

what i would give to not be anxious for at least a day..


Interesting take but I think part of the reason y’all won’t let up on Summer Walker is bc of the idea that black people can’t feel pain, in particular black women. U might say “it’s not that deep” but I think there’s something highly significant about the fact that black women’s bodies were literally used to develop medical sciences and all kinds of acts of torture were committed against black women and the justification was that we can’t feel the same pain as white people. Y’all let that lil white girl Ariana cancel fan events and concerts bc she was overwhelmed, depressed, having panic attacks and what have you and told her to take her time and get better bc y’all were scared she might kill herself but Summer says she doesn’t want to do that stuff right out the gate bc she knows how difficult it’s going to be for her mental state and people tell her she should have chosen a different field. There’s literally no field in this world, under capitalism, where black people are not expected to perform back breaking, mind-breaking labor and the music industry is no exception. Anyway rant over, the capitalist-colonial mentality runneth deep.

So on-point. Black people were stripped of our humanity at the onset of capitalism. Now we are seen as nothing more than tools/objects to produce for this system- whether it’s laboring in the fields, factories or performing night after night after night on stage and throwing ourselves at the mercy of “fans” and their unrealistic expectations, brutal demands, unhealthy praise and viscious, demoralizing attacks. We don’t see Summer Walker as a human with emotions, fears, anxiety and human physical limitations, we see her merely as an object who is refusing to dance for us.

Shoutout to @youhadme-at-hella for this dope analysis by a black woman.

Se eu for magra eu vou ser bonita, e pessoas bonitas tem tudo o que quer!

- Transparent-G1rl

Lembro de quando as coisas eram fáceis, de quando eu ia dormir feliz de saber que tinha alguém do outro lado olhando por mim, me lembro dos dias em que eu acordava e o meu dia não era nada planejado e tudo ia bem porque tinha uma anjo ali, lembro de quando o anjo me fez virar poesia, depois disso virei planos e depois de tudo virei ódio, raiva e desamor, fui dormir chorando e depois disso sou caos.


Me meto em confusões que não queria estar, tudo para não decepcionar os estranhos que vivem perto de mim

- Transparent-G1rl

Queria poder voltar no tempo, ter todas as pessoas de volta, mesmo com meu T.A, mesmo com a depressão e todos aqueles remédios, eu era até mais feliz do que hoje.

As melhores coisas da minha vida acabaram, os melhores momentos viraram lembranças, as melhores pessoas se tornaram desconhecidas e tudo que eu cria ser real não passava de uma mera fantasia.

- Transparent Girl
