

Jason and Y/N: *Running and screaming from a Guy dressed as a scary clown*

Dick: *Laughing through the mask*

Y/N and Jason: *In the corner screaming*

Y/N: *smacks the clown in the face*



Dick laughing: I wanted to scare the both of you!!

Y/N: BITC- *Throws table at him*

Y/N watching Mean Girls while Chilling: Jason come here!

Jason: Yes sweetheart

Y/N: Go grab a radio

Jason: Why? Am I getting a free show?

Y/N smirking: You’ll see


Y/N in a sexy Santa dress from Mean Girls: Okay Ready?

Jason smirking: Hell Yeah!

*Y/N doing the ‘Jingle bell rock dance’*

Y/N: *Kicks the radio at Jason’s face*


Y/N: I though you would get it!!

Jason: Why did you kick it towards me!?!

Y/N: Well the same dude from Mean Girls is called Jason!!

Y/N: Here is my present to you Damian I love you!!

*Damian opens the present*


Dick: It matters what’s on the inside, and not only the outside, the inside matters also people. Don’t forget that.


Tim: For sure


Y/N: Like a Refrigerator?





Y/N: What? It’s true

Sperm Donor P2

Jason: *Talking with a doctor about how the sperm donor situations works*

Dick: *Walks in*

Jason: Hey Dick you did it!!

Dick: Right here buddy *Shows him the container full of sperm*

Jason: Eww-I mean Awesome!!

Random nurse: *Walks in*

Random nurse: Dr. Coleman, your needed on the phone it’s your wife, she said it’s an emergency

Dr. Coleman: I’ll be right back *Leaves*

Dick: You wanna see Huh? You wanna see your kid?

Jason: I can see it from here thanks

Dick coming closer: Dude take a closer look it’s your kid-

Jason backing away: No No No No!!

Dick: You gotta take a closer look-

Jason: No that’s close enough

Dick: He’s beautiful come on-

Jason grabbing another container full of sperm: Here look I’ll trade you catch!! *Throws it at him*

Dick: Oh Shit!! *Misses the sperm as it spills on the floor*

Jason: Oh God

Dick: Fuck dude that’s somebody’s kid!!

Jason: Well it’s not my fault A-rod you were supposed to catch it!!

Dick: We got to find something to scoop it up

Jason: There’s containers over there *Points at the small cups*

Dick grabbing the container: Shit *Scoops some up*

Jason: Yeah that’s not gonna work you need two of them-

Dick Slipping on it as he falls down along with other cups of sperm on top of him: OH SHIT!!!



Jason Gagging: OH MY GODD!!!!!!!!!




Jason taking out his phone: Wait-hang on a second I got to post this on instagram.


Jason snaps a pic: Hashtag ‘Grrrr Mondays’

*Random Nurse walks in*

Random Nurse: Oh My God!!!

Dick and Jason: We are so sorry!!!!

Random Nurse: Well I-I guess it’s alright those are the rejected donors sperm samples

Jason laughing: Oh! You hear that Dick, You covered in rejected sperm. You look like a Kardashian.

This was so long!!!!!!!! :’)

And If you didn’t get what happened basically a lot of containers of sperm spilled all over Dick while grabbing on to the shelf to prevent from falling :)

Sperm Donor P1

Dick & Jason: *At a Sperm Donor facility*

Dick: *Playing with the zipper of his jeans nervously for the procedure*

Jason eyeing him up and down: W-What are you doing there?

Dick: I’m getting ready, What else?

Jason: Wh-What do you mean your getting ready? What are you doing with your hand?

Dick: I’m doing this for you and Y/N, I’m getting ready-

Jason: You got your hand on your dick, What-?

Dick: I’m trying to get it half-hard so when I get in there I could just bust it out

Jason: Sitting out here in public jerking off, What do you think you are? Stop it

Dick: What do you think I have to do in there?

Jason: Whatever forget it, now look you haven’t smoked pot in two whole days right?

Dick: Yes Jason! Relax your baby is gonna come out healthy!

