#artists of tumblr

Day 1: “Monster Self-Portrait” This is me as a candle monster. As you can see, I have candles comingDay 1: “Monster Self-Portrait” This is me as a candle monster. As you can see, I have candles coming

Day 1: “Monster Self-Portrait”

This is me as a candle monster. As you can see, I have candles coming out of my head and I have a flame in my head too. My hair is blue because in real life I dyed my hair blue. Happy Halloween Season, b*tches!

Oh yeah, and where my Doom Patrol freaks at?!

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recently opened a new shop! visit bigtinyshop.storenvy.com to help me afford living, and get some corecently opened a new shop! visit bigtinyshop.storenvy.com to help me afford living, and get some corecently opened a new shop! visit bigtinyshop.storenvy.com to help me afford living, and get some corecently opened a new shop! visit bigtinyshop.storenvy.com to help me afford living, and get some co

recently opened a new shop! visit bigtinyshop.storenvy.com to help me afford living, and get some cool stickers in the process. it’s a win win!

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none of the teachers at ua having actual teaching diplomas is so funny  a paretn teacher confrence is called and a parent is like ‘so mr present mic do u have a  degree in english?”and mic is just like :) i yell very loud !

I’m sorry but this idea cracked me up so much I had to start drawing

I am SO sorry for all the things I said about My Hero Academia before I actually watched it, I was being a stubborn old millennial. It’s been getting me through some very challenging things lately and I’m getting stronger in a lot of ways

For someone who has a FFXV tattoo I sure haven’t played Episode Ardyn
