

ASAW 2021 - Feb 24th

Alloaro Advocacy

We Are More Then Just Valid. We Are More Then Just A Part Of A Broader Community. We Are Alloaro. We Are Here.

Probably one of the biggest things I believe the aspec community as a whole needs to work on is alloaro advocacy and awareness. I have talked about it many times before, but community lean is heavily in favor of aces and aroaces at the moment, which alienates a large part of us from discussion and community development. Aspec stands for Ace Spectrum AND Aro Spectrum, so it should accommodate all identities under those two highly diverse Spectrums equally. Here are some things that would benifit alloaro’s in the community that are sorely needed.

Spaces To Express Our Allosexuality

Imagine being in a community you no doubt belong to, and yet having nothing in the way of access to spaces where you can express yourself. Allosexuality is a big part of alloaro expression, and aromanticism is very different when frames by Allosexuality and not Asexuality. We need spaces where we feel comfortable enough to talk about experiences and feelings. Spaces we currently don’t have, because of the overwhelming anxiety that talking about our sexuality will alienate us further in our own community.

Curbing The Communities Sex-Negative Attitude

I am going to be very blunt with this one. There is a big difference between being Sex-Repulsed and shaming others for their allosexuality. Its rarely overt, but it still happens in aspec spaces. The constant degrading of allosexuality by aces and aroaces, and placement of romantic attraction (and more specifically a lack of sexual attraction) above allosexuality. Not only is this damaging to alloaro’s, but also sex-positive aces who also get drowned out under the deluge of negativity.

Boosting Alloaro Voices

Say it with me now. “That’s so valid”. The sentiment is appreciated, but here is the thing. We shouldn’t have to be told we are valid. We should feel validated by the community. One of the best ways to do this, is boosting alloaro voices. Don’t talk over us in issues that involve us. Invite alloaro’s to express their experiences and issues with the community themselves and don’t settle for second hand representation through other identities. Prove to us we are valid, beyond saying a single sentence and standing in the background.

These are just 3 examples things that can be done to boost Alloaro Advocacy in the community, but there are plenty more things that can be done. If you take anything away from this post, let it be this. Just like I said in the beginning, Aspec stands for Ace and Aro. All identities under both spectrums should be recognized equally. Alloaro’s. Alloaces. Aroaces. Anyone in those spectrums deserves to be recognized.

How To Navigate A Casual Sexual Relationship As An Alloaro

Preface - Before I begin this post I just want to get some things out of the way. This is general advice from my own experiences, and every experience is going to be different! That being said, there will be mentions sex and sexual activities and attraction in this post so if that make you uncomfortable please be cautious. There is no material out there for alloaro’s specifically, so this is a post for us.

So, you’re alloaro and you want to navigate a healthy sexual relationship? Well well, you’ve come to the right place my friend! There is a distinct lack of resources like this for alloaro’s in our community, so the following is a compiling of advice from your friendly local Achillean Alloaro on healthy casual relationships! Lets get the basics out of the way first.

Boundaries & Expectations

Boundaries and expectations are extremely important, esspecially in casual relationships. Not only for your partner, but also for you. Make your boundaries clear and known before anything. Some things you might want to bring up to your partner before going through with things:

  • Casual sex is not a show of romantic interest or affection
  • Any terminology you are uncomfortable with during sex (i.e, being called certain romantically coded pet names or expression of romantic attraction)
  • No pressure to be romantically involved after casual sex

Expectations should also be known beforehand. It should be very clear that romantic attraction should NOT be assumed after sex. Esspecially if your partner is not aromantic or on the aromantic spectrum.

With that out of the way, lets discuss more general tips and practices for safe casual sex.

Use Protection

This one is a bit of a no brainer but should still be said. Its best to use protection during any kind of sex. Not only does it help prevent pregnancy but it also protects against STD’s! Incase it was never taught to you, here is a quick guide to properly using a condom:

  1. Be careful while opening the packaging and make sure the condoms are not expired! The expiration date is often printed on both the box and the individual wrapping.
  2. When putting a condom on, make sure to pinch the tip and leave a small well to help prevent tearing.
  3. Condoms should unroll easily. If it doesn’t unroll, it might be on the wrong way. Be carefull not to tear the material by tugging too much.
  4. Unroll the condom fully, never halfway or even a 1/3rd of the way to ensure it doesn’t tear or come off. It it does, replace it immediately.

Establishing Limits With A Partner

Similar to boundaries and expectations, you should make sure your partner is aware of your limits! Whether it be someone you’re only going to sleep with once, or someone you are mutually involved with. Its okay to experiment, however you should be cautious of any limits you or your partner might have. This goes for physical limits such as positions or what kinds of acts they comfortable with, kinks, etc. However it also applies to other limits such as when your partner is willing to have sex (as even alloaro’s have limits. Anyone who experiences sexual attraction and is aromantic can ID as alloaro, which includes greysexuals who don’t always feel sexual attraction).

A Note For Alloromantics

If you are someone who isn’t alloaro or not aromantic at all reading this, a note specifically for you. Its important to keep in mind that all alloaro’s experience and express sexual attraction differently. Alloaro’s can be many thing, but one thing they aren’t is predatory. Its extremely harmful to expect romantic involvement after casual sex with an alloaro even if you are in a QPR. Do not pressure them into a relationship afterwards, and never slut shame an alloaro for lacking romantic attraction.