Jason: Okay Alright! I just don’t want something I gotta feed with a pitch-fork when she/he is sixteen

Jason: Hey Dick you don’t mind me using your computer to search something up right?

Dick: No sure, it over there

Jason: Alright thanks


Jason: WHAT THE FUCK!!!!

Dick, comes running: What dude, what the matter?


Dick: Well what the hell do you think your doing going through my private shit?

Jason: What are you talking about private shit Dick, It was wide-open. There were literally thousands of files here!!!!!

Dick: Well I’ve been meaning to clear some of that out!

Jason: JESUS!! Look at the organization here, clock-wise rimjobs, counter clock-wise rimjobs!!

Dick: Yeah well sometimes you like seeing the tongue go the other way!!

Jason scrolling: YOU Sick Bastard, LOOK AT THIS!! CHICKS WITH DICKS!?

Dick sobbing: Oh my god I have a disease alright, I need help!!


Dick: Well this is just a warning, I’m glad I was finally caught!!


Dick: Yeah alright I’m done!!

Jason closes laptop: Alright we gotta get rid of this

Dick: W-what do you mean we can just delete the files.

Jason: No No No!! That shit can always be recovered we got smash your laptop with a hammer!!

I got this from a movie and it just reminded me of it

Batboys x Reader Headcannon

Summary: How the Batboys react to there S/o dying.

A/N: I don’t know I’ve just been feeling the angst for the last couple of days but yeah, some of y’all actually like my work. I think it’s garbage but yeah here we go

  • Warnings: Sadness, Angst, Death of a loving member.

Request Are Open!!!!!

First one!


I recommend listening to sad music on this one, cause it hurts

Dick Grayson:
(Say you won’t let go by: James Arthur)
  • “Go” You whispered in his ear, after several wounds and bruises where all over your abdomen and face, you were weak and helpless. You were surprised how your still alive. 3 bullet wounds pierced your lower stomach.
  • “No, I’m not leaving you” Dick sobbed, your chuckled filled his ear as he put an arm over his shoulder. Making his way towards the exit. The building was on fire and ready to collapse and Dick wasn’t gonna leave you to die here.
  • “Dick, Stop. Just leave me, I’m gonna die anyways” You coughed, blood filling your weak lungs as you fell to your knees. Dick didn’t give up hope, he was gonna get you to safety.
  • “Please don’t do this to me” The love of your life whimpered, crouching down to your level. The smell of Sparks of fire and firery wood filled your nostrils as it began to break pieces of the roof.
  • The roof was the only exit to safety, where there stood Bruce and his helicopter waiting for you, Dick looked at your weak figure as blood trickled down your chin.
  • “Come on Princess, we are almost there!” He groaned, he couldn’t lose you either, he lost everything in this world. His parents, his innocent, it was taken for reasons like this.
  • Bruce settled the helicopter as close as possible to the broken roof trying to get the both of you in, it was no use.
  • “I’m sorry Dick” You whimpered.
  • “Wha-?” You cut him off by using all of your strength to push him onto the helicopter, he groaned out in pain.
  • “Y/N!! What are you doing!! Please don’t!!” Dick could feel tears strain against the domino mask as he watched your crouching figure smile.
  • “I love you!! I will always love you Dick, never forget that!!” Your weak figure yelled out, before it was to late for him to react before you collapsed along with the roof under you.
  • “NO!!” He yelled over everything, watching as you dropped below along with the cement of the building. He watched everything in slow motion, before you closed your eye and accepted your fate. The last thing you heard was the screams of agony from the love of your life as he watched you fall.


