#gray aro


It’s that time of year again. Let’s get it my funky, little aros and nifty, little arospecs!

Check out @aromantic-official for history of asaw and prompts for each day! Responses to the prompt are tagged #ArosAndArrows and #BeingAromanticIs

[image description: one square with the aro flag as the bacground. Text is on each stripe of the flag. The stripes read: arospec, awarness, week, feb 16 - feb 22, #ASAW2020 #arospecawarnessweek. The text colors are black, dark green, light green, white, and grey respectively for each stripe. End description.]

*there was a brief correction of the end day from feb 20 to feb 22*


it’s difficult, it’s all just so difficult in a way that doesn’t quite make sense.

we go out to get something to eat together and there’s moment

after moment where i look at your hands or make you laugh and all

i want is more of it, more of those little moments and more,

your eyes on me, my head on your chest,

fingers moving deftly around a knife in a kitchen flooded with light,

something warm and soft and full that stings in a pleasant sort of way.

and it should be easy, i’ve always liked a little blood, always liked

the way a knife glints, always liked how it hurts when people turn away.

but it’s something different altogether, the scene’s washed in

some different kind of light. the actors are moving the same way,

we’re moving the same way, but everything is washed in red and crimson

instead of yellows and blues like it usually is, everything screams

danger and panic and grief, and it’s not familiar. it’s all wrong.

the knife raises and raises and then falls, and halfway down i can

see how it’ll all turn out, see the reflection in the camera lens, and it’s what i always wanted;

a hand reaching out to a flame and getting burned, then recoiling,

something glass and fragile being dropped from a height and shattering,

destruction and desolation and isolation and failure,

all these things i usually wanted, destruction just the way i liked it,

so why is everything crimson? where’s the horror movie soundtrack coming from?

fine, let’s change the scene. we’re on a road trip and i’m driving even

though my hands tremble on the wheel and you’ve got the radio cranked up

and you’re laughing and tossing an energy drink at me

and you look beautiful in the golden hour light and suddenly i’m hitting the brakes

and pulling off to the side of the highway because the gold shifted to crimson again.

this shouldn’t be difficult. it isn’t for everyone else.

they’ve always said it’s what makes us human. so why is it so difficult?

the director shouts again, again from somewhere and the scene shifts once more.

i’m sitting in a room illuminated by a screen your name is on and your voice is

in my ears and i’m laughing, and you’re laughing, and everyone is laughing.

you must notice that something is off because you remind me that you love me, that i’m a great friend,

but suddenly my hands are shaking again, over the keys now, and i hope

you don’t notice how unsteady my voice is when i laugh back at you,

that you don’t notice how the blood seeps out from the hollow of my chest

and trails down my ribcage, each beat twisting the knife a little more.

once more, with feeling, as if just saying that doesn’t wrench open the wound again.

we’re sitting under an old magnolia at the edge of my yard, secluded and rural.

you could scream and no one would hear you, you tell me,

and so i scream, and keep screaming, til my throat’s raw and

everything comes out red and half-gurgled. i scream and you look at me

and hold out a magnolia blossom, and we lie there together under the branches

in the hot july heat, waiting for the bad feelings to be chased away,

the knife cast away and left to rust in the tall grass somewhere else.

but that’s still not right.

but now i’ve pushed too hard and something’s wrong with the lighting on set,

crimson to green and grey and white, everything’s flashing and it’s hard to think,

and i think i see someone’s face, and i think they’re good and lovely and beautiful,

but everything is flashing and i can’t be sure, because everything is flashing

and my head is pounding and it’s too difficult to put a name to it.

what i’m feeling must be fear, but which kind? what i’m feeling

must be panic, but in what way?

when i see their face, am i afraid because i want something normal and friendly?

when i see their face, am i afraid because i want something else?

i keep trying to ask but the lights keep flashing and nobody answers.

this page of the script is blank and the director is shrouded in shadow and unresponsive.

tell me, which is it? is it love or not? can i feel love or not? can i be loved or not?

but there’s nobody working on set and i don’t know how to make the lights stop flashing.

the way they blend into each other, the way the crimson always finds a way to peek through the rest,

the way it’s all so overwhelming and god damn it’s so hard to think.

it’s supposed to be what makes us human. how are you supposed to know?

how can anybody know when it’s like this? are the lights flashing for everyone else?

fondness either grows or festers, then it’s shoved into my arms

and i have to figure out what to do with it. how am i supposed to know what it even is when the lights keep flashing?

i want to have someone, i want to be certain,

i want the scene to be holding hands in a well-lit room instead of being blind in the dark,

i want light, and i want gold, and i want the bad feeling to stay away.


hi, i’m ic and i’m grey-aromantic.

i’ve been feeling and thinking a lot about what that means to me lately, and figured that valentine’s day is as good a day as any to make a bit of that public, partly because i know i appreciated reading about other people’s experiences when i was trying to figure shit out, and partly because i’ve had this on my mind for so long that i kinda just want to share it.

until recently, i never had crushes. as a kid, i always figured i’d have a high school sweetheart, or find someone who makes me nervously excited with just a look eventually. and then i didn’t. for a while i thought i was aromantic, but when i found the term grey-aromantic (or grayro), something just clicked. here was a word for what i’d been feeling, or maybe what i hadn’t been feeling. here was validation for never having dated or had a crush, for feeling drawn to people but being uncertain regarding whether it was platonic or not, for having such a strange relationship with relationships.

a little over a year ago i started reading up on grey-aromanticism and felt that click. i finally stopped lying and telling myself i was completely aromantic (which was partly because of low self-esteem and partly because i’d never had a crush, which isn’t to say that aromantics are invalid because they’re just sad, not at all; that was merely my experience), and told myself that if i felt drawn to someone, i’d genuinely explore it instead of shutting it down like i had before.

onemaybe-a-crushand oneprobably-almost-certainly-a-crush later and my perspective has changed a bit, especially after the former. it made me realize that a significant part of me, in spite of all the anxiety and self-image issues, actually wants a partner. which sounds lame but as someone who spent a long time convincing myself i’d never have or deserve that, it feels nicer than i expected.

so yeah. happy valentine’s day, especially to my ace/aro spectrum folks. you’re not broken, no matter what a holiday might try and claim.


Hey y'all, I’ve added new pride flag stickers! I decided to use my coffee and slushy designs since they’re two of my most popular.

You can find them plus many more on my Etsy


some aroacespec sparkle heart emojis I made the other day!

a sparkling heart emoji featuring the grayaroace pride flagALT
a sparkling heart emoji featuring the aroacespec pride flag (the one that's a combination of the arospec and acespec flags)ALT
a sparkling heart emoji featuring the angled aroace pride flag, specifically a lightened version of ryanyflags' contrast editALT

please reblog if you download