This post is a bit of a mess but its something at the very least. As an alloaro who enjoys engaging in casual sex, I have a lot of personal experiences and advice to give other alloaro’s, so please feel free to ask any questions you might have. I am always willing to answer! Happy Aromantic Awareness Week, and as always No Romo

ASAW 2021 - Feb 23rd


Alloaro stands for Allosexual Aromantic! Occasionally its said Aroallo (Aromantic Allosexual) but the order doesn’t necessarily matter so long as the point gets across. Alloaro’s are aromantics who feel sexual attraction! Anyone who is aromantic and who also feels sexual attraction (including certain identities on the ace spectrum such as demisexual or greysexual) may choose to identity as alloaro.

Its important to remember that the term alloaro was created so that aromantics have a way to differentiate themselves from asexuals. Its a common misconception that aromantic is an asexual identity however that is not the case at all. Aromanticism and Asexuality are two very different things, and occasionally they might overlap with Aroaces however this is not always the case. Not all aromantics are asexual and not all asexuals are aromantic!

The alloaro experience is vastly different from aces and aroaces and its extremely important that we acknowledge that. The aspec community needs to be a welcoming place for all aspec identities, and that includes alloaro’s!

If you’re an alloaro reading this, you are more then just valid. You aren’t broken or heartless and you aren’t just someone who wants to “sleep around”. I know its difficult sometimes to feel at home when even your own community ignores and demonizes what makes you unique. We can change that though. We can make our voices heard.

Happy Aromantic Awareness Week, to my fellow Alloaro’s esspecially. No Romo

Balthazar, Lord Of The Aromantics, wishes you a happy Aromantic Awareness Week


This is a message to all us aro’s out there. This week is about us. Its our time to shine and kick amatonormativity in the shins! I take a lot of pride in being aromantic and you should too. We aren’t broken or heartless, we have emotions and goals and lives. We are more then just a valid part of this community, we ARE thie community! So happy Aro Week yall, and as always, No Romo

A lil posting schedule for Aro Week


Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week 2021 Events


Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week (ASAW) is celebrated the first full Sunday-Saturday week following Valentine’s Day, which is February 21st-27th for 2021.  You can find our page with more info about ASAW here.
As mentioned in our recent blog update, we will not be publishing our own prompts/challenges like we did in previous years.  However, you can browse our previous prompts from ASAW 2019andASAW 2020 if you want inspiration for things to post about to participate this week.
Instead of posting our own prompts, we are boosting other events and news pertaining to ASAW.  For this post, we have compiled info about the many exciting things happening for ASAW this year!

Other places for ASAW info:

Specific Events:

  • February 21st: #AroCreatives is a new hashtag for ASAW to be used mainly on Twitter but also on other platforms. More info can be found on tumblr here.
  • February 21st-22nd:TAAAP Pride Chats is having a session especially for ASAW, in addition to their February session about amatonormativity on February 27th-28th. You can register for TAAAP Pride Chats here.@theaceandaroadvocacyproject
  • February 22nd 5pm EST: The Ace and Aro Alliance of Central Ohio is hosting a panel for Aro Week; more details and how to register can be found at their Facebook event page.
  • February 27th 3pm EST: To celebrate the end of ASAW this year, AUREA is running a fundraiser livestream starting at 3pm(EST) to benefit the Arocalypse Forums and AUREA. More info about the event can be found here and the event will be on YouTube here.@aromantic-aurea
  • @arowrimo​ is celebrating February as aro writing month, boosting writing of all forms and posting prompts to encourage writing. More info and prompts can be found here.

(News articles and info about proclamations recognizing ASAW can be found under the cut!)

Keep reading

Hi, I’m still alive! Life has been a little intense. But Happy ASAW everyone. :)

I’ve been working on some things with the AUREA team, including putting together a fundraiser livestream event on the 27th. If you want to see some amazing guests, play Quiplash with us, and/or watch me be a bit of a shy host, please come by!


Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week 2021 Events


Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week (ASAW) is celebrated the first full Sunday-Saturday week following Valentine’s Day, which is February 21st-27th for 2021.  You can find our page with more info about ASAW here.
As mentioned in our recent blog update, we will not be publishing our own prompts/challenges like we did in previous years.  However, you can browse our previous prompts from ASAW 2019andASAW 2020 if you want inspiration for things to post about to participate this week.
Instead of posting our own prompts, we are boosting other events and news pertaining to ASAW.  For this post, we have compiled info about the many exciting things happening for ASAW this year!

Other places for ASAW info:

Specific Events:

  • February 21st: #AroCreatives is a new hashtag for ASAW to be used mainly on Twitter but also on other platforms. More info can be found on tumblr here.
  • February 21st-22nd:TAAAP Pride Chats is having a session especially for ASAW, in addition to their February session about amatonormativity on February 27th-28th. You can register for TAAAP Pride Chats here.@theaceandaroadvocacyproject
  • February 22nd 5pm EST: The Ace and Aro Alliance of Central Ohio is hosting a panel for Aro Week; more details and how to register can be found at their Facebook event page.
  • February 27th 3pm EST: To celebrate the end of ASAW this year, AUREA is running a fundraiser livestream starting at 3pm(EST) to benefit the Arocalypse Forums and AUREA. More info about the event can be found here and the event will be on YouTube here.@aromantic-aurea
  • @arowrimo​ is celebrating February as aro writing month, boosting writing of all forms and posting prompts to encourage writing. More info and prompts can be found here.

(News articles and info about proclamations recognizing ASAW can be found under the cut!)

Keep reading

rowersdelight:Getting out ahead of it this year! Check out @aromantic-official [image description: o


Getting out ahead of it this year! Check out @aromantic-official

[image description: one square with the aromantic flag as the background. Text is on each stripe of the flag. The stripes read: arospec, awareness, week, feb 21 - feb 27, #ASAW2021 #arospecawarnessweek. The text colors are black, dark green, light green, white, and grey respectively for each stripe. End description.]

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