Jason Todd
(Never say Never by: The Fray)
  • “5 feet apart Jason remember” you smiled softly at the sudden attemp your boyfriend tried to do.
  • “Sorry I know, it’s just. I miss being so close to you, not being able to touch you, hug you, or even kiss you makes me sad” Jason pouted, you laid on a hospital bed with the warmest pillows and blankets after taking your medications, you were dying and you knew it. And Jason knew it
  • “Get some rest Y/N, I’ll see you when you wake up okay” Jason smiled showing you his pearly white teeth you loved ever so much.
  • That day Jason got a call from the hospital at 1 in the morning.
  • “Is this Jason Todd, Y/N L/N boyfriend?” The lady from the other line asked him, Jason ripped of the bed sheets off of him as he was ready to dash out the door to see if anything happened to you
  • “Yes this is him” Jaso tried his best to keep his voice normal as possible, showing that he’s not scared of bad news when really he is.
  • “I’m sorry to inform you-
  • No……..No!!!!!
  • Jason didn’t even hear what she said, he already knew what it was, and he was broken.
  • “I really sorry Mr. Todd, I know she was extremely important to you.” Jason gripped tightly onto the phone, hearing it crack into the palm of his hand, Why.
  • Why, Why, Why You!!!!!!
  • Jason remember holding your hand for a really long time when you were asleep with tubes in your mouth breathing in and out.
  • He only cried when you were asleep, whimpering quietly to not wake you and to see how weak he really was. He hasn’t held you hand or kissed you for a really long time, after the sickness you got. He prayed to god to not let anything happen to you.
  • And here he was breaking and punching the walls of his apartment, his cries of anger only getting anger. Jason remember you saying that after you recovered you were gonna go to the small pond the two of you would go when you were young and sit and talk like the old times, and be as close as possible forever like the old days.
  • And now you were gone, Dead.


Tim Drake
(Who you are by: Jessie J)
  • “Give it to me now!!!!!” A random man that followed you out of the bar and into an alley ordered you trying to rip of the ring off your finger, The ring Tim gave you after he proposed to you just 2 weeks ago. You groaned and fought your way out his deadly grip.
  • “Let me go!!!” You yelled out, hoping someone can hear you, and help. Tim was to busy in WE to be saving you, he wasn’t in patrol.
  • “Just give it here lady, and there wouldn’t be an issue!!!!” You whipped around to slap him across the face making his stubble into some garbage bags behind him.
  • “Leave me alone!!!” You yelled out once more before jogging out of the alley, unaware of the man walking behind you with a led pipe raised above you head, hovering over it.
  • He took on good hit to the right side of your head, you stood frozen after that. You breath hitching, you turned slowly to look at the man as he dropped the pipe and ran into the nearest alley. Your ankles were crossed.
  • You touched your right side as you felt the blood come down your head to your cheek, and down to the floor. It pained you
  • “T-Tim” you murmured hoping he would come or someone else could hear you, you fell to your knees and onto your back. More blood dripped down onto the floor.
  • Screamed flooded your ears as you felt an arm supporting your weight, you vision was blurry and your eyes felt heavy.
  • “Y/N!!! Y/N!!!” Tim yelled, his own hands covered in your warm fresh blood, his hands were trembling and sweat dripped down his forehead.
  • You couldn’t hear him nor could you see him, you hands were covered in blood as it filled your pearly white ring he gave you. Darkness flooded your vision, as you finally closed your eyes, your breathing stopped.
  • Tim shook your limp corpse as he yelled your name multiple times, until he grabbed your chin softly and pulled your head back to see he was already too late.


Damian Wayne
(When your gone by: Avril Lavigne)
  • Drug Addiction was a big word
  • Not as Big as Overdose of course
  • Because you were destroying your world and humanity with drugs, and Damian knew it.
  • He saw it, saw you splayed out in your white cozy sheets as you sniffed up and injected the substance into your blood circulation.
  • “It’s just for a little while, I’m not addicted. I’ll get over it” you angrily argued with Damian for hours.
  • “No, your not”
  • You went to crazy parties where your friends and other people would give you the killer substances, and you agreed to take them. Damian knew you’ll probably end up a junky or worse Dead.
  • He can’t let that happen, you were the love of his life.
  • But when he found your flustered figure on the floor choking on your own vomit as if you were deceased.
  • Damian checked your pulse, anything, tried CPR and even the hospital.
  • When you were announced dead over in a coma and overdose Damian felt his world crumbling down, Why?
  • He could have save you, helped you. And it was too late

Damian: I am the perfect child, anyone would have wanted me.

