at all.

2. Mundane and magical is certainly how I think it would be classified in anthropological/sociological terms. While mundane couldbe used as a slur, I don’t think it really has as much of a punch as muggle (incidentally, 1920s slang for marijuana users) or nix (association with nothing, no worth). It does kind of imply boring and ordinary so hmmm. Also yes, I can see where everyday spells and the magical frameworks that uphold society (ward magic etc) could be seen as mundane, making it a difficult term for classification - but it has potential.

3. Phantompickles make an excellent, excellentpoint here by noting that any truly positive term for muggles would have to be bymuggles and not by wix and would have to have a certain amount of symbolical meaning attached to it by the muggles themselves.

(Speaking of which, we’re all muggles here - mostly - SO.)

4. I did some thinking on my own and came up with two possibleterms.

One could be to refer to the muggle preoccupation with religion, since from what I gather from canon, the wizarding world is areligious - or at least the Western world is. Possibly, pre-Statute of Secrecy and during the Enlightenment period when I presume the Statute of Secrecy had none of the complex mechanisms to uphold it, wix could refer to muggles as “Fides”. People who keep faith.

Theotherterm I came up with harks back to Linnaeus’ classification system and evolution, which I imagine, even if most wix are not aware of as a concept, wix who work in the DoM or in the Muggle Liasion Office would be aware of (or even Purebloods who maintain casual contact with the muggle world so as not to be taken “unawares” in case of considerable political strife in the muggle world which could boil over into reactionary action against wix).

Wix view themselves as being far superior to non-magical users, so what if there had been a movement in between that asserted that muggles were a different species altogether and that therefore, wix deserved to be classified as a separate species on their own terms – homo sapiens magicus *

Possibly, then, to differentiate between themselves and non-magical folk, they could have used the term “sapiens” to refer to them, which in time could have become sapients or sapient sapiens. The term simultaneously functions as a slur, yet is not entirely pejorative since the translation of homo sapiens sapiens is wise wise man. It would also represent the fact that what really characterizes non-magical folk is the way they can produce knowledge and effectively use that knowledge to enable them to adapt and live without magic – which is something which apparently astounds wix.

It’s just a thought. It is not as pithy a term as I’d like, unless you shorten it to idk saps or sth.


*If someone who has formally learnt Latin could correct this, I would deeply appreciate it.

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Alright kinky kids!

It’s been a while and I miss hearing from you!

So let’s play a game.


Send me a kink and I’ll rate it!

No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |

Thank you @nerdybreeding for the inspiration. If you are not already following this beautiful human. Go do it now.

THANK YOU!!! I’m literally melting from all the kindness people have been showing my way. I’m glad people enjoy my art contributions :)

(A little morning warm-up drawing I whipped up of Varian and Ruddiger, just for you all.)

Anon answers :D

Thank you! It’s nice to hear and I hope you’ll enjoy all the wonderful art you can find online from many talented artists! Tabletop games are fun that’s for sure!

Hehehehehe! Thanks! I really loved these books while growing up. I might draw some more someday if I get some free time for myself.

Not sure I understand. Is there a reference to the red and blue colors I use for sketching? I usually do so so I don’t get lost in the lines. Helps a lot to not get confused when there are a lot of lines overlapping.

Thank you for your kind words! Sure thing. :D

I am thinking about it. the thing is I need to find where I got it from in the first place. I don’t remember if I bought it or if it was a free set. It’s been quite some time since I first tried the lineart one for sure >-<.

Thank you! I get inspired by other artists all the time. I’ve loved Joe Mad’s art for the longest time. I also love to deconstruct other people’s art styles and try to improve by analyzing what I see. I also find that if you have a good base with a nice silhouette, and movement, balancing the details gets easier.

Thanks! Hummmm…. Try to be consistent? Like sports or anything else, drawing regularly is better than just doing one huge session one time and then nothing for a long time. At least this works for me!

Hey there! I draw on Photoshop because I learned with it. If you start and you don’t have a lot of experience you should try other softwares. Clip Studio Paint seems to be really good and there is a nice community. I say that because it’s a perpetual license that you only need to buy once compared to paying every month for other softwares. I use a relatively standard brush with a lil bit of texture to it.

I sure hope so! I would love for pate to be somewhat autonomous!

Thank you! I’m glad I can be inspiring. It’s something that really resonate with me. I am in the same position as you are. I am inspired by other artists, from many different backgrounds and styles. I am motivated when I see their art so it warms my heart to know I can be an inspiration too! Thank you.

More answers bellow the keep reading line :D

I don’t really mind but I won’t promise anything because I have a lot of things to do. But who knows? If I ever have time and no idea why not.

I did not finish EXU so far so maybe later when I have the time to finish the last two episodes from the first batch.

Mostly photo packs from artstation that I bought. Random references I find in books or take myself too. Olympic photos for the sports ones mostly.

Not sure honestly. I do love drawing the same characters a lot because I am a bit lazy but I enjoy drawing them all… Nott and Beau and Laudna have a special place in my heart though ;D

Thank you! I should keep doing studies this summer so it should be a while still before I stop daily studies.

Photoshop and brushes I bought sadly so I can’t really share these. But it’s a lil bit of texture in a squarish brush with dynamic opacity/size. If you can’t afford photoshop there are other really good software honestly like paint tool sai that I should really learn to use.

same answer as the one on top.

Sometimes the healthiest relationships don’t work out because we crave excitement and healthy isn’t him chasing you down the street at 3am and healthy isn’t throwing all his clothes in the front yard when he doesn’t come home one night. But sometimes we need to be chased and sometimes we need to have giant screaming crying fights because we’re human and it can’t be perfect all the time. And if it is, then it doesn’t feel real.

Often is the anonymous message used for hatred; and of that we have spoken of before, and my advice remaineth the same: do not. I speak now of the anonymous message that is meant kindly. 

For often in the realm of the Internet is tone misread or mistaken; and anonymously more often than when speaking to someone who is known to you. My lady knoweth one who hath receivèd advice from someone who hath not declared their name; and, though it was not ill-meaning advice, it was strange indeed for them to receive it from a blank face. For though those who maintain personal blogs expose themselves to the world, showing vulnerability, this display does not grant access. And, you might argue, the showing of the opening meaneth that one cannot complain if they receive anonymous advice; and this is a bad argument. 

For we keep blogs as records; and if a monastery keep an annal saying “we have been attacked by the Vikings,” it does not invite advice on the building of walls. And I know that my lady’s friend did not welcome the message: for again, tone does not transfer through the internet, and, though you be well-meaning, it is always better to show your face, if you would advise a friend. 

Yet anonymous compliments have their use; my lady appreciates an anonymous message about her beauty or about her writing. Yet a simple “I love your face” is different indeed than anything more detailed. 

And so, if you must, through shyness, be anonymous, be simple and straightforward: as one should strive always to be. 
