

Tim: *Sobbing while smothering Jason with his own jacket* I-IT’S WHAT HE WAAAANTS! *BUHU*

“Oh, Bruce you have something in your teeth. Here, let me get that for you.”*zap*

“T-tell my wife I- … have a second family…”

“CAN WE GET A MAINTENANCE GUY DOWN HERE? I don’t think fluorescent bulbs cast that much shadow.”

“Dick, I’m finally having a heart attack… my last request is to have Jason removed from the will.”

“Damn it, where’s tiny Alfred when you need him.”



Wait I just realized Jason successfully (and of course. Lightheartedly) did to Duke what he was trying to do to Bruce at the end of utrh

Like obviously Jason didn’t genuinely freeze up and let Fake Joker get the drop on him in this training simulation he arranged this is Jason’s compulsive need to try to force everyone he knows to prove they really like him via murder of the Joker and it worked. Live footage of Duke becoming Jason’s favorite sibling.

He’s still a kid

Companion piece to this-

He was just a kid

Here’s a link to the companion piece

Fuck, I need a drink. Or ten.

My mother is visiting :)

For the 1930s I have to say, I did look good

I headcanon that Jason is the only batfamily member in possession of Damian’s baby photos and uses this as leverage to get whatever he wants from either Bruce or his siblings

I’m a huge sucker for all of those Jason and Damian becoming brothers in the League scenarios, so I imagine that Jason begged Talia to give him copies of all the photos she has of tiny Dami and she just handed them over (she is still, to this day, unaware of the sheer amount of power she had placed in Jason’s hand that day)

And Jason’s probably added a couple photos of his own from over the years that they were together :)


Jason haphazardly brings this up one day during the middle of a family convo and the entire family just stops dead in their tracks and all turn towards him like he’s just solved world hunger.

and from then on it’s just a mad scramble of who can get Jason to hand over the photos first

Bruce is probably the most desperate but doesn’t show it because Jason is a petty bitch and would definitely be less inclined to hand them over if he saw how much Bruce wants those damn photos

(Talia is also a petty bitch and did not give Bruce any physical proof that Damian existed before the age of 12 even when he begged)

But this might be Bruce’s only chance at possessing any baby photos of his kids, so he’ll do just about anythingexcept kill the Joker to get into Jason’s good graces

Jason wants to ride the Batmobile? Done. He doesn’t even need to ask twice.

Jason wants another library? Well why didn’t he say so sooner? The next day the manor has two more rooms dedicated wall to wall to books.

Jason wants to go to Disneyland? A little weird, but fine.

Jason wants Bruce to buy a blimp that says “Wanna be a hero? Don’t be a coward. Shoot the Joker.” in big, bright letters that flies around Gotham?

Bruce is internally crying at this point.


Dick and Tim are having slightly better luck but not by much.

Dick argues that he practically raised Damian while Bruce was fake dead, and by technicality, is Damian’s second dad and deserves those baby photos. Jason is not impressed, but somewhat agrees to Dick’s role in Damian’s life. He decides to give him one photo to satisfy him (it backfires because now Dick is even more determined to get the rest and has resorted to constantly clinging onto Jason)

This slightly annoys Jason, so he retaliates by dramatically wailing about how he actually raised Damian first while he was in the League, and that he worked his ass off at age 15 to provide a comfortable life for his poor little brother and that Dick ain’t special.

“What? Damian never mentioned you raising him! I did all of that!”

How would you know? You weren’t there when I was resurrected! I’m theonewith all the baby photos of him, I practically BIRTHED him! (he didnt)”

This just leads to a bunch of hysterical crying from both parties. Dick, because he’s getting emotional over envisioning Jason raising baby!Damian. And Jason because…well..he’s just getting too into the act and now he’s emotional as well.

Tim tries to strike out a deal and offers Jason access to all of the files that Bruce has the family locked out of.

It’s insinuated those files are all embarrassing cowl footage spanning over years of Bruce’s vigilante life. Tempting, but Jason reasons he’ll be able to gain access to those files himself if he tried reallyhard.

At this point, Tim is annoyed and has resorted to fighting Jason to hand them over:

“There’s gotta be at least ONE embarrassing photo in there! That little gremlin deserves some humbling so I’m gonna take those photos and I’m gonna plaster them EVERYWHERE in the manor, and he’s gonna have to deal with it. Everywhere he walks, he’s gonna be hit with a dumb photo of himse—NO Jason! Don’t walk away, give me the USB! You don’t understan-”

this is then followed by the world’s saddest tug of war and slap fight that had to be broken up by Alfred.

Tim definitely makes it much harder for Jason to access the prohibited cowl footage after that.


Cass just asks to see them and Jason hands em right over lol

and of course, Alfred is the first person Jason gives the photos to without him needing to ask at all.

Meanwhile Damian is peacefully lounging with his pets, unaware that there is a war happening outside his room amongst his family



Talia is on the other side of the world wondering why the fuck various batfam members have called her multiple times throughout the last 24 hours.

She finds out after answering Bruce’s call, only to find the entire thing amusing and hangs up on Bruce after an entire 10 minutes of him begging for those photos.

She also decides to subtlety imply that she possesses some of Jason’s pubescent era photos the next time she encounters Bruce. Bruce is internally seething (and crying)