Y/N: not me

Damian: Tf why not?

Y/N: Cause your rude and Evil

Damian: Am not! I was a gift!

Y/N: You were a mistake

Damian: Shut up Y/N, that’s why your last boyfriend left you.


Dick: *le gasp*

Damian: yOu tAkE tHaT fUcKiNg bAcK-

Y/N: What if someone jumps off a building and yells out parkour, is it really suicide?







Jason: LET’S TRY IT-

Movies and TV Shows the Batfamily loves to watch with there S/O:

Warning: Fluff and Crack PFFTTT-

Bruce Wayne
  • Bro, this dude is full on Action and Comedy, something like Mission Impossible or Transformers, for comedy probably like those really hilarious once that would make you wheeze like White Chicks or something He would probably only watch those two genres most of the time, he doesn’t like watching those emotional sad drama movies with there S/O, like for example where the girlfriend or boyfriends dies or any scene where someone dies
  • He just can’t handle the pain, he would cry like full-blown tears due to trauma, he’s almost most likely to punch through the TV when the Villain shows up or does something evil in the plot…..
  • No seriously, this man would punch through the whole damn fucking TV in anger, the once his S/O yells at him and a few slaps in the back of the head, he’s realize his mistakes.
  • He’d immediately cuddle you with several of UwU’s going around…..


Dick Grayson
  • Do not ever let this man get near a romance emotional movie or TV show like Riverdale or The Vampire Diaries, this bitch will fucking cry and whine and moan and bitch about how fucking sad it is and how true love exist, he would literally make gay jokes on Damon and Stefan Salvatore, like seriously it’s unhealthy.
  • “Can you SHUT. THE. FUCK UP!!”
  • Yeah, he’s not gonna stop anytime soon. He will also admit that Elena Gilbert is a bitch and that she didn’t deserve any of them, he’ll cuss her out every time she’s on the screen, poor S/O
  • But yeah overall he likes Romance/ and Sad films to cry on, because crying is healthy and it’s okay.


Jason Todd
  • Jason does not play around, this man will not be scared or freaked out on watching true crime films, he will keep a straight face whilst watching it, while his S/O is just like……
  • Jason: ._.
  • Y/N: tHiS iS nICe- :)
  • He’ll still cuddle while watching it, wouldn’t even move a fucking muscle while watching, like Serial Killer and Mafia and Gangster shit like Good Fellas or Ted Bundy, Then again would still watch romantic movies and emotional ones too with his S/O, something like The Vampire Diaries too or like Twilight and Fifty Shades of Grey…..
  • Please do not let this man watch Fifty Shades of Grey cause he will try to do the things the movie was doing and it always ended up in one of you getting hurt, but The Vampire Diaries would also make Jason sob, especially with the Deaths of his favorite Characters and stuff, like full blown throwing a tantrum and fighting the air……it’s hilarious honestly-


Tim Drake
  • Let’s be honest here, Tim doesn’t really have free time to actually watch or sit around and watch movie and TV shows all day, but it he were in his free time it would be with his S/O watching some bullshit documentary that just makes his S/O fall asleep.
  • He does have fun with it, he likes to watch those Supernatural TV shows and Movies like Supernatural or Teen Wolf or like to watch kid Cartoons like Spongebob or Bubble Guppies….
  • Yes, I said that correctly, he loves watching kid cartoons in his free time, he’s a literal baby on the inside, laughing like a child always wakes his S/O UwU aloud, he’s a baby-


Damian Wayne
  • How did his S/O even convince him to exit his room without him being a lil BiTcH-
  • No seriously, Damian hates comfort and has trouble sitting around for hours and not having some action or moving around, he thinks it’s a waste of time, he could be training or doing something more important.
  • But if Damian had to choose it would obviously be Horror and Thriller movies, he’s that person how would cheer on the murderer and bad guy and praise him for the amount of guts that person has, like Michael Myers, that’s his favorite cuz it seems like the bitch can’t die at all and Damian likes that………a lot, too much to be exact.
  • He too will probably laugh evilly when someone he hates dies or when the killer gets away, his S/O is over here like….
  • Y/N: bRo….wHaT yOu bE sMoKiNg-
  • Overall he’s a shitty person to watch movies or binge watch Shows with him…


