
Kitchen, Snow White inspirationOld Background found in a dusty HardDrive also lost

Snow White inspiration

Old Background found in a dusty HardDrive also lost

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 The Girl Who Ate The Peach And Forgot Everything (+Detail of Sarah)  The Girl Who Ate The Peach And Forgot Everything (+Detail of Sarah)

The Girl Who Ate The Peach And Forgot Everything

(+Detail of Sarah)

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 “A sister they had, Galadriel, most beautiful of all the house of Finwë; her hair was lit with gold

A sister they had, Galadriel, most beautiful of all the house of Finwë; her hair was lit with gold as though it had caught in a mesh the radiance of Laurelin.”   

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Karla-Nesta Elkins I just finished a stressful part of my college activities, so I pampered myself wKarla-Nesta Elkins I just finished a stressful part of my college activities, so I pampered myself w

Karla-Nesta Elkins

I just finished a stressful part of my college activities, so I pampered myself with a drawing of a project that a good friend of mine and I are working on. The drawing represents one of the protagonists of the story (and who is my character and who belongs to me) on her wedding day.

Born Karla Nesta Beauchamp, she is one of the main characters of the first part of the project.
A pleasant and calm personality with an elegant appearance, Karla was born in Maidstone, Kent County, England on January 12, 1954 and is the penultimate child of a family with five daughters. After a first failed marriage (arranged by her father), she becomes the lover, later the wife of Vincent Elkins, an influential count who gives Karla the chance to start a new life, this time among the English aristocracy. During the narration and due to the active interest that her husband has in the spirits, she gets to know Delicia Marlowe (my friend’s original character), a medium, ending up having a close friendship with her.
The drawing shows her somewhere in 1981, just one year after her marriage to Vincent, when she was around 27 years old.

This is my second biggest project, besides the one about the War of the Roses.

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Buffy twitter pack by J. ______________________________________✄ Please, reblog/like if you use/saveBuffy twitter pack by J. ______________________________________✄ Please, reblog/like if you use/saveBuffy twitter pack by J. ______________________________________✄ Please, reblog/like if you use/saveBuffy twitter pack by J. ______________________________________✄ Please, reblog/like if you use/saveBuffy twitter pack by J. ______________________________________✄ Please, reblog/like if you use/saveBuffy twitter pack by J. ______________________________________✄ Please, reblog/like if you use/saveBuffy twitter pack by J. ______________________________________✄ Please, reblog/like if you use/save

Buffy twitter pack byJ.
✄ Please, reblog/like if you use/save. Thanks! ☯

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covid-19 is an obvious problem of the whole human kind. it is awful and painful, it took lots of liv

covid-19 is an obvious problem of the whole human kind. it is awful and painful, it took lots of lives and it still is a massive nightmare
quarantine was an unavoidable solution, of course. the thing is, in my country even though we were supposed to get paid during this period most of people didn’t receive any money
i personally was not the lucky exception
i’ve been saving for a moment like this, and it helped, a lot, but i’m running terribly low on my resources
i live in a small neighborhood which is isolated from the main city for a pretty long distance you just simply can’t walk on foot
the cost of the only one available choice of public transport to the city is 1,75 USD per one-way
i currently have something around 2,45 USD in my bank account
so… yea. i could really use some extra money at the moment
if you like my artwork and would like to see a picture of your character or your favorite ship or something like that - please consider taking a commission
if you are not willing to pay for it or just simply can’t do it - please consider sharing this information so more people could see it
it would be a great help either way, really
thank you so much for spending your time to read this text
i really hope you all will have a great day <3

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Last April, I did two days continuity on a Disney film set!

At that time, this marked my 20th day of shooting already this year. I’m now at 40! I’m grateful for every opportunity given to me; I’m living my absolute best life at the moment!

#ActorLife #Acting #ACTRA

I’ll design the life and work I love.

When did this truly begin? It all happened because I willed it to. Everything is still yet to happen.

#NewProfilePic #Determination

Some weeks ago, I had another beautiful day on an American Netflix TV series set! Big day at the bar, partying and dancing. What a life!

#ActorLife #Acting #ACTRA

Oh Ottawa, how I missed you! Back on a familiar set with familiar faces for their very last episode. Did I ever tell you they’ve invited their ‘favorite’ background for that special occasion? Gratitude!

#ActorLife #Ottawa #Blessed

Some week ago, another great shooting day on an American Netflix TV series. Exterior night shot, and yeah it was cold! But hey, at least it was an ACTRA contract! ❄

#ActorLife #Acting #ACTRA #LivingMyBestLife #TBT

Some week ago, had a short day of filming as a background extra on Sophie Dupuis’ next film. For once, we could actually talk! Great atmosphere and lots of fun! ️‍

#ActorLife #Acting #Extra #UDA