Cassandra Cain
  • Cassandra loves watching anime, like the only thing she watches right now is full-blown anime all the time 24/7, like when she has nothing left to do or is just her free time, her S/O would most likely find her watching anime on the big screen TV
  • Cass also learns a lot more Japanese from those shows, she hardly ever uses the language, but watching those shows really gets her out of it and actually talk sometimes…
  • Loves watching it with her S/O, always wanting to eat popcorn or drink a lot of sodas or ice cream whilst watching them, at least watched a whole series with his S/O in one whole day, pulling an all-nighter, but Cass doesn’t mind and so don’t you-


Barbara Gordon
  • Barbara believe it or not loves to watch Disney/Pixar movies a lot, she can sometimes relate to the characters on the movie, but overall she loves watching how happy it looks, it makes her happy…
  • Like (The Lion King) (Rapunzel) (Frozen) etc…likes watching the Disney Princess Movies, like the movie ‘Brave’ a lot considering she has the same hair color as Merida, likes how she’s also a tough bad bitch-
  • Will cry in some of the movies with his S/O too, like tissues everywhere full of hot tears and snot from all the crying, cried so much with the movie ‘Inside Out’…..


  • Stephanie likes watching SitCons for sure, like South Park or The Office or Family Guy, all the crazy funny bullshit that she wheezes so hard at, like a lot of wheezing and panting with laughter….
  • She likes them because of how stupid they are and the characters, which makes the whole thing better, being an unbothered queen as she should…
  • Always wheezing at the character’s choice of words and actions, wheezing with her S/O as well always make her happy. 
  • Will probably re-watch all of the shows over and over again. 

Y/N: Don’t you just hate it when people are all like ‘I wanna know more about you, tell me more’

Jason: I know it’s like, what the fuck be more specific…like which part (My Trauma) or (My favorite color)










Dick holding Y/N: NO NO NO NO!!!!!

Y/N being taken away: BETTER TELL THIS BITCH WHO I AM!!!

Bruce: Now apologize Y/N

Y/N: *sighs* I’m sorry for everything that I did….

Tim: Hmmm and for the damage to my computer?

Damian: And my swords?

Dick: And my favorite heels?

Jason: And my search history?

Y/N: No you deserved that…..I hate you-

How could You (Part3!)

Requested by: Unknown
Warnings: Cussing as usual, Sad girl Reader, Best friend being a bitch, Ignorance, that’s seems about it.

A/N: I was waiting to continue this series once again, but I’ve been kinda busy with other stuff for now. Anyways Enjoy!!!

(I love you by: Billie Eilish)

“So, he finally cheated on you I see, Now I’m not gonna lie I saw it coming. The man you called your boyfriend looked like a fuck-boy in the making” Your so-called best friend spoke up, squeezing out a laugh while she’ll add it. You sat with your mouth agape trying to think of words to say, defend him, be on her side, or just stand alone.

Which is something you were doing right now, and you looked fucking stupid.

“Can we please stop talking bad about him, is j-just not right on your perspective.” You cringed internally. Your friend flared back at you

“Why are you defending him! He was the one that cheated in you with another girl for months now!” She yelled making you flinch back on your chair, okay but the fact that the two of you were in public domain made the whole situation 20x worse, this shouldn’t be discussed in public area especially in a quiet, small coffee diner.

“Let’s just……not”

Your voice sounded small, and weak at the same time, making the whole situation even worse by sounding so weak against someone you called a Best Friend.

“You gotta learn how to get over people who caused damage in your life, eat all the ice cream you want, do whatever the fuck you want. But you got to get over Jason, meet someone new, fuck someone else”

“I don’t wanna meet new people, and I certainly don’t wanna fuck some random asshole from the streets okay” Gritting your teeth together, the strong pit of anger inside of you grew larger. And the person ahead of you wasn’t helping in any-way.

“Wasn’t Jason from the streets though?”

“He’s different okay!”

“Oh please, enlighten me”

“He-he’s caring, a-and very nice and smart, basically worth so much more than any man can fufill in my life!”

“Oh please” she rolled her eyes.

“J-Jason just has problems, and he’s having trouble coping with them, and that’s okay. He’s been through a lot in life, that you don’t know about!!” Okay now your just getting angry.

“Oh trust me, I know it perfectly. I know people like him, and how they are when it comes to an innocent girl like you, and he left you, pregnant and all makes the whole problem a bigger one. So just forget about him.” Those words rang in your mind.

“Forget about him”

Ugh, Why is this so hard!!!!!

“Okay!! Moving on, I was thinking maybe we can go out tonight for-“

Her voice just seemed to fade away as you stared into oblivious, eyes forcing itself into one object and only one. Not taking your eyes away from it you repeated those words in your mind over and over again until it stuck like glue, you wanted to cry, scream, moan, whimper any type of noise to explain what you were feeling. The hand waving in front of your face tore you away from thinking as you snatched your eyes from that one object as you looked up at your-so called friend.

“Are you even listening to me?”

“I-I-I’m sorry, what were you saying?” You rubbed your eyes.

“As I was saying, we should go out tonight. Maybe to a club, take your mind of that asshole and have fun for once” She smiled.

“Are you forgetting the part we’re I’m pregnant?”

“So? That didn’t stop my mother from drinking and partying” She shrugged.

“No wonder you turned out the way your like” Rolling your eyes at her poor attemp to convincing you.

“Shut up” She snapped.

“I don’t think I can tonight, I have stuff to do and I wanna relax for now, you know?” Sighing to yourself, the whole wanting to do other stuff tonight was a lie, the being tired wasn’t though.

“I’ll see you later”

“Yeah, Sure. I hope what I’ve told you makes you realize what your doing and to get over him”


Dick crying: I wish we could get along like we used to when we were younger, I wish that could bake a cake made out of rainbows and smiles and we’d all eat it and be happy!





Tim: Do you even live in this house anyways Dick?

Dick sobbing: No, I just have a lot of feelings

Jason: Okay LEAVE!!!!

If the Batboys were anime characters!

Dick Grayson would be:

Daichi Suwamura


Oikawa Tooru

Jason Todd would be:

Dabi/Touya Todoroki


Karma Arkabane

Tim Drake would be:

Kenma Kozume


Izuku Midoriya

Damian Wayne would be:

Levi Arckeman


Katsuki Bakugou

And bitch I would be either kirishima or Denki ✋

Fuck Off!

Damian Wayne x Reader

Warnings: cussing, fluff, lil angsty not so much. Reader being total Domanitrix.
A/N: My first request!!!!
Requested by: @kakashis-formal-simp

“Out of my fucking way virgins!!” You snarled out loud, snatching the couple that were currently making out in front of you out of your way. The hallways were crowded as usual on the daily basis, needless to say you were the one that took up most of the space in between you and the others.

Your skirt flower against your smooth thighs as your hips moved side to side ever so gracefully, your hair bounced smoothly against your slender shoulders as you chewed on a strawberry-flavored bubblegum, blowing a big bubble before popping it around your lips.

Looking to your left to see the big sign the chew squad was hanging up in the wall for the whole world to see, and investigate

‘Come and Donate at our new and found charity for the homeless’

Oh wow…..

“Our of my way” A voice hissed out in the distance where you stood, his voice laced with anger and ignorance as he walked closer. Looking out in the distance to see Damian Wayne pushing the small girl out of his way, her back collided with the stack of lockers behind her as she tripped on her feet, the papers she had stacked on her hands dropped everywhere around her area, her glasses tipped out of her head and onto the floor.

Damian didn’t seem to care and only proceed with walking forward with his head held high. Pulling his backpack strapped behind him as his books and papers were held tightly against his hard chest.

Of course…..Damian is an asshole after all.

An idea popped up in your head as you walked ahead of you to the same direction as he was, biting your lip you grabbed the stack of books and papers from his arms as you dropped on the floor like garbage. The stacks of papers pooled a the tips of your feet, Damian’s head shot up to see who caused the disaster.

“What the fuck is wrong with you!” His deep voice coated in anger and disgust, you only smirked devilishly.

“Get out of my way” You repeated the same words and sentence the young man said as you proceeded to scatter the papers around your feet, pushing them away from your feet making them scatter along the halls. Damian sneered quietly as you walked away from him.


Damian studied you…..

Admired you……

He would call himself a stalker…..

He lost count of how many times he’s looked at you…

It started to get creepy….

I mean, you were the only person who had the balls to stand him up, unlike the low-life teenagers that went here, you were special.

No matter how many times Damian wanted to put you in your place for talking to him that way, and especially in that tone. He just couldn’t bring himself to do it, he was very nervous and sputtered if he were to even try and talk to you. Tapping his pen repeatedly on the small desk he stood at he desperately wanted to go home and write in his little journal he had and write about you.

You had your head down, your beautiful soft (H/C) hair laid comfortably on your slender and beautiful shoulders as you wrote notes and answers down on your paper, flipping it, biting your pen, putting a small strand of hair behind your ear, Damian though it was fascinating, you were fascinating.


“I like what your doing here Stacy” you smiled at the certain cheerleader who happened to be your best friend in the whole-wide world, Stacy returned gesture.

“Oh yeah! You know gotta save the homeless!” She showed her pearly white-teeth, her hair up in a pony tail as she fiddled with her skirt. The two of you chatted and laughed as several of civilians wandered around you as they chatted and donated there home-goods to the environment, the strong yet timid wind blew your strand always from your beautiful feature.

Damian stood with his mouth agape, the wind making his lips dry at how long he was staring at you. He received weird glances from people around him as he only settled his eyes on you and only you. Bruce of course being Bruce did donate stuff and so did his siblings, they were kind enough to come with Damian to the donation. But since your here, thing were better, and so much better.

“What you looking at Dami!” Dick slapped his hands on the younger Wayne’s shoulder, straddling the boy as he blinked for the first time in 5 minutes.

“Nothing, Leave me alone Grayson” the younger boy hissed, snatching his hands always from his shoulders. Dick raised his hands up in surrender, laughing innocently. Dick looked into the distance where his adopted brother faced as he saw you smiling and laughing along with other teen girls your age, Dick smirked teasingly.

“Oh? Are you looking at that girl Damian?” Dick nudge his shoulder, the young boy growled biting his lip preventing a string of of curse word to slip out of his mouth. And cuss out his brother in public for the whole world to hear.

“What’s everyone looking at?” Jason crossed his arms over his chest.

“Damian has a crush on that girl over there-“ Dick pointed out into the distance to find you.

“Shut the fuck up!!” He walked away from the two grown men, as Dick and Jason laughed at his pathetic attempt to get away with it.

“You know you do!!”

“Shut up Grayson!!!”


Bruce: So…….who broke it? I’m not mad I just wanna know.


Cass: I did-I broke-

Bruce: No No You didn’t..Damian?

Damian: Don’t look at me! Look at Jason

Jason: What? I didn’t break it

Damian: Huh? That’s weird, How’d you even know it was broken?

Jason: Because it’s sitting right in front of us, and it’s broken!


Jason: No it’s not

Dick: If it matters probably not, but Barbara was the last one-

Barbs: *GASPS* Why-are you I don’t even drink that shit!!

Dick: Oh really then what where you doing by the coffee machine earlier?

Barbs: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles everyone knows that!!

Cass: Okay, Okay Let’s not fight I broke it let me pay for it Bruce.

Bruce: NO!! Who broke it??


*Jason narrowing his eyes at Y/N*

Jason Whispering: Bruce Y/N’s been awfully quiet-


Jason: Yeah Really!!

*All of them argue*

Dick “I’m hot and I’m not ashamed to show it” Grayson